Chapter Ten

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I was five minutes late to French, and when my teacher pulled me aside, I just calmly explained that I had forgotten which lesson I had next. As Olivia Clark, the teacher would've smiled and dismissed me, but I think I've come to notice that things with Alessia Trent rolled slightly differently.

She dismissed me, but without a smile, and with a heavier workload than the rest of the class.

I couldn't concentrate in my French lesson. I didn't need to since I was the top of my class in school, but it would've been a good idea to dodge the wrath of an already angry teacher.

Alessia was upset, angry, and distracted all at once. The latter was the only emotion not caused by Kiara, and why? Because Dylan was sat in front of her. I had learnt over the past two days that Alessia either had a fascination with Dylan and wanted to be his friend or just had a very secret crush on him. I sure hadn't suspected it when I was in school.

As Olivia, I had become detached, saddened by the fact that I couldn't just walk up to Dylan and ask him to repeat his French speaking piece to me, or let Kiara braid my hair in English literature, or laugh along to Johnny's jokes in the corridors, or get Ked to help me pick between plaid and stripes.

I missed my friends.
I missed my life.

I sighed, shaking the thoughts away and speeding through the work that the teacher had given me. I only had ten minutes left of our double lesson and a lot of work to do. I also noticed that she had given Alessia D grade and C grade work to do. I didn't know how good or bad Alessia was at her subjects, but I thought maybe that that was aiming too low. I had convinced Dylan to ask for higher grade work in school, so maybe I just had to do the same for Alessia.

When the end-of-school bell rang, I packed up my stuff with satisfaction, having completed all of the work. I fished my French homework out from Alessia's bag for the last time today since it was now all done.

I piled up all the work I had to give in to the teacher and approached her when most of the class had gone. She rose an eyebrow at me when she noticed that I was there. I swallowed, handing over my class work first.

"Um," I began, "I also have the homework that appears to have never left my bag. It was due in a while back, I'm sorry." I told her, expecting her to lash out on me.

She didn't, instead, she sighed. "Thank you, Alessia," she said, frowning when I remained in front of her. "Was there something else?" She asked.

"Is there a possibility that you could give me higher grade work to do?" I asked her, watching as her eyebrows shot up. "I know that it's sudden but I'm really trying to get my head down for GCSEs now, and I think I'm ready," I told her, smiling.

"Well," she said, discarding my work on her desk, "it's a bit late for that now, isn't it?" She asked. I suddenly felt my cheeks flush—I wouldn't have been as embarrassed if I didn't know that there were still students in the room, but I could feel them lurking behind me.

"But you said that it's never too late," I said, frowning as I remembered all the things she had said when I was at school.

She shook her head, "it is for you, enjoy your evening, Alessia."

With that, she turned around and slipped the work from today into a folder. Still in shock, it took me a while to register what had just happened. I guess Alessia doesn't have a good bond with her teachers.

I span around, completely embarrassed and angry. Angry at myself, for putting myself on the spot like that; there's no way I could've done those high-grade papers. She's right.

I ran out of the room, letting Alessia's thoughts get the best of me. I bumped into someone suddenly, sending their folders falling to the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry–" but I didn't have time to hear the rest; I kept walking, ignoring the fact that I knew exactly who that voice belonged to. I knew exactly who I had bumped into.

Myself, the real Olivia Clark. Again.

I ran past everyone and to the most out of the way toilets I could think of, before locking myself in the toilets and breaking down again.

I was so angry. Angry that, even though I had tried so hard today, I still couldn't do it. I couldn't help Alessia feel happier at school. And it also made me feel like crap too.

When I was finished sobbing, I brushed through my hair, reapplied my face powder and tried to get rid of the redness in my eyes. I took a deep breath as I stared at my reflection before I pushed open the door to the toilets and left, running down the stairs and out of the exit to school.

Sometimes when I'm in a flurry of emotions, I'm walking and I suddenly end up home. Or I get two buses and I suddenly end up in town.

That happened now, except, I ended up most of the way through the forest, which is when I bumped into someone. However, it was when they didn't let me go that I realised that I hadn't bumped into them. They'd taken me by my arms and pulled me to the side.

"Trent, where's my stuff?" Someone asked gruffly and I refocused to see a woman in a hoody staring down at me.

"Sorry?" I asked, confused.

She huffed, "look," she said, inching closer, "I want my drugs, okay? The ones you were supposed to get me yesterday?" She asked.

I stared at her, very confused.

I masked it though, smiling apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I'll meet you back here in twenty minutes and I'll get them to you then."

She shook her head, pursing her lips. "You almost cost me my party. It's a good job I booked to collect it ahead of the date, huh?" With that, she shoved me and then sped away into the distance.

Still very confused, I watched her disappear before I turned around and kept walking. Alessia is a drug dealer?

I guess it would explain the stash of notes in her pocket. It makes sense; it doesn't seem that her father does a whole lot for her, so she got a job—or, whatever this is—to cover it all.

When I got home, I hurried to Alessia's room and past her dad's pity party on the sofa, closing the door behind me and locking it.

I searched the room for a while, trying to look for Alessia's secret stash.

When I got onto the floor to look under the bed, I found a large wooden box. I pulled it out, unlocking the lid and pushing up. I gasped when I saw what was in it.

The box was separated into lots of compartments, and each contained a few bags of the same thing, but different from the other assigned spaces. I could only guess that Alessia had multiple customers, and each space is for a different one and their 'usual'.

Without having a clue which customer had confronted me in the forest, I picked up a random bag and stuffed it into my pocket. I checked the time on my watch before I shut the lid of the box, shoving it back under Alessia's bed.

I tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs, listening out for Alessia's dad. When I heard nothing, I dashed down the stairs as quickly as I could, opening the front door and closing it as soon as I was out.

I headed to the forest quickly, only having five minutes to get there. I really should've allowed myself more time.

I waited by the large rock that I had seen yesterday, the one with Alessia's writing and name carved into it.

The woman suddenly appeared in front of me, looking at me expectantly. I shoved my hand in my pocket, but she stopped me, eyes wide.

"Hey, hey," she said, looking around us nervously.

"There aren't cameras here," I told her, confused.

She rolled her eyes, "no, but there are people. Just, do it slowly."

As I slipped my bag of drugs out of my pocket, she produced an envelope, gave me a quick look of the three hundred pound notes that were in there, before shoving it in my pocket.

She hummed when she saw the packet of the drugs, "I like the extra stuff you added, a nice touch since you stood me up yesterday." After that, she hugged me, grinning.

"Okay," she said, walking off, "see you later!" She yelled.

I watched her go in silence. Alessia Trent, who are you?


I edited this listening to Christmas music

I'm so tired

Also no you aren't trippin, it is Sunday today

Sometimes I get confused between Saturday and Sunday 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh also

I've never put pictures of Olivia or Alessia in chapters. I mean they're casted, but still





Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Ash Tree Lane - MS MR
Impossible - James Arthur
Wonderwall - Ryan Adams
Nothing but a Heartbeat - Say Lou Lou
no tears left to cry - Ariana Grande
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Meyrin Fields - Broken Bells
Peppermint - Say Lou Lou
DNA - Lia Marie Johnson
Symmetry - Wolfie


Date written:
01/09/18 (I really wrote these past few chapters really damn fast, whew)

Next update: Tuesday (unless I get confused again


When Olivia wakes up the next day, will she still be Alessia?


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