39) The Beginning of the End

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Loki gave Wanda the Tempad since he was going with America.

Strange, Loki, and America would be meeting the Marvels and convince them to join the team while Wanda went to get Pietro. She had a plan in mind for what point she'd get him from.

Wong didn't seem too thrilled to be stuck with the Asgardian women, but he dealt with it and prepared for an attack.

Wanda glanced at the others before casting a time door and walking through, allowing it to shut behind her.

"Okay, Loki, please don't throw up." America said.

"How weak do you believe me to be?" Loki rolled his eyes.

"That's what I thought the first time." Strange chuckled.

"Yes but I am a God, you're just a mortal."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

America closed her hand into a fist, then punched the air and out spawned a giant star shaped portal. It was colored blue, and on the other side of the portal showed the inside of a space ship.

Strange walked through, then Loki, then America, then she shut the portal behind them, leaving the others to defend the gauntlet.

Wong glanced to the Asgardians and Sylvie held the gauntlet in her hand.

"Now's probably a bad time to ask, but do you know of anywhere I could put this?" She asked with a sheepish smile.

The gauntlet in her hands jerked forward, and Sylvie gripped it tighter, pulling it back to her.

"What was that?" Hela asked, summoning her sword.

"They're here." Sylvie muttered in reply.

The gauntlet jerked forward again, pulling Sylvie with it. She stabilized herself on the ground before feeling an intrusive being trying to break into her mind.

"And it's the fire lady." She notified them with a grunt.

Wong summoned his magic at the guard, and the many sorcerers behind him did the same.

The gauntlet was jerked one last time, yanking Sylvie off her feet and sending her soaring through the air. She let go of the gauntlet and summoned her magic. A red haired woman appeared in the distance, taking the gauntlet in one hand, her other hand outstretched.

The woman levitated up and Sylvie gave an annoyed sigh. She used her magic to push herself up into the air and send a signal to the others that the fight had come.

Hela gripped her sword, a grin forming on her face as orange portals began forming in front of them. They weren't time doors, they were a sorcerer's magic.


America looked around the spaceship, confident that this was the correct place. Loki gave a bit of a disgusted look, traveling through the multiversal portal was a bit worse than he thought. Strange also had to readjust himself, he wasn't totally used to the feeling either.

A familiar face to America bounced in the room. Kamala Khan.

"Another child?" Loki asked, definite disgust in his tone.

"Yeah, she has lots of cool powers though, probably cooler than your illusions and knife summoning." America replied.

Kamala noticed them and she pulled the earbuds out of her ears.

"Uh.. America? How did you get here? Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Yeah. These are my friends, we came here to ask for your help the help of the other two." America answered, waddling over and hugging her friend.

"Let me call in the other two." Kamala said, turning her wrist over to reveal an advanced wristwatch.

She clicked a few buttons on it and it sent up a notification to Carol and Monica to join her. Moments later, the two showed up in uniform and they looked at the three newcomers with confusion.


Wanda walked through the time door. She looked out at the floating city of Sokovia, smiling at her old home. She walked quickly through the city, hearing quite a bit of shouting and gunfire as the city rose into the air.

She made her way to the edge of a building and she looked out at the view, seeing a ship filling up with people. Her eyes scanned the area until she found Pietro, standing away from the ship.

Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him again, old memories of her and her twin filling her mind.

She saw a different, smaller ship flying closer, lots of gunfire pouring out of it, and her happy look fell. So this was how he died.

She never knew for certain, the Avengers didn't tell her straight up. She just knew that it was Ultron and he caused many wounds.

She saw Clint covering a young boy, ready to sacrifice himself as the gunfire drew closer.

Wanda hurried to the area, running through a hidden part of the outside area. She watched the blue blur of her brother rush in front of Clint, ready to take the hit for him as the ship came onto them. Wanda stopped him from getting hit.

A red, magicl shield formed around the three and Pietro's eyes widened, as did Clint's and the boy's.

"I thought Wanda was guarding the center?" Clint asked.

"Take the boy to safety, I'll make sure she's still there." Pietro said.

The red shield disappeared, Ultron's ship now flown over. Pietro ran off in a blur, but Wanda caught him mid run with her magic, directing him towards her.

"Wanda?" He asked, confused. "What's with the outfit? Where's the red jacket? And why aren't you where you said you would be?"

"Pietro, listen. I'm from the future and I need you to come with me. We're in danger, the whole universe is. Will you help me?" She asked.

Pietro's mouth hung, then he regained himself and shrugged.



Hela jumped forward, boasting herself through the air as she summoned more swords, throwing them down at the sorcerers.

Many of them were good and managed to summon a portal that the swords disappeared into, but the rest received a painful stab through the heart or neck.

Sylvie aimed herself towards the gauntlet, not ready for her part of the fight to be defeated so quickly. One of the sorcerers, one with long blonde hair who looked like he was a frat boy, stepped in front of her and tried to attack her.

