Chapter Nineteen

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When Monday morning came, I didn't even have to open my eyes to know that I was in Alessia's body still.

I kind of saw it coming—and then there was the eery sense of joy caused by the possibility of seeing Dylan again.

With a huff, I ripped the sheets off Alessia's body before jumping into the shower.

When I was clean, I brushed my teeth before drying my hair. I couldn't help but stomp around all over the place, and then I realised.

Alessia's dad.

I dropped all that I was holding and checked the time.

I had one minute.

I unlocked her door as fast I could, sprinting down the stairs so fast I almost slipped. When I got downstairs, I didn't even check the time before I shook him awake.

As always, he moaned and groaned, and then he checked the time.

He laughed, slapping my leg. "For once, my pathetic excuse of a daughter can tell the time," I ducked my head, seeing as Alessia thought that was best. "Then again, you always find some way to show me up," with that, he shoved me into the wall and walked straight past me.

Well, that wasn't too bad.

After checking that the coast was clear, I dashed back up to Alessia's room, leaving her hair as it was and starting her makeup.

When I was done, I quickly ran serum through Alessia's hair, turning her frizzy hair into beautiful curls. You're welcome. Like always, threw Alessia's hair into a half up–half down style, though turning the ponytail into a small bun on Alessia's head before tying a ribbon around the hairband.

Slipping on Alessia's shoes, I sprayed her body with the perfume that smelt the most like my signature scent. I'm surprised Alessia didn't try to steal the actual bottle of my perfume from Dylan's house.

I almost forgot their project and so emptied the bag of everything I had worked on before shoving it into Alessia's school bag.

And that's when I saw it.

The t-shirt Alessia had borrowed from Dylan.

I hadn't let Alessia take control of her body for long at his house, and I don't recall her stealing his top when she did have control. Perhaps it was a mistake, perhaps I accidentally grabbed it. Or maybe she accidentally picked it up when he dismissed her after their kiss.

Whatever the reason was, I didn't care. I grabbed Alessia's bag and left her room, and then her house.

When I entered Nell's shop, I greeted her but kept the conversation short when I was paying since I was beginning to run late.

I got to school with ten minutes to spare and used the time to walk to toilets that wouldn't be occupied by the ghost of Olivia Clark's past. Well, Kiara, but it's all the same these days.

When I was finished in the toilets, I hurried to our registration class, taking my designated seat at the back in the corner. I spent most of the time putting the finishing touches on Alessia's homework, which I had deliberately left unfinished to make time throughout the day. My life was beginning to become very hard.

I was suddenly interrupted by the seat next to me being taken. I sighed, knowing that it would just be another bully coming to play. But, when I looked up, I recognised the boy as Lucas, the one person who had actually spoken to me at Matt's party.

"Hey," he said, holding out a packaged croissant, "Whatcha working on?" Lucas annoyed Alessia, but I could actually use the friends.

So I smiled, saying, "French."

He frowned over at the sheet I was completing, "That's quite low-grade stuff," he acknowledged. He wasn't mocking Alessia, but she thought that he was. After all this time of being bullied, she'd finally caved; her trust diminished. But I was not that way.

I nodded, "My French teacher doesn't think I can do the high-grade stuff." I told him, watching as curiosity sparkled in his eyes.

"Say that in French," he said, eyes challenging me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

He smiled, leaning back in his chair, "I know you can do it; you used to be the top of my class before they made you drop a few sets." He said.

I frowned. As Olivia Clark, I was in Lucas' set, but I don't remember Alessia ever being in my class. Then again, I wasn't always in the top set; perhaps I got my spot in the class when she left it.

"So you want me to say what I just said in French?" I asked him, trying to recall what I had just said. He nodded, smiling.

"Okay," I began, starting a mental translation in my head. "Mon professeur.." I began, seeing him nod, beaming at me. I grinned, and then continued, " français ne pense pas que je puisse faire les choses de haute qualité."

When I was finished, Lucas grinned at me, "c'est de la merde. J'ai un travail de qualité que vous pouvez emprunter?"

I paused, "really?" I asked, overwhelmed at the first bit of kindness that I was experiencing in four days. And it felt warm and light. Lucas was going to give me some of his higher grade work. He beamed, nodding at me.

"I'll get it now," he said, raising from his seat and walking over to his friends. They watched as Lucas silently picked up his bag and placed it down on the table beside mine before he sat back down.

I glanced between him and his friends, "are you sure?" I asked him, uncertain.

He nodded, smiling again, "oh," he said, holding out the croissant he had been holding, "I brought this for you," I frowned down at it as I took it, "you told me you liked croissants when you were in my class for French." He said, shrugging.

I smiled up at him.
Well, I'll be damned—I think Lucas has a crush on Alessia. Score for me.

It's too bad she's already pining for my best friend whilst I—out in my real body—remain oblivious to this fact.

I took the croissant gingerly, slipping it and the work Lucas had lent to me into my bag. We were soon dismissed, and I left the classroom for Biology, my first lesson.

When I arrived, Dylan and I were the last few people to get there; we quickly took our seats next to each other. That's when I metaphorically sat back, letting Alessia look at the mess she made.

She immediately shied away, hiding behind her hair. When the teacher set us off to do our projects, she doodled on the corner of her page for a few moments before Dylan finally tapped her on the shoulder.

"Alessia," he began, sighing when he got no response, "Look, I know you're ignoring me because of what happened on Saturday..." he said, making Alessia pause drawing, "But I promise that it's fine; it happened and that's okay but, for now, we need to do this project."

Alessia squeezed her eyes shut, "I'm really sorry," she said.

"It's fine," Dylan replied. With that, Alessia tucked her curtain of hair behind her ear, smiling over at Dylan before she turned around in her seat to face him. Then they began to work on their project.

Since Alessia seemed to enjoy Dylan's company so much, and since I was kind of bitter over what happened, I let her have the reigns. But it was only because I was annoyed. I'll take them back as soon as she tries to do something else that's stupid.

When the lesson finally came to an end, Alessia was sad. In fact, she was already feeling the separation as Dylan began to pack up. She sighed, doing the same.

Spending time with Dylan made her light and happy, something I could relate to. Except, I know that she kissed him. She should probably tell him how she feels at some point—what's holding her back? If she's scared, I'll happily do it for her. I seem to be doing everything she needs for her these days.

Well, if this is hell, I'll have my own rules.
Whatever got me here, I have control of Alessia's life, and I'll play by my own rules.

As long as she stops getting herself into useless trouble.


was this a turning point ??

are y'all dizzy ??

cos same. ngl

this story spirallingggggg

have a fun Sunday & Monday xx

-me, Saturday


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Truth Is a Beautiful Thing - London Grammar
I Know - Aly & AJ
Lucky Strike - Troye Sivan
Let Me Down Gently - La Roux
What A Heavenly Way To Die - Troye Sivan
Lucky Strike - Troye Sivan
Now Or Never - Halsey


Date written:


(new era + first of the double update!!)

Olivia continues her fourth day in Alessia's body, learning more and more about things that Alessia knew, yet didn't care about.

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