22 | april fools

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song: W.D.Y.W.F.M? by The Neighbourhood


Today was Fred and George's birthday. The muggle April Fools Day.

No one could stop them from pranking the entire school and faculty. Not even Dumbitch.

Lin woke up today, ready to spend time with her boyfriend and give him his birthday present that she's been working on. She hadn't seen him in a few days....

He wasn't at breakfast. Or in the halls. Or at dinner.

The whole day, she'd heard the stories of what they were up to today. The pranks they played on all the professors and lots of students, all in one day. But Lin was wanting him to tell her himself.

She was starting to question if maybe this was the prank on her. Not the avoiding part— but their relationship.

How she be so stupid? Of course the whole thing was a prank.

A confrontation in the library only confirmed her suspicions.

"Hey, Lin." An evil voice said from behind Lin. She turned around to see Adriana Hinkle walking up to where she was seated. (i'm basing this off of a real person. except this Adriana Hinkle is more brave to confront Lin. ALSO i'm not specifying which house she's in cuz let's be real, she aint brave or smart or loyal or ambitious [the irl person that is] lmao)

"What do you want Hinkle?" Lin said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, just wanted to tell you something that might interest you." Adriana twirled a lock of her dark hair around her right pointer finger. She sat down on the table and crossed her legs.

Lin scoffed, "And what's that?"

"Just wanted to let you know that your boyfriend isn't actually into you." She sneered.

Lin laughed at that and turned back to her essay, hoping the bitch would leave.

"It might interest you to know, he's pulling a big prank on you." Adriana said in a sing-songy voice.

Lin turned toward her again. "No he's not."

"Oh, but he is." She smiled sweetly. "See, this big prank was actually a bet to see if he could get you to date him. But now it's just a prank. Today, he's going to admit it's all been a prank and he's going to dump your sorry arse."

"You're lying." Lin couldn't believe a single word she said.

"Oh yeah? Has it felt like he's been avoiding you lately?" Lin froze and Adriana saw it. "That's what I thought."

Adriana got off the table and practically almost skipped out of the library.


After a day of classes and homework, Lin entered the Gryffindor common room after an hour in the library. Even though she couldn't concentrate anymore on her essay, she just sat there and thought.

Fred, George, and Lee were at a table, laughing their arses off. No doubt recalling a prank they pulled today.

Lin tried her best to discreetly walk past them to her dorm, but Fred saw her and stopped her. "Hey, Lin!"

She froze in her spot and turned around. "Heyy..." Kai plastered a fake smile.

Fred got up and hurried over to her, holding both her hands. "I've missed you all day." he whined.

"Really?" Kai said sarcastically. "Cuz that's not what I heard."

Fred's face fell a little bit. "What do you mean?"

A few people were now staring at them to watch drama unfold like a soap opera.

"Not here... Let's talk outside." Kai whispered and led him out of the portrait hole.

"Where were you all day?" Fred opened his mouth to reply. "Nevermind," Lin said quickly. "I know where you were."

"Then what's this about?" Fred asked confused. He squeezed her hands softly.

"Is this all apart of your prank?" Lin blurted out.

"Prank? What prank?" Fred lifted an eyebrow.

Lin sighed. "The prank where you fake-date me."

"Fake-date? What—?"

"Oh, don't play dumb." Lin took back her hands and put them on her hips. "I know all about the prank and the bet."

"Still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"Let me recall your memory:" She said sourly. "The bet where you had to get me to date you. And the prank where you were gonna continue with it and then dump me today. Congratulations. It's the best April Fools a gal could ask for."

Fred took a look at her face, she was glaring daggers at him. But he was still utterly confused. "I never made a bet or planned to pull a prank on you." He stepped closer but she stepped back. "I would never want to hurt you."

She scoffed in response. "I don't believe it. You might as well get the prank over with and dump me now."

