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There stood jungkook again waiting for his prince climbing upon a tree , the branches prevented others from noticing his presence .

Make way , Make way
The announcer announced as the soldiers pushed away people from the track as the trail of soldiers accompanied by their horses went by there came the figure they all waited for...

The prince was sitting on his white long furred fancy horse , to enhance the beauty silk clothes are adored on it the prince stood out by his charisma . He was in the middle , the general Kim seaokjin was on his right as they both made their way without any hastle

Jungkook : My beloved you look beautiful as alwys . Please just look at me , even if a mere sec is enough.

With that jungkook pushed down the branch giving access to the onlookers to dot on his prisence the humans who saw him scolded him to get down some even was trying to climb up to him the  surroundings became messy as people cursed at him for his not so good behaviour some were worried and some were jelous on his idea.

But the commotion sure caught both Kim's attention.  Taehyung looked at the doe eyed male on top of the tree he saw how some men were trying to get to him,  some were yelling while some where giggling at the rediculous behaviour.

Taehyung: Halt

As the word left his mouth the parade along with the crowd became silent , a moment of silence.

Taehyung pointed at jungkook his face showed no sign of kindness nor anger it was as if he holded no emotions.

But without any further delay another voice echoed

Taehyung : Move

The soldier's marched their feet without missing a beat .
His right hand men aka Kim seokjin took a mental note on the doe eyed male and his appearance he mentally chuckled at his childish behaviour .

Jungkook saw the look the prince gave him , he was feeling Euphoric , he hooed to get a mere sight but now he grabbed both his attention and even managed to get some word out just bcoz of him
Jungkook cheered himself as he looked at the disappearing figure he loved every minute . Jungkook was so immersed by his lover that he didn't acknowledged the presence of another male right beneath his feat

The male grabbed his foot , jungkook jolted at the sudden touch even before he could react the certain male had already pushed him down to the ground .

Thud !! A sound was heard accompanied by groanings of pain jungkook curled up from the sudden impact as his mind got dizzier

Male : Now you know how to behave *laughs and mocks him*.

Hopefully,  some people from the onlookers helped him to sit up one of them offered him a cup of water they helped him stand up and as Jungkook muttered out a thankyou and that he was alright the one's surrounding his started to disperse as the show has Already ended.

Jungkook too made his way back home with a broken back but still he felt the warmth his heart emitted.


As the the parade got to an end Thr prince and his General made there way to the emparial court room they discussed current affairs and the areas they should give theit attention on to.

Hours passed by as the meeting went on.

If there was one thing that angered Taehyung wholeheartedly was hearing the never ending debate between the ministers.

Its just one can't agree with the other , and they find mistakes in each and every ideas no matter how small they are they act as if i am somekind of free thing they could use as a decoration : Tae's thought

Ministers1 of Crop and Agriculture (bowing)  : Crown prince , there is harsh rainfall on the easter side of our kingdom many farmers have lost there crop and their income.  The main issue is that there aren't enough food for them to survive till next harvest . The Xxx village is at the verge of hunger game they are exhausted and drained pf there energy. I hope you'r maje0sty will provide them with enough ration.

Minister2of Account & merchants  ( bowing) : prince you can't allow that Eventhough thereconditio condition is somewhat poor they are perfectly fine, with the harvested crop they could survive till next year , the main issue is not hunger but income, giving the poor with 50tails each would be more useful.

Minister1 : i don't think thats a good idea, prince  consider their health

Minister 2: with money they would be able to care for their health and belongings

Minister 3 :  i agree with minister 1 Food is an essential thing for a human and if the money given is used for food why don't we just give the ration ?

Minister 4 : That won't be okay they not only needs food they require health attention, cattle attention and house repairing needs , i stand with minister 2 money would be better.

Minister 5 : i agree with minister 4

Minister 6 : But the cattle caring and house repairing are done under the certain minster of that village,the emparial court has already decided and sended them the money for all this matter.

