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"When we reached, I found my feet stucked on the floor and eyes widened in shock because what I saw was incredible. I have never seen it before."

"Everywhere it was dark but the moon's light was sparkling each things. I was on the sand and infront of me there was a huge ocean shining under the sky. It was serene and calm everywhere. Only thing I could hear were wave's thunder. I never thought this mafia man would be like that."

'Did you not like it jagiya?' He asked before putting his hand on my waist and grabbing into his arms.


'Is this not beautiful?' He asked.

'I mean it's beautiful. It's really fabulous. I have never seen an ocean in the night and specially on my birthday.' I said without looking at him.

'I know it's pretty just like you.' He said.

I was looking at the shining and serene ocean but suddenly I felt his hands sliding around my waist and putting something on it. I clinched and looked down.

'What is this?' I asked.

'Well, in our language we call it waistband.' He said and brushed his lips on my cheeks and gave a calm peck which I don't know why but made me blush.

'I think you like it.' He said and pulled me closer to his chest and kissed on my lips. I couldn't process his moves and found myself giving up on him. I put my hand on his neck and kissed him back which I never ever did to him. This time his kisses were passionate and his feelings were not sinful. I could feel his warmth on my lips. For the very first time I truly felt his lips. I couldn't process further and forgot myself for a moment.

But suddenly I opened my eyes and realised what I was doing. I pushed him harshly because of that he fell on the sand and got dirty.

'What the hell! Why did you push me? You were enjoying too then why?' He asked and cleaned the sand from his shirt.

'I...I...I don't know wh..why I did it.' I said and went closer to the ocean.

'Hey! You..you little. Ah! I am annoyed.' He shouted and followed me.

We sat there for half an hour but we didn't talk and after some time I told him to go home so he did.

"How should I interpret this! This mafia man is out of mind. He took me to the ocean and gave me waistband. He called my appa too and planned a surprise party for me. But he forced me too. How should I take him? As a good one or the bad one? Is he gentleman or sinner? What if he is taking advantage of me! What if he loves me and just want me to love him too but it's really confusing. If he loves me then he should have waited for my permission. Why did he force me?....aaaaannannnnnnn I am about to burst now. Sleep Y/n sleep. Just get some honey night and wait for the right time." I thought the whole night and slept late.


I was working in the store room and fixing the broken chair. But suddenly I found a guitar which was in good condition so I thought of playing it. I didn't know but atleast I tried. Its strings were tough and I got a small scratch. When I put it aside I found Taehyung standing infront of me and staring at me with suspicious eyes.

'What are you doing here?' I asked.

'I was here to meet Jungkook but I couldn't find him and on the way I found you playing this guitar. So I stopped to see you.' He replied.

'Okay. By the way do you know how to play this?' I asked and gave the guitar to him.

'Yes,I know.' He said and started playing.

I was listening to him excitingly and when he played I realised something. 'Is this real? How is it possible? Am I dreaming? How could he play the same music like that street musician? Was is he? No,I think I have mistaken. But what if he is that musician.'

'Are you listening?' He asked while playing.

'Aa..aa..yes, wait stop.' I said.

'Why? What happen?' He asked before putting the guitar other side.

'I have a question for you.'

'Yes,ask.' He replied.

'By any chance have you ever gone to Busan?' I asked suprisingly.

'Yes,many times. But why are you asking?'

'Did you ever play guitar in Busan on the street?' I asked before bending towards him.

'Yes,I have played recently.' He replied.


'Yes. But tell me the reason for asking this question suddenly.'

'Few weeks ago you came to Busan and played right?'

'Yes,I did.'

'And a young girl danced there.'

'Mm...mmm perhaps yes.'

'That young girl was me. I was dancing on your song and I paid you too.'

'What! Really!' He got up while asking.

'Yes,I am surprised too. What a coincidentally!' I laughed.

'Wow! Nice.' He said with a huge smile on his face.

'By the way why did you play on the street?' I asked excitedly.

'Actually it was my passion to play guitar so whenever I gets time I play in the crowd to make them dance and smile for that moment.' He replied and smiled at me.

'I am happy for you.I wish Jungkook was like you. You are very humble and cute.' I said.

'Thank you but he plays guitar better than me.'

'Really! Does he?' I asked suprisingly.

'Yes. If you want to listen to him then request him to play. You will be amazed by his voice and skill.' He said and left the room.

'If I request then will he?' I asked to myself and get to work.

At night...

Jungkook was working on his laptop and I stopped to call him for dinner when he was about to go then I said- 'I have something to ask you.'

He surprisingly shook his head and bent towards me 'Yes, darling.'

'Do you play guitar?' I asked while biting my lips.

'Well, Yes.' He replied and grabbed my waist into his arms.

'Lea...leave it. Come for dinner. I am hungry too.' I said and tried to push him but he pulled me closer again and gave a passionate kiss on my neck and said ' Come in my room after dinner. I will show you my great  skill.' And after that we had dinner.


I hope I am not going out of the storyline. I am just trying to make it more interesting for you all. Hope you will like it and please vote and comment💜🎀🌷

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