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π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ« 𝐓𝐰𝐨 | π“π‘πž π“π«π’π°π’π³πšπ«π 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐒𝐨𝐧


π•―π–Šπ–˜π–•π–Žπ–™π–Š everyone loving Arizona, it was a different story for her siblings. More or less, each and every one of them got annoyed by her constant boasting and narcissism. Jupiter, as much as she hated it, rarely ever voiced that annoyance to Arizona β€” rather the younger girl avoided her eldest sister when she could.

"I mean seriously Jupiter, you cannot be pulling stuff like that, and I don't care if the others roped you into it, next time you just say no. If I can say no then so can you. I mean, just last week I told four different guys no β€” four, Jupiter. And they were pretty hard to say no to, like have you seen Aiden Walzakey...?"

If Jupiter could bang her head against the wall and knock herself out, she would in a heartbeat. Jupiter watched her sister ramble with furrowed brows, she was not even sure how Arizona managed to talk so quick-paced without a single pause.

As they passed through the central manor of campus, Jupiter began getting irritated by the glances everyone was throwing her and her sister. However, it was nothing new, whenever Arizona was involved eyes simply drew to her in marvel.

Eyes drew to Jupiter as well, but not so much in marvel as much as gaping in nature. Near purple eyes was odd and it seemed everyone at Arcane Prep knew of Jupiter's status as the black sheep of the Marrs family. While many did not know the exact reason why (her father and Slyvia would die before allowing the fact that Jupiter was a bastard child slip) people had their theories.

Jupiter's personal favorite rumor was that she was adopted and actually the biological daughter of the Headmaster, Apollo. It certainly seemed that way at times seeing as Apollo had particular favoritism toward Jupiter.

There were only two people in Jupiter's life who had ever favored her above her siblings. Her grandmother (her father's mom) Marie and Headmaster Apollo who had taken a liking to Jupiter's sharp tongue and curious nature. It irked Arizona to no end, something that made Jupiter smirk.

Arizona was always trying extra hard to weave her way into being above Jupiter on Apollo's list of favorite students, but it never seemed to work. She had been trying since Jupiter arrived at Arcane when she was eleven, but it had escalated times ten ever since this year began as it was Arizona's final year and this would be her last chance to prove herself as Apollo's favorite.

She and Arizona turned a corner, Arizona still not letting up on her rambling. They were currently walking through the building of educational classes. Posters and flyers with moving pictures were stamped to the walls, bright colors splattered about randomly.

This section of the manor was brightly colored and paint-splattered β€” the usual emblem of the mid-90s'. Yes, it was all about bright colors and grunge and alternative rock and scrunchies and many other things. A mixture of no-maj and magical styles filtered the school: the only school in the world to incorporate no-maj themes in such a way.

But if you were to ask any of the students they would not find it weird for this was simply how Arcane prep was, it was modern β€” it was normal.

They soon entered the wizarding section of the building, multiple teacher's voices filling the long corridor. The bright colors were beginning to fade away for a more practical and traditional look, the epitome of the wizarding world.

"...And so, the four founders: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin came together to create a school where the magical children could learn and practice their abilities without fear of the no-maj world..."

Jupiter's ears perked, the girl glancing to her right as they passed by a class of second-year wizarding students in what was no-doubt History of Magic. The dark-haired girl was familiar with Hogwarts. The school in Scotland had caught her curiosity quite a few times.

She enjoyed learning about the abundance of history which surrounded it. Not to mention, Harry Potter: the infamous boy-who-lived who was currently in attendance there. Jupiter was relatively sure that Harry Potter was a year younger than her, the girl being in her fifth year.

As they passed by the classroom, going deeper into the dimly lit hallway β€” she did everything in her power to ignore Arizona's scolding/boasting. It was so weird, with every rebuke toward Jupiter then Arizona would proceed to praise herself.

Arcane Prep was made up of quite a few ancient-looking manors with insane training fields spanned all over the large campus. The current manor they were in held the science and potion-brewing labs, wizarding classes, and no-maj mathematics.

