30) The Ball

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Wanda stood in front of her mirror.

It was the next day and Strange was still persistent about this 'Ball' idea. It seemed like everyone was on board except for her.

She wanted to help, yes, but she didn't know why like this. Why couldn't they call Pepper's company and place an appointment or something? Yes it may take a bit of time but the whole point of this was going back in time, so did time even matter?

Now Wanda was dressed in a fancy outfit and had a small bag with a check for her entrance fee. Magic could be very nice sometimes.

America still hated her. Wanda was working on fixing that relationship. Strange didn't seem to fully trust her, but he was warming up to her it seemed.

Loki liked her. Thankfully. She liked to believe that he trusted her, after all, she trusted him. He saved her multiple times and she saved him as well.

Wanda turned in the mirror, growing uncomfortable at the tightness of this outfit. Loki had summoned it for her. He said it resembled Asgardian dresses in a Midgardian way.

It took forever to figure out how to put it on without ripping it, but she finally figured it out.

It was red silk, reaching the floor even though Wanda was wearing black heels. Gold silk wrapped around her stomach, making her look as if she had an hourglass shaped body.

There were no straps, the top of the dress was right above her cleavage but it didn't fall.

She had to take shorter steps since she didn't want to rip the skirt. Even though a slit would be nice, this didn't seem like that sort of party.

Her hair was in ginger curls so it looked shorter than usual, but it was still hanging behind her back.

Wanda wasn't great at putting on her own makeup, so she just waved her hand and red magic formed makeup on her face.

She gave a fake smile to the mirror before giving a sigh.

She just hoped this night went by quickly.

She left her room, heels clicking against the ground as she walked. She headed towards the room she and the others had been in yesterday, before they went into the computer room.

Strange said he would be there already and America would also probably be so. Wanda partly hoped Loki wouldn't be there so she wouldn't be the last in, but she spent a good few minutes staring at herself in the mirror so it was possible that she would be the last.

She reached the door and she exhaled before opening the door.

The first person she saw turned and stared straight back at her.

A raven haired woman, her hair curled like Wanda's. She wore a green silk dress that looked the same to Wanda's as well, except the golden piece in the center that Wanda had was silver on this dress.

"Loki?" Wanda asked to confirm.

"The one and only. Well, in this world at least." Loki's voice had also changed, now a deep feminine tone.

Honestly it was really hot and Wanda was kind of dazzled for a moment, staring at the new Loki before brushing the thoughts that formed in her head off.

She looked at the other two figures in the room. America and Steven wore basic suits, matching one another. America's hair was pulled back and braided so that it was out of her face.

"You two look very nice." Wanda said.

"Thank you." Steven replied.

America just nodded.

"You also look incredible ravishing." Loki said, making their way to her.

"Thank you, you as well." Wanda replied.

Wanda walked down to meet them and she stood next to Loki.

"Shall we head out then? I can portal us onto a sideway." Strange said.

"Yeah." Wanda nodded.

Strange did as he said and the four walked through the firey circle that he casted. Strange walked ahead of them, America trailing closely behind while Wanda and Loki walked a few feet behind them.

"So is this just your disguise or are you enjoying being female?" Wanda asked as she walked next to the lady Loki.

"I'm genderfluid, feminine qualities of myself are fun to explore. So, please use she/her pronouns for me for the time being." Loki replied.

"I will." Wanda smiled.

She didn't ask any more questions, neither did Loki, and the two walked behind the others.

They walked into the ballroom building, each taking off their metal equipment on and paying for their entry. They passed through easily, other than Loki taking off a good amount of rings and other jewelry. Strange was quite annoyed at that.

Once they were inside, they mostly stayed together since Strange said they weren't allowed to leave his sight, but then America got interested in the food tables so she seperated. Since she was only 16, Strange followed her and gave a warning look to Wanda and Loki.

"We need to find Pepper. She's supposed to make a speech later but it may be better if we find her beforehand." Wanda suggested.

"Or afterwards, afterall we wouldn't want her to be too worried about time travel while giving a speech about orphanages in Alabama." Loki replied.

"I guess that's fair." Wanda mumbled.

Loki put her hand to Wanda's, noticing her worry.

"This will work out darling. And if it doesn't then we'll go back to the TVA and kill whoever is behind this ourselves." She stated.

"Sylvie already tried that, what if things go wrong again?" Wanda asked.

"They may, but we'll deal with that when it comes. If it comes."

Wanda gave a sigh.

"You're right. Besides, we're at a ball. Let's have some princess moments or something." She said, giving a small chuckle.

"That would be delightful." Loki said with a smile.

Hand in hand, the two walked out to the floor where others were dancing. The songs playing weren't party music, but they weren't dramatic slow songs either. The two women followed the dances of those around them.

At the snack bar, Strange pried America away from the cheese balls and turned around to pinpoint where Wanda and Loki had ended up. He saw them dancing on the floor and gave a sigh of relief.

Then his senses perked up and he glanced towards the doorway where people were entering.

A small man, not dwarf but short entered the room. Strange could immediately tell he wasn't a regular citizen. He wore a yellow suit with blue undertones, which was one of the first problems he noticed.

"America." Strange said, keeping his eyes on the man.

"Yeah?" The girl asked in reply.

"Keep an eye on that man, I need to go get Wanda and Loki. I believe he's a superhuman. One similar to a man I met back in the world 838. A mutant, I believe."

"Got it, one in the banana costume?" America asked.


Strange walked away from America, turning his attention to the two women dancing on the floor. They happened to be getting quite touchy with one another.

Loki spun Wanda around before pulling her back to her.