Minster 7 : that's true the village minister should take things upon his hands he had recieved the money so he should do it all for free.

Minister 2 : How can that be right caring for all the villagers just by one person would be a hassle by giving the money things would be much more simpler

Minster 1 : That won't do , last time when the money was allowed the villagers only got half of the allotted money and the rest were looted and till now no one knows were it all disappeared.

Minister 2 : Why are bringing the case of money laundering here are you trying to spill the dirt on me? Well in that case two years prior whe the king himself gave the oder to distribute the ration  among the poor The highness  gave the village head wheat , barley , pulses in an equal amount as things got distributed wheat got finished quickly compared to the others , where did it vanish off to ? Huh?

Minster 5 : That's right did the dog caught you'r tongue ?

Minster 1 : This issue had already been settled on the same year , some of the baggs with wheat were torn thus  rats must have stole some amount and it noted that the soldiers who distributed the grains never equally measured it thus gave unequal amount and caused the issues.

Minister 4 :You think we are only 5ur olds who would beleive that rats have stolen 25kg of wheat.

The arguments carried on....until

TAEHYUNG : That's enough. Is this an emparial court or public inns ?

All chatters died down as the ministers bowed on their knees knowing they have crossed their limits , All were scared for their head as they unionly begged for mercy

(Atleast they said something with union was the only thought of the general who watched the whole drame without missing a beat , he enjoyed their show , seokjin knew of their true colour and he surely knew about some minister who cunningly hid there fox fur inside the sheep coat.He enjoyed theit noble act as they smeared dirt on each other )

Taehyung: No money will be issued to the villagers , Rations will be distributed directly to the needy with any third hand , I The crown prince of Eldore will moniter the whole process by myself.

With that he left his sharp gaze were fixated on them as all ducked down theor head afarid to even let out a sweat they kept their pose steady. One thing for sure The crown prince was harder to convince compared to the king.

The ministers all agreed on the fact that the crown prince was much more scarier than their Current King.

Taehyung made his way out of the court room as he steadied himself up his aura contained the threat which scared each workers to stand atleast 20foots away.

The prince along with his guards exited the Court area they made powerful impact to the onlookers as they all bowed their whole body down 

As they reached the emparial palace the king assigned his guards with work as he made his way towards his study room on their way...

Taehyung: what are you smiling for ?

Seaokjin : what , Who me ?

Taehyung: Is there anyone else ?

Seokjin : well...well (seokjin was contemplating on whether to mention the real matter or not)

Taehyung: well if you are planning to lie then its better to cut out your tongue

Seokjin: wahh , such brutality i was just thinking about the childish behaviour of the boy

Taehyung  : which boy ?

Seokjin : The one who climbed up the tree during the parade.

Taehyung : That was a dumb move tho

Seokjin: * laughs* But funny tho...Prince this isn't the first time but i have noticed his presence on other occasions too , i think no i am sure you are his idol .

Taehyung  : idol hummm

( as The General and the prince Right hand men it wasn't unusual for seokjin to note on people he could vividly remember each faces)

Seokjin : *continues laughing * i am curious on which stund he will pull out next

Taehyung just remained silent even if he acted like he didn't knew of the doe eyed males presence he always doted on him.while,  he went out in public he witnessed how the male was getting thrashed amongst the crowd but he still kept on cheering for the Prince. Tbh , Taehyung was kinda drawn to him and today the way he ridiculously climbed up the tree just to see him made him smile the prince was happy but initially he was worried for his safety..oh , how badly taehyung wanted to stop the parade just to see the male climb down safely but as a prince he needed to compose himself with high responsibility comes huge burden to carry oneself on an act.

Taehyung : You should rest now, i am going to my study room.

Seokjin: Sure prince , i will be ready to take your oders anytime

With that seokjin left as Taehyung entered his study room beside his bedroom , his lips twitched up into a smile as he remembered about his now follower.


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