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๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐’๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง | ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ˆ๐ง๐Ÿ๐š๐ฆ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐–๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฒ ๐“๐ฐ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ

๐•ฟ๐•ณ๐•ฐ previous night was rather easy. Harry, Jupiter, and Lottie had found their own corner of the common room which was filled with quiet laughter and shitty jokes. However, all of them were aware of the curious gazes constantly thrown at them.

Harry did not miss the nosy and borderline jealous look his two best friends were throwing him, something that made him feel happy on the inside. Jupiter did not miss the huffy and annoyed gaze that a small redheaded girl was tossing her: most likely an admirer of Harry's. And Lottie did not miss the curious glances her friends were throwing her, Fred and George sticking out, in particular.

She happily flipped them off whenever she had the chance, and they returned it with smiles of their own. Lottie also noticed the way George and Angelina were sitting closer than normal and the fleeting glances they would throw the other when they thought no one was watching. She figured it was only a matter of time before they officially got together now.

It was not particularly early nor late when the three chose to call it a night. Although, Jupiter did not actually go to bed. Rather, she closed her bedside curtains and wrote in her journal all the areas of Hogwarts that she would be investigating and watching out for the most. She also wrote her suspicions on techniques that Traskos could possibly use to infiltrate Hogwarts.

Jupiter was the first one awake that morning, her body specifically waking her up as a form of training that Arcane put them through. Wake up at the butt crack hours of dawn. However, it served to be helpful for Jupiter as no one was in the bathroom while she showered and changed for the day.

She sat in the common room for about an hour reading through her Potions and Transfiguration books with the intention of making sure she was completely adept in the curriculum. Thankfully, it was not too different from what she had been taught at Arcane.

Lottie and Harry arrived down the stairs at similar times, and soon they were all off. Sadly, Harry had to separate from them in favor of his "History of Magic" class. Lottie and Jupiter, on the other hand, had Divination.

"Ugh, this teacher is seriously insane, Jupiter," Lottie informed her as they walked, pushing through the crowd of students.

Lottie claimed that the corridors were far more crowded than usual due to the Triwizard Tournament and the foreign students. Jupiter believed certainly believed it, especially as a third-year crashed into her. She huffed and shoved him away, the boy watching her go with a sparkle of adoration in his eyes.

"Trust me, she can't be any crazier than one of my old Professors," Jupiter scoffed just thinking about Trainer Harkins.

That man is fucking crazy.

"Abdul," Trainer Harkins called Morgan out by his last name, "you can't handle a short seven-mile run? Fine! Make it ten for all of you and then we'll be having a motherfucking dance competition and whoever loses cleans my personal bathroom for the next month-and-a-half!" Multiple groans and cries of how unfair that rang out.

Trainer Harkins blew his whistle loudly in response and motioned with his hand, "any of you losers tryin' to be last? No! Then MOVE IT!"

And suddenly all the students were running as though their lives depended on it. To be fair, it kind of did โ€” no one wants to be the one to clean Trainer Harkins personal quarters.

Jupiter shivered at the memory, shaking herself out of it. Climbing up the stairs proved to be a slow and boring process with the number of students going up and down.

"My friends and I have a bet though, Lee and Fred figure that Professor Trelawney fancies Snape a smidge. George and I are eager to prove them wrong... I mean Snape?! Even someone as wacky as her can't be that instance!" Lottie exclaimed just as the two entered the classroom.

Jupiter tilted her head. It almost appeared hippy in nature. Multiple tapestries and jangly jewels hanging from the walls in doorways stood out. Carpets of every size and color covered the cold stone floors.

Short tables with fluffy and colorful pillows are what students sat on it, and in every place was a piping hot teacup filled with what was no doubt tea. Jupiter rose her brows at the preppiness of it all: her and Lottie choosing to take a seat in the middle of the section. They sat next to a Hufflepuff female who looked to be on the verge of falling asleep.

Jupiter cleared her throat while attempting to get comfortable on the pillow, Lottie immediately pulling out a small book and sketching. She stifled a snicker at the crude drawings and use of nasty language that Lottie chose to bring to life. Jupiter was pretty sure she was staring at an animated version of Arnold from "Hey Arnold!" holding up his middle fingers and sticking out his tongue.

This version of the cartoon had him adorning baggy and colorful clothing choices. In the background was obviously London: it was all too entirely 90s' and it had Jupiter grinning.

"Ah, and so a new day begins!"

Everyone's attention was taken to the front of the class where a female professor made a dramatic entrance from another room covered in shaggy hanging instead of a door. Jupiter tilted her head at the professor.

