Chapter Seventeen

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"Okay," Dylan announced, sitting the books down on his floor, despite the fact that he had a desk. "Where should we start?" He asked.

I got down on the floor, leaning against his bed. It was the side of the bed opposite the door, facing his window. If we sat like this, no one could ever find us—I knew because Dylan and I used to hide here when my mum came to collect me from his house. I never wanted to leave him, and him me.

"Maybe with you going through my work and either helping me understand what the hell I've written or telling me that I've done it all wrong?" I suggested, making him laugh. He joined me on the floor and picked up my work, spending a few minutes reading it. Whilst he was occupied, I spent the time spreading out the work so that it was easy to spot what we have and haven't done.

When he was finished, he hummed, "No, it's all right," he said, glancing over at me, raising an eyebrow, "but I guess now I'll have to explain it." He said.

I smiled, "Yes, yes please." I responded, making him laugh. He then began to explain it, and as ever when Dylan was explaining something science related to me, my brain hurt but I was understanding it.

"Do you get it?" He asked once he had finished explaining the entirety of my homework.

I took the documents from his hands slowly, "I actually did." I said, surprising myself.

He laughed, "Okay, should I explain my work now?" He asked. I'm not sure if it was meant to be a joke or not, but I nodded eagerly, shoving his work into his hands.

Again, he began to explain but was interrupted by the sound of his doorbell. He paused, frowning.

"I wasn't expecting anyone." He said absentmindedly, standing up and looking out his window.

When he turned around, he did so in a rush. "I'll be back." He promised before he escaped down the stairs.

I frowned, pushing myself up off the floor. Who could possibly be here that made Dylan bolt so quickly?

I leaned over Dylan's window sill to see who exactly interrupted our revision. Do you want to know who I saw?

Yes, the real Olivia Clark is here.

I swore. I don't ever remember seeing Alessia here at Dylan's house but that doesn't mean that the real Olivia Clark won't see me now.

Despite my urge to stay hidden, Alessia had different urges. And, suddenly, I was tiptoeing over to the staircase, where Alessia sat, eavesdropping on Dylan and I. That sneaky bi–

"What do you mean you're busy, Dylan?" I heard Olivia ask. I remember this day. Dylan, suspiciously, made me stand behind the door frame; he wouldn't even let me into his porch. I thought maybe that he was just really busy, or he found out what Matt did, or maybe he was finally having a fling, like all of the other boys in his friendship group. Dylan was the only one who remained a virgin—he never had a one nightstand, never forced himself on a girl, never seduced an innocent just to make his popularity soar. He was a good guy. But when I remember this day, I remember feeling disappointed because I thought maybe that was what he was hiding in the house. A girl he was about to have sex with.

I wasn't too far off. I mean, Alessia is a girl who does like Dylan. Except, I don't think that feeling is, or was, reciprocated. So, I was actually wrong and, as Olivia Clark, I felt glad about that revelation.

"But this day is for us, Dylan. Fair enough maybe I can't convince you with Biology revision, but can't we at least go to the cinema? Or just watch some films here? We can watch that Maze Runner sequel, or the last Hunger Games film?" Alessia knew it was selfish but she wanted Dylan to stay. She felt bad for keeping him away from Olivia—me—but she felt like she deserved this time with Dylan, since I, or Olivia, was always around Dylan. Like I was selfishly keeping him to myself. And now it was her turn to be selfish.

Alessia Trent, your life is very, very dark and I wouldn't wish the pain you experience on anyone, but you really are a bi–

"I'm really sorry, Olivia, maybe we can still catch a film later, or maybe I can clear some time for you tomorrow, but I'm actually really busy right now." Alessia grinned, falling more in love with Dylan after every sacrifice he made for her. Alessia had experienced firsthand Dylan's devotion to me—she thought he was obsessed. But to choose her over me proved a lot to her.

"Okay," Olivia said, "but why can't I help you? I'm sure it's only schoolwork, and–"

"Olivia, really, if I needed your help, I would've asked you in by now."

I closed my eyes, not as Alessia, but as myself. It was on this day that I had finally taken a deep breath and decided to come to Dylan's house after what Matt did. I didn't want to tell Dylan what Matt had done, and I don't think I ever wanted to, I just wanted to be around him; as I've noted many times, Dylan makes me feel calm. And when Dylan turned me away like he did, it caused a storm. I was angry and upset, and I remember whirling around and storming away, tears spilling from my eyes.

If I was correct with my memory, there'd be a divide on Monday. This was the time of our worst argument ever. I couldn't believe how hard he had come down on me after what had happened, and he was confused to why I was 'over-exaggerating' since he didn't know what happened.

When the front door closed, I rushed back into Dylan's room and sat down in my spot, brushing my tears away.

"Sorry," Dylan said, coming in and shutting the door behind him.

I glanced up at him as he joined me once more, "It's okay," I said, "who was it?" I asked.

Dylan shook his head, "A parcel for our neighbours; they're never in these days yet they still make online deliveries."

I stifled a laugh, watching as Dylan turned to smile at me.

He was distant for a while, but Alessia didn't care; he had turned down Olivia for her. Olivia. That meant so much to her.

Dylan and Alessia worked through their project together for hours, until they were finally all caught up. Halfway through, Dylan's mum left for another night shift, and Dylan left for only a few moments to say goodbye.

"Thank you for this," I told Dylan as I packed up the stuff I had brought. "And I don't just mean for teaching me the entire syllabus of biology in one hour," he laughed, turning to face me. "Thank you for last night—I really needed it," I whispered, suddenly curling up.

He frowned, concern appearing suddenly in his eyes.

"Alessia," he began and, suddenly, she came forth, assuming control. It was fine by me, I wanted to see how this would play out as an audience member.

"If you ever need someone, you have me, I promise." It was only a few words, but it was a very big promise.

Alessia smiled, ducking her head. "Dylan, you are way too nice, but thank you, so so much." She said, looking back up at his, what Alessia thought, beautiful face.

"It's okay," Dylan said, voice quiet. Alessia scooted closer, seeming to go in for a hug.

But, at the last second, something changed in her.

That's when I found Alessia Trent's lips on Dylan's.

Alessia was kissing my best friend.
And Dylan was kissing back.







my update schedule is changing for the Christmas break !!!

+ double update on Christmas Day & extra update on New Years Day
=5 extra chapters!!

-frosty the snowman


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Eyes Closed - Halsey
Apologise - OneRepublic
Beneath Your Beautiful - Labrinth
Hurricane - Fleurie
Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina
Let Me Down Gently - La Roux
Starry Eyed - Ellie Goulding
True Disaster - Tove Lo


Date written:

Next update: tomorrow oops


The aftermath.


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