"Yep, he's definitely different. I'm not sure how but I believe the term is mutant. He definitely isn't human, my magic would know." Wanda said, her voice low.

"Fun. Let's just hope he doesn't cause trouble, although with how he's dressed, I have to say I doubt that's going to happen." Loki replied.

Strange walked over and interrupted their conversation.

The two women seperated and looked at him with confusion, and slight annoyance.

"Wanda, you can read minds. See the man in the yellow suit? Read his." Strange said.

"Are you just assuming that the mutant has bad intentions?" Wanda asked.

"No, I'm confirming a theory." Strange replied.

Wanda rolled her eyes but did as he asked.

They're here, definitely. I could find the witch from miles away. Maybe once I turn them over to Kang, he'll let me keep her.

Wanda cringed as she read his thought.

"You were right, bad intentions. Good news, he's not looking to ruin the event, bad news, he's looking to ruin us." She said.

"Wonderful." Strange sighed.

The three left the dance floor and Strange found America.

"We need to get out of here and draw the mutant away." He said to three.

"Leave that to me. I'm very distracting." Loki said with a smirk.

She walked out of the square they'd made and made her way towards the mutant. As soon as he saw her, she turned and walked away, going towards an empty hallway. Easily enough, the mutant followed.

"America, stay here and make sure the citizens are safe. Don't cause a scene." Strange instructed.

"Aw that's no fun." America pouted.

Strange gave a stern dad look and America rolled her eyes.

"Finnne. Be careful."

Strange gestured for Wanda to follow him and so she did, going towards the hall where Loki had wandered.

Loki walked down the hall, her heels notifying the mutant as to where she was going. Her raven hair bounced along her shoulders and Loki found a room at the edge of the hall that sounded empty enough.

She went to open the door but it was locked. The mutant was still on her tail so Loki allowed a burst of green magic to go from her hand and unlock the door.

She walked inside and used her magic to illuminate the room.

Heavy footsteps walked towards the room and Loki summoned a dagger, ready to attack the mutant when he entered. Sure magic would be good, but Wanda and Strange had those. She could rock the weapons.

The mutant walked in on cue and Loki threw her dagger. What caught Loki off guard was when the mutant sprung up, jumping up over the dagger and nearly hitting the ceiling. This 4'11 tall man was really quick too.

He leapt at Loki and Loki summoned magic, knocking him out of the air but not knocking him off.

He landed back at the door and he grabbed the dagger that Loki originally had thrown.

"Get your hands off of her!" Loki demanded, running towards the mutant, her dress ripping in the process.

The mutant laughed and jumped again, flying over Loki and landing on a desk in the back of the room. Loki turned around, two more daggers forming in her hands.

The mutant stuck his tongue out and out shot a who knows how long, slimy pink disgrace of a tongue. It wrapped around Loki's arm and Loki's first reaction was an oversized gagging motion.

"That is absolutely disgusting." She gagged.

She used her other hand with a dagger to slash at the tongue, and the mutant pulled back his tongue, leaving Loki's arm a wet mess.

"You know, I'm starting to really dislike you." Loki muttered.

The mutant jumped at her again, but this time was shot off by a red blast of magic flying over Loki's head.

Loki turned around.

"Took the two of you long enough." She said, looking at Strange and Wanda.

"You chose the one room at the end of the hall and we looked through all of them." Strange said with annoyance.

The mutant sprung up again out of nowhere and threw the dagger it had from Loki.

Loki turned around at the whooshing noise and held out her hand, knocking the dagger away from the air and causing it to fly into a wall.

Strange swung his hands and casted a portal, causing the mutant man to fall into it and end up flying into a wall, knocking him dizzy.

Wanda held up her hands and red magic surrounded the man, trapping him and forcing him from moving.

"So who wants to talk to him and figure out what he's up to?" Wanda asked.

"Oh I have a few words to say to that man." Loki stated angrily, gesturing to her ripped dress.

"Then I'll talk." Strange said, walking over to him.

Wanda kept one hand with magic in it, making sure the magic trapping the mutant wouldn't leave, and she used her other hand to prop on her hip.

"Who are you and what is your want for this place or us?" Steven demanded.

The mutant laughed.

"My title is King Toad. I have no want for you but my master does." He said with a wicked grin.

"Toad? That explains so much." Loki muttered, looking at her arm again.

"What master?" Strange asked.

"Kang the Conqueror of course, have you not heard?" Toad asked.

"Conqueror?" Wanda repeated.

"Oh yes. He plans to take over this universe and when he does, I will be his right hand man." Toad laughed again.

"Sure. Sure you will." Loki said sarcastically.

"Why is he here?" Strange asked.

"Well a certain someone decided to kill an old version of him, so he came to replace them."

"What?" Wanda asked, confused.

"A friend of yours, I'm told. But don't worry, she's locked up now. She won't cause any more trouble to him." Toad said, his grin becoming a smirk.

"Sylvie." Wanda put the dots together.

Her hand became a slow fist and the magic that trapped the mutant tightened, causing him to let out a choked laugh again.

"Sylvie? Yeah Sylvie. My master took her and now she's going to join us. Or die, both will work. Soon you three will be put to that standard too, and the girl with the universe travelling capabilities. He really likes her." Toad said.

"Why does Kang want us?" Strange demanded.

Before Toad could answer, a TVA door opened behind him and Wanda let out a shout as something entered her mind and forced pain into it. A magic force threw Strange away from Toad and into the desk on the other side of the room. Loki received the same magic force, but he flew into the wall rather into the desk.

Toad laughed as Wanda's magic disappeared off of him and he quickly disappeared into the TVA door.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "You know, I'm starting to really dislike you."

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