[ 𝟏.𝟏𝟕 ] Lockdown

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━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀"𝘾𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙩!" ordered Mrs. Martin. "I'll return them to you at the end of the exam."

Designated as the supervisor, she welcomed the students entering the classroom one by one.

"Don't forget to stamp the liability release form," She added, indicating the coach who was distributing the exam forms.

"Hurry up!" exclaimed the coach. "I didn't volunteer for you to keep me waiting while I could have stayed on my couch watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie!"

The students took their seats.

"Don't consult your papers until I give you the green light," said Natalie.

Stiles, who was flipping through his paper with bewilderment, a pencil between his lips and another tucked behind his ear, immediately closed it.

"This test will last for two hours and ten minutes," Mrs. Martin continued. "You will have a total of twenty-five minutes for two reading comprehension exercises, twenty-five minutes for two math and general knowledge exercises, and thirty minutes to write an essay on a selected theme. Your quarterly average will depend on two-thirds of your results."

"That means sixty-six percent," Lydia clarified.

Scott and Kira exchanged nervous glances.

"If you ever have any uncertainty about an instruction, address it to me and not to your neighbor, understood?"

Natalie received some nods in response. She settled at her desk and activated the stopwatch on her watch.

"All right, you may now open your questionnaires," She declared. "Good luck to you all."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Can I take a break and come back in three hours?" asked Malia, feeling stressed.

She took off her jacket and draped it over the back of her chair. Her forehead was glistening with sweat, and she absentmindedly shook her leg, tapping her foot on the floor. Around her, a dozen other students also dreaded the imminent deadline of the exam they were about to face.

"In three hours, this test will be over," replied Mr. Yukimura, placing a sheet on his desk.

Malia frowned.

"It won't finish itself if I don't start it," She retorted.

"He meant that's the time we'll have left to answer all the questions," added Isaac, sitting at the table to her left.

Ken handed her a form.

"Exactly," He said. "We've allotted you fifty extra minutes compared to your peers to allow for a more relaxed pace. Of course, you'll have a few minutes for restroom breaks, but I suggest you make good use of them if you don't want to hand in a rushed assignment."

Malia took out a history book from her bag. "

Just a reminder that you're not allowed to use any resources other than your own knowledge," Mr. Yukimura informed. "So, I'm obliged to take this from you."

He confiscated the book.

"It's strange, it looks like the copy I lost a few days ago," He remarked as he inspected it.

However, he put that impression aside when he saw bite marks on the cover.

"Before we begin, I'd like to know if there's anything specific you'd like me to clarify?"

Malia raised her hand.

"Yes?" Ken asked.

"How many minutes do we get to cheat?"

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Taking advantage of the arrival of the accompanying supervisor to oversee the exam, Mrs. Martin went to the coach's office hoping to find a stapler.

"Bobby?" She called, pushing the door open. "Thanks again for giving me a hand this morning, I wanted to know if-"

She paused, realizing he was asleep, his head resting on the desk next to an empty orange cup. She shook his shoulder, but he didn't wake up. She then stood behind him and turned his neck to see his face.

"Oh, Bobby," She lamented, smelling the tequila emanating from his saliva-dripping mouth. "Fifteen years of sobriety just to end up like this."

She tapped his cheeks.

"Bobby, look at me, it's Natalie."

"What does Robert have that I don't?" He muttered, lifting his eyelids slightly. "Was I so frail and ungrateful?"

Mrs. Martin frowned.

"You're completely delirious," She said. "I'll bring you some coffee during the break."

She repositioned him in his original posture, and he fell back asleep, producing loud snores. Natalie's gaze lingered on a redness at the back of his neck. With her fingertips, she lifted his t-shirt and noticed multiple patches on his skin, resembling a severe rash.

Repulsed, she quickly sanitized her hands with a hydroalcoholic solution placed near a box of tissues, which she used to wipe them. She then rummaged through a drawer and found a stapler, which she borrowed before heading back to the classroom, still struck by her discovery.

