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- Isobel

"Where's the device?" Bonnie questioned sitting in Alaric's classroom next to Elena as she glanced between the twins who had just recently informed the Bennett witch that their birth mother Isobel had kidnapped their brother. Grace had already done an locator spell and knew exactly where her brother is as he was at Isobel apartment her minions had taken him to.

The red headed girl didn't want to risk her brothers life by storming into the place and killing every single person there when she knew full well Isobel wouldn't hesitate into killing Jeremy just to make Elena and Grace understand she would go to great lengths just to get the device that everyone seems to want to get their hands on.

"Damon has it. He's gonna be difficult to reason with" Stefan pointed out from beside Grace causing the red headed girl to pace back and forth in frustration with an concerned and worried expression on her face for her brothers safety as the only way Isobel is going to let her brother go is if she receives the device that Damon currently has, " Then we'll go to him. I'll speak with him" Elena resorted with a determined expression on her face as she turned her head to the side to face Bonnie.

Stefan shook his head in response, turning his head to stare at his girlfriend in exasperation and muttered, " He's not just gonna end it over, especially if it's harm for the vampires." Elena frowned as she stared at her sister who's eyes lit up like she had an idea as she glanced between Bonnie, Elena and Stefan and spoke up, "What if it's not?"

The youngest Salvatore brother and Elena both looked between Grace and Bonnie making the two girls roll their eyes in annoyance as the red headed girl had a scowl on her face as she didn't really like using her magic unless it was absolutely necessary as she didn't want to take advantage of her abilities that she has but if it's to save the people that she cares about she would do it without hesitation.

Which is why, Grace, Bonnie, Elena and Stefan made their way to the boarding house to inform Damon of their plan of handing over the device to Isobel but Bonnie had agreed to take the power away - Grace was confused on why the Bennett witch immediately agreed to do the spell without Grace help seeing as she disliked both Stefan and Damon but thought she was doing it for Elena who had pleaded with her best friend to help her.

"Absolutely not" Damon called out with narrowed eyes as he stood in front of the four of them with a suspicious look on his face shooting Bonnie a look only to turn his head to the brunette as she began speaking with a pleading expression on her face, " just hear me out." Damon shook his head in response with a disbelief look on his face as he explained, " I'm not gonna give the device to Isobel so she could give it to John, who is going to turn around and kill me with it. I like being a living dead person."

Elena sighed with an exasperated look on her face raising her brows as she tried to persuade Damon into agreeing with her sisters plan, "But it would be useless, Bonnie can take its power away" Damon scoffed as he turned to face Bonnie with a knowing look before turning his attention back to the twins and his brother, "I don't trust her, why can't Gilbert witchy do it. I actually trust her"

"Because I have to go pick up my dress for the float from Caroline's before I meet up with Elena to rearrange meeting our vampire mother. Look, I trust Bonnie so trust me when i say Bonnie will be able to remove the magic in the device" Grace softly replied with a pleading look but Damon didn't budge as he didn't trust the Bennett witch one bit seeing as Bonnie hated him with a passion as has done ever since she had met him and wouldn't be surprised if she threw him under the bus to get him out of all there lives knowing how reckless the oldest Salvatore was and wanted to keep the people the cares about safe.

"I can remove the original spell" Bonnie replied with an nonchalantly expression on her face folding her arms across her chest as Elena turned around to face Damon throwing her arms out with a smile on her face and exclaimed, " John and Isobel will never know" The oldest Salvatore brother still shook his head as he wasn't convinced with the plan the four of them had come up with, " No, No. I'll get Jeremy my own way."

Grace scoffed with a look of annoyance on her face leaning against the couch standing between Elena and Stefan, " really? How are you doing to do that? I already know where my brother is but the second I walk through that door and attempt to kill anyone who'll get in my way to get Jeremy we would be risking his life as Isobel or her minions could kill him in a heartbeat and I'm not willing to take that risk"

Damon stared at Grace for a moment before he let out a sigh turning his attention to the Bennett, " are you even up for this? No offence, you're no Emily Bennett. Emily knew what she was doing but I also know your not as good as Gracie here." Bonnie clenched her jaw in slight jealously as she knew Grace was more powerful than she is as she had seen what the red headed girl has gone but also because of how her grandmother always praised her best friend seeing as Grams was Grace's mentor ever since she was a child and had taught her nearly everything she knew, " I've been practicing"