Her hair was far frizzier than average and she wore such a large pair of spectacles that it grew her eyes about ten times their actual size. A long and brown flowy skirt shifted with each movement she made, her knitted sweater was rather worn and it was topped off with a long shawl that was draped over her shoulders.

"Jesus," Jupiter muttered as the Professor went on a ramble about a student failing all their classes this year.

"Jesus indeed," Lottie snickered as Professor Trelawney made the Ravenclaw student nearly burst into tears.

"Is she always this dramatic?" Jupiter whispered to Lottie.

"Yep," Lottie nodded, "every hour of every day of every week of every year,"

"And you child!" Jupiter jumped as the Professor's eyes turned to her and she wisped her way over to their table, "have just joined our ranks, yes?"

The Hufflepuff sitting next to Lottie and Jupiter flinched away and practically ducked under the table.

Jupiter pursed her lips, she would hope that the Professor would notice a new addition to one of her classes.

Jupiter blinked up at the bespectacled woman, "yep,"

"I sense within you a power child: you are different from most...!" Professor Trelawney threw her hands in the air and practically hollered to the heavens.

Jupiter nodded her head... well that just about summed up her whole life.

She did not think something like that would be anything hard to guess. The girl literally had a natural blue tint to her hair and her eyes were basically purple. Oh well, best to play the part.

"Thanks?" She uncomfortably scratched the back of her head while Lottie had to slam her head down on the table to keep her laughter at bay.

That was how the rest of the class went: with the Professor throwing a few comments Jupiters' way about how she was new and apparently different, she lectured a bit about the inner eye, and they drank from their tea before attempting to make out the markings left behind. When the class was dismissed the two were hurrying to pull their bags together, they heard Trelawney call for Jupiter to stay after. Thankfully, everyone was moving swiftly and loudly.

"Pretend like we can't hear her?" Lottie looked up and met eyes with Jupiter.

"Girl, you read my mind," Jupiter replied quickly, nearly forgetting to put on her Cardish accent.

Therefore, her words came out of a jumbled mess of American with a twang of British. She prayed Lottie did not notice, and it appeared she had not. And if she had, it was obvious that she wrote it off as Jupiter's eagerness to ditch the Professor.

They hurried out of the class, ignoring and pretending not to hear Trelawney's calls for Jupiter to stay behind. Quite frankly, Jupiter just wanted to do her job at the moment.

They laughed while racing down the staircase, pushing past multiple students who cursed them. At one point they were pushing past Harry, who blinked in surprise and turned to look at them. Jupiter gripped his forearm forcefully and dragged him along with them.

"Ow, my arm," the boy complained, "where are you two nutters taking me?!"

"Potions?" Jupiter said with a shrug.

Harry's eyes widened and he shrugged his away out of her grasp before ducking away. "Not with me your not, enjoy snivelly on your own!"

"Snivelly?" Jupiter looked to Lottie who sighed.

"Yeah, Professor Snape is not the most popular among us students," was her vague answer, "you'll see..."

And see Jupiter did. Not only did he have a seating chart, (thank god there was an odd number of students, so Jupiter was left on her own) but he had the worst attitude Jupiter swore she had ever witnessed a teacher adorn.

As Jupiter was quiet the entire class other than answering one of his questions correctly, he appeared not to have too much of an issue with her. However, it did nothing to help his cold, drafty, and dark classroom. Not to mention one might mistake Professor Snape for a vampire without any beauty.

"Jeez, that really is a terrible class," Jupiter admitted as the two walked alone in the dungeon corridors.

They had a short while before each of their next classes started, unfortunately, it was two separate classes. At the moment, no one was in the dungeon corridors surprisingly. Lottie claimed the Slytherin common room was somewhere around there: she just was not sure exactly where.

Apparently, the house of emeralds was more secretive about their common room location than the other houses.

Their footfalls echoed loudly, and Lottie sighed already tired from the day.

"Yeah, it's pretty horrible," she agreed.

Just as she opened her mouth to say more on the matter, Jupiter noticed a small and near-invisible string pulled tightly over the length of the corridor. She immediately stopped recognizing the sign of a trap (thank you for years of training) and threw out her arm to stop Lottie. Alas, it was too late for the girl stumbling but her foot still pulled the cord.

"Whaaaโ€”!" Lottie's question turned into a scream as out of nowhere she was pulled into the air.

Jupiter attempted to grab her only to be pulled into the air as well. She had never seen a trap quite like this, but she was unable to think as the two were forced close enough to kiss and hanging upside down. Spinning slowly, their hair hung and a scowl erupted on Lottie's face.

