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Mร u nแปn
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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

"I was thinkin' about who you are,
your delicate point of view."

WAS TODAY THE DAY I WOULD FINALLY ENJOY? That was what I continued to wonder as I ate downstairs in the living room. Belly and Steven, had left home already, and thankfully I didn't needed to go to work today, which I was extremely grateful for.

My eyes glanced over to my plate noticing how I had already finished my cereal, making me sigh over me not feeling full yet. A pair of footsteps approached me from behind, gaining my attention completely.

Nova: "Oh, hey." -I smiled, seeing Mom, taking a sit right beside me.

She grinned back my way, brushing my hair aside as she noticed some strands covering my face.

Susannah: "Good morning, love."

Nova: "Good morning." -I replied, placing the plate in the table that rested in front of us.

Susannah: "Did you slept well?"

I heard her ask, instantly reminding me how my night went yesterday. Let's just say it was filled with thoughts that didn't allowed me to sleep at all. From wondering if me and Steven, were a thing and then to question if I should try and talk to Dad, about our relationship. More stuff roomed through my brain but I wasn't going to pay mind into those at all.

Nova: "I sort of did, I just...had a lot to think about last night." -I answered, rubbing my arm repeatedly.

Susannah: "Did Adam, tell you about the argument?"

I stayed quiet after her question, instantly answering her with just that. Her expression changed to a disappointed one, making me grab her hand.

Nova: "Hey, don't feel saddened about that. I don't know anything and you don't have to tell me about it if you want."

Susannah: "I'm sorry, honey."

Nova: "It's fine, don't worry." -I reassured, hugging her softly.

She pulled away then, looking outside with eyes slowly beginning to glow excitedly. She was wearing her painting apron, which helped me realize what she had in mind.

Nova: "Am I thinking what you're thinking?"

Her eyes fixated on me, beginning to widened with happiness. She then took a hold of my hand, pulling me throughout the living room into the outsides of our home soon after.

I glanced around the backyard, seeing all of her painting materials scattered around in a corner near the pool. I laughed over her excited squeal, running over to the chair she had set up for me.

Nova: "So it's portrait day, huh?" -I grinned, watching how she took a sit in front of me.

She then took a look at the canvas, not even wasting a second to begin to paint.

Susannah: "You know it."

Nova: "I'm really glad you're doing this again. Even though the siblings don't enjoy this too much I...really do." -I laughed, later on realizing I was wearing my pjs still.

Nova: "Wait, Mom, I'm still wearing my pajamas."

Susannah: "I know, I wanted to caught you in the moment." -she smiled, making me laugh over her reply.

Nova: "I feel like that's not fair though, everyone got to wear cute clothes for this."

Susannah: "Connie, didn't. He wore his casual clothing too, don't worry."

Nova: "Casual clothing, Mom. This is...sleeping clothing."

She chuckled once she got a look at my desperate glance, only placing her brush down to fully stare at me.

Susannah: "You should wear the dress I bought for you. It would fit the background really well, right?"

Nova: "Yeah, you're right. Let me go change real quick, okay?" -I asked, receiving a nod from her.

She watched me walk away from her quickly, I entered the house in search for the dress desperately since I was too excited. Rapidly I changed onto the dress once I had found it, applying light makeup since she liked seeing that "natural essence".

When I arrived at the backyard again, she had already painted part of the background for my portrait. Her focused expression letted me know it was best not to talk and just take a sit right in front of her.

Susannah: "You look amazingly beautiful, sweetheart." -she spoke, looking up from the canvas as soon as I sat down.

Nova: "I was trying not to make you talk since you were focused."

Susannah: "All my attention goes to my kids first." -she smiled, receiving a grin from me.

She painted quietly, sometimes looking over to me with nothing but admiration. I felt like Rose from the movie Titanic, that thought only made me laugh out loud.

Susannah: "What's so funny?"

Nova: "Nothing...just a stupid thought." -I replied, trying to hold in my laughter.

Susannah: "I forgot to ask you...how's things going with, Steven?"