"It's not piano lessons, honey" Damon sarcastically told her with a taunting smirk on his lips causing Bonnie to immediately stand up from the table she sat on and made her way over towards the raven haired vampire until she was standing in front of him and inquired, " What's your favourite book? Name a book. Any book"

Damon rolled his eyes as he let out a sigh moving slightly on his face with a thoughtful expression on his face and began, " Name a book... how about ' call of the wild' Jack London" Bonnie scoffed turning around to face the bookcase with a look of determination on her face when suddenly a book flew past Grace and landed in the raven haired vampires hand.

"Jack Landon" Damon muttered as he looked down at the book before turning his attention to Stefan, Elena and Grace not impressed by the slightest as he had witnessed the kind of spells Grace had done and since she's been using her magic since she was a child she has more knowledge when it came to spells and how to remove certain spells, " great parlor trick" Damon continued throwing the book on the couch ignoring the smug look on Bonnie's face.

Elena sighed noticing the expression on Damon face as she folded her arms across her chest and resorted with a serious look, " We're doing this, Damon. And we're gonna do it my way. Now give me the device, we're wasting time" Damon huffed in frustration as he looked away from Elena pointing over at Bonnie and stated, "I don't trust you, I tried to kill you."

Bonnie nodded her head in agreement glaring over at the vampire with a shrug of her shoulders and replied, "Mm, you're right. You can't trust me" Grace rolled her eyes in annoyance as she pinched the bridge of her nose not wanting to go through telling the plan once again, " but you can trust me and Elena. Look, I know none of you like one another but can you two just play nice until we sort this out and hand the device over to Isobel and John and then you can go back to hating one another"

Damon stayed silent for a moment with an hesitant expression on his face before his blue eyes scanned the room letting out a sigh as he reached into his pocket pulling out the device handing it over to Grace who tossed it over to Bonnie while the red headed girl grabbed his hand with a small smile on her face, " thank you"

Grace turned around as she watched Bonnie take the grimoire out of her bag flipping it to the right page before placing it on the table where candles where lit before placing the device on the table. The red headed girl rolled her eyes nudging Damon who seemed annoyed with the situation as Bonnie held her hands out levitating the device with her magic with her eyes closed as the lights began to flicker on and off and the fireplace fire began to raise higher.

Not a moment later Bonnie opened her eyes catching the device as she turned to face Elena and Grace with a small smile on her face, " Done" Bonnie handed the device back to Elena as Damon looked between the four of them and curiously questioned, " Great, now what?" Grace grabbed the device from her sister holding it up for everyone to see with a knowing look on her face, "Now we give it to Isobel"


Later on that evening, after dropping off her dress at home Grace was forced to meet up with Isobel in the town square with her sister. Though the red headed despised her birth mother and wanted nothing more than to cause her excruciating pain she held back knowing that if she did anything it would put her brothers life at risk who was currently at Isobel's house with her birth mothers minions who was keeping an close eye on the Gilbert boy.

Currently, Grace let out a sigh as she walked down the pathway next to Elena as her eyes scanned around the town square searching for their birth mother when suddenly she felt a rush of air fly by causing the red headed girl to immediately turn around pushing her sister behind her protectively just as Isobel appeared in front of her daughters and questioned, " where is the device?"

"Where's our brother?" Grace and Elena resorted in simultaneously narrowing their eyes at Isobel who scoffed in disbelief shooting her daughters a look and firmly replied, "This is not a negotiation. Where is the invention" Grace rolled her eyes not afraid of her vampire birth mother for a second as she twisted her hand casting a pain infliction on Isobel who groaned in agony holding onto her head as the red headed girl demanded, " where is my brother?"