"What the fuck is this!?" She shouted so loud the corridor practically quaked.

Jupiter, on the other hand, was also unamused. Although, rather than rage her face was sunk into a no-nonsense scowl. She recognized the practical prank for it was something she and her friend might have pulled at Arcane once or twice.

Okay fine โ€” more like five or six times, but still... not funny when it happens to you!

They had fallen victim to an ensnaring spell, a near-invisible and skinny string that wrapped around a person and hung them upside down in the air. It was funny to watch but annoying when it was you that it happened to.

"Lottie?" Two voices very similar questioned simultaneously.

Both girls craned their necks only to see a pair of identical redheads emerge from behind a corridor wall. There was a moment, maybe two of silence before Lottie went insane. Jupiter cringed at the girl's screaming and withering so did the redheaded twins.

"Are you fuckin' kidding me right now? You two! Let us out of here right this instant, what is wrong with you guys?! Trapping your goddamn friend! LET US OUTTTTT!"

"Okay, okay," one of the twins was quick to try and calm while the other one pulled out a wand and wordlessly flicked it.

Jupiter was momentarily impressed by the show of easy wordless magic, especially as the cord quickly unwinded itself. However, that admiration faded away as both she and Lottie hit the hard castle ground head first and in its place annoyance reeled its head.

Lottie made a noise of pain as she hit, Jupiter luckily landing on top of her slightly so she was safe. The twins' eyes widened and they were quickly at their side, although their attention was focused on their friend who was groaning in pain.

"Oi, you alright Lottie?"

"Yeah, we're sorry โ€” didn't mean to get you with our prank. Meant to get a slimy Slytherin,"

Both of the redheads were helping her to stand, the height difference being near comical. The Weasley twins were rather tall in height, far taller than average. Lottie, on the other hand, was short and skinny. She barely hit their shoulders, and in turn, this made it easy for them to all but pick her up and place her back on her feet.

Lottie yelped as her two friends did this. She was already disoriented and that made it worse, the three surrounding her cringed at the shaken expression she was adorning.

"I am going to kill you guys," Lottie mumbled, one-hundred percent certain that she was suffering from a concussion.

Of course, the Weasley twins would be the only explainable cause behind this.

"Ha, good luck with that in your current state," one twin snickered only for the other to nudge him harshly, although he joined in after.

Jupiter stood awkwardly to the side before supposing that she should act as though she was a little roughed up as well. After all, it was not normal that witches her age could walk off a fall like that with no pain.

A brief memory crossed Jupiter's mind at the thought.

"You will stand here and you will allow everything that comes to you. You will take the pain as though you enjoy it," Jupiter's 'mother' A.K.A. Slyvia stood in front of her.

Her blond hair hung loosely over her face, the woman's stare boring straight into Jupiter's soul. The young girl gulped at the look: brown eyes were supposed to be the warmest and friendliest color. Yet, Sylvia seemed to be the only person who could make her naturally warm eyes chilling.

"Yes, mother," Jupiter nodded, holding her arms out and bracing her body.

It was necessary training as her parents put it, to be beaten and hit in order to get used to the pain. This was a method of training that one endures until the pain finally numbs away to nothingness and all that is left is strength.

This tactic of training was even too gruesome and cold for the likes of Arcane, it was outlawed some years ago. It is the reason behind Jupiter's parents putting all of their children through it. Jupiter supposed it was a nice thought anyway: at least her parents were not doing this to only her because of their hatred toward her. No, all of her older siblings had already gone through it and Atlas would be enduring this right after her.

She and Atlas would go through these next few weeks of pain together. What a lovely summer.

"Ready!" Jupiter was shaken out of her last sarcastic thoughts by her mother's sharp call.

Suddenly, feet away from Jupiter and holding strong poles of wood stood Titan, Kingston, and Arizona. Though she could not see it, all three siblings had some semblance of regret for what they were forced to do to their youngest sister flashed in their gaze. Yet, it was not strong enough to stop this.

Because at the end of the day it was necessary.


"Strike!" Slyvia Marrs bit.

With that, the poles came down hard, and Jupiter tightened her entire body and braced. From there the pain turned from blistering to strength, and soon she was not so much as moving a muscle with each strike.

"Are you okay?"

Jupiter blinked out of her brief trance by the British tone.

Looking to her side, she noticed one of the twins staring at her in mild concern and slight guilt. Identical to his brother who was being cursed out by Lottie, he had fanning redhead that stopped around his shoulders and a lengthy body made of lean muscle.