Her question suddenly caught me off guard, I had completely forgotten about last night due to my talk with, Laurel. I felt my face heating up as I thought about me and Steven's interaction, hearing her chuckle.

Susannah: "Tell me everything, sweetheart."

Nova: "It's kinda a long story, Mom." -I mentioned, feeling a sudden tap on my knee.

I glanced down seeing her wooden brush tapping the spot constantly, as I stared up she had her eyebrows raised.

Nova: "Okay, I'll tell you everything."

She grinned happily, continuing to paint as I took my time to think how to start explaining everything.

Nova: "Well, let's just say Tate, isn't really the guy I've always wanted."

Susannah: "Obviously." -she mumbled underneath her breath.

Nova: "It's always been...Steven. He was the first guy I ever truly laid eyes on from the moment we met Laurel, for the first time."

Susannah: "How does he make you feel?" -she asked, smiling over to me with pure curiosity.

Nova: "He makes me feel...a lot."

Susannah: "What's the first thing that comes to mind?"

Nova: "He makes me feel the same way music does, you know music it's one of my favorite things in the world besides you and your two sons."

Susannah: "I read somewhere that "when you find someone who makes you feel the same way music does, that's when you found someone special."

I smiled by her comment, seeing how she continued to paint. Her expression changing into a focused one again, but I knew she was still listening.

Nova: "We kissed yesterday also."

Susannah: "Oh my, God!" -she exclaimed, clapping excitedly soon after my comment.

I laughed over her shouting, trying to calm her down and avoid her from waking the rest of the family inside.

Susannah: "That's why he was all smily this morning."

Nova: "Was he really?" -I asked, trying to cover how nervous I was.

Susannah: "Yeah he was."

Nova: "He also confessed his feelings towards me, which was pretty cute." -I whispered, seeing her eyes widening even more.

Susannah: "What did he say?"

Nova: "It's a lot...I want to keep it a secret between him and I." -I grinned, seeing how she nodded with a evil grin as well.

Nova: "But he did made me feel like a star, does that make sense?"

Susannah: "Well, that's why Nova, is your nickname. You're a star, love."

Nova: "I sometimes don't feel like that." -I replied, scratching my hair nervously.

Susannah: "You should...it's the simple beautiful true."

I smiled by her reply, grabbing her hand gently to see her bringing it towards her lips. She placed a kiss on my cold palm, rubbing it softly right after.

Susannah: "I don't know if I ever told you that Nova, is also an astronomic term given to bright stars that appear suddenly in the sky and release powerful energy."

Nova: "Really?"

She nodded after my question, suddenly smiling while she seemed to be thinking of something.

Susannah: "Your Aunt Julia, was a big fan of astrology. She got me into it when we were little and it became our bonding conversation."

Nova: "Do you both talk to each other still?"

Susannah: "Not really, but I enjoy remembering our happy moments together." -she mentioned, continuing to paint.

Nova: "I wonder how Skye and Maia, look now. The last time I saw them...they we were so little."

Susannah: "Maybe they can come over one day, I'm sure we'll work something out." -she reassured, tapping her brush against the canvas constantly.

Skye and Maia, my cousins who I rarely talked to when little due to Mom and Aunt Julia's hard relationship. But thankfully I had a strong connection with them whenever we met up, they were extremely fun to hang around with cause they understood me.

Susannah: "Okay, so tell me more."

After Mom, finished painting me, she didn't allowed me to take a look at my portrait. She wanted it to be surprise, like it always happened. I headed inside to change onto some casual clothing, deciding to wear a lilac crop top accompanied with some black shorts. Always wearing my black converse that had small doodles drawn in them, this ones belonging to, Ethan.

Nova: "Hi, good morning." -I greeted, smiling over to Jeremiah, who walked passed me quickly.

Jeremiah: "Hey, morning. I'm sort of running late, see you later?"

Nova: "Yeah of course, good luck today." -I smiled, watching him leave the house after.

I walked inside the kitchen, bumping onto Laurel, who smiled by my presence. Our eyes darted towards the insides of the space noticing Conrad, adjusting some stuff.

