04 | go to jail card

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song: Mii Channel Theme


Our quartet was currently in the great hall, eating breakfast.

Or rather — Ron was shoving bacon and eggs down his throat at an inhuman rate and the rest of the student body was eating breakfast.

"I hope our new DADA professor will be just as good as Lupin. He was an auror after all..." Hermione tried to start a conversation.

"Don't jinx it, 'Mione." I warned.

"You lot talking 'bout Moody?" George asked us, making us turn our heads toward them.

"Yes, why?" I questioned skeptically with a frown.

"Oh, he's more than brilliant." Fred answered.

"How so?"

"You'll see little bro..." George smirked.

I turned to Fred and raised an eyebrow and gave him a 'explain further' look. "Let's just say he's different."

Great, bloody suspense.


Now I kinda wish I wasn't here at all. He was teaching us about the three unforgivable curses that would land you a 'go to jail' card. I thought this lesson was innocent at first(other than the fact he threw a piece of chalk across the class, but that's the sort of HD entertainment I like) so when he asked the class to name one of them, I raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss— ?"

"— Toh, sir. The imperious curse."

"Very good, Miss Toh." he comments. Then Professor Moody opens a jar with a spider in it. "Engorgio." He uses his wand to make the souder bigger and sends it around the classroom. "Don't worry, she's completely harmless." The class is still unsettled by it. At least the ones that he sends it to-. The others laugh at their terrified expressions.

Except Hermione, she doesn't laugh or smile at this lesson. I can tell she doesn't give her stamp of approval.

When he sends it to be on top of my hand, I simply have an expressionless face and lift my hand slightly to have a better look at it. Show no fear, no expression, I tell myself.

Then Moody sends it on top of Ron's head. He's deathly afraid of spiders. I make a small grin. His face is priceless, what I would do to take a picture right then and there.

"But if she bites... she's lethal!" Malfoy laughed at that. "What are you laughing at?"

Professor Moody sends the spider onto Malfoy's face. He frantically hits Goyle next to him and tells him to get it off. Everyone laughs, including me this time. Harry even starts to clap.

"Talented isn't she? What shall I have
her do next? Jump out the window?" Moody sends it to hit the glass of the window. Everyone stops laughing. "Drown herself?" He sends it on top of a bucket of water.

The spider desperately tries to get away. But to no use, it's under the imperious curse.

He sends it back to his hand.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only do did you-know-whose bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars?"

"Another.. another.. Come on come on." Now several people raise their hands, intrigued. "Longbottom is it? Up." Moody tells Neville to stand.

Neville stands up, he looks a little frightened.

"Professor Sprout tells me you have an
aptitude for herbology." Neville nods slightly.

"There's the um.... cruciatus curse." He says nervously.

"Correct, correct. Come, come." Professor Moody summons Neville. "Particularly nasty, the torture curse."

"Crucio." he points his want to the spider. The spider squeals in pain. Neville looks like he might feel its pain too.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!" Hermione yells.

Mad-Eye stops torturing the spider. Neville still looks disturbed. I watch as Moody carefully picks it up and it's still making a noise.

Professor Moody clears his throat and sets the spider down in front of Hermione. "Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, Miss Granger?" Hermione shakes her head no.

"Miss Toh?" I look up at him and shake my head head as well.

"Avada Kedavra!"


A/N: I almost put 'go to jail free card'
I guess i just mixed up get out of jail free and go to jail

whoops 🤷‍♀️

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