His robes revealed him to be a Gryffindor, but she already knew that for she had seen him and his twin around the common room already. It was then it also occurred to her to rub her shoulder in mock pain.

"Yeah, other than the part where you dropped me on the ground," she exhaled sarcastically.

"Hey, you said to let you guys go," the teenager tried to defend himself, a small and tricky smile beginning to play on his lips.

It was obvious that he got off on riling people up. Jupiter refused to play into his hands, instead, she simply rolled her eyes and turned away. She heard a huff in return revealing that she did the exact opposite of what he wanted. Jupiter did not give him a reaction.

She smirked before forcing it away and continued to rub her arm for dramatics while approaching a sour Lottie.

"I need to go to the infirmary," Lottie complained, "I'm not dying overnight from a concussion just because of these idiots: I deserve a more impressive death than that,"

"Perhaps the whomping willow will do?" One twin suggested.

"Or the giant squid in the lake," the other sniggered.

"Oh, screw you both," Lottie snapped beginning to walk away still holding her head.

Jupiter followed and it was then she noticed that Thing one and two were also following.

"So, I don't believe we've introduced ourselves," one twin slid up beside her and tossed an arm over her shoulder.

"I'm Fred," the other twin approached her right side and slung an arm over her other shoulder.

"Oi, you're not Fred โ€” I am!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Maybe you're right, maybe I've been George since birth, and mum mixed us up!"

Jupiter blinked in confusion, she was unsure as to what was happening. Let alone who was actually who โ€” all she knew was that one was named Fred and the other George.

"Don't bother trying to figure out who is actually who," Lottie rolled her eyes, "no one can tell them apart unless they actually want to be,"

"Right you are," both twins spoke simultaneously in exactly the same tone.

"Well... okay then," Jupiter slowly nodded, "I'm uhm Jupiterโ€”"

"Williams," one of the twins caught her off guard, apparently already knowing her last name,

"Quite a bit of talk going 'round, you know," the other chipped in.

"Yeah, rather strange for Hogwarts to get transfers to let alone after the school year had already started!"

Jupiter finally noticed that the twins seemed to only speak in sentences that corresponded with each other. It was impressive really โ€” far better than she and her brother's fake "disaster twins" nonsense. If anything, these two seemed to earn the title.

"Yeah, well Mum thought it was important that I get a muggle education in first. She figured if anything she'd be able to homeschool me in magic, which worked well mind you," Jupiter, Lottie, and the twins took to the stairs to head up in the castle.

"Ah, so a half-blood then," the one to her right waggled his brows while the other snickered.

"You could say that," Jupiter answered, a coy smile playing at her lips.

The twin to her right noticed this and rose a brow. Not that Jupiter knew this, but Fred Weasley was the twin hanging on her right โ€” and he had to say this little half-blood was an interesting witch thus far.

His intrigue was piqued even further when Jupiter stepped away from them.

"This is where I leave you all," Jupiter saluted, heading in the opposite direction from the hospital wing.

Lottie nodded and practically fell into George's arms as he offered her a helping grasp. He groaned dramatically earning a scoff from Lottie, but he easily took most of her weight. They both knew it was not even because of the headache but rather because Lottie simply did not feel like walking. Besides, considering George was half of the reason she was in this state, it was the least he could do for her in Lottie's mind.

Fred, on the other hand, remained standing and tilted his head at the new girl.

"Where ya' off to new girl?" He called, watching her stroll away.

He would be lying if he said her shimmering hair did not mystify him in the slightest. It was only after that long gleaming near midnight hair flipped as she looked back at him with an unimpressed look that Fred was taken out of his stupor.

She totally was not above his league, is she? No, of course not, he is Fred damn Weasley!

"To class just as you two no doubt should be," was all Jupiter answered before spinning and walking away, "see you later, Lottie!"

Fred remained standing there a few seconds more before nodding his head.

"Right on, new girl," he muttered to himself, narrowing his eyes in thoughts.

Flurries of ideas and pranks swarmed his mind, and he had only one victim of choice. It was all in good fun, of course.

"Oi, Fred โ€” come on!" George called from where he was now giving Lottie a piggyback ride up the moving staircases.

With that last thought, Fred quickly followed after his twin brother and his friend.


Hello all! Okay does anyone know any really good Draco Malfoy fics? Preferably some that start in 1st year? Or ones where Draco is the one with a crush on the OC? Sorry to be so specific, but honestly any good Draco fics work! Thank you!

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