ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ Chapter 22 ღ 🥀 ღೋ

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In the flower shop, you watched as Chijis delicately arranged blooms for the upcoming celebrity baby shower. You got two massive contracts at the wedding, and a few other celebs also bag contracts from your grandmother. You and Chiji were working non-stop. You enjoy every moment amid fresh flowers.

"How does this arrangement look, Frosty?" Chijis asked, holding up a bouquet of pastel roses and lilies in the air as she admired her handiwork. Her dark eyes glow with inner joy.

You admired Chijis' handiwork, the sweet scent of the flowers enveloping you in a serene atmosphere.

"It's perfect, Chijis. The colours complement each other beautifully," you replied, adding a few finishing touches to the arrangement you were busy with.

As you worked, your favourite K-pop group played softly in your ears, a futile attempt to drown out thoughts of Namjoon and his ex, Celina, "Why can't I stop thinking about him?" you muttered to yourself, frustration evident in your voice.

Chijis glanced at you sympathetically, "Is everything okay, Frosty? You seem distracted today," she remarked, concern evident in her tone.

You forced a smile. "Yeah, just lost in my thoughts, I guess," you replied, trying to brush off your inner turmoil.

But Namjoon's disapproving chair lady mother continued to weigh heavily on your mind.

"I wish his mother would just accept me for who I am," you lamented to Chijis, your frustration bubbling.

Chijis placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You're an amazing person, Frosty. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise," she reassured you, offering a supportive smile.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the florist workshop, your phone rang next to you on the workshop bench, and you saw your mother's name flash on the screen.

Answering quickly, you greeted her with a warm smile. "Ehi, mamma. Come sta il Costa Rica?Hey, Mom. What's up.. How is Costa Rica?" You made sure your voice sounded cheery cause your mom can quickly pick up if something is wrong with you.

Her voice was filled with warmth and concern. "Un bambino meraviglioso.Volevo solo controllare te, tesoro. Come va tutto... con te, la famiglia... stai aiutando bene i tuoi grammi?Awesome bambino.I just wanted to check in on you, sweetheart. How's everything going...with you, the family...are you helping your grams nicely?" she inquired, her maternal instinct kicking in.

You chuckle, "She's fine...a real army general, though. Jeez, Mom...she's getting stickers every day?" You replied hourly.

Your mom chuckled at the other side.

As you talked, your mother couldn't help but express concern about your friendship with the CEO. "Gran told me you are spending too much time with a guy. I worry that you're getting too involved, Frosty. You know how important it is to prioritize your happiness," she gently advised.

You hesitated momentarily before speaking to your mother about your feelings for Namjoon. "Mom, I... I think I'm in love with him, but...I think he still loves his ex-girlfriend.  She is an American architect, and she is such a beauty. I look like a washout rag next to her---" you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion. Thinking about her with your Joon gave you sleepless nights.

Your mother listened patiently, offering words of wisdom and comfort. "You deserve someone who loves you for who you are, Frosty. Don't settle for anything less," she reminded you, her love and support unwavering.

Tears welled in your eyes as you thanked your mother for her advice. "I just wish things were different, Mom. I wish Namjoon felt the same way about me. I want him to choose me," you admitted, your heart heavy with longing.

"Oh, bambino. You can't hurry, love. I made a huge blunder in my life, loving someone who was married and didn't care about me that much. Maybe it's just your young girl's infatuation. It will soon blow over when you come home."

She gave you some endearing words, promising you that you'll go on a small cruise and vacation for a few days in Rome when she's back from her assignments.

Her words echoed in your mind as you hung up the phone, a sense of clarity washing over you. "Maybe it's time for me to focus on myself for a while," you mused, the weight of unrequited love slowly lifting from your shoulders.

You plopped down on the sofa and wiped your tired eyes.

Chiji, your cousin, sat down beside you, concern etched on her face. "Frosty, you must tell Mr Kim NamJoon how you truly feel. He might feel the same way about you," she urged, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

But you shook your head, your expression pained. "Chiji, Joon already made it clear that he can only offer friendship," you admitted, your voice tinged with sadness.

As you sat there, memories of your passionate make-out sessions flooded your mind—the stolen kisses in the park, the heated moments in the hallway at your house, and the intimate encounters on the luxurious yacht. You longed to be with him again, just once, but you sighed, knowing it may never happen.

It had been three days since you last heard from Joon. His short message lingered in your mind, leaving you with uncertainty. "Did he listen to his strict mom and end our friendship? Or did he reconcile with Celina?" you wondered, furrowing your brows in frustration.

You couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment as you thought about the days without him. "I miss him so much," you whispered, feeling a pang of longing in your heart.

Then, your phone buzzed, breaking you're lost-in-thought state.

It was a message from Joon.

Hi, Frosty Flakes. I miss you, but talk to you later. I'm swamped with work and might not see you for a few days... Stay safe and out of trouble.


PS: I haven't forgotten about our bucket list. We still have nine items on the list, and then we finish our 30-step bucket list.

Your heart skipped a beat as you read his words, feeling a mix of emotions wash over you. "He misses me," you thought, a flicker of hope igniting.

But as the days passed without seeing him, you couldn't help but feel anxious. "How will I cope for another couple of days without him?" You wondered, missing their laughter and adventures together more than ever.


As the days passed without any word from Joon, Your once lively demeanour shifted.

You became quiet and restless, your thoughts consumed by him. "I miss him," you confessed, the weight of not hearing from Joon settling heavily in your heart.