Elena placed her hand on her sisters arm gaining her attention causing her to stop the spell she was currently using on Isobel who stood up properly after she was on her knees screaming in pain slightly impressed with her daughter, " Do you really think that I came alone?" Grace turned her head only to see Isobel minions causing her to sigh in irritation as she turned her head to stare at Isobel with an amused expression, " you must be really stupid to even think about threatening a witch. You know I can kill them with a snap of my fingers"

Isobel scowled staring directly at Grace with an annoyed expression opening her mouth to say something but her oldest daughter spoke up gesturing towards Stefan and Damon who appeared behind her, "Do you think that we came alone?" Isobel smiled falsely at the two Salvatore brothers before turning back around to face the twins with a huff, " For God's sakes, call home"

"What?" Elena questioned with an confused expression on her face causing Isobel to roll her eyes once again as she repeated herself, "Call home and ask to speak to your brother Jeremy." Grace immediately took out her phone from her pocket and called the house phone sighing in relief when Jeremy answered the phone, " hello?"

"Jeremy, are you okay?" Grace curiously questioned with a worried and concerned look on her face as Elena listening in on their conversation with a look of relief on her face causing a small smile to appear on her lips. " Yeah yeah I'm fine, Uncle John hit his head. It was an accident," Jeremy replied causing Grace to chuckle when she heard her aunt call out loudly, " and we're all laughing!"

"Yeah, but I'm okay" Jeremy assured his sister causing Grace to smile sharing a look with Elena as she replied, "I'll be home soon, alright?" The youngest twin hung up the phone as she turned around to face her mother with a shake of her head as she continued, " you were never gonna hurt him" Isobel smirked tauntingly at her two daughters and confessed, " No, I was gonna kill him. Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me. I don't have any"

Grace rolled her eyes folding her arms across her chest and muttered under her breathe, " wasn't planning on it" Isobel couldn't help but smile in amusement at her youngest daughter fiery personality before it quickly disappeared when Elena decided to speak up and inquired, " but you took a risk with Damon. How did you know he was gonna give it to me?"

"Because he's in love with you" Isobel answered with a smirk shrugging her shoulders casually causing Damon to turn his head exchanging a look with his brother shifting on his feet uncomfortably while Stefan clenched his jaw with a look of jealous looking down at the ground. Grace rolled her eyes at the look of surprise on her sisters as it was obvious that Damon was falling in love with her she could tell by the way he looks at her as it was the same look that would appear on Nik face whenever she caught him staring at her.

Grace pulled out the device from her pocket placing it in Isobel hand as she took a step forward and mumbled, " thank you" Isobel frowned in confusion tilting her head to the side as she stared at the red headed girl and curiously questioned, " For what?" The Gilbert witch scoffed with a shake of her head narrowing her eyes at her birth mother and resorted, " For being such a monumental disappointment. It keeps the memory of my real mother perfectly intact.Β  I want you to leave Mystic Falls and never come back because if you do I won't hesitate to rip your heart out of your chest"

" Goodbye, girls. As long as you have a Salvatore on each arm, you're doomed. Katherine was smart. She got out. But we all know that you're not Katherine." Isobel spoke with a smirk on her face being turning her attention to her youngest daughter her eyes softened at the sight of her, " you're different Grace, your smarter, I would take my advice and stay far away from the Salvatore brothers because if you don't turn into a vampire because of them... they will be the cause of your death"

Isobel sent one last smile to Grace as she placed her hand against her cheek causing both Damon and Stefan to take a protective step forward as the four of them watched Isobel leave the town square with her minions. Damon placed his hand on the youngest twin shoulder causing her to turn around as wrapped her arms around his neck causing the raven haired vampire to sigh as he ran his hand through her red hair whispering comforting words ignoring the looks both Elena and Stefan were sending his way.

Elena smiled gratefully at the oldest Salvatore as she knew the only person Grace really opened to other than Caroline is Damon she had no idea why but understood it's because he would do anything for the people he cares about even if he doesn't show it half of the time he cared deeply for Grace as she was the closest thing he had to a best friend.

Stefan, on the other hand couldn't stop glaring at the two with a look of jealously and enviously as no matter how many times he has tried to convince himself that Grace was only a friend he couldn't deny his feelings for her but it was too late especially since he is dating her twin sister and the fact that the red headed girl had already moved on and is seeing some other guy as she isn't the type of person to wait around in hopes to get the guy.

Grace was finally happy and it was because of Nik as the red headed girl always thought of herself as a second choice that nobody would even think about getting to know her because there interested in her only because they want to get on her pants. But these past couple of weeks Nik had shown her that he will always choose her and will always put her first above anything else and it made Grace to start to fall in love with him as she had never felt this way before not with Tyler and definitely not with Stefan.

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