54 | Neel

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That was the answer.

I indeed liked her and all those times, my heart didn't want to accept it but still, was I ready to accept it?

"Hmm, Go home. Go to Reality and this—woman. I'll have someone get the job done as soon as possible," The boss said and I couldn't be happier that he didn't talk about it anymore. "Reality is in the second grade if I'm not wrong?" He asked, earning a nod from me.

With that, I turned around and exited the office. "Mr Kim," A young boy stopped me. I halted in my tracks, glaring at him unintentionally as I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody. "My name is Neel, I am a big fan of you sir," He declared enthusiastically.

"So?" I let out, ready to walk out on him.

"Please take me under your wing? You are like the most awesome person I've ever met in my life," The boy, Neel said and I couldn't help but scoff mentally. How could I probably be the most awesome person he has met if I couldn't even take care of my daughter?

"Whatever, boy," I let out and was about to leave but he grabbed my hands stopping me. I took a calming breath as I wanted nothing more than to smack his head. "Let go of my hand," I uttered with gritted teeth. He immediately let go of my hands with fear written all over his life.

"I-I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to touch you without your permission. I just—I wasn't eavesdropping, but I kind of overheard you asking for someone to kill and burn down a building for you—" My anger got the best of me and I grabbed his neck, pushing him to the nearest wall.

"How dare you eavesdrop on my conversation with the boss. I could have your death sanctioned, you piece of Shit," I spat out, increasing the pressure of my grip on his neck. The grip was tight enough to make blood rush to his head and make him feel very uncomfortable but not tight enough to make him fall unconscious.

"I-I was-n't eaves-drop-ping, I cau-caught you on your way in wh-ile I was get-ting off training. I was go-ing to wait for you in front of the off-ice but could-n't hel-help but over-heard you talk-ing about your daug-daughter," He was straining to speak only for me to tighten my grip more.

I was angry but not at the boy. Realising that, I released my grip on his neck, "What do you want?" I took a calming breath and questioned.

"I want to do it for you. I've had my first kill and I'm now a permanent employee here. I want to burn the building down and kill the teacher to impress you," The boy said. I stayed quiet for a few seconds contemplating if I should let him do it.

"It's tonight, go to the boss for the full information," If the boy wanted to impress me, I was sure he would try to do it without making any mistakes and he would take it more seriously than a random employee who probably hates me.

"Really? Thank you!" He almost hugged me but refrained from doing it after seeing the irritated look on my face. "Erm—Sir, can I have your number?" He asked but I responded by walking away and leaving his question unanswered.

I got into my car and stepped on the pedal. Too lost in thoughts, I almost rammed my car into another person's car bumper. "Fuck!" That was all it took to turn my eyes into waterfalls. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I hit the steering wheel angrily as tears continued to rush down.

Thinking of what must be on Reality's head to think it would be best if I didn't know broke my heart into pieces. I was a twenty-nine-year-old man sobbing like a toddler in my car on the main road. I wasn't eligible to be a dad.

The honks from the several cars behind me brought me back to reality as I realized the traffic light was on green. I stepped on the pedal and drove straight home.

Arriving home, I stood in front of my apartment slowly unlocking the door, knowing fully well that Reality would be with Wraya in her place; She would be happy with Wraya and her friends, I stepped into the living room only to find Reality and Wraya standing in front of the door on their way out.

Reality's hands were in Wraya's while Wraya was holding Reality's uniform and essential things in her chest. That showed that Reality would be staying with her overnight which I had nothing against, in fact, I think it would be better if Reality stayed with Wraya.

Having no words to say, I swerved past them and went straight into my room only to fall to my knees and start another round of cries. I was such a loser.

After hours of crying 'til the point where tears were no longer coming out. I was curled on my bed, and I could only open my eyes halfway because of how swollen they must have been, I felt hot and cold at the same time, and it felt like my head was getting hammered.

Feeling my phone vibrating repeatedly in my pants pocket, I dropped my hands and pulled out the phone only to be met with tons of messages from an unknown number.

Unknown Number

— • Hello!
— • It's Neel.
— • From work.
— • You remember me, right?
— • Hellooooo!
— • Hello, it's me *in Adele's voice*
— • You're alive, right?
— • Did the boss give me a fake number?
— • It couldn't be fake, right?
— • He couldn't possibly give me a fake number, right?

One more message, you're dead • —

— • So it's not fake.
— • I knew it couldn't be fake.
— • The boss isn't petty enough to go out of his way to give me a fake number.
— • He'd rather tell me to fuck off.

And I'm telling you to Fuck off • —

— • But I'm your assistant now.
— • 💬

Before my eyes could land on another text from the annoying boy named Neel, I flung my phone where the vibrations wouldn't reach me and closed my eyes shut, drowning in my own sweat.

"Mr Kim, Mr Kim!" I heard a soothing voice calling and my body was getting gently shaken. I struggled to open my eyes and it landed on—Wraya?

Do you know who Neel is?

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