As she returned to the students, she detected agitation coming from the back row.

"You're supposed to work in silence," She scolded, walking between the tables to silence the chatter.

Approaching the disturbance, her authority faltered as she saw a girl's body sprawled on the floor.

"Violet!" She exclaimed.

The student, slowly regaining her senses, grabbed the hand Mrs. Martin extended and gradually stood up, holding the back of her head.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," replied the teenager. "I just felt dizzy."

"Violet, how long have you had this?" Mrs. Martin asked, noticing inflammation spreading along her wrist.

The girl seemed just as surprised as she was.

"I don't know."

"Should we suspend the test?" The accompanying supervisor panicked.

"No, continue," Natalie replied.

Violet sat back in her chair under the questioning gazes of her classmates. Mrs. Martin picked up her phone from her desk.

"Stay in your seats," She told all the students. "I'll be right back."

Stiles squinted.

"No one leaves the room," Natalie whispered to the accompanying supervisor.

Scott, who had heard her, furrowed his brow, sensing that something was amiss.

Mrs. Martin went to make a phone call in the hallway.

"Yes, hello? I need the CDC number."

Scott, still focused on her voice, continued to listen attentively.

"Yes, that's right, the Centers for Disease Control."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━


Twenty One Pilots - Heathens

Vancouver Sleep Clinic - Closure

The Phantoms - World Gone Mad

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

After the confirmation of the exam postponement, the supervisors ordered the students to evacuate the classrooms to allow the health management team to set up decontamination tents and cells dedicated to detecting any germs that could spread within the school. Nurses dressed in yellow anti-bacteriological suits, with protective respiratory masks, entered the high school, their rubber boots urgently treading the floor. They held suitcases containing their blood sampling kits in their gloved hands.

"Don't panic!" The principal said, trying to reassure the students who had gathered in the hall hoping to get answers to their many questions. "Following a few cases of what seems to be an infection, we have been placed in lockdown. The sick are currently isolated and being treated, but until we receive further instructions, we have been advised not to leave the school grounds until the medical team determines the source of these infections. Be patient, and everything will be fine."

His announcement only served to increase their anxiety.

"If I've been mistaken about my concerns, they'll leave and then I'll be the paranoid biology teacher who panicked for nothing," Mrs. Martin added.

"Apparently, it's smallpox," Stiles whispered to Scott.

"Smallpox was eradicated globally in 1979," Lydia replied. "Only two viruses have ever been eradicated in history. The second was bovine plague that killed cows."

"Great, now we're left with bubonic plague," Stiles retorted.

"There's little chance of a new deadly virus emerging precisely today, right?" Kira asked, feeling uneasy.

"Personally, I have nothing against a last-minute disruption," Isaac chimed in. "I didn't really study much for this test."

Malia stood beside him.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"They've started the containment protocol," Scott replied.

"Half of the students who were in our group stayed with them," Isaac added. "They all had symptoms. It looked like some sort of skin irritation."

"We don't know more for now," Lydia replied. "But one thing's for sure, they seem to be taking this very seriously. They've cut off all communication with the outside. No network, no Wi-Fi."

Immersed in endless waiting, they saw the nurses cover the windows of the classrooms considered the epicenters of the outbreak with plastic sheeting in order to sanitize all wall surfaces.

Aibee who was walking down the stairs with Mason, Rachel, and Andrew, joined the gathering.

"I'm glad classes are canceled," She said.

"There were no classes this morning," Mason said. "The seniors were taking a practice exam, the juniors were taking the PSAT, and the sophomores were taking a series of observation exams to measure their knowledge in each subject since the start of the year."

"I was wondering why Mrs. Morelos gave me a sheet with blank spaces to fill in," Aibee remarked.

"I can't believe you forgot," Mason said. "We studied some of the tests together at my place last week, remember?"