Conrad: "Good morning, Laurel."

Laurel: "Morning."

The boy walked away from the woman, approaching me later on to place a kiss on my cheek. I frowned my eyebrows by his sudden action, looking over to Laurel, who had the same exact expression.

Conrad, had already left the both of us alone at the kitchen, standing there with nothing but confusion.

Nova: "That was...odd?"

Laurel: "Yeah it was, you should go see what's up with him." -she suggested, smiling over to me while grabbing two cups of coffee.

Nova: "Yeah, I will."

I waved goodbye as I searched for Conrad, around the house. His room's door was open, allowing me to take a peak inside to see him grabbing his car keys.

Nova: "Where are you going?" -I asked, opening the door fully.

He smiled by my question, approaching me while throwing the keys onto the air.

Conrad: "I'm gonna go to the club, want to come with me?"

Nova: "You're acting...weird?"

Conrad: "I am?" -he questioned, letting out a nervous chuckle.

Nova: "Yeah but it's fine, let's go then."

We both walked alongside each other, walking downstairs to see Laurel and Mom, speaking at the backyard. We decided not to interrupt, heading outside to walk over to the jeep.

Conrad, drove around town for a couple of minutes, I kept wondering why was he on such a good mood today? It had been a while since I saw that smile of his beaming on his face. The only thing I could say was that I genuinely missed it, his smile could light up an entire room and he wouldn't know it.

Conrad: "We're here."

Nova: "Are we gonna go mess around with someone in specific?" -I asked, hearing how he chuckled while exiting the vehicle.

Conrad: "You wish, right?"

Nova: "Sort of, I kinda want to go check up on Ethan, though."

We walked towards the large building, arriving at the entrance that was beautifully decorated with flowers right beside it.

Conrad: "You can go if you want, I'm gonna go see what Belly and Steven, are doing."

Nova: "Wait, Steven's not working today?" -I asked, stopping his tracks suddenly.

Conrad: "He's Shayla's dance partner, remember?"

Nova: "He told me they broke up." -I mentioned, following the boy, who entered the place.

Conrad: "He said that he was gonna finish everything with her after the whole deb ball thing happened."

Nova: "So they're still together?" -I asked, heading upstairs accompanied by, the boy.

We reached the hallway that led to the ball area, seeing how Jeremiah, was walking out of the room. He smiled at the both of us, not exchanged any words on his way out.

Conrad: "They're not together but I guess they're friends or something like that."

Nova: "Okay." -I mumbled, looking over to the ball room to see Steven and Shayla, laughing as they spoke to one another.

They both seemed very close to each other, that it made me feel like I shouldn't be there. I walked away after the whole sight, not knowing if I should feel sad, worried, angry or something else. Conrad, called me multiple times but I continued to walk off, to then enter the club's kitchen. A couple of the employees stared at me confused, but later on smiled once they noticed it was me.

Nova: "Hi, it's Ethan, around?" -I asked, looking at a brunette girl, that stood in front of me.

She smiled by my question, pointing towards a door that led to the outsides of the kitchen. I nodded, walking towards that direction to open the door. I looked around the area, seeing Ethan, sitting down near the pool with a plate of pasta on his hands.

Nova: "Hey."

He looked back quickly, frowning his eyebrows as soon as he noticed me.

Ethan: "You worked today?" -he asked quickly, slurping onto one of the pasta noodles.

Nova: "No, I just came to visit."

Ethan: "Oh, that's...fun." -he replied, looking at me with confusion.

Nova: "I came with Conrad, and saw something I don't really know how to feel about."

Ethan: "And what is that?"

Nova: "I'll tell you later, I want to talk about you." -I replied, tapping his nose carefully.

He smiled shyly, placing his plate down right beside him.

Ethan: "What's there to talk about?"

Nova: "I don't know, how's things with Jeremiah, going?"

His eyes closed after what I asked, and the way his expression changed allowed me to realize something was up.