Jupiter took no-maj Algebra for one year and swore that she never would again. It was the most horrible class she had ever taken.

This was also the very same building that Headmaster Apollo's office was in.

Headmaster Apollo was the actual God himself. Alike to his legends, he was capable of many things.

"...Anyway, make sure you're on your best behavior, this is important stuff you're about to hear," Jupiter tuned back in just as they stopped outside of the large wooden door that hid the Headmaster's office behind it.

"Why?" Jupiter questioned curiously, quirking a brow.

Arizona only waved her off, grasping the golden knocker decorated as the sun and bringing it down loudly. Her ponytail swayed as she did so, Jupiter momentarily swearing she was blinded by the brightness of her sister's sunshine locks.

The two sisters were dressed in the exact same uniform as all the other girls in the school with identical high-ponytails and yet they truly could not contrast each other anymore.


Jupiter was curious at the serious tone of the Headmaster, Arizona wasting no time in tossing the doors open. Jupiter followed after her, closing the heavy door behind her as they were greeted with the large round office that belonged to Apollo.

The office was a large round room, similar in size to the oval office of the U.S. president. On one side was a wall of glass windows that made it possible to see everything across the campus training grounds and straight into the dense forest beyond.

The wall opposite to the glass was made up of nothing but bookcases filled to the brim with different grimoires, spell books, history books, novels, medicine books, magical creature books, mythology books, light magic books, black magic books β€” anything a person could dream of could most likely be found within the vicinity of Headmaster Apollo's private library.

It was a spellcaster's wet dream.

Many rugs of different shapes, colors, and sizes were splayed across the old wooden floorboards. It was oddly mismatched but that was the way Apollo liked it, he had never been fond of the cold creaky wood that hid beneath.

Armchairs and small couches were placed in the center of the office, feet away from a large looming desk. The huge desk was rustic making the obviously newly bought leather chair accompanying it appear horribly out-of-place.

Behind the looming desk was a series of filing cabinets holding the secrets to every student on campus inside. The files were charmed heavily, only accessible to the Headmaster himself and those he gave permission to.

Lastly, Jupiter tilted her head toward the ceiling that was charmed to look identical to space. Misty stardust, burning celestial bodies of helium and hydrogen, planets, and the classic inky blackness was what made up the ceiling to Apollo's office.

He had once admitted to Jupiter that it was his version of a "cheap rip-off," to the ceiling in Hogwart's Great Hall. However, Jupiter highly doubted that it was a cheap rip-off as she could not imagine any better of a view.

Jupiter was bumped harshly on the side suddenly, Arizona clearing her throat loudly. The dark-haired girl cast a quick glare to her half-sister before bringing her attention to the one factor of the room that she had not noticed, the three men standing inside.

One of them she recognized immediately for it was the ever-familiar Apollo. One of the only two adults in her life who favors Jupiter over Arizona.

When one saw Headmaster Apollo, they tended to become startled. Unlike the popular belief, Apollo strayed from the usual standard of a magical headmaster in the sense that he was not particularly old.

Actually, scratch that, because Apollo was old β€” very old, in fact. He had at least one-hundred lifetimes over any other Headmaster in the world, Apollo was so old that he could not even remember his own age.

All he knew was that at one point he was not here and then one day he simply... was.

Despite this, he did not appear old. Middle-aged? Maybe. But old? No.

He was a man who could be described as in his late thirties or early forties. His curly locks that did not hold even a wisp of grey were slicked back stopping just beyond the nape of his neck.

Apollo was not necessarily muscular or extremely tall, but he was average. Even as he appeared average his godly strength and sense easily overpowered every single individual within a five-hundred-mile range.

As Jupiter met Apollo's gaze, his lips upturned into the slightest of smiles before her gaze was darting to the men on either side of him.

On his left was a skinny and tall man with a stern face. His hair was entirely grey and many wrinkles adorned it, though he was not so old as to be considered elderly. Jupiter noted that his eyes were a rather dull shade of brown.