Aibee blinked at him, and he sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm thrilled not to have to pretend to work on a Monday morning, but honestly, what's the point if we have to spend our free time in the same place that's depriving us of our freedom?" She grumbled, disheartened.

"They want us to stay here for our safety," Mason replied. "I heard some students had pimples that appeared in their nostrils."

"We're safe as long as we follow what they tell us," Rachel added.

"Look over there," Andrew said, pointing to a line forming in a corner of the hallway.

An area had been set up for the screenings reserved for injections. They approached it and found Liam and Cole at the end of the long line.

"I'm relieved that neither of you is affected," Mason said. "If the situation worsens, we have to do everything we can to be among the survivors. I don't want to have to wonder who I should save between my boyfriend and my best friend."

"We're not going to die, Mason," Liam retorted, grimacing.

"The situation is under control," Cole added. "They've already analyzed almost everyone, and the results all came back negative."

"You see?" Rachel said. "That's good news."

"What I don't understand is why those yellow garbage bags?" Aibee said, pointing at the nurses' suits. "It does nothing to flatter them at all!"

"I think it's pretty cool," Mason confessed. "It creates a post-apocalyptic movie atmosphere."

Liam shook his head, then looked suspiciously at Scott and Stiles, who stood several meters away. With his heightened hearing, he caught snippets of their conversation.

"There are lots of people outside," Scott informed. "I hear cars."

"Police cars?" Stiles asked.

Scott nodded.

"Your dad's out there."

"I need to go tell him I'm okay."

"You won't be able to contact him, there's no network, remember," Scott reminded him. "You have to wait. They might let him in."

"I need to find Aibee," Stiles added, concerned. "I'd rather she didn't end up in the hospital twice in less than three months."

Meanwhile, Lydia took advantage of the fact that her mother wasn't making yet another call to approach her.


"Oh, Lydia, sweetheart, you need to stay with your classmates," Natalie insisted. "I'm doing my best to handle all of this, okay?"

"How's Violet?"

"She's resting. They're keeping an eye on her along with the other affected ones, making sure her condition doesn't worsen. She says she already feels less weak and is even ready to continue the exam."

Lydia smiled faintly. Her fears eased.

"Go back to your friends," Mrs. Martin said.

Lydia complied. Meanwhile, Stiles went to see Aibee, who was pulling off a bandage from the crook of her elbow.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "You're not supposed to remove it so quickly normally."

"I just gave my blood, and all you can do is criticize me?" She retorted, staring at him.

"It wasn't a blood donation; they're just going to observe the quantity of your different antibodies in detail to determine if you've been exposed to an infectious agent or not."

Aibee grimaced.

"You've become a scientist now? Just a piece of advice, build a time machine to avoid making the same mistakes as all the times you wore sandals during New Year's parties!"

A nurse came to give her the result of her sample.

"So?" Stiles asked when she left.

"I'm negative," Aibee said. "But it doesn't surprise me, I'm always in this mood when I'm here anyway."

She looked over Stiles's shoulder.

"Where's Scott?"

"He's not infected and neither am I, thanks for caring," He retorted.

"Attention, please," A voice declared over the speakers. "Students who show no signs of infection are asked to leave the hallway and proceed calmly to the designated rooms to receive them."

Aibee sighed.

"Great, it's almost like being taken hostage at this point. All because these people don't have a good dermatologist."

In the distance, she saw Mason waving his arm to signal her to join him.

"Listen," Stiles said, holding her back. "I don't know how long they're going to keep us here, but I want you to take precautions. Stay within authorized areas, follow instructions, and keep a distance of at least two meters fifty from your friends, except for Cole. And Mason, who like."

"Why would I do that?" She replied, frowning.

Stiles quickly thought.

"Because... because they're more popular," He answered. "The more people they interact with, the higher the risk of contagion."

"That's ridiculous, they're actually at more risk being around me."

Hailee approached her.

