Chapter Twenty-One

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When I got home, I was greeted by the stench of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Alessia's dad wasn't home, but the smell was thick enough that I could gather that he perhaps had just been here.

I sighed, dragging my feet up every step until I got to the second floor, unlocking Alessia's door and slipping in, locking it again quickly. When you live with an abusive psychopath, it's kind of how you run things.

As I dumped my bag on the floor, Alessia's phone buzzed. I slipped her blazer and shoes off before checking it, frowning as I did so; Alessia didn't really get text messages.

I smiled when I saw that it was from Lucas. I had texted him between fifth and sixth period when I had his number, and now he had mine.

'Wanna call later? We can talk about our day in French??'

I smiled down at her phone, falling down on her bed on my stomach, beaming as I typed my response.

'I've got nothing better to do x'

I gnawed at my lip as I waited for Lucas' reply, feeling I had used the kiss inappropriately.

Eventually, though, after I'd changed and brushed through Alessia's hair three times, Lucas responded.

'It's a date x'

And then, suddenly, I had butterflies. I have had my fair share of boyfriends—well, one—but I'm a girl and it's common that a boy's interest in you makes you tingle slightly. And I was tingling. Alessia couldn't care less, in fact, she wanted to block Lucas' number. I mean, it wasn't exactly like she had mountains of friends to fall back onto—and I also just wanted to get to know Lucas; I hadn't really spoken to him when I was in school.

I passed the time waiting for Lucas' call by charging my phone and completing my homework. When it neared six, I dashed downstairs and prepared a ready meal, before running back up the stairs with it when I was done. As I was locking the door, I was suddenly aware of buzzing.

My eyes widened and I rushed over to my phone. Lucas was calling. I settled as much as I could, placing my meal down on the side and patting my hair. When I thought I was calm, I leaned back against Alessia's wall, seated on her bed, and picked up the call.

The screen loaded for a minute or two, then Lucas appeared, sitting on a white office chair, leaning across a desk. I could see shelves full of folders and books behind him, just next to his bed. His bed wasn't as tidy as Dylan's, but at least it was made.

"Bonjour, mon cher," he said, making me giggle.

"How long were you practising that for?" I asked, watching him look away sheepishly.

"Well, you did take quite a while." He said, shrugging.

I smiled, leaning over to grab my dinner, "Sorry, I was busy preparing my microwave food."

Lucas pulled a face, "Microwave?" He asked, and I nodded whilst taking a mouthful. "Can you not cook?" He asked.

I smiled, "If I couldn't would you hate me?" I asked.

He shook his head, mirroring my smile, "No," he told me.

"Score," I said, making him laugh. When I settled, I said, "I just make microwave meals because I don't have that much time,"

I said, avoiding his eyes as I took more mouthfuls. "Interesting," he said, making me frown up at him, "you have a busy life."

I scoffed, shaking my head, "I wish; you're probably the first human being I've had this much communication with for a week now," I said.

"A week?" Lucas asked.

I peered up at him, suddenly realising what I had said. "Well, obviously my social suicide has been taking place for a while now, but I'm only just realising how bad it is."

Lucas laughed, "I'll save you from your annihilation." He said, making me smile.

Lucas and I continued to talk for hours, and when the time came for me to get in the bath, Lucas somehow convinced me to put him on voice call and leave the phone on the side of the bath. Lucas was so easy to talk to; conversation just appeared as and when we needed it. It reminded me, wistfully, of Dylan. A week is a long time to go without my closest friend. We've spent almost 9 years attached to each other; it was hard to accept that that just can't be when I'm Alessia.

Lucas completed his homework and had a quick shower whilst I was in the bath, returning as I got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around Alessia's body.

When it was time to go to sleep, Lucas told me he'd stay on the call until I was asleep, and promised he'd save me from my social suicide tomorrow after meeting me at the entrance to the school so we could walk to registration together.

I fell asleep smiling. Lucas was a really good guy. I could tell that he really liked Alessia. Lucas and I had rarely had any interaction when I was in school, and so I know that Lucas isn't talking to me for me—then again, it is my personality in Alessia's body. Maybe he fell for her looks and my talk?

One can hope.
He's very sweet.

I woke up with the same thought, though also with a striking pain in my stomach. I knew it all too well by now—it was Alessia's period. For god's sake—first her social life and now her bodily functions.

I sighed, dragging myself out of bed and into the bathroom, getting ready sluggishly. My makeup had to be simple, what with the time I had left, and I left Alessia's hair as it was after brushing it.

And then I froze.
Alessia's dad.

I swore repeatedly, sweating profusely as I checked the time on her phone.

When I saw it, I'm pretty sure the colour drained from my face. Everything suddenly became dizzying, spinning around in front of me.

And then.


I dropped to the floor, frozen.

Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.

I heard him stomping up the stairs and I began to shake, my body being seized by trembles.

Then, the door handle twisted. But the door was locked. I watched with wide eyes as the door handle continued to rattle.

"You bitch!" He yelled, "You've made me late to work!" And then the door was thrown open, "And your efforts to keep yourself safe are almost as pathetic as you." He spat before he marched over to me.

I jumped up from the ground, yelping. I tried to jump over Alessia's bed and out the door but he grabbed my leg, making my body freeze in the air and come crashing down to the floor. My chin hit the floor, and a striking pain soared through my head. It was then that I tasted blood in my mouth.

He picked up Alessia's wooden chair, hurling it at me. It came straight at my face, which I threw an arm in front of. The legs of the chair knocked my head back, skimming the top of my head, probably skinning it.

I cried out, trying to crawl over to the door. Suddenly, Alessia's body was yanked back by her ankle. 

"I should do nothing but sell you off as a prostitute, maybe you'll do some good then!"

I started to sob, trying to get to my feet. Alessia's dad picked me up by the arm, twisting my body around before throwing his fist into her face. I fell to the floor, though not before the other side of Alessia's face hit the, very hard, end of her bed.

My body crashed into the floor, and I was in so much agony that I felt as though my body was a magnet and the floor was magnetic. Alessia's body was pushed over so that I laid on my back, and then Alessia's dad sent his foot pummelling down onto her stomach. I screamed, my already bad period pains becoming detrimentally bad.

And just when I thought Alessia's body would cease to be, Alessia's dad sent one lasting punch to Alessia's face. And it was his hardest one yet.

I think he left after that, but I couldn't see anything, feel anything, hear anything, taste anything.

That's when I blacked out.


how rude wtf


late postin bc I'm ridiculously tired yay





Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Angels (Above Me) - Say Lou Lou
Everything We Touch - Say Lou Lou
Sounds Like Heaven - Marina Kaye
Night Glo - Foxes
All I Need - Focus
Call Out My Name - The Weeknd
Messages From Her - Sabrina Claudio
I Remember - Evan Duffy
Paradise Circus - Massive Attack
Curbstomp - Meg Myers


Date written:
11/09/18 (mocks man, taking up my life [written on 11/09/18])

Next update: give me a few hours ....


Is this it?

Is this the inevitable moment we've been waiting for?

Or do they survive...?


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