She also noted the official look he was wrapped in: shiny loafers, grey slacks, a perfectly crisp collared shirt with a boring grey tie. A grey cloak was placed over his shoulders, the type of cloak that one would only find a wizard adorning.

On the other side was a man who appeared as the contrast to the dull wizard. He was older, yes, but his hair did not hold one strand of grey and was instead a bright shade of brown nearing auburn. His eyes, while they were cold and hard were naturally a warm shade of hazel.

Scars littered the brawny man's figure, his beefy tattooed arms crossed. A brown leather jacket was rolled up over his elbows, dark wash faded jeans clinging to his legs and clunky boots that Jupiter knew had to weigh almost as much as Timmy's rocket boots adorned his feet.

He was an odd-looking wizard for sure, but he also appeared incredibly tough β€” as though this were someone you did not pick a fight with unless you had a death wish.

"Jupiter," her attention befell on her Headmaster once again, "please meet Auror Commissioner Frazier," he jerked a thumb toward the tough-one.

Jupiter recognized the name instantly: though she had never met the man, her father and Slyvia had. Wayne Frazier was the Auror Commissioner of the Magical Congress of the United State, in other words, he was the boss β€” the person who oversaw all work and operations of the American Aurors.

Esmond and Slyvia Marrs spoke highly of Commissioner Frazier, both of them admiring his apparent tough exterior. Even as Frazier had yet to speak a word, Jupiter knew he was more than harsh and cold.

"And this," her attention was taken to the other man, the more practical and boring one, "is the head of the Department of the U.S. International Cooperation: Alaric Oberidge,"

Unlike Frazier, this man β€” Alaric Oberidge β€” gave Jupiter a curt nod which she returned. Jupiter suddenly found herself already liking Oberidge more than Frazier, he was less intimidating and obviously more polite.

"Pleasure to meet you both," Jupiter spoke crisply, but her tone was not impolite.

If the fact that there were two heads for two departments within the Magical Congress was not enough of a hint that this was important then the way that multiple papers, files, folders, and maps spread on a coffee table behind the three men was.

It was painfully clear that before Arizona and she had entered, the three were crammed around the mess behind them in a serious discussion. Whatever was going was big, and for some reason, Jupiter was wanted here.

Did she get herself in trouble somehow?

Sure, Jupiter was not the best at following rules, but she certainly was not the worst. And she definitely had not done something that required the involvement of both the Auror Commissioner and head of the International Cooperation.

Maybe she was being kicked out of the country? But why? She had not done anything involving trouble that bad.

Maybe Slyvia had finally cracked and accused Jupiter of doing something so terrible that it required these two men.

It made Jupiter's heart lurch with panic. It may have been farfetched but she did not put it past her stepmother to do something of the sort: Slyvia could be truly horrid when she wanted to.

"You are not in trouble, Ms. Marrs," Apollo gave a lighthearted smile and despite there being two girls with the last name Marrs present, everyone knew that he was referring to the younger of the two.

"Well, damn," Jupiter joked, wiping her forehead as though she had been sweating (sΜΆhΜΆeΜΆ hΜΆaΜΆdΜΆ), "don't scare me like that..." the word 'bro' was hanging on her tongue, but Jupiter was quick to stop herself.

Jupiter was only allowed to be so informal with the Headmaster when it was them two alone, not when three others β€” two of which were officials β€” were within vicinity.

"Although," it was Oberidge who spoke, and in seconds the entire aura of the room had changed to a heavy and serious atmosphere, "what we are able to speak, every word that emerges within this room is never to be spoken with to anyone outside of myself, your sister, Headmaster Apollo, Commissioner Frazier, and anyone other than who we specifically give you permission to..."

Oberidge's voice was laced with the utmost secrecy, a stern low drawl that had Jupiter's hairs raising not in fear but from excitement.

It was not unoften that the students were sent on small missions within their years of training at Arcane, it was a requirement to graduate. If one wanted to work for SCMD then the person would have had to be on at least one mission through Arcane no matter how small or how big.

