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Maze Runner stars arrested after assaulting Timothee Chalamet!

Late last night, actor's Dylan O'Brien and Will Poulter were arrested for the charges of aggravated assault against Timothee Chalamet outside Los Angeles club. We are unaware of what may have started the fight, but we know it may be due to the O'Brien's girlfriend and Chalamet's ex, Lavender Francis. While Poulter was released, O'Brien is charged with a fine and may even spend some time in jail.
With a pregnant girlfriend at home, due to give birth any time, O'Brien better get out soon!
We know Chalamet spent his night in the hospital and was released this morning. What we really want to know is, what caused the aggression against Chalamet?

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When Lavender agreed for Dylan to go out with Will last night, she hadn't expected the call she received hours later. Now running around the house to find her car keys to drive down to the county jail, which is something she never imagined doing, especially to bail out Dylan. Will was sat in her livingroom, a busted face and bloodied fists. He'd told her everything the moment he arrived at her door last night.

Timothee had been the one running the account, Dylan knew was sure of it. The pair had planned on going out to talk to him, figuring out he'd been at the club. But once they'd got there, Timothee had edged Dylan on, refusing to shut up about Lavvie. Will had tried to stop Dylan, but when Timothee said things he didn't like, he let Dylan take out his anger. Will joining in as well, until the cops showed up and cuffed them.

"Stay here." Lavvie demanded, a stern glare at Will who nodded at her while she walked out.

Lavvie drove down to the station, her hands shaking and stomach tightening. If she wasn't stressed before, she sure was now. When she walked into the station, she received odd looks from the officers, mostly directed at her large belly.

"Im here to bail out my idiot boyfriend." Lavvie said, leaning against the countertop. The cramps from stress only seemed to get worse as she stood inside.


"Dylan Rhodes O'Brien."

"I'm going to need you to fill out some paperwork." The officer said, handing her a clipboard that she really didn't want to deal with. Lavvie grabbed the clipboard and a pen, taking a seat in the hall. She couldn't focus on the paperwork, too distracted by the pains that were moving to her back.

"Miss? Are you okay?" One of the officers said, watching the girl as she held a pained look.

"Y-yeah." Lavvie mumbled, doing her best to ignore the pain. She was able to finish the paperwork and handed it back to the woman, along with the $2000 check. "Can you please hurry with him?" Lavvie asked, she could feel her body grow weaker as the pain struck again.

"Ma'am? Are you sure you're okay?" The officer asked once more, walking up behind Lavvie to support her.

Lavvies eyes squeezed shut, the pain now unbearable and her pants soaked. Immediately a group of officers stood around her, each trying to help calm her.

"Her water just broke!" She heard one of the officers, Lavvie couldn't breathe, there was no way she was going into labor. Not now, not with Dylan sat in a cell, not in a police station.

"I need Dylan, pl-please, get me Dylan!" Lavvie cried, feeling herself being sat onto a chair.

"How far along are you?" Lavvie was asked, her hands gripping onto the sleeves of an officer.

"37 weeks." Lavvie answered, finally able to look up at the officers. "Please just get me, Dylan." Lavvie begged, tears streaming down her face.

"We just sent someone to get him, we've got to get you to the hospital." She was told, Lavvie nodded, trying to stand as the officers assisted her. They helped her outside, where one of the officers were sat in the car waiting to take her.

"No, no, I can't leave without Dylan." Lavender cried, wanting to run back into the building.

"Sweetheart, if we don't get you to the hospital now, you're going to have to deliver this baby in that station."

Lavvie wanted to breakdown more, she knew they were right and that she should get in the car but the thought of delivering their baby without Dylan pained her. She was helped into the car, almost instantly leaving the car park. The officer driving took no time turning on their sirens and speeding to the hospital.

"Hey, its going to be okay." The officer assured her, Lavvie shook her head at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "One of the other officers got your keys, your husband will be on his way soon. You just need to slow your breathing, okay?"

"We didn't even decide a name." Lavvie told him, her breathing only picking up.

"Whats your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Lavender, I'm officer Ryan. Do you have any names in mind?" Lavvie knew he was trying to calm her before they got to the hospital, and she did her best to comply.

"D-Dylan likes Fleur."

"That means flower, right?"

"Yeah, he-he thought it would be fitting." Lavender started to calm, cupping her stomach.

"What do you like?"

"Maeve or-or Aurora, then we can call her Rory." Lavvie let out a giggle, they'd watched gilmore girls so much during the pregnancy they both thought it would be cute to name their daughter after one of the characters.

"Those are all great names." Officer Ryan told her, pulling into the hospital emergency exit. "Lets get you inside." He said, getting out of the car and running over to the otherside to assist her.

Several doctors ran outside when the noticed the police car, seeing the pregnant woman they immediately ran for a wheelchair. Lavender now being wheeled inside, she was surprised the officer stuck by her.

"I'll stay here until your husband gets here, would you like that?" Officer Ryan asked and she nodded quickly, each time he called Dylan her husband her heart would race. But with the contractions getting worse, she was rushed into a room.

Once Lavender was changed into the hospital gown and laid on the uncomfortable bed, she grabbed her phone. The doctor's told her she wasn't quite ready to deliver but will be soon, with the severity of the contractions. She quickly dialed Wills number, needing her best friend in that moment.

"Hey, Lavvie, did you get him."


"Whats wrong?"

"You need to get to the hospital, right now. Will, I'm in fucking labor and Dylan's not here yet, I don't know what to do." Lavender cried, the officer was stood outside her door, respecting her privacy but staying close in case she needed something.

"Shit, fuck, okay I'm coming."

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