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SHE KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. she knew that eventually, the empire would catch up to her. vana wasn't at all surprised at the fact she was being executed for her 'crimes' against the empire. tarkin couldn't stand having a jedi alive; he wanted to keep his head attached to his body.

vana gave her friends one last look as she was led out of the detention center. fear settled into her chest, the fear of dying alone, surrounded by war and evil. she'd rather have died when her friends were still, well, her friends. she let out a shaky breath, holding the tears back. she was a jedi for such a short amount of time. she was born and raised on mandalore, and then brought to the temple when she was 6 years old; it didn't seem all that long ago.

vana was led out into the hangar, it being surprisingly empty. it was organized, ships in their respective docking bays, supply boxes shoved into corners. it looked too clean; it was never this organized when she was training on kamino.

she locked eyes with tarkin, who was accompanied by several clone troopers with rifles, among them was crosshair. she paused in her steps, an involuntary reaction; they were going to execute her by firing squad.

"vana kenobi. you are a traitor to the empire, and therefore must pay for your crimes." tarkin started. she wished she could be brave, not show any fear or wavering. but her eyes showed fear, her eyes showed the dread and terror she felt. she swallowed as she looked to see another door open, revealing her friends.

"no no, don't make them watch please." her voice was quiet as she begged. the grand moff just smirked and continued to allow them to enter into the hangar. she didn't make eye contact with them as she was shoved into position, facing the doors she came out of. clones stood in front of her, their rifles raised. two troopers held her arms so she wouldn't move, and she knew this would be the end. what she didn't see was little omega working her way through the shadows.

before vana had entered the hangar or anyone for that matter, omega grabbed vana's sabers from the havoc marauder. omega held the metal weapons in her hands, her nerves and fears bubbled up inside of her. she shook her fears away the best she could and she kept moving; vana needed her.

"ready weapons!" tarkin announced, and simultaneously, the clones and crosshair raised their weapons, aiming at vana. she was held still, looking over at hunter, who stood oddly still. his eyes were filled with fear, but he didn't know what to do. no one did.

omega hurried into the main part of the hangar and just as tarkin was going to give the order to execute, omega ignited one of vana's sabers.

"let her go!" she shouted, her tiny voice echoing off the walls. everyone paused, looks of shock and surprise painted on their faces. omega held the saber with two hands; it was heavier than she thought it would be.

"you don't know what you're holding, child," tarkin chided.

"i do! these are the weapons of the jedi, specifically, vana's!" she argued. vana didn't know whether or not to be upset or proud of the small girl. either way, vana's anxiety increased. they wouldn't kill a child, right?

"you don't know how to use them," tarkin further stated. underneath his helmet, crosshair gave a look of concern. clarity once again was gifted to the soldier, but he was not in a position to argue.

"i don't, but she does," omega pointed to vana, and as everyone looked to vana, omega tossed the jedi her saber. the jedi spun, catching the saber with her hands, even though they were bound. after that, everything went into chaos. the bad batch broke free of the hold the clones had on them, and as the clones focused their fire and attention on the bad batch, who was putting up more of a fight, omega rushed over to vana, letting her go with her other saber. the jedi took time to kneel and embrace the girl in a hug.

"now, make yourself scarce," she told her. instinctively, vana pressed a quick kiss to omega's forehead before running off to join the fight.

vana tried her hardest not to kill any of the clones, but there wasn't always that option. she'd force push them against walls to knock them out, or use her legs to kick them away or use her fists but that part came to no avail. the times she did use her sabers pained her. blocking blaster shots, throwing a lightsaber at them, and even having to cut their throats. none of it felt good, but she knew she needed to get to crosshair, which would be harder. he was a marksman; he'd hit her no matter where she was.

vana spotted crosshair and with the force, pulled him back. she flung him against a wall, attempting to knock him out; she wasn't so sure if she was going to be successful. for a moment crosshair looked like he was going to pass out, but she knew him better than that; he was too stubborn.

"you're a traitor," he rasped.

"that's not the first time i've heard that," she hummed. she heard her name called, but she didn't see the rifle being raised at her.

"good soldiers, follow orders," crosshair fired his weapon, but his shot didn't kill her. it hit her in her side, and in reaction to that, she grunted. vana turned to face him again, lifted him with the force, and slammed him against the wall again. he wasn't dead, she was sure of that, but vana made sure he was out cold.


THEY MANAGED TO ESCAPE, even though they were cutting it close. crosshair was in the medical area of the havoc marauder, and vana was in there as well. she had part of her shirt lifted to show the blaster shot to tech, who was tending to her wound. her mind was foggy; she didn't know what to think of what just happened. she used her sabers against men, but she told herself that they would have killed her without question.

"you should have paid more attention," tech stated bluntly.

"oh, well if it wasn't for my name being called then i would have seen it coming." vana snapped back. hunter, who was standing behind tech, gave her a confused look.

"no one called your name," hunter slowly told her. vana gave him a look that read 'are you crazy?' but maybe he was right, maybe she was hearing things.

"maybe i was just hearing things," she concluded. she winced as tech was a little too rough with her wound.

"it was your first time in a fight since order 66, it could have sparked memories or something like that." tech answered, and she supposed he was right.

tech put a bacta patch on her wound, taking a step back from his work.

"just take it easy, no more fighting for a while," he told her. he left the room, leaving hunter and vana alone with a passed-out crosshair. vana let her shirt back down and exhaled.

"he didn't kill me," she whispered. hunter uncrossed his arms and sat in front of her in the chair tech was in.

"he could have, but he didn't," she added, looking hunter in the eyes. she allowed herself to be vulnerable with him, and he picked up on that.

"you sound like you're upset he didn't kill you," he hummed. his brow furrowed as no response came from vana. she looked down at her hands, shaking her head.

"i'm not upset he didn't, i just...was expecting to die. i wasn't planning on escaping," she admitted. she knew hunter has heightened senses, and she didn't want to overwhelm him with her emotions. so, she gathered herself and straightened up, stretching her back, which in turn stretched her wound. she winced, placing a hand over the affected area.

"just forget about it, i'll get over it," she promised hunter with a half-hearted smile. the change of mood caught hunter off guard, so when she stood up to leave, he stood up to stop her.

"you're not going to get over this easily, vana. you need to talk to someone," his voice soothed the wounds deep inside of her, but she refused to let him in any further.

"we need to focus on getting crosshair's chip out, not on how i feel," she told him. vana walked away from him, leaving hunter standing there. he furrowed his brow, his eyes falling to his feet. he wanted to help her, but when her walls went back up, he was lost again. he knew she pushed him out because of his heightened senses, which he couldn't help, but he still wanted her to talk to him. maybe one day she would, until then, she was right; they needed to get crosshair's chip out.


HAHAHAHA I LOVE THIS. listening to music really helps bring out the emotions and i absolutely adore that. i've been so busy with work and trying to see if i can quit (there are some good reasons why) and i've been stressed, hence the delay. sorry! anyways, enjoy and as always i'm so thankful for your support. you all are loved and adored ๐Ÿฅฐ

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