Jupiter had been on a few herself, none of which were very big. Normally she was sent to track something down in the woods or locate a person of interest through either magical or technological means. It did not matter how as long as she found the specific person.

That was how it was for nearly all the students, the missions were for practice, it was rare there was ever a serious mission. That was also why Jupiter was getting antsy, whatever they were about to tell her was serious shit: the damn head of International Cooperation and the Auror Commissioner were here.

Her father and Slyvia's freaking boss was here about to give her a mission, not to mention the secrecy they were describing with urgency. Normally, while missions were not supposed to be spoken leisurely, were never so tight with who could know.

"Of course," Jupiter nodded her head, allowing no trace of emotion in her voice as she stood at attention, her arms folded behind her back like a true soldier.

Her back was rod-straight, eyes focused, and attentive as the Trainers taught her to be. Arizona was adorning a similar position from beside her, the usual talkaholic keeping her mouth closed. Arizona may have been a lot of things, but she was also a Marrs, and if you were part of the Marrs family then you were one of the best.

Arizona was one of the best, she was a lethal warrior.

Frazier subtly nodded at both girls' position, content with the obviously salutary training they were receiving.

Oberidge glanced toward the Auror Commissioner, Frazier wasting no time in delving into the details. Turning around, Frazier reached down and picked up a particular file, pacing in front of Jupiter and Arizona.

Just as Jupiter envisioned, the Auror Commissioner's voice was rough and dark β€” nothing about it happy or light in the slightest. It was the type of voice that would send little kids screaming for their mother, the type of voice that made skin crawl, the type of voice that emitted a warrior's suit.

Fraizer opened the butterscotch-colored folder, shifting through the pages filled to the brim with information. He had ceased his pacing standing directly in front of Arizona and Jupiter, his hulking form intimidating and yet neither girl so much as batted an eyelash. Intimidation was a form of weakness, the girls knew better than to flinch away from the Auror Commissioner.

Even if he was one of the single most terrifying people Jupiter had ever laid eyes on. Her gaze could not help but flicker between the many deep scars etched onto his face.

He was scary alright, but Slyvia still held the award of most scary person Jupiter had ever met. She would rather have a full-on brawl with Wayne Frazier than to be yelled at by stepmom Sylvia.

"In Dartmoor, England on August 25 at 21:36 hours, a riot broke out during the final hours of the Quidditch World Cup. Death Eatersβ€”past radicals of Voldemort began destroying everything in their wake, tormenting no-majes and those of no-maj heritage alike,"

Jupiter furrowed her brows, analyzing the moving pictures and information on the pages in front of her.

Frazier was holding up the file so she could clearly see it.

"It is unknown exactly who these Death Eaters are..." Oberidge started: Jupiter, seeing the moving pictures of the Death Eaters.

They were wearing masks, it made them completely unidentifiable. However, Jupiter already knew about all of this, the Quidditch World Cup was over two and a half months ago. They already found the culprit who shot the dark mark in the sky: it was a house-elf, believe it or not.

"β€”But we have our suspicions," Frazier, the Auror Commissioner, jumped in, ignoring the glare that was sent from Oberidge, "I am willing to bet all my money that Malfoy, Avery, Nott, Goyle, Crabbe, and Macnair were involvedβ€”they were all present during the World Cup..."

"Commissioner," Oberidge hissed, venom lacing every syllable, "it is unwise to make blind accusations no matter how much you may believe it!"

The glare that Frazier sent back could have killed anyone on the spot.

"It is common sense, you skinny pathetic foolβ€”!" Before Frazier could finish his insult, voice laced with just as much poison, Apollo stopped them.

He looked annoyed at the bickering between the two department heads.

"The dark mark was shot into the sky not long after the chaos erupted. However, it was later found that a house-elf who belonged to Barty Crouch was responsible for this: she stole Harry Potter's wand and used it," Apollo explained.

