Chap: V

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Kai was now sitting beside Taehyun...not knowing what to say...while Taehyun was lost in his own thoughts.

"Why can i see a ghost? Do i have special powers?" Taehyun was thinking...he couldn't understand why he could see Huening kai.

"You know it sucks not knowing who your family is and where you belong" kai suddenly says making Taehyun flinch.

"Yea it must feel sad...wait why do you not don't remember anything from your past?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out...why can't i remember anything? Except the fact that i got hit by a car and died."

" maybe you need to find out yourself like in the movies....or maybe you need a special someone's help. I don't know" Taehyun says looking towards Kai. Kai just kept his head down thinking about what he needs to do.

"Will you help me Taehyun? To find out who i am and why did i die?" Kai asked looking back at Taehyun.

"Umm okay- but don't scare me again or i will not help you" taehyun replies warning Kai.

"Yes yes i won't scare you anymore Taehyun! Thankyouu" kai said happily.

"He's too cute to be a ghost" taehyun thinks to himself smiling too....Kai's smile was contagious.

Next morning Taehyun had School. It was his first day today...he was nervous yet excited. He was already at the bus stop waiting for Beomgyu.

"Hello Taehyun! Morning!" Kai said cheerfully.

"What the- Kai god you scared me! Wtf are you doing here at the bus stop? Are you following me? Seriously?"
Taehyun said surprised...what was this ghost doing here?

"Yes I'm following you because i have nothing else to do hehe...and why can't i be here? I'm a student too afterall" kai said smiling sheepishly clinging to Taehyun.

"Wow... don't tell me you will go to school with me! I can't tell Beomgyu hyung and Soobin hyung i have a ghost companion...they would think I'm crazy and i bet Soobin hyung will be scared."

"You don't need to tell them I'm here~ I'll just go along with you....staying in that house is boring yk?"

"U-uh okay? Don't do anything stupid please...if you do... I'm not gonna talk to you again istg"

"Okayy!" Kai said cheerfully...and he sat beside taehyun.

After a while Beomgyu arrived and taehyun and beomgyu sat in the bus beside each other...while Kai was standing infront of Taehyun cuz he was sitting at the side seat. Taehyun tried to ignore Kai but he can't do it...when he was making weird faces. He acted like he didn't see him and Kai pouted.
Then an idea came in his mind. Kai leaned right infront of Taehyun's face...their noses were almost touching..Now this was weird...Taehyun blinked and his ears were red now.

"Oi taehyun why is your face and ears red? Are you sick bro?"

"Nope I'm fine! N-nothing haha" taehyun said brushing off the topic. He glared at Kai and he just smiled and winked at him.
"God why is this ghost so annoying and handsome? Is he even a ghost?" Taehyun thought to himself.

They reached the School and met up with Soobin. Then they walked through the hallways..and taehyun saw Kai running around and trying to scare the students.
"Is this why he came here? Seriously?" Taehyun scoffs and rolls his eyes walking with Beomgyu to their first class.
Kai also followed taehyun and he sat on a seat behind taehyun which was empty.

The classes were going on normally except for Taehyun. He could see all the crazy shit Kai was doing. He was walking behind the teacher and making fun of her. And sometimes he was queitly sitting listening to the teacher.

It was 4th period now and it was Chemistry...a subject Taehyun liked very much.
There was a guy in the class who was constantly disturbing the class and bothering a guy sitting infront of him. The teacher saw him and asked him a question:
"Seems like you know this chapter already Mr. Ahn? Care to answer this? Why do elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties?"

The guy was just standing without answering...and now the class was laughing at him.
"Anyone who knows the answer?"
Taehyun raised his hands. The teacher nodded and he started explaining.

"The quantity of valence electrons affects the physical and chemical properties of elements. The number of valence electrons in group of elements is the same. As a result physical and chemical properties of elements in the same group are comparable."
Taehyun finsihed and the teacher clapped.

"See! This is how you answer Mr.Ahn... good job Taehyun, sit down"

The guy named Ahn Soojun looked at Taehyun with anger. He just embarassed him infront of whole class. He's definitely gonna take revenge later.

"Wow taehyun you're so smart...smarty pants Taehyunnie huh"
Kai teased Taehyun and laughed.

"Shut up kai...let me study" Taehyun smiled and scoffed making kai laugh more.
This ghost wasn't so bad after all.

Now it was lunch break and Beomgyu, Taehyun and Soobin sat together...Kai was also there but only Taehyun could see him anyways.
"I'll go bring our lunch! Wait for me here guys" beomgyu said and Soobin also followed behind him. Taehyun was sitting alone now..not really tho.

Kai was watching other people when he saw that Soojun guy walking towards them...and he knew his he heared him before in class talking with his friends to Spill his food over Taehyun and make his fun.
"Not in my presence mr.ahn hah"

Just when Soojun came towards Taehyun...kai stretched his legs forwards and Soojun tripped and fell down with his food all over him...and he embaressd himself instead of Taehyun.
Taehyun saw this and he saw Kai sending him a wink.
"Whoa so now Kai is protecting me? I didn't knew ghosts were this nice." Taehyun thought and giggled.
Kai was now laughing over Soojun.

"Did you see that taehyun? He was planning to ruin your uniform and i ruined his instead hahahah"

"Yes i saw...Thanks Kai" taehyun said and Kai just smiled at him. He looked like an angel smiling. So sweet and warm.

Then Beomgyu and Soobin arrived too and they started talking and eating. Kai felt useless here so he just vanished...
"Where did he go? He got bored i guess"

Now it was time to go home and Kai still wasn't back. Maybe he found something interesting to do. Taehyun thought and walked home. It was already past 7 now (korean schools yk) he was so tired he literally had no energy left. His first day was fun and tiring. He just wanted to go home eat and take a small nap.

Taehyun reached home and ordered some take outs. After eating them he went to take a small nap.

"I wonder where did Kai go" taehyun thought...and laid on his bed. He set an alarm of 2 hours and went to sleep.

Taehyun was sleeping...when he suddenly felt something near him...he opened his eyes and his room felt weird. He felt negative vibes all around him. The floor was producing a creaking sound...and the lights were off. It was oddly weird and kinda scary. Taehyun was gonna turn the lights on when suddenly he got pushed to the bed and saw Kai hovering over him smiling at him devilishly...a dark aura emitted him...and his hands were on Taehyun's neck....he was choking Taehyun.
"K-kai what a-are y-you d-doing...stop i c-can't breathe!"
Taehyun was struggling but Kai's grip was too strong. The room was dark and Kai didn't seem like Kai. It was like a dark shadow... looking at taehyun dead in the eye...a devilish smile plastered on it's face...and the hands were choking him badly...tears were rolling down his cheeks...and he could hear a faint ringing in his ears. He couldn't move and his voice was not coming out. He was very scared now. This didn't seem like Kai at all...the sweet ghost Kai.


Hello Luvs~ I'm back! How are you guys?
And this Chapter is a bit longer than the others. If you liked this don't be a silent reader and tell mw how it is!
So byeee take caree Ily💙 see y'all in next chap!

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