"Hey, Aibee, can I interview you ?" She asked. "It's for the new article I'll be writing for your fan club magazine."

"Fan club?" Stiles repeated, dumbfounded.

They two girls walked away while chatting.

"I'm serious, Aibee!" He exclaimed, although she was already far away. "Be careful!"

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"I'll give you an exercise," Olivia said.

Sitting across from her on the bed in his cell, Wesley nodded slightly, seeming ready to try something new.

"Imagine the sun warming your skin. You're alone, in a peaceful garden."

The young man's eyes moved slightly under his closed eyelids.

"Now, feel every ray, every blade of grass under your feet," She added.

He concentrated.

"Now, open your eyes."

He complied.

"How do you feel?"

"Better, I guess," Wesley replied.

He appeared more relaxed since their sessions had become more regular.

"I think I'm starting to get used to living locked up here. I figure it's probably easier this way."

She stopped writing in her notebook to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have to face what people might think of me after what happened to my family. I know they've all already made up their minds about who I am anyway."

"It's not about their opinion of you, but about how you see yourself," Olivia said. "So, tell me."

He furrowed his brow.


"How do you see yourself?"

Wesley remained silent for a few seconds. He had never asked himself this type of question before, especially when the vision he had of himself was so disjointed.

"Well... I always knew I wasn't really an ordinary kid," He replied. "My parents told me that my whole life. I rarely spent time with kids my age. I was an introvert with a lot of imagination. I always believed there was a world that existed beyond what I saw or heard, but no matter where I looked, I never found it."

"A world where you could feel integrated?" Olivia asked.

He nodded.

"A world similar to ours, but completely opposite," He added. "But it doesn't matter now. I was just a kid."

He paused.

"Sometimes, I feel like there's something missing in me. A part of who I am. I feel like I'm out of sync with reality. Like I can't tell anymore when I'm asleep or awake, when I'm dreaming or not."

"Are you taking the sleeping pills I prescribed?"

"Yes, but my psychologist prescribed me others."

Olivia furrowed her brow.

"It's not that you're not helping me, but-"

"I understand," She said. "She's more qualified."

"I still think you're more capable of understanding me than she is."

Olivia smiled slightly.

"Have you been sleeping well lately?" She asked.

"I... I hear screams," Wesley confessed. "When I close my eyes, they get louder and louder."

He lowered his head. His jaw clenched.

"They're like cries for help," He continued. "From my family."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Ambulances and laboratory vans surrounded the high school. Stretchers were being brought into the school, pushed by a medical team who ensured they followed the orders given by the security manager, a woman with brown skin wearing a bun and a tailored suit. She was in conversation with her colleagues.

"Excuse me," Noah said, approaching her. "What's going on?"

"We received an alert from a teacher this morning," She replied. "We've implemented a quarantine to check if there's really cause for concern. We're making sure that no one enters or leaves the premises. We prefer not to downplay anything."

"My children are inside."

"I understand you feel powerless, but you need to let us do our job. We'll get back to you as soon as we have updates, and we'll do everything we can to protect everyone."

"Sheriff?" Parrish called from behind him.

Noah turned around, his gaze lingering on the stretcher passing by them on the sidewalk. A young girl lay on it, her arms covered in pustules.

"Could it be smallpox?" Jordan speculated.

"Whatever this is, we need to monitor this closely," Mr. Stilinski declared.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Melissa was heading towards a patient's room when she encountered Gary in front of it, his hand resting on the door handle.

"I've got this!" She said, taking quick steps to catch up to him.

He stepped aside, surprised to see her.

"You're working this morning too?" He asked. "I didn't know they changed your schedule."

"You know how it is in this line of work, the numbers on your schedule change more frequently than those on your paycheck," She replied.

He nodded, chuckling.

"You can take a break," Gary suggested. "I don't have any surgeries scheduled for today. I'll take care of the patients."

He glanced at his clipboard.