Jupiter knew who Barty Crouch was, he was the one who held Alaric Oberidge's same position for the Ministry of Magic in Great Britain. He was Great Britain's International Magical Cooperations head.

"Yes," Jupiter cut in swiftly, eagerly grasping the folder holding the multiple files that Apollo was handing her, "I know all of this, it has been all over the papers for monthsβ€”"

"Silence, girl!"

Jupiter slowly looked up at who snapped at her. However, she barely batted an eyelash as she was more than used to being spoken to this way. Frazier was sneering down his nose at her.

"You would do best to listen, we ain't giving you pointless shit...!" Frazier most likely would have gone on a rant in his loud tone if not for Apollo waving at him to be quiet.

Frazier may have held a higher position than Apollo, but Apollo was a literal God who was highly respected. You would be an idiot not to listen to the Headmaster β€” he was like Albus Dumbledore in that sense.

"This house-elf," Apollo went on, pretending as though he was not interrupted. Arizona snickered silently from next to her causing Jupiter to internally curse out her sister.

"Her name was Winky and she claimed that she did not do this as she did not even know how to perform the dark mark," Apollo explained as Jupiter rose a brow.

Yes, she indeed knew this, the newspapers had been covering this for months. This along with the Triwizard Tournament which had recently begun at Hogwarts: Harry Potter's face was once again splayed on every front page of the news worldwide.

"Is nothing about that suspicious to you?"

Jupiter looked to Frazier who had spoken, his thick eyebrows drawn together as he regarded her with pursed lips.

Despite his near ridiculing of her, he made a fair point. Now that he mentioned it, Jupiter supposed it was suspicious. Actually it was more than suspicious because what were the chances that a house-elf of all things would cast the dark mark. Especially a house-elf who had belonged to Barty Crouch: the only way she would have learned such a curse was under his roof but seeing as Barty Crouch was profoundly denying any connection with Voldemort, it seemed unlikely that Winky could cast such a charm.

"I suppose now that you mention it..." Jupiter said slowly, wanting nothing more than to punch the blonde next to her who rolled her eyes as though she could not believe how slow Jupiter was.

It was not Jupiter's fault though, it was obvious that Arizona had been briefed before this.

"Ignoring any suspicions regarding Barty Crouch, there was something else interesting that happened over a month earlier at the beginning of July..." Frazier had snatched the files back and out of Jupiter's hands, quickly sifting through the papers.

Jupiter's face morphed into one of confusion at the page Frazier landed on.

Bertha Jorkins.

Her picture was printed on the file, a moving picture where she was smiling and waving. She appeared to be in her late thirties, a slightly plump woman raggedy straw-blonde hair. Despite this, she wore a happy smile.

"Bertha Jorkins," it was Alaric Oberidge who was speaking now, "she works in the Department of Magical Games and Sports in the Ministry of Magic; however, she has been missing since a small holiday she took in Albania. The head of her department, Ludo Bagman assures everyone that she is of the forgetful type and most likely wandered off. He is convinced that she will return soon, but with everything that has been going down, her disappearance cannot be a simple coincidence..."

"That brings us to our next case," Frazier cut in, flipping from the picture of Bertha Jorkins to a different picture and case altogether.

An old man, probably in his seventies was staring into the camera with a hard expression. Unlike the other pictures within the file, this one did not move β€” the man's steel eyes frozen on the portrait. It was a clear sign that this man was no magical person of any sort but rather a no-maj: a normal human.

"Frank Bryce," Jupiter now had a name to put to the face, "reported on the no-maj news, he went missing at the end of July β€” nobody has seen nor heard from him since," he flipped the page, handing Jupiter back the files.

She gasped it, her eyes flicking from word to word in a thirsty manner.

"What could a no-maj have to do withβ€”?" Jupiter did not finish her own sentence for she answered her own question.

There in bold was the old man's residence. Little Hangleton, England: he worked for the old Riddle manor.

Riddle. Tom Riddle A.K.A. Voldemort β€” his name before he changed it.

