ೃ⁀➷ix. ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ

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COLD WIND BLEW and some clouds cleared away in the distance as Quidditch player flew around three hooped goals. Students from different Hogwarts houses cheered for the players as a Gryffindor player blocked a Slytherin from making their Quaffle in the hoop.

Angelina held the Quaffle under her arm with a tight grip as she flew up and around the field, but another Slytherin player managed to take it away and pass it to Flint.

Harry chased Adrian Pucey around large structure with the symbols for Hufflepuff, but couldn't catch up in time before he threw the ball in the hoop. The bell rang and the Slytherin's cheered from their section from the field, waving their flags around.

"Another point for Slytherin!" Lee Jordan exclaimed.

Adrian fist-bumped the air before flying away with Flint and Malfoy trailing a few feet behind him. Harry surveyed the trio, and Malfoy flew up behind him.

"Alright there, scar-head?" Draco smirked.

The Quaffle flew quickly past Harry and he had to duck his head. Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team flew over to help him. "Watch yourself, Harry!"

"Wood, look out!" The ball flew so fast that it broke part of Wood's broom off, causing him to fall.

It was now going haywire and chairing after Harry. Harry went over to the Slytherin section and the students screamed as they ducked their heads as the ball and Harry made their way out of the seats. Hagrid was inspecting the Quaffle and noticing how it wasn't behaving as it normally would.

He put down the binoculars. "Blimey! Harry's got himself a rogue Bludger."

"Bludger?" ( Y/N ) muttered, loud enough for Hermione to hear.

"That's been tampered with, that has." Hagrid stated, pointing a finger to the sky.

"A bludger's a ball used in Quidditch," Hermione whispered.

Ron aimed his wand at the ball. "I'll stop it!"

"No!" Hermione slapped his wand away.

"Even with a proper wand, it's too risky," Hermione said. "You could hit Harry."

( Y/N ) nodded in agreement, and Ron rolled his eyes. "Of course, you're on her side."

Harry crashed through part of the Slytherin section with the ball still behind him. Draco watched with a smirk on his face, enjoying the sight in front of him. Harry paused for a moment, glaring at Malfoy before spotting the Golden Snitch floating behind him.

The ball nearly hit Malfoy in the head, but he was able to duck and get out of the way. Unfortunately, he also spotted the Snitch and started following from behind him.

Draco pushed Harry a couple times to try and get him out of the way, but Harry was able to follow a few feet behind him. Malfoy reached his arm out for the Snitch before turning to Harry.

"You'll never catch me, Potter!"

After a few they got out from under the Hufflepuff section, nearly hitting Collin as he tried to catch a picture of Harry and Draco. Collin's mouth dropped agape and he quickly duck and covered before he could get caught in the action.

Just as Draco was about to catch Harry, he fell off his broom with a thump. Harry reached his arm out as far as he could to get the Snitch, but fell still holding it in his hands. The crowd cheered as Harry smiled in triumph with the Golden Snitch in his hands.

Hermione, Ron, Hagrid and ( Y/N ) went down to help him.

"Gryffindor wins!" Lee announced.

The Quaffle wasn't done yet. It continued flying up and down, but Hermione used a spell to quickly blow it up before it could hit Harry. The Gryffindor's and Professor Lockhart joined them down on the field.

"Are you okay?" ( Y/N ) questioned.

"I think my arm is broken," Harry sighed.

Lockhart knelt down next to them. "Don't worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straight away."

"No," Harry immediately shook his head and his eyes went wide. "N-not you."

"Poor boy, doesn't know what he's saying,"

Lockhart slowly pulled up Harry's sleeve and Hermione looked at it with a frown. Ron and Hagrid shared a look, both having the opinion that this guy was just full of himself. Professor Lockhart got out his wand from his robe and aimed it at Harry's broken arm.

"Brackium Emendo!" A bright light came from his wand.

He went to check if Harry's arm was okay, but now there wasn't any arm left to check. It hung from his hand with no bones like rubber.

"Well, that can sometimes happen," Lockhart shrugged. "Um, but the point is... you can no longer feel any pain, and very clearly, the bones are not broken."

"Broken?" Hagrid spat. "There's no bones left!"

"Much more flexible, though."


NIGHT FELL ON the Hogwarts castle. Harry was stuck in the Hospital Wing for the night after losing his arm to Lockhart after he tried to fix it. Madame Pomfrey, the matron at Hogwarts, was able to help him by giving him a liquid that tasted disgusting and a cast for his arm.

Harry was woken up by a ghostly voice, the same one he heard when Mrs. Norris got petrified. He put on his glasses and looked around to see where it was coming from, but only saw a house-elf named Dobby.

"Hello," Dobby smiled.

"Dobby?" Harry breathed out.

Harry tried to sit up using the arm that wasn't broken, wondering what Dobby was up to now.