Nova: "Oh no...what happened?" -I questioned, putting my hand on his shoulder instantly.

Ethan: "He sort of dumped me. We're still friends but he said that he wanted to date someone else."

I then remembered what Jeremiah, had told me yesterday. Instantly feeling horrible for bringing the topic to Ethan, he was clearly feeling sad but pretending not to be.

Nova: "Come here." -I whispered, pulling him into a hug without a warning.

He embraced me back fully, stuffing his whole face against my neck.

Ethan: "I'm fine...I just need to find another dude and distract myself."

Nova: "Or maybe you need a best friend and have fun with her...meaning me, of course." -I joked, flipping my hair back sassily.

He laughed over my action, pushing me back slightly. I ruffled his hair a couple of times, resting my head later on in his shoulder.

Nova: "You should come stay at my house, we could do some fun stuff." -I suggested, watching how people began to enter the pool area.

Ethan: "I think you forgot you live with Jeremiah Fisher, right?"

Nova: "Shit, you're right." -I laughed, covering my face right after my words.

Ethan: "What if you stay at mine?"

Nova: "I can't, I have some activities I need to do for Mom and Laurel, they were very excited to see me help out."

Ethan: "Wait, are y'all doing the volleyball tournament still?" -he asked, looking over to me with excitement.

Nova: "Yeah we are, I don't think Mom, would ever say "no" to a volleyball tournament."

He chuckled after my words, proceeding to look out the distance for a while.

Ethan: "Okay, I'll stay at your house."

Nova: "Really?!" -I exclaimed, glancing at him with happiness surrounding me.

Ethan: "Yes, I want to participate on that volleyball tournament."

Nova: "You need a partner though." -I mentioned, frowning my eyebrows in the process.

Ethan: "Well, you can be my partner, right?"

Nova: "Hell no." -I replied, noticing Jeremiah, talking to some girls in the distance.

I rolled my eyes in the process, looking over to the pink haired boy, who ignored the whole situation and continued to speak about the topic from earlier.

Ethan: "Why not?!"

Nova: "Because I'm really bad at the game! There's plenty of reasons why I barely played volleyball at home with, Conrad and Jeremiah."

Ethan: "But you played with us on Belly's birthday."

Nova: "Technically forced to do so, besides, I was trying to make Belly, happy."

Ethan: "You're way too sweet for this world, did you know that?" -he asked, rubbing the back of my head gently.

Nova: "Don't get all emotional now."

He chuckled by my comment, standing up from the ground to later on pick his plate up. We both looked around the pool, seeing how it was already much fuller than earlier.

Ethan: "What the hell is she doing here?"

Nova: "Who?" -I asked, looking around to spot who he was talking about automatically.

Ethan: "Sam!"

He quickly walked away from me, approaching the short blonde hair girl. She smiled as soon as she spotted, the boy. I followed Ethan, closely behind, stopping my tracks once he did as well.

Ethan: "ยฟQue haces aquรญ?" -he said, looking back at me with embarrassment running through his features.

The girl looked at him up and down, grinning her eyebrows once she had noticed me.

Sam: "No te importa."ย 

I couldn't understand what they were saying, but from the looks of their expressions...they might've been arguing.

Sam: "ยฟQuien es ella?

The girl, was now staring at me with judgement, making me grab my arm out of discomfort. Ethan, glanced back at me, smiling awkwardly my way.

Ethan: "Es Nova, ยฟno te acuerdas de ella?"

Sam: "Nova?!" -she exclaimed, looking over to me with widened eyes.

Nova: "Hey."

She ran my way instantly, hugging me tightly as soon as I spoke. I opened my eyes to stare at Ethan, confused seeing how he was scratching his hair.

Sam: "Oh my, God! You look so different, I barely recognized you." -she mentioned, grabbing my hands as she spoke.

Nova: "You've also changed, last time I saw you...we were really little."

Sam: Yeah, I'm glad I get to see you again. How's your family doing?"

Ethan: "Sam, stop asking so many questions." -he demanded, approaching to pull her away from me.