Jupiter's head snapped up so fast she swore she had whiplash. Frazier gave her a curt nod in reply, jaw clenched and a seemingly permanent expression of anger melted onto his face.

"Yes, Riddle residence as in Voldemort's father's old home. Frank was the gardener, and I find it extremely odd that he would disappear so suddenly, not three weeks after Bertha's disappearance and barely a month before the Quidditch World Cup," his words were sharp and hit right at home.

However, Frazier was not finished.

"That is not all, not to mention the peculiarities that have stirred within the walls of Hogwarts? Yes, for the past four years or so the school has had its fair share of extremes, but now Harry Potter's name has been pulled from the Goblet: something that should not be possible."

It was true, it was in nearly every edition to every paper. Jupiter had read all about it, everyone across the world had. The Triwizard Tournament: three schools, three students, three challenges, but only one chance at glory.

In this case, Harry Potter had broken the three student rule as the Goblet forced his name to be entered: Harry was not even of age yet he was a Triwizard champion. The youngest of the lot.

The papers had been going back and forth, some claiming Harry was an innocent victim others claiming he had managed to bewitch the Goblet for his own selfish desire. Personally, Jupiter believed that Harry was the innocent victim: there was no way a mere fourth year could beat Dumbledore's own charm.

Even the noble Harry Potter.

Not to mention that every single picture that was taken of him, Harry looked incredibly depressed and ready to burst into tears. That was certainly not the face of a boy who wanted eternal glory.

"Five days ago, Harry Potter's name was forced out of the Goblet of Fire, that was the final straw. He is fourteen, there is no way possible he could have entered his own name, something big is brewing and it involves Voldemort. Harry Potter is at the center of this as well β€” a victim β€” someone is out for him..." Frazier explained.

Jupiter wasted no time blurting the first name that came to her mind.

"Sirius Black?"

It made sense, the mass murderer had not been caught since his grand escape from Azkaban over a year prior. Even the best of the best, the SCMD, had no leads on his location, but then again the SCMD also did not normally work in Europe.

"Perhaps," Oberidge nodded as Frazier flipped through the pages.

"But there is also the sneaking suspicion of Boliver Traskos," there was a moving picture of a man smoking on the file.

His head was shaved, his eyebrows thick as bricks and eyes colder than ice. He was a rather crazed-looking man, one which truly did not know right from wrong.

"Age forty-two, he was a radical of the Dark Lord back in the day. Not too close to him as Traskos is an American man, but we know for a fact he had some contact with the Dark Lord. Boliver Traskos was Voldemort's key to the U.S. once he conquered Europe. After Voldemort's fall, Boliver pleaded for the Imperius Curse. We have been keeping a close eye on him for the past thirteen years, but in recent months he has appeared rather..." Frazier looked as though he were debating what to say next.

"...Anxious, almost excited," Oberidge finished for him.

Apollo took this as his cue to jump in while Jupiter got the folder back from Frazier.

"He disappeared not even a week after Bertha's disappearance, we haven't been able to find him. It's led us to believe that he is somewhere in Europe as that is the place the SCMD rarely ventures... we believe that either him, Sirius Black, or some other dark wizard is not only causing havoc in Europe but on the very grounds of Hogwarts itself..."

Europe did not approve of the SCMD very much. Unlike the Aurors in Great Britain, Aurors from America were taught to kill on sight. The only way a convict would not be killed was unless the officials needed them for questioning. That was rare though, generally speaking, all Aurors were sent to kill.

This especially included the SCMD.

The one thing about Arcane Prep was that the students were taught early on to show no mercy: death was necessary. It did not matter how the convict was terminated nor with what weapon, whether it be the killing curse, gunshot, stabbed, beheaded: it did not matter as long as they were wiped out.

It was because of this that Europe rarely ever brought in the forces of the SCMD, they did not believe in such heartless methods. To Europe, how was that any better than how Voldemort handled things?