"Harry Potter should have listened to Dobby," The house-elf stated. "Harry Potter should've gone back home when he missed the train."

Harry squinted his eyes. "It was you. You stopped the barrier from letting Ron and me through."

"Indeed. Yes, sir," Dobby sat down on the small table that was on the hospital bed.

"You nearly got Ron and me expelled," Harry whispered.

"At least you would be away from here," Dobby stepped off the table and over to Harry. "Harry Potter must go home."

"Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see that-"

"You made that Bludger chase after me?" Harry questioned.

"Dobby feels most aggrieved, sir. Dobby had to iron his hands," He showed his hands that now had bananas wrapped around them.

"You'd better clear off before my bones come back, Dobby or I might strangle you," Harry threatened and got up from his bed.

"Dobby is used to death threats, sir," Dobby frowned. "Dobby gets them five times a day at home."

"I don't suppose you could tell me why you're trying to kill me?"

"Not kill you, sir. Never kill you," Dobby shook his head.

The house-elf quickly stepped back as Harry made is way over to him.

"Dobby remembers how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. We house-elves were treated like vermin, sir. Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin."

He began bawling, covering his eyes with his bandaged hands. Dobby blew his nose using the towel he used as a shirt. Harry couldn't help but feel a little bad for him.

"Why do you wear that thing, Dobby?" Harry sighed.

"This, sir?" Dobby looked up. "It is a mark of the house-elf enslavement."

"Dobby could only be freed if his master presents him with clothes."

They heard clattering from outside the Hospital Wing. Dobby gasped and quickly hopped onto the bed to give Harry one last warning about the threats that are coming to Hogwarts.

"Listen! Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts," Dobby said in a low voice. "Harry Potter must not stay here now that history is to repeat itself."

"Repeat itself?" Harry questioned. "You mean this has happened before?"

Dobby gasped, covering his mouth. "I shouldn't have said that."

The house-elf got the bottle Madame Promfey used to help Harry's arm started hitting himself with it. Harry got him to stop and grabbed him by part of Dobby's shirt.  "Tell me, Dobby. When did this happen before? Who's doing it now?"

"Dobby cannot say, sir," Dobby replied. "Dobby only wants Harry Potter to be safe."

"No, Dobby. Tell me. Who is it?"

Dobby snapped his fingers, quickly fading away as they heard the door freaking open. Harry looked around, but saw a shadow coming from outside the Hospital Wing door. He quickly got back into the bed, leaning on his side so he could listen in on the conversation.

Professor Dumbledore, Professor Mcgonagall, two other staff members and Madame Promfey borough a petrified Collin into the Hospital Wing. They placed him carefully on the hospital bed, his closed shut with the camera still in his hands.

"What happened?" Promfey asked.

"I think he's been Petrified, Madame Promfey," Mcgonagall said. "Perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker."

Dumbledore slowly took the camera out of Collin's hands and opened it up, only to find no film. The staff members gasped as a light explosion came from inside.

"What does this mean, Albus?" Mcgonagall questioned.

"It mean... that our students are in great danger,"

"What should I tell the staff?"

"The truth," Dumbledore sighed. "Tell them that Hogwarts is no longer safe."

"It is as we feared, Minerva," Dumbledore continued with a tint of fear in his voice. "The Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again."


"AGAIN?" Hermione questioned as the four sat around a small cauldron in the girl's lavatory. Harry had just finished explaining everything he heard from Dumbledore last night about the Chamber of Secrets.

"You mean it's been opened before?"

"Of course. Don't you see?" Ron spoke up from leaning on one of the lavatory stalls. "Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here, and now he's taught Draco how to do it."

Hermione shrugged as she grabbed another vial. "Maybe. We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure."

She poured another liquid into the cauldron. ( Y/N ) was now just wearing a Gryffindor sweater along with the other three with her sleeves up, sitting next to Harry as Hermione continued stirring the brew.

"Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight... in the middle of the girls' lavatory?" Ron questioned.

"And shouldn't we find a safer place to keep ( Y/N ) from sight? Don't you think we'll get caught for both?"

Hermione chuckled. "No. No one ever comes in here."

"Why?" Ron frowned in confusion.

"Moaning Myrtle," Hermione replied.


( Y/N )'s eyes widened as she saw a girl who was almost invisible, wearing glasses, pig tails and a Ravenclaw robe float out of one of the stalls that Ron was leaning against.

"Who's Moaning Myrtle?"

"I'm Moaning Myrtle," The ghost girl spat as she flew up to the ceiling.

"That explains all the noises," ( Y/N ) muttered.

'I wouldn't expect you to know me," She went on. "Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, Moaning Myrtle?"

She screamed as she flew down, back to the toilet.

"She's a little sensitive."

Heyy! I'll try to write lab flashbacks, but I'm not the best at those. I might edit some chapters in order to fit them in, but I'll definitely write some in later!

- see you soon, meg !

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