She stood close to him, still staring at me with a giant smile on her face. The girl had chopped off her hair pretty short, now she was also blonde.

Ethan: "Nova, I'll see you later. I think I'm gonna call you if I want to stay."

Nova: "Yeah, of course. See you later, right?"

Ethan: "Yes." -he replied, pulling Sam, with him.

The girl grunted slightly, but smiled at the boy once they entered a nearby building. I turned around only to bump onto a chest, losing my balance slightly but was able to stand well when a hand grabbed my waist. My eyes darted upwards, seeing Steven, standing right in front of me. He smiled right when he made eye contact, pulling me with him into the kitchen he was working in.

Nova: "What are you doing?" -I asked, hearing his laughter once we entered the space.

He turned quickly, grabbing my face to place a kiss on my cheek.

Steven: "How are you?"

Nova: "I-I'm good." -I replied, feeling how my face flushed instantly.

He smiled as he nodded, handling me an apple that was placed on the counter. I picked it up, proceeding to remember when I spotted him with Shayla, earlier. I dropped the apple right where it was before, crossing my arms uncomfortably.

Nova: "I saw you with, Shayla." -I spoke, glancing over to him instantly.

He nodded in agreement, walking towards me to grab my waist. I couldn't help but hold my breath over how nervous I felt whenever he touched me. He smiled once he noticed I was staring at him, beginning to rub my waist smoothly.

Steven: "We're just friends, nothing else. We both agreed in finishing the deb ball thing and stay being friends."

Nova: "Are you sure?"

He placed his left hand on my face, placing his head much closer to mine. We were inches away from one another, sort of bringing a peaceful but tense feeling.

Steven: "You're the only girl I want, Nova. You're all that I think about, okay?" -he mentioned, rubbing his thumb against my cheek.

I smiled after his words, suddenly being pulled onto his soft lips. I was practically losing my air pretty easily over how passionate the kiss currently was. We were both supporting each other up since I was constantly being pulled more onto his lips. He then picked me up from the ground, his hands rooming the underpart of my tights. I was then placed on top of a nearby table inside the kitchen, beginning to be kiss throughout my whole neck. I pulled the boy, away from me, smiling at him nervously.

He took heavy breaths while smirking my way, he approached me once again, placing his hands on my tights carefully. He was now staring at my lips with temptation, as he was about to go in for another kiss, I stopped him rapidly.

Nova: "You're working, remember?"

Steven: "And?" -he chuckled, beginning to kiss my neck gently.

I could feel his warm breathing against my skin, making me let out deep breaths myself. I then laughed over how ticklish I felt, grabbing his face to stop him. He laughed over my expression, pulling me onto his lips once again.

Nova: "I don't want you to get fire because of me." -I mumbled in between the kiss, feeling a smile forming on his lips.

He pulled away one more time, he pulled the thin string of my crop top, placing a kiss on my shoulder blade as the final touch.

Steven: "Fine, I'll see you at home."

Nova: "Yeah, have a good day." -I replied, kissing his cheek.

I began to walk away, suddenly hearing rapid footsteps behind me. I turned around to be surprised with another kiss against my lips, making me laugh as soon as he pulled away.

Steven: "You too, sunshine."

I then watched him walk away into the storage of the kitchen, allowing me to leave the room with flushed cheeks. The only thing was that I didn't know how to get back, I couldn't find Conrad, anywhere in the club.

My feet were already hurting from walking around the club in search for the boy, he was nowhere to be found. I then remembered he had work with Cleveland, making me scoff.

On the distance I was able to spot Cam, even though I felt slightly nervous to speak to him I still walked over to, the curly head. He had became my only option, which wasn't bad at all. He noticed me instantly, smiling my way awkwardly.

Cam: "Hey, Nova."

Nova: "Hi, Cam Cameron." -I greeted, waving at him as I approached.

I looked around the area completely embarrassed, searching for a way to ask him to drive me home. I felt bad having to ask, but I didn't have any ride and I didn't brought money with me to pay for a taxi or uber.