"This one has been on this floor for a few days, but there are some updates missing from his medical file."

"And I'll take care of that while you empty bedpans," Melissa insisted, grabbing her clipboard and the pen from his blouse pocket.

"What?" Gary grimaced.

"Your generosity is one of the reasons I'm dating you. See you later!" She exclaimed before entering the room.

She closed the door behind her.

"Sorry for the wait," She said. "I had to make sure no one would disturb us."

She turned to face Satomi, who was at her Beta's bedside, asleep on the hospital bed. Deaton stood beside her.

"You did well bringing him here, his condition was critical," Melissa added as she approached them.

"When will he be able to leave?" Satomi asked.

"It's hard to determine. It all depends on how quickly he responds to treatment."

"What did you give him?"

"Painkillers mostly, with some sedatives. His fever hasn't come down yet."

"Are you sure it's a fever?" Satomi asked, concern evident in her voice.

She had lived long enough to recognize the symptoms of a serious illness.

"It seems like it," Melissa replied. "But what's more alarming is that he's showing signs of infection. Do you really think the Benefactors are behind all of this?"

"I'm certain of it," Satomi replied.

"What I've noticed is that his body seems to be fighting against something," Melissa continued.

"I've come to the same conclusions," Deaton said, thoughtful. "Everything points to his body being poisoned, gradually weakening his immune defenses."

"You mean it could be poisoning?" Melissa asked.

"A virus, specifically. One capable of neutralizing motor and sensory functions, but also disrupting the process of healing or..."

"Transformation," Satomi completed, struck by the realization.

"Exactly," Deaton said. "It's a virus designed to detect and degrade genes in mutation. A virus that, when it reaches its endpoint, aims to kill."

He paused.

"Kill any individual who biologically is not human," He added.

Melissa glanced at the heart rate monitor, which displayed the Beta's weak heartbeats.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Silence, please," Mr. Ward ordered, vigorously tapping the wooden surface of his desk with a ruler.

Assigned to monitor one of the classrooms reserved for uninfected sophomores, he seemed to place great importance on his role.

"While we await a return to order, I invite you to take notes and review your lessons. I remind you that diligence and attendance are essential qualities, and that education remains a priority even during these difficult times."

"I can't believe we're stuck in here with him," Aibee sighed, slumping back against her chair's backrest.

"What's wrong with him?" Mason asked, seated at the table next to her.

"He's a bit grudge-holding. Last time, he tried to give me detention for being late to detention."

Mason frowned. "Why were you late?"

"My iPhone was at 50%, I couldn't risk being cut off from the world for two whole hours with people who only had Android chargers on them."

Mason shook his head. "I'm not going to endure his power trips for another minute," She said, her voice determined.

She got up and walked over to the teacher.

"Wait, where are you going?" Mason called out apprehensively.

"Mr. Ward?" Aibee called.

"Return to your seat, Miss Stilinski," The latter said without looking up from his documents.

"I have a rather urgent message to deliver to you from the principal."

He looked up.

"I crossed paths with him in the hallways, and he was looking for you," Aibee continued.

"And why would he be looking for me knowing he could come find me right here?"

"Well, he charged me with informing you that a meeting with the entire teaching staff is currently taking place in his office, and therefore, you are invited. You need not worry, I offered to watch over the students in your place."

He seemed skeptical.


"Absolutely," Aibee replied. "You must be aware that my father is the sheriff of the town. It goes without saying that I am the most qualified person for this task. Believe me, you can leave without fear."

"Allow me to doubt that," Mr. Ward commented. "Nevertheless, I don't intend to shirk my obligations."

He began to pack up his belongings, then tapped his ruler again to attract everyone's attention.

"Due to an unforeseen circumstance, I must leave for an indefinite period. I am therefore entrusting your classmate with the responsibility of taking over for me. I trust you will demonstrate exemplary discipline until my return."