Sitting alone in your room, trying to sketch fairy tale characters, you couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at you. "Maybe... maybe we're not meant to be," you whispered to the silence, contemplating the possibility that his mother's disapproval was valid and you weren't the right fit for him.

Depression, like a dark cloud, threatened to envelop you once again. Despite your efforts to push it away, you sank deeper into despair with each passing day. "Why can't I stop feeling like this?" You questioned, feeling overwhelmed by the waves of doubt and sadness crashing over you.

With trembling hands, you reached for your pills next to your dresser, hoping they would offer some relief from the turmoil raging inside you.
You had battled anxiety and depression for as long as you could remember, and in moments like this, their numbing embrace provided a fleeting sense of solace.

Meanwhile, with growing concern, Chiji and your grandmother observed your downward spiral at Kwon Petals. They could see the toll that Joon's absence was taking on you and feared the worst. "We need to talk about Frosty," Chiji said quietly, her voice filled with worry, as they retreated to the privacy of grandmother's office.

Frosty's grandmother couldn't help but feel deeply troubled by her granddaughter's infatuation with Kim Namjoon. "I'm afraid she's heading for heartache," she admitted, her voice heavy with concern.

She knew Frosty was experiencing her first taste of true love, but she worried it was consuming her entirely.

"She's so different from the others," Chiji added, echoing her grandmother's sentiments. "She wears her heart on her sleeve and never loved anyone like this."

One afternoon, Frosty quietly entered her grandmother's office, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion. "Grandma, can I go home early today?" she asked softly,   whisperering.

Despite her attempt to mask her inner turmoil, her grandmother could see the pain etched on her face. "Of course, my dear," she replied, her heart aching for her granddaughter. "Take all the time you need...We still have that Malva dessert in the fridge. Have some and just relax, okay?"


At home

You sank into your luxurious bathtub's warm, comforting embrace, letting out a contented sigh as the soothing water enveloped you. You had a very relaxed Day, watching your favourite Italian Mob movies, ordering a colossal pepperoni and anchovies pizza, dessert, and a bottle of peach-flavoured soju (you throw away the bottle so your grandmother will not find out you drank a fermented cider without her and Joons' knowledge.

The atmosphere in the bathroom was serene, with soft-scented candlelight flickering and the gentle scent of spicy cinnamon and vanilla filling the air. Numerous herbal oils were on display, as well as some of your sketches that your grandmother framed. With your head resting against the edge of the tub, your platinum blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun, you closed your tired eyes, allowing yourself to relax entirely and emptying your mind of negativity.

As you drifted into the tranquil ambience, your phone ringing interrupted your peace. With a slight groan, you reluctantly opened your eyes and glanced at the small decorative table where your small phone lay.

With a quick wipe of your hands on the nearby caramel fluffy bath towel, you reached for the device, almost losing your balance as you leaned over the tub's edge.

The phone continued to ring insistently, and you couldn't help but wonder what your grandmother might need at this hour. It's already 5 pm.

With a mix of curiosity and slight annoyance, you finally picked up the phone, your fingers leaving faint imprints on the screen as you unlocked it.

But as soon as you saw the caller ID, your face lit up with the most brilliant smile, "Joonie..." you murmured to yourself, your heart skipping at the sight of his name.

Excitement bubbled within you as you answered the call, eager to hear his voice on the other end.

"Joonie," you whispered breathlessly.

A faint chuckle echoed in the background.

"Hey there, sweetie. Gosh, I've missed hearing your voice so much," he said softly.

You laugh, "I missed you too. You've been quiet for almost two weeks, Joon," you say with a hint of accusation.

Namjoon sighs, "I know... I'm so sorry, sweetie. I accidentally broke my phone, and my mom, Mi-Young and I had to rush to Frankfurt, Germany, for an international book fair. Remember that client I mentioned? Her book was published in three days and sold over 25k copies. She invited us to her villa in Frankfurt to celebrate and oversee her book signing. She's a real diva."

He explains how he was practically phoneless because he let Yeji fix it. It's the only phone with your number saved under an alias, away from scrutiny, as Mr. Vincent Frost. You can't help but chuckle. His mom was annoyed because he could have easily bought a new phone in Germany, but he told her he could let Mi-Young deal with clients or his elite group. He will rest from annoying calls.

They returned just a day ago, and he's exhausted. You wonder how his date with Celine went, but you are apprehensive to ask.

"Frost... what are you doing now?" he asks urgently.

"I'm just relaxing in a bubble bath... then I'll head to bed with a good book. Why?" you ask, intrigued.

It's just so good to speak with him. Hearing his husky voice makes you swoon. He's your 'Swoony Joony.'

"Get dressed in something semi-casual. I'm taking you out. Please tell your grandma I'll bring you back before 10 pm, maybe earlier... I need to talk to you about something urgently," he says.

"O-okay... er, give me at least half an hour, okay... bye, Joon." With renewed energy, you quickly hang up and rush out of the bath to your room and cupboard to prepare yourself.

You furrow your brows as you wonder what could be so urgent.

Fear creeps into your heart.

Did... did he make up with Celine? The girl he's still in love with?

A/n: Frosty went through love withdrawal symptoms.

Thank you so much for all the reads, votes and comments." Fly like Flower Petals "surprised me by winning First place in the Epiphany Awards in the Fanfiction category.

1. Is what Frosty feels simply infatuation, in your opinion?

2. Can she move on from Joon?

3. Do you believe Joon made a wise decision by not contacting Frosty from Germany?

4. Do you think his mother was relieved that Joon didn't reach out to Frosty?

5. What do you think  Joonie urgently desires to see her?

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