Nova: "I don't want to bother you or anything but I was wondering if you could."

I closed my mouth after trying to speak, watching how he observed me confused. I fidgeted around with my ring, looking around the area.

Nova: "Can you drive me home?" -I asked quickly, watching a slight smile forming on his face.

Cam: "Yeah sure...can I ask you something though?" -he questioned after taking a while to reply, scratching his neck.

Nova: "Of course."

He took a couple of seconds to breathe, glancing back at me with teary eyes. I instantly stepped closer to him in a worry, putting my hand on his arm.

Nova: "Cam, what's wrong?"

Cam: "Could we not talk about Belly, on the drive back?" -he asked, almost breaking in between sentence.

Nova: "Oh."

I stayed quiet as I heard his sighing, trying to not make eye contact with him over how awkward I felt at the moment.

Cam: "We broke up a couple of minutes ago." -he mentioned, making my eyes widened completely.

Nova: "Oh my, God...Cam, I'm so sorry."

Cam: "It's fine, I kinda suspected it would happen." -he replied, smiling nervously my way.

He motioned me to follow him so I did, arriving quickly to the parking lot of the club. He opened his car's door for me, allowing me to head inside. I watched how he closed the door to walk around the vehicle, arriving seconds later to his side.

He drove me home without wasting any time, a couple of minutes after making it to the beach house. He observed the home quietly after parking, avoiding to look my way.

Nova: "Hey, if you ever need to talk...I'm here." -I reassured, smiling at the boy.

He nodded in agreement, smiling as well to me. I then headed out of the car, waving goodbye to the boy, who honked as he began to leave.

I entered the beach house soon after, looking around the area to spot Belly, running up the stairs quickly. She seemed sad, at first, I suspected that she might've been sad because of what happened with Cam but then I glanced over to my right spotting Conrad, outside. I frowned my eyebrows confused, walking towards the boy, in search for answers.

Nova: "What's going on?" -I asked, opening the sliding door.

He stared at me without exchanging any words, rubbing his hands nervously.

Conrad: "Could you go check up on Belly, please?"

Nova: "Conrad, what happened?" -I questioned, fearing he might've hurt, the girl.

Conrad: "I...I technically rejected starting something with her."

My expression changed into a complete worried one, same as Conrad's that didn't had the glow it had before.

Nova: "Like, a relationship?" -I whispered, receiving a nod from him.

I opened my mouth widely, shocked over what I had learned.

Nova: "I'll be back, prepare to be scolded later though." -I flashed a sarcastic smile, seeing how he sighed later on.

My head wonder what might've happened with Conrad, was he really that mean to her? I never expected to see Belly, crying over him. She had nothing but happiness running through her face whenever she saw him. I thought that the moment they got together it would've been the same way she and I imagined it. But I guess dreams aren't really dreams if they don't have an obstacle in between it.

I ran upstairs in search for the girl, knowing she was gonna be inside her room. The girl's room was always our safe spot when we were little, it was never my room...it was hers. She would always have snacks inside and planned out pillow fights, and everything that is related to a girls night...we would do it no matter what.

l stopped my tracks in front of her door, taking deep breaths to get ready for whatever state the girl, was probably gonna be in. My hand twisted the doorknob carefully, eyes staring around the space rapidly. They instantly spotted the girl, she was already glancing my way with tears rooming down her cheeks.

Nova: "Hey." -I mumbled, closing the door behind me gently.

She cried even more, stretching her arms my way as I approached. I embraced her quickly, rubbing her head as she continued to sob onto my shoulder.

Belly: "I feel so stupid." -she confessed, making me sigh while pulling her away from me.

Nova: "Bells, you aren't stupid."

Belly: "Yes I am."

Nova: "No you're not, Isabel." -I grunted, shuffling her around repeatedly.

Belly: " I thought he was finally giving me a chance." -she sobbed, rubbing her eyes in between sentence.

I stared at her with pity, trying to find the right words to say to her. I was never a good comforter, I always think that if I say something, it will be the wrong thing to say at the moment.