She easily dodged his movements and she pressed her fingers to his temples as she slid to the side of him.

His eyes glowed green and Sylvie forced him under her control, enchanting him successfully.

He allowed Sylvie to pass, then Sylvie forced him to attack his army. She doubted it would do much damage, but it would throw them off for the time being and give her team the upper hand.


The six sat on two separate couches, facing one another. The Marvels on one side and the party on the other side.

"A man, unidentified powers but with time controlling technology seeks to take over the universe and timeline." America explained.

Strange cocked his head. He'd never heard her use such fancy grammar before.

"He sounds fun." Kamala scoffed.

"And he has an army of people, powerful people, and he's using them against us." Loki added.

"He wants a gauntlet and me, and then he'll be able to take over the rest of the universe, or multiverse." America continued.

"So kill bad time guy before he can reach you?" Carol asked.

"No. Not kill. If he does, another version of him comes in and we have the same issue all over again. We're going to trap him." Strange answered.

"So then we can fight his army, take down his soldiers, weaken him and let you guys finish the fight?" Monica asked.

"Pretty much." America nodded.

"I'm in." Carol said, standing up and forming energy in her fist. "It's been a while since we've done anything interesting like this."

Kamala gave a confused look.

"We literally fought a giant space worm last Tuesday." She said.

"Yeah, and?"


Wanda was determined to save Pietro. Yes, he wasn't alive in her time, but he could be in her younger variant's timeline.

What harm would that be, other than it would make Wanda more stable? She was doing this for her other self, which was sort of selfless?

She pulled him off to the side, still standing on the floating city. She explained everything to him as best and as fast as she could.

"So how come you couldn't find me in the future for this?" Pietro asked once she finished.

"Well.. You're not exactly with me in the future." Wanda said, her voice faltering.

"I died?! Was it a cool death?" Pietro asked, not sounding too worried.

Wanda cocked her head to the side, then a chuckle escaped her lips.

"Not for me. But it is good to see you again." She said with a smile.

He hugged her, obviously seeing that she needed it, and she hugged back, missing her brother more than ever at that moment. She moved back and pulled out the Tempad.

She casted a time door and walked through, Pietro following.


Wong fought against sorcerers that he recognized and boy did he hate it. Luckily, none of them seemed to recognize him so it made it easier to send them through portals that sent through them into the ocean or into a desert wasteland.

He watched as a TVA door opened next to him and out walked Wanda and her brother.

"Nice of you to join us." He said, blocking off a random sorcerer's attack.

Wanda gave an eye roll and she pulled Pietro, who was looking like he expected something much differently, out of the way.

"Okay, which ones are the good guys? They all look the same."

"Um.. If they attack you, attack them back. I have to go find a fire-girl-telekinetic." Wanda replied.

"A what now?"

Wanda gave a thumbs up to him before flying up into the air, stretching out her hands and forcing herself into the mind of everyone, trying to figure out where the woman was.

On the edge of the land, she made contact with the woman she was looking for. Unfortunately, Jean Grey seemed to have been looking for her too.

Wanda flew her way, and Jean flew herself into the sky as well, carrying the gauntlet with her. The two stopped, staring one another down as they levitated.

Then Wanda made the first move.


America punched another star portal, and everyone walked out onto the battlefield.

The Marvel's looked around, scanning the area and readying an attack.

Strange gave a nod to them and flew up into the air, seeing his fellow sorcerer's fighting doppelgangers and other sorcerers he knew. He saw a blur of blue running through, knocking over sorcerers and throwing many people off guard.

He looked around, seeing Wanda and Jean Grey in the air. Neither of them were fighting, but both had their arms stretched out, facing one another.

Ah, mind fight.

Strange flew over while the gauntlet was in Jean's hands and he carefully took it from her, surprised at how easy it was to get it back.

As soon as he did though, the women's eyes opened and Strange was sent flying backwards by an invisible force.

The last thing he saw before flying into a wall was Wanda throwing a blast of red magic at the woman, this time not in her mind.

America ran over to him, helping him up and taking the gauntlet.

"I've got it. Time to hide again." She said with a nod.

"Be careful." Strange told her.

"Aren't I always?"

"No. No you're not."

Their moment was cut short when a familiar face dropped down in front of America, Mordo. Again. Strange looked up, wondering how he just randomly appeared above them.

It was answered when another person landed next to Mordo.

The God of Thunder himself.

Loki was still there and his eyes widened as he saw his brother, who did not look happy to see him. The Marvels had flown off, attacking the sorcerers, so it was just the three of them against the two opposing forces.

"Hand over the gauntlet, child. Give yourself over as well, and there will be no trouble. We'll all leave peacefully." Mordo said, holding out his hand.