"Okay fine," Jupiter breathed, now successfully caught up, "Harry Potter is in danger and there is potentially a dark wizard on the grounds of Hogwarts," Jupiter's voice was hard but respectful, "what does this have to do with the SCMD let alone Arcane let alone me?"

Jupiter continued, raising a single brow while closing the folder of files. "Europe is not our concern, in fact, they prefer the SCMD to stay away. Not to mention, if this is involving Hogwarts then Albus Dumbledore will take care of it. Even with the dangers of the Tournament, Dumbledore is more than capable of keeping Harry and every other student within the grounds safe."

But like... she ain't lying.

"Correct you are, Ms. Marrs," Apollo started kindly only for Frazier to cut him off gruffly.

"Did you miss the part of Boliver Traskos being an American?" He spat rhetorically, Jupiter now truly getting the sense that this man did not like her. "If Boliver is American then yes," he smiled sarcastically, "he actually is our concern,"

Wayne Frazier was no doubt rough around the edges, but this seemed like far more than his usual toughness. This just appeared as a simple disdain.

Alaric Oberidge took in a breath, throwing another glare at the Auror Commissioner. Jupiter suddenly took back any thoughts of Oberidge being boring as it was clear that β€” even if he may have been a little plain β€” he was far kinder than his co-worker.

Besides, whoever said there was anything wrong with being plain?

"Ms. Marrs, as Traskos is American he is, therefore, the responsibility of the SCMD. While Europe may be slightly opposed to it, they understand that. Furthermore, as suspicions of the fact that he may be lurking around Hogwarts have risen, a plan has been put into action,"

"A plan?" Jupiter folded her arms behind her back after handing Apollo the files.

It was Apollo who finally spoke. "Great Britain is being rather tolerant of the SCMD for once; however, they still do not want the organization sending multiple full-fledged agents onto school grounds. A resolution was voted in: rather than send many agents, there is to be a single undercover and underage junior agent sent as a... transfer student of sorts," Apollo explained.

Finally, Frazier took the spotlight again.

"You will be sent on a mission, should you choose to accept it. For all intents and purposes, you will be a normal transfer student with a fraudulent background. You will attend classes, you will eat with the other students, you will do everything a normal Hogwarts student is expected of. However, you will also be tracking down any sign and investigating suspicious activity of either Boliver Traskos, Sirius Black, or any other potential dark wizard you may or may not come across..."

"Along with the investigation you will be assigned as Harry Potter's protector throughout the school year. Both on and off the Triwizard field you will be in charge of his safety: should he come across anything even as little as a bump on his head you will be held personally accountable..."

Jupiter's heart was racing with each and every word coming from Frazier's lips.


She was in charge of Harry Potter's safety now?

That would be difficult seeing all the trouble he has gotten himself into the past three years!

"You are not to inform him or even hint to him nor any other person who is not already briefed about your true reason for being in attendance. To many people, the SCMD does not exist, it will remain as such. Should anything arise involving the inherent exposure of SCMD, should you be caught, or even if you should be killed, the Magical Congress of the United States of America will disavow any knowledge or relation of you and your actions... do you accept this missionβ€”?"

Jupiter's head was spinning.

This was a serious mission, far bigger than any normal mission the students of Arcane were ever sent on.

"Woah, Woah, wait, hold up buddy!" Her soldier-like exterior cracked causing the Commissioner to throw her a fierce glare. "First of all, who are the ones aware of the mission β€” does Dumbledore even approve of this? Second, why are you choosing me...?"

Why would they choose her? It was not like Jupiter was a bad trainee, but she always came in second to Arizona. Not only that, but she was fifteen, a mere fifth-year.

It was different at Arcane from Hogwarts in the sense that the most important year was the seventh year at Arcane. While at Hogwarts fifth-year was the O.W.L.S year and therefore the most important, Arcane did not require O.W.L.S.

As much as Jupiter loved being the one they came to, she was also curious. This was not normal, surely there was another student more fit for the job than her?