Nova: "Conrad, is the stupid one...okay?"

Belly: "No, don't say that." -she mumbled, bringing her hands onto her forehead.

Nova: "Yes he is! Like, how could he say no to you? I mean, if I was him...I would've said yes no matter what."

She laughed by my comment, receiving a smile from me. She laid her torso down, proceeding to rest her head on my lap. I began to rub her soft hair gently, hearing her deep breaths echoing throughout her room.

Belly: "I just thought that this would've finally be the time, you know?"

Nova: "Don't worry, there's still time." -I reassured, looking around her room.

Belly: "You think?"

Nova: "Of course I do! Look, I know Conrad, he loves you a lot." -I explained, looking down at the girl, who had adjusted her position to stare at me.

Belly: "I don't think that's true."

Nova: "Believe it or not...it is." -I replied, watching how she sat up suddenly.

Belly: "He never shows it, he never shows affection to me."

Nova: " Conrad, isn't really the affection type of guy. Mom, technically forces him to give affection.

Belly: "He always shows affection to you though." -she claimed, wiping the tears away from her eyes.

Nova: " I guess I'm the only person he trust with giving affection. He says it's too hard for him, I've never known a reason why though."

Belly: "He's always going to be a mystery."

Nova: "Not always, sooner or later...he will open up to you, Belly." -I corrected, rubbing her arm.

She took a while to speak again, I almost thought she was out of words. Her eyes were focus onto the window of her room, they weren't moving at all. But then that beautiful smile of hers beamed brightly, making me grin her way.

Nova: "What's up?" -I chuckled, hitting my elbow against her arm.

Belly: "Can we have a sleepover?"

She asked, instantly flashing a smile my way that made me get filled with excitement. Just when I was remembering this, she also wanted to remember it as well. Mom has always told me that me and Belly, share the same brain. Is it weird? Yes it is. But, I'm starting to believe it's true.

Nova: "Duh! Why would I ever say no to that?" -I giggled, clapping happily.

Belly: "Yay! Okay, let's get everything set up."

I stood up from her bed, walking out of her room to search for snacks downstairs. The house had this weird sent around it, it almost smelled like cigarettes. My eyebrows frowned confused, but I still kept walking downstairs. I then stumbled across Jeremiah, receiving a hug from him suddenly. I laughed by the sudden action, tapping his back reassuringly.

Nova: "Everything okay?"

Jeremiah: "Yeah, what are you up to?" -he asked, smiling over to me.

Nova: "I'm gonna have a girls night with Belly, don't dare entering the room."

I demanded while grinning my eyes his way, he only chuckled over my sentence and expression. Soon after I saw how he raised his hands up in surrender, making me walk away from him. My eyes also spotted Conrad, cleaning the kitchen,ย  I hadn't realized how messy it was when I arrived.

Nova: "What the hell happened here?"

Conrad: "Apparently the moms decided to get high." -he explained, sighing out of frustration.

I noticed he seemed uncomfortable, I didn't know if it was because of Belly, or something else. I approached him quietly, pulling him into a hug without exchanging any words with him.

He embraced me fully doing the exact same thing as well, there was sort of communication happening without words. We both knew that we needed each other's comfort with no words being exchanged.

Conrad: "Thanks, Nova." -he mumbled, rubbing my back softly.

Nova: "Anytime."

He then pulled away to look at me, almost speaking to me with only his eyes. I instantly knew something was up, the way he's eyes shined...that was a different type of stare.
I couldn't decipher what what's going on his mind, but I knew it was something bad.

Nova: "What's going on?" -I asked filled with concern, walking closer to, the boy.

The silence filling the small space was overwhelming, it was making me desperate already.

Nova: "Conrad?"

Conrad: "There's something you need to know."

End of chapter.

Sofia's notes:
Am I the drama? YES I AM. I know I'm evil...I know ๐Ÿฅฒ I'm deeply sorry for the ending and the amount of waiting y'all had to endure. I'll try updating as soon as possible!! Love y'all ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

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Pinterest: sofiafics

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