"I'm not dumping you. And I never had any intention to—"

"Then I'm dumping you." Lin snarled. "You. Me. Over. Don't speak to me again." She walked back to the portrait of the Fat Lady and mumbled the password angrily.

Fred stood there, shocked and sad. Shocked because he didn't know where that stupid story came from. Sad because maybe he'd just lost the love of his life.

Worst birthday ever.


George helped his twin come up with ideas to make it up to Lin. Not that he had anything to make up for. He just needed an opportunity for her to hear him out.

Its been days. Lin has been avoiding him at all costs. Only if he's in the same room or at the same table or during a DA meeting, she'll ignore him completely, like he doesn't exist.

Fred knew Lin didn't like extravagant efforts. She liked simple, yet romantic, exotic, special dates and presents.

Fred and George came up with the perfect thing....


It was now Saturday. Lin came back from dinner in the great hall and Fred nor George was at dinner. Which she was grateful for—

When she went back to her dorm, a wide, white box with a red ribbon was on her bed. A letter was tucked under the tied ribbon.

Lin took the envelope and opened it to find a note with a handwriting she knew oh so well.

Meet me, Room of Requirement, 8 o' clock.

She scoffed and set down the note and envelope to open the box. Her right hand pulled on the tie and lifted the lid.

Inside the box was a beautiful, bright red dress. It was sleeveless with straps. The bottom, collar, and waist had red lace. It was simple, yet beautiful.

Lin glanced at the clock in their dorm. 7:30 it read.

She went to the bathroom and put on the dress. After examining herself in the mirror, Lin concluded that she looked good.

She never felt this pretty before, not even at the Yule Ball...

She tried on her low-top black converses and headed to the Room of Requirement.


"She's coming this way!" Fred told George. Lin's footsteps on the Marauders Map were indeed coming this way. They had borrowed it from Harry for tonight. "Get out of here!"

"All right, all right." George headed for the door and stopped before exiting. "Good luck."

Fred sighed when he left. Hopefully their efforts were enough...


Lin opened the door to the Room of Requirement, which was already formed.

Inside was a fireplace lighting up the room and a couch in front of a large muggle TV. Fred stood in front of the TV, holding out a tray of snacks, Lin's favorite snacks.

"What's all this about?" Lin asked in the best annoyed voice she could muster.

"I wanted you to hear me out." Fred set down the snacks on the grey sofa. "I was never pulling a prank on you. I would never do that. And I actually do want to date you. Where did you hear such rubbish from?"

"Adriana Hinkle paid me a little visit in the library." Lin sighed. "She made it all seem so real. I guess she must've just made it all up to ruin my happiness."

Fred nodded in understanding. "So are we good?"

"Only if you have chips." Lin smiled and Fred let out a chuckle.

"Got your favorites." He held up O!Karto Chili Chili flavor chips and Lay's Original. Still on the tray were every flavor Pocky. (I know I'm making you hungry)

"Then you are forgiven." Lin teased. "And I'm sorry for not believing you." She stepped closer and gave him an apology hug.

Fred wrapped his arms around her small frame. "It's okay. I would've done the same thing in your shoes." They pulled apart and smiled. "Tonight we are going to watch. your favorite movie and eat your favorite snacks. Silence of The Lambs (pretend the movie was made a lil earlier)."

"But first. We're going to dance." As soon as Fred said the words, Caught on Fire by Holmes started playing out of nowhere.

Fred put on hand on Lin's waist and the other holding hers. Her other hand settled on his shoulder.

They started to waltz, staring at each other's eyes.

"I love you." Fred said.

Lin froze and stopped moving. "I— what?"

Fred mentally scolded his traitorous mouth. "I love you."

"Well... I can't say it back." Kai said quietly.

"I know." he said sadly.

They pulled apart from each other. "I... I can't do this. I'm sorry." Lin hurried out the door and went back to her dorm.


A/N: A lot of things happened in this chapter... am I going to fast with the drama—? cuz I'm trying follow the movie but with a hint of the book. And the movie goes 🏃‍♀️💨

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