"Dumbledore, Barty Crouch, and a majority of heads at the ministry are more than aware and have given the okay for this mission. Even so, Dumbledore, while he may be slightly hesitant, will be watching you very closely, he wants to make sure there are no... incidents..."

Everyone knew that by incidents he meant killing.

"I have met Dumbeldore quite a few times, good friend," Apollo said β€” Jupiter, already knowing this but saying nothing on the matter, "he will be in close touch with me during the school year informing me of your progress,"

"Further details will be given if you choose to accept the mission," Frazier grunted. "As to answer your other question, you were not our first choice in the selection process,"

Apollo and Oberidge were glaring at the blunt and almost mean tone in Frazier's voice. Arizona, on the other hand, was smirking.

"I was chosen first," Arizona flipped her ponytail with a vicious smile, sticking out her hip for extra effort, "that's why I already knew, they came to me about it first, of course..." she bragged as Jupiter sent her sister a deadpan look.

Honestly, Jupiter was not surprised in the slightest, she would have been more surprised if they had not gone to Arizona first. After so many years in Arizona's shadow, she was accustomed to the darkness.

Arizona had one downfall in Jupiter's opinion, and it was her personality. Outside of that, Arizona was everything that Jupiter could never be, Arizona was perfect. Her looks, her capabilities, anything and everything Arizona managed to do correctly. Had Arizona been sent on this mission, she would have excelled at it

That brought Jupiter to her next question: if Arizona had been asked then why was she not doing it?

"Then why am I here?" Jupiter blankly said with a voice wiped of any and all emotion.

Of fucking course Arizona was chosen first.

Apollo, who much favored Jupiter to her sister gave the young girl an apologetic smile.

"I turned it down," Arizona answered before any of the adults could, picking at her perfectly manicured nails, "as amazing as this opportunity is β€” Europe, British guys, Hogwarts β€” this is my last year at Arcane and I am finally captain of the cheer team, plus this is kind of the most important year, I have a lot riding. Now, if it had been any other year I would have jumped at the opportunity, but I really can't afford it this year..." Arizona said, her voice portraying how much she truly she wanted to go.

Jupiter and her other siblings had listened to her all summer as Arizona expressed her excitement for finally being top-dog of at Arcane, the senior. She was also incredibly excited to take, as she said it, "her rightful place" as the captain of the school cheer team.

(Yes, Arcane has a cheer team, don't ask why because Jupiter honestly does not know the answer).

"As much as I tried to convince her," Jupiter's face morphed into one of offense at the tone Frazier had taken. It was obvious he wanted Arizona on the task. "She isn't budging, but Apollo assures me you are more than fit for the duty... even if you are second best..." the last part really hit home.

For as long as she had been alive she was never as good. Good; yes, but never the best. Jupiter wanted to be the best.

Just this one time maybe she could prove everyone wrong. Maybe she would actually impress her father and Slyvia, maybe it would make Slyvia so proud that she would actually treat Jupiter as a child.

This mission could change Jupiter's entire life (or at least she hoped it would). She would no longer be the black sheep of the family, she would finally get out of Arizona's shadow and settle in the sunshine.

"...Of course, if you turn it down then we will just go ask your brother," they were referring to Atlas, she knew that.

Her heart stopped, Atlas would not even blink before he accepted. He would ask no questions as he would be way too excited at the prospect of an adventure, it was just the way he was hardwired.

"Yes," Jupiter found herself hastily saying, "I accept this mission!"

"Very well," Frazier nodded, "and Apollo mentioned your voice talent, I trust that it will come in handy,"

Jupiter could not help but smirk, tilting her head. Opening her mouth, she spoke, but her voice did not come out in the usual pitchy silk tone. Instead, it came much deeper and raspier, far too deep for any girl: it was a complete copy of Wayne Frazier's voice.

An imitation.

"Indeed," she spoke, Frazier, raising his brows at the exact copy of his tone.

For the first time in the thirty minutes since he had met Jupiter Marrs, the fifteen-year-old managed to impress him.

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