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'Did you call me last night?'

Jk- yes,jagiya I called you last night and I have already told you about you and me.

'Just shut your stupid mouth and dad why did you let him in when you don't know anything about him'

Dad- who told you I don't know about him...I know him.

'I was totally confused now.'

Dad-He is the Mafia of Seoul.

'What! Mafia? He is devil.'

Jk- Don't worry y/n I am not here to kill anyone.I am here for a contract.

'What a contract! why my dad will sign a contract with you? He won't sign. And now you get lost.'

Jk- No,darling not with your dad.
I am here to sign a contract with you.

'What!contract with me.Why will I sign? you just get lost from here...I don't want you here anymore.'

Dad- Y/n calm down...

Dad- Sorry sir,She is not rude to everyone..she is very soft and little,please forgive her.

Jk- No no...Mr.Cha don't worry.I will not harm her.(Smirking and thinking something dirty)

In my room-

'Shit this man,he is so cruel. I really don't like Mafias...I started throwing things like pillows, mirror,vase etc.'

"Suddenly a piece of mirror prickled in my foot and I sat on the floor removing the piece of mirror and crying...
I managed to bring first aid box and sat on bed."

'Aaaaaa.. it's hurting...uff...'

'I did first aid and when I was Standing suddenly I slipped but someone held me by my waist...'

'you...why are you here? Leave me.'

Jk- why are you hurting yourself baby girl don't be so silly and stupid, got it You are going to be my Mrs. so stop doing this useless shits.

"I removed his hand from my waist but I fell on bed, he came closer to me and packed me between his hands..."

Jk-You are so beautiful my sweetie.
You should be mine and I will owe you.

"I hit on his chest but nothing worked instead he came more closer to me and now his lips were very close if any of us would have moved a little bit our lips would be attatched."

'Stay away from me.I am not your servent or slave...I will not obey you. Got it you jerk.'

Jk-Ya that's the point honey...You are not my servent so why you will listen to me that's why I am here to make you my slave.(smirking and touching her hands)

'What do you mean your slave...why?'

'You will get to know now...he held my hand and tried to take me in the hall but I resisted and he took me in his lap and went down...I hit on his chest but nothing worked.'


'Everyone was shocked to see jk and me in that position..'

Dad- Jungkook put her down...what are you doing?

'He put me on the sofa and sat beside me. His secretary passed him some documents. I didn't understand whatever he said in the room but I got feelings that I was going to suffer for my whole life.'

Jk- Hers's the contract y/n sign it.

'What the hell are you saying again? I will sign a Contract with you! Stop these all shits otherwise I will sue you.'

'His Secretary was trying to explain her about contract but jk stopped him...Let her dad to explain her...

Dad- I am so sorry my daughter.I never thought about it. Please forgive me.

'Dad please don't cry. Tell me about it please.'

Dad- This is a slave contact which you have to sign for him after that you will go with him to his palace and whatever he will say you have to do it.

'My dad was crying continuously.'

'But dad why are you afraid of him. Report it to the police. He can't bully us. I won't sign it.'

Dad- I can't report about it. If I report then he will ruin me. I will have to beg. I didn't know I would have to face this day.
Aaannn...my daughter...

'Dad please don't cry. I don't want to do this..aann...aa..but I can't see you crying so badly.'

"I hugged my dad and cried loudly."

Jk- What happen jagiya?
Don't you wanna be a queen?

'You...ahh..you are here for the slave contract and telling me to be a queen.'

Jk- Oops! My mistake. You will be my slave darling.
Just sign it and come with me.
Accept your faith baby girl.

'I will kill you.'

Jk- I won't let this happen.

'Aaaann...I got up and hit him. I was continuously hitting on his chest but nothing worked on his hard chest instead he held my hand and put me on the sofa.'

Jk- Save your energy for me. I am already an energetic man but you need to prepare yourself for me.

'Shut up you piece of shit.'

Jk- And you are the one who pieced me.

'Ahhh! You...'

Jk- Sign or your dad will be dead.

'He took out his gun and located on my dad's head.'

'No, please no.'

Jk- Then here's the pen. Sign it and come with me.

'I will not spare you.'

Jk- I will see who will spare whom.

"I signed the slave contract and accepted my faith with that jerk."

Jk- Very good baby girl.
Guards, let's go and make sure not to hurt her.


Dad- P..pl.. please sir take care of her. I never gave her hard times. I raised her as a princess.

Jk- You are her dad so you raised her as a princess and I am her daddy so I will raise her as my queen or my slave.

'Dad, don't worry about me. I will take care of myself.'

"He hugged me and I went to my room to take my luggage..after some time I came and went with Jungkook to Seoul."

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