"Yeah, peacefully for now. Then you'll take over the rest of the universe." Strange stated, stepping in front of America and summoning magic.

Loki stepped next to him, summoning his daggers. America clenched her fist that wasn't holding the gauntlet, ready to attack but staying behind the two men for the moment. Mordo lowered his hand.

"Brother, you know better than to make fights you can't win." Thor said, twirling his hammer in his hand.

"Aren't you supposed to be one of the good guys? It seems the roles had reversed." Loki replied, not budging.

"America, get to safety." Strange ordered.

He threw an orange force that sent Mordo stumbling backwards, and Loki ran at Thor, daggers throwing at him.

America nodded and flew up, gripping the gauntlet as the went to find cover.


Hela and Sylvie stood back to back, fighting off sorcerers that were striking. Sylvie was the first to notice when TVA doors began opening up, hunters pouring into the field.

"We've got incoming." She shouted so Hela could hear over the fighting.

"Just cut the sticks in half and they're defenseless." Hela shrugged, jumping up and throwing multiple weapons, all hitting many TVA men as they hurried in.

Unfortunately, more just kept coming.

Sylvie actually recognized one in particular, Renslayer. This woman was like a cockroach, she wouldn't die.

Sylvie ran at her, magic in hands, but was cut short when a black sword pummeled straight into the Judge's heart.

Sylvie turned and put her hands on her hips as she looked up at Hela.

"Oh come on! She was mine!" She shouted at the death goddess.

Hela shrugged before resuming her fight. Sylvie groaned, then went back to fighting the boring TVA hunters.


Mordo watched as America flew away, and he pushed Strange off of him, hurrying after her.

"No you don't!" Strange shouted, throwing a magical orange rope that wrapped around Mordo's foot and yanked him back.

The rope disintegrated as Mjolnir flew through it, making Strange turn and see Thor with a... Well Loki kind of look on his face. The actual Loki had been thrown off balance, but was now getting back up and going to attack Thor once more.

For the moment Strange had turned his head, he hadn't seen how Mjolnir was flying right back to Thor's hand. And when it flew back, it went straight for Strange, hitting him square in the head and causing him to fall to the side, hitting the ground hard.

Loki cringed as he fell.

"That must've hurt."

The good news, was Mordo had been yanked back, and now his leg was sprained from the way he hit the ground, so he couldn't go after America again. The bad news, he still had a sword and now Loki was alone in the fight.


Wanda was hit by a blast of fire and she spun through the air, letting out a shout of pain. She managed to regain herself and fire back, but Jean was starting to predict her moves.

The two were evenly matched, and both needed something to hold over the other. Unfortunately, Jean Grey knew what she could hold over Wanda. Wanda had nothing over Jean.

Jean held out her hand and Wanda froze mid fly, behind held forcefully still. Her eyes glowed red and she broke out of the bind, flying at Jean again and doing a move that Captain America taught her, ramming her elbow straight into the woman's chest.

What Wanda couldn't see was that behind her, her brother was lifting up into the air.

Jean did know, for she was the one forcing him up. The woman regained herself and she stood her ground, staring down Wanda.

"Hand over the girl or everyone you love will die." She threatened.

"If I hand over America, everyone else will die." Wanda spat back.

Red magic surrounded her hands and Jean Grey tilted her head.

"So be it then."

That's when Wanda knew Pietro was flying. Her eyes widened as her mind interlocked with Jean Grey's, seeing her plan. She turned around quickly and saw Pietro being held forcefully, 100 feet above the ground.

Wanda turned back to Jean Grey.

"If you hurt him, I will kill you." She stated, her voice angered.

"He's already dead. You can't change that." Jean replied, not letting him go.

Wanda flew at Jean once more, shooting a blast of magic straight at her chest. The fire woman let go of Pietro, and Wanda's heart dropped, just like Pietro did.

She turned around, feeling like she was in slow motion. She watched her brother fall back to the ground, fear on his face. Her hands outstretched, red magic flying towards him.

But she was too slow.

Pietro hit the ground, flat on his back. His bones snapped and Wanda knew he didn't survive. She froze, staring at her dead brother before turning around to face Jean Grey, who was still levitating.

"You just made a big mistake." Wanda stated through gritted teeth.

Red magic circled her whole body, not just her fingers, and Jean's eyes widened, realizing what she'd done.

It was too late to take it back, so Jean surrounded herself with fire, hoping it would protect herself at least a touch.

It didn't.

In fact, it was the thing that killed her.

Wanda's eyes stared her down and her finger flicked. Jean let out a pained screech as her molecules changed, forcing her to not be able to weild the power of fire. The fire that surrounded her began taking over her skin, burning her to a crisp.

Wanda then raised her hand and made a flicking motion with her hand, sending the woman on flames flying out of the land.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "We literally fought a giant space worm last Tuesday."

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