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✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

━━ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

part two

THE NIGHT WAS UPON them as Guinevere stood next to Josie and Rafael. Laughter filled the air and the chatter of their fellow students reached their ears as the brunette Saltzman twin held out her hands, using her powers to summon Landon.

Suddenly the Elison girl noticed Landon being dragged towards them by the an unseen force. The boy coughed slightly as he gathered himself before lifting his body off the forest floor. "Raf?" He questioned as soon as he recognized his foster brother in front of him. "What the hell, man?"

Rafael moved over to Landon, pulling him into an embrace. "Y-You all right? They helped me get you out."

"Summoning spell." Josie happily said from beside the Elison girl. Guinevere looked over at the girl next to her smiling at how proud the girl was of herself. "Did I bruise you? I'm really still working out the kinks."

"Summoning spell?" Landon asked in disbelief. Rafael quickly began speaking again, happy to see his friend. "Let's get you a drink, bro."

The pair of boys quickly took off, leaving Josie and Guinevere alone together. The girls smiled at one another, this being the first time their alone with each other. Suddenly Guinevere spoke up. "Hey you wanna get a drink?"

"Sure." Josie nodded her head, a soft smile gracing her lips as she agreed. The Elison girl reached down to lightly latch onto Josie's hand before she tugged her into the direction of the drinks.

After the girls got their drinks, they wandered around the group of people, chatting about their hobbies when Josie turned her head ever so slightly.

"So I've been interested in these types of books ever since I was a kid so naturally it carried on into my teenag-" Guinevere cut herself short when she noticed that Josie was preoccupied with something else. The Elison girl turned her head in the direction Josie was looking at when she saw Penelope, the girl who had been practicing magic earlier in class. The girl who Lizzie dubbed 'Josie's evil ex.'

"Josie, are you okay?" Guinevere asked pulling the Saltzman girl out of her staring contest with Penelope. Josie turned her head back around to face Guinevere, an apologetic look on her face. The Elison girl placed her free hand that wasn't clutching onto a drink onto Josie's shoulder, a sympathetic expression plastered onto her face. "I don't know you that well seeing as how we just met this morning but... I know what it's like."

"What do you mean?" The brunette Saltzman twin inquired, confused as to what Guinevere could mean.

Guinevere sighed lightly before she spoke again. "There was this girl that I really liked and I thought she liked me. We dated for a few months until I found out she was using me. She really wanted this other girl who was in the year above us and was using me to make her jealous. It broke me to the point where I couldn't even look at her without feeling this pain in my chest."

Josie stared at the girl in front of her, shocked at what she had just learned. When Guinevere felt Josie's eyes on her, she glanced down slightly, pulling her hand that was still on the girls shoulder down.

"I can imagine that wasn't easy to talk about so thank you, Guinevere." Josie earnestly spoke, genuinely thankful towards the Elison girl. The blonde simply waved her hand in a dismissive manner.

The Saltzman twin grabbed onto the hand that Guinevere was waving, gripping onto it. "I'm serious, Guinevere. I truly appreciate it. You noticed that I was upset and in order to make me feel better told me something that I could relate too even though it would make you sad. Honestly no one had ever done that for me before so thank you."

Guinevere smiled at the girl in front of her, lightly squeezing the hand that gripped onto her own. "You're very welcome, Josie."

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

The night was continuing though now all Guinevere wanted to do was go to bed. She had been walking though the school, trying to navigate her way back to her room when she saw Josie ahead of her. The Elison girl lightly ran up to the girl, hoping Josie could help her find her room. "Josie. Hey."

Her voice caused the Saltzman girl to cease her walking and instead turn to face Guinevere who was making her way over to her. A smile graced both the girls lips as they saw each other. "Hey, I thought you went to bed?"

"Yeah, well as it turns out this place is pretty hard to make your way around and I have gotten severely lost." Guinevere said as she stopped in front of the Saltzman girl. She cheekily smiled at Josie before asking, "Do you think you could help?"

"Yeah sure. I just have to find MG first and then I'll help. Wanna come with?" Josie agreed happily, the Saltzman girl glad to have made a new friend.

Guinevere nodded her head, willing to do anything to get back to her room and get to bed before she fell asleep in the school corridors. "Yeah sure."

The girls then continued on down the corridor that Josie had been walking when Guinevere saw her. "The kitchen is through there. He sometimes goes in here to get blood bags since he can't feed on humans."

"Right, MG is a vampire. I completely forgot." Guinevere said as she walked alongside Josie, laughing slightly at what she had just said. If you had asked her a month ago if she believed Vampires, Werewolves or even Witches existed, the Elison girl would have laughed and called you crazy.

Before Josie could reply, the girls found themselves stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Their eyes falling upon MG, one of Josie's closest friends and Penelope, Josie's ex girlfriend, locking lips before MG pulled back and began leaning towards Penelope's neck, his mouth open slightly.

"MG?" Josie asked in shock. Her voice caused the pair to look up towards the door to see Josie staring back at them, betrayal in her eyes, Guinevere alongside her. Suddenly Josie turned around and took off, not wanting to be around Penelope or MG.

The Elison girl followed quickly after her, not wanting to be around the pair either and also not wanting to see Josie deal with what she had just seen alone. "Josie, wait." She called out after the girl.

"I just can't believe it." Josie said when she reached the corridor filled with rooms. "Why is it that everyone I know finds a way to hurt me or make me feel bad? Why can't I just be happy for once?" The girl muttered to herself, annoyed at what she had seen.

"Josie, I'm so sorry you had to see that." Guinevere spoke as she stopped in front of her new friend. "No one deserves to see something like that even if they are one of the worst people. And Josie, I can already tell that you're one of the good people in this world."

Josie looked at the blonde in front of her, finding herself once again appreciating the girls words. "It's fine. I care too much. It's kind of a problem." The Saltzman girl said brushing off the subject, wanting to just move on.

Guinevere stared intently at the witch in front of her, a slightly frown on her lips at how Josie was just willing to ignore it for the sake of everyone else's happiness. "I don't think it's a problem."

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

Lizzie Saltzman was lying down in her bed when her room door opened and Josie slowly walked in, her uneasy smile unnoticed by her twin.

"Hey, Jo." The blonde twin greeted, smiling as she scooted a little over in her bed to make space. Once Josie joined Lizzie in her bed, Lizzie looked up at her sister who was staring unfocused and waited for her to talk.

"I just saw MG with his tongue down you-know-who's throat." Josie sighed, not knowing how to express how she felt. Which at that moment was a betrayal.

"Gross! He should know better than to make out with the Dark Lord. Bad friend move." Lizzie scrunched her nose in disgust, grimacing as she envisioned the unsettling sight.

Josie heard her statement but didn't exactly take it in fully as her mind was fully focused on the memory, her thoughts overwhelming her as she whispered, 'yeah' quietly. Lizzie felt the heartbreak in Josie and tried to console her.

"Just, forget about her. Focus on somebody new, a good crush will even you out." Immediately Josie's mind went to Guinevere without even having to think about it, and she had slightly smiled at the thought of her. Guinevere was after all the only girl, other than Penelope, that had actually solely made a slight effort with her.

She smiled thoughtfully before Lizzie moved closer to her, cuddling her closely, "I'm setting my sights on Rafael. If he ever speaks to me again after I was such a freak show."

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

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