Chap IX

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Taehyun got ready for school...and right now he was waiting for Beomgyu at the bus stop. It was kinda weird today. No one was there at the bus stop except taehyun.
"Did i arrive to early? Why is no one here?"
Taehyun though to himself.

He checked his watch and yes..he sure was early. The bus arrives at 8:45 and right now it was 8:00 am so sure it was early. Because of all the shit going on in his life...he left the home early in the fear of that ghost.

"I shouldn't have come so early... literally why is not a single person here? Usually it's sm rush here"

He was thinking about Calling Beomgyu when he felt shivers down his spine. He just shrugged and paid no attention to it.
Again he felt the shivers and this time he looked behind him to see the same shadow ghost behind him.
Taehyun's blood ran cold at the sight and never in his life he has gotten up and ran so fast. He ran towards any public place he could...the ghost wouldn't follow him or hurt him in between a big crowd.

"Shit not now please! Kai isn't even here....what the hell...i thought ghosts only come at night... I'm doomed today."

He ran and got weird looks from the people on the road but right now he didn't care. He saw a convenience store and walked inside.

"Hope the ghost doesn't follows me here...please don't please please"

Thankfully there were many students and people in the he should be safe. He was panting from all the running..and finally he sat down.

It was already 8:20 Am now....the bus arrives at 8:45 but he can't take the risk of going out again....

"How will I even go to school now? Should I just skip today? No..I can't then what will I do here in this convience store? Should I call Beomgyu? Yes that's what I should do."

He decided to call Beomgyu and ask him to come to the store.

On call]
Beom: hello? Oi Taehyun where are you? I'm waiting for you at the bus stop!
Tae: u-uh...beomgyu hyung...can you please come to the near convience store? T-there's something i-i need to tell you.
Beom: hey taehyun? You sound scared...are you fine?
Tae: yes I'm fine f-for now...but come here please...
Beom: ok ok I'm coming.

[End of call]

Taehyun was waiting for Beomgyu to come now. He just started scrolling his phone to distract himself...well that was a big mistake...he didn't notice the convience store getting empty...and suddenly there was again no one here except one worker and Taehyun and a girl.

Taehyun heared the girl scream so he lifted his head and he saw THE GHOST. It was marching towards Taehyun and the girl saw the ghost even attacks when people are near him? Oh well he's fucked now-

His eyes widened in shock and suddenly he couldn't move an his body was frozen. The shadow was getting closer by each second...and so was Taehyun's heart to getting a heart attack.

"Please...i don't wanna be killed here...why can't i move! I can't even speak! Kai where are you? Please someone! Anyone...Help! Kai where are you"

He closed his eyes in fear and he could feel the shivers and heavy negative vibes near him. He could just pray that Kai comes and helps him...but he left.
The ghost attacked him and he felt a strong pain in his stomach...he looked down to see the ghost again smiling creepily at him...and now getting more closer...and now he could see the ghost's disheveled face. It was terrifying.

The girl had already fainted and the Convience store worker was no where to be seen.

Taehyun was ready to die now...there was no going back. He closed his eyes...the ghost was too close. He was expecting to get attacked again but it didn't happen?
He opened his eyes to See Kai.

The ghost was being punched by Huening kai...and it disappeared again like it always does whenever Kai's around. Relief washed over Taehyun when he saw Kai turning towards him with a worried look. He didn't notice but there were already tears in his eyes.

"Taehyun! Are you okay? Did the ghost hurt you too much? Oh wait- why is there blood stains on your stomach? Wtf happened when i wasn't here!"

Taehyun was too out of his mind to speak...he was just standing there looking at Kai.

"God taehyun! You're bleeding... let's go home and treat you! Taehyun? Taehyunie?"

Kai was getting more worried now...Taehyun wasn't saying anything..he was just standing looking at Kai. Just as he was going to talk again...Taehyun jumped on him hugging him. Kai was taken aback but nonetheless he hugged the other boy.

"You said you will not leave! But you did! I was about to die...thankyou for coming...i really i- "

Kai was sure taehyun was crying. His voice sounded like he was trying not to cry. He again felt that weird feeling...and his heart ached...he wanted to protect Taehyun.

"I'm sorry taehyun...i didn't knew the ghost will attack you even in the daylight...and i thought it only stays at the apartment...but i think it's not haunting the apartment but You. But it's fine now... I'm here, let's go back and treat you...i think you're bleeding a little"
Kai said to taehyun still hugging him...he knew one thing...he hates seeing Taehyun cry.

"What the fuck? Taehyun what happened to your stomach!!!"

Beomgyu screamed after seeing Taehyun. He saw Taehyun was in hugging position...but who was he hugging?
Taehyun got away from kai and looked at Beomgyu.

"Hyung... I'm doomed..."
"Who are you hugging? What's happening oh my god"
"Hyung I'll tell you all the things later...but now I'll be going back can go ahead to school"
"No how can i leave you? Who will treat you wounds... it's bleeding!!!"
"Don't worry hyung... Kai's with me."
"Kai? Who's kai now?"
"I'll tell you later can go ahead"

Beomgyu was still unsure but after continuous affirmations of Taehyun he left...and now kai and taehyun were at Taehyun's apartment.

"Let me see...oh god...the claw marks again! Thankgod it's not to deep...or else idk what would have happened...Taehyun I'm so sorry...i left to find about myself... because last night i saw a dream which gave me some idea..."

"It's saved me anyways plus you didn't knew the ghost would attack me in public...but what did you dream about?"

" Well i saw myself in my school... studying and doing normal things with i think my friends? And then i saw i got hit by a car...and i remember seeing myself in an ambulance...and a girl was crying...i think her name's Bahiyyih.. she was wearing your school's uniform"

"Wait- what? So the dream you remember...i think it will help us to find who you are- and Bahiyyih....i think i have heared that name before... we can find about her when i go to school."

"Thanks taehyun...but first we need to get rid if this ghost who's haunting seems like a very strong Evil spirit...but how did it start haunting you?"

" I don't know... nothing weird happened till the day Beomgyu hyung did those weird shits...wait- WHAT IF IT'S ALL HAPPENING BECAUSE OF THAT? BEOMGYU HYUNG TRIED A SPELL OF SUMMONING GHOSTS FROM A BOOK."


Hello luvs! I'm back with a new chap!! Life's so shitty these days istg-
How about you guys? How are y'all?
So maybe the ghost's reason to be here will be found... And Huening kai's past...what do you think about it?
We'll see that in next chap! Till then take caree💙 Sayonara.

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