20 | very own weasley sweaters

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song: Last Christmas by Wham!


"HAPPY CHRISTMAS!" Ginny screams into Lin's ear to wake her up.

Lin rolls over in surprise and ends up falling off of the bed. "Ow."

"Not sorry, but WAKE UP! It's Christmas!" Ginny happily smiles.

"Merry Christmas guys!" A voice from the door says. Ginny turns around to find Hermione standing in the doorway, her trunk set on the ground.

"Hermione!" Ginny ran up and gave her a hug. "What are you doing here? I thought you were skiing with your parents."

"Well, I don't really like skiing," Hermione admitted. "But don't tell Ron that— I told him it was good, because he was laughing so much."

Lin gave her a knowing look, but just chuckled anyways.


They were all sitting around the fireplace when Lin spoke up. "So we're all here again." She sighed.

Ginny shrugged, "I like it here."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"Oh, don't pretend, Harry," Hermione said. "Ron told me you've been distant lately. How're you feeling?"

"Fine," Harry grumbled.

"Don't lie Harry." Lin said impatiently. "Spill it."

"Ron and Ginny said you've been hiding from everyone since you got back from St. Mungo's."

"They do, do they?" Harry said sarcastically, glaring at Ron and Ginny.

Ron looked down to his feet but Ginny was unfazed.

"Alright, let's not point fingers."

"Well, you won't look at any of us!" Ginny exclaimed to Harry.

Harry looked madder, "It's you lot who won't look at me! I didn't want anyone to talk to me, anyone who didn't understand."

"Well that was a bit stupid of you," Ginny spat back. "Do you not remember who you saved from You-Know-Who's possession, in the Chamber of Secrets?"

He stayed still and his lips pursed. "I forgot."

"Lucky you." Ginny said coolly.

"We could've just talked, mate..." Ron started.

"I'm sorry," Harry apologized. "So... so you think I'm being possessed then?"

"Well, I couldn't remember anything." Ginny turned to him. "Do you have blackouts?"

Harry thought for a second before replying, "No."

"Then you-know-who has never possessed you." said Ginny simply. "When he did it to me, I couldn't remember what I'd been doing for hours."

Harry shook his head, "No, that was different. It was like... I was the snake. Maybe Voldemort transported me to the Ministry?"

"One day..." Lin sighed. "You'll read Hogwarts: A History and know that you can't apparate or disapparate inside Hogwarts."


"Dad's back!" Mrs Weasley announced as she helped Mr Weasley into the kitchen. Everyone started clapping for him.

It was Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place and everyone was gathered at the dining table for dinner.

Mr Weasley was bruised and beaten but still had a smile on his face, and so did everyone else. He had a tall purple paper crown on his head that Lin helped Ginny make.

"Sit down, everybody, sit down." Molly urged the kids. "That's it. Now, presents."

Mrs Weasley picked up a box and handed it to Ron. "And a nice big box for Ron."

"Big box for you. And..." She pretended to mix the twins up before handing them their presents. "Fred and George. Come on, open up." Fred and George switched their gifts immediately afterwards.

"I want to see your faces." Molly clapped her hands together.

Ron pulled out a vest with a red 'R.' The twins got scarves and immediately put them on around their necks.

Lin smiled at them and Fred dramatically flipped one end of the scarf over his shoulder, making her laugh.

"Try it on." Mrs Weasley encouraged. Hermione gave Ron a smile and he blushed pink.

Fred smiled when he saw a certain black onyx and silver necklace dangling around Lin's neck.

"Thanks, Mum. It's perfect." Ginny said gratefully.

"Just what he wanted, actually." Molly said happily.

"Yeah. Right. Thanks, Mum." Ron smiled.

"And one for Hermione and Lin." Mrs Weasley handed a package to Hermione and one to Lin. "Go on open up."

They carefully tore the wrapping off to reveal their very own Weasley sweaters. (cue Sweater Weather) Hermione got a lavender colored sweater with a large yellow 'H'. Lin received a grey sweater with a large black 'L' on the front.

"Thank you Mrs Weasley." Lin thanked.

"It looks perfect!" Hermione complemented.

"Oh, it was no problem dears. You're family now." Molly winked and smiled. "Come on, then, everybody. Let's clear this away for dinner."

Harry walked into the kitchen.

"Oh! Harry, Harry!" Molly rushed over to him while holding his Christmas present. She gave him the gift and hugged him.

Lin turned to Fred sitting next to her. "Happy Christmas Frederick."

"Merry Christmas Lin." Fred smiled. He turned back to his food and made a subconscious lazy grin.


"Come with me." Lin whispered to Fred. She led him to the room she was sharing with Ginny. He sat down on her bed while Lin fished around in her trunk for his gift.

She handed it to him for Fred to open. "It's actually a gift for you and George."

He carefully unwrapped the paper to reveal a box. The box had a beautiful black leather book that looked like a hotel managing book.

He opened it and it wasn't a regular notebook, it had coordinated lines for orders.

"It's so you can keep track of your orders for your Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." Lin explained.

"It's perfect." Fred hugged Lin and held on. "Thank you for supporting us. Not many people see a joke shop as an actual career."

"Of course I'd support you." Lin said as they pulled away. "What are girlfriends for?"

Fred gave her a small kiss. It started to get heated when Fred picked Lin up and set her in his lap.

He started to trail kisses down her neck.

"We should go downstairs." Lin said breathlessly.

"Yeah." Fred mumbles, pulling away from her neck. "We should."


Dear Lin,

Congratulations on making the Gryffindor quidditch team. We honestly were very surprised by your letter. Sports genes do not run in the family.

Hope you like your Christmas present. You'll be needing it.

With love,
Mum and Dad.

Lin opened the long box to find a quidditch broomstick. A Nimbus 1002.


A/N: I have no idea if a Nimbus 1002 exists 😬

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