Once he had left, the students rushed to Aibee to congratulate her on her cleverness.

"Don't worry, he won't be back anytime soon," She declared, tapping away on her phone.

"Why is she asking the principal to have a meeting with the other teachers?" A student wondered, glancing over his shoulder to see the message she was sending.

"And why is she calling him Walter?" Another student nearby said.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"I don't want to let them sting me," Malia said while in line.

"It'll be fine," Kira replied, trying to reassure her. "It's just a routine procedure. Like when you go to the doctor."

"I don't go to the doctor."

"How do you take care of yourself, then?" Kira asked, surprised.

"I use what's in the forest. I roll around in the mud a bit every weekend."

Kira stared at her in astonishment.

"How have things been with Scott?" Malia asked.

"What?" Kira replied, surprised by her question.

"There was something between you two, right?"

"Um... yeah, let's just say we're taking it slow," Kira said, nervously playing with her fingers. "We're taking our time. Well, when we have time to take, of course, without it lasting too long... assuming that in the meantime, we still have a certain... amount of time..."

Malia frowned.

"Are you always weird when you talk about him or do you do that on purpose?"

"Next!" A voice exclaimed, interrupting them.

Kira turned around and approached a nurse in a protective suit. She appeared to be in her thirties.

"Roll up your sleeves, I'll need you to extend your arm and keep it still for a few seconds," The nurse instructed.

Kira complied and kept her fist clenched as the nurse searched for a vein to administer the shot. The needle barely touched her skin when a bright spark shot from its tip. The nurse jumped, dropping the syringe to check the condition of her protective gloves. Kira met her gaze, equally stunned.

The woman quickly conferred with her colleagues, who promptly escorted her out of the building amidst a crowd of confused students.

"Kira," Malia said, shaking her shoulder.

Kira remained frozen in place.

"Kira, come on!" Malia insisted, pulling on her arm.

Hastily, the two girls moved away from the crowd before being joined by Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Isaac.

"What happened ?" Lydia asked in a low voice.

"It was her," Malia pointed at Kira. "Not me."

"The whole team went out," Stiles remarked.

"That's not a good sign, I suppose," Isaac commented.

Scott grabbed Kira's wrist.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

She nodded, still somewhat disoriented.

"Something strange is happening," She declared.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Is your lining punctured?" The sheriff asked the nurse.

"Just from the outside," She said, emerging from her suit.

She removed her respirator mask, revealing her curly hair.

"There was some sort of static electricity, probably created by inadvertent rubber friction against the stainless steel needle of the syringe. We had to suspend blood draws to avoid potential irradiation. For added caution, we'll need to individually undergo a misting decontamination shower before returning to the affected area."

"I still can't go in?" Mr. Stilinski said.

"We haven't received any directive allowing you to enter without compromising our investigations. You and your men will be allowed access to the school grounds once we have received all blood test results."

"Let me through!" Rafael exclaimed, pushing his way through the responders gathered around the school. "Let me through!"

He stopped beside them.

"Agent McCall," He said, swiftly brandishing his badge. "Why have you sealed off the area?"

His tone was stern and authoritative.

"I'll let you discuss that with your colleague," The nurse said before walking away.

"What's the point of all this?" Rafael asked, pointing at the numerous vans occupying the lawn. "Why order a lockdown without waiting for local authorities' approval?"

"The CDC was alerted before us," Noah replied. "Their intervention takes precedence over ours."

"And so, you're just going to let them take over? You're the sheriff."

"Exactly," Noah replied coldly. "It would be wise for you to remember that."

Mr. McCall gritted his teeth.

"My son is behind those walls."

"So is mine."

They locked eyes.

"Listen, if I thought these people weren't sufficient to handle the situation, I'd be running right now to get my kids," The sheriff said. "We're not going to interfere with their investigations until they decide otherwise."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Sitting on the edge of one of the classroom tables, Aibee watched students passing by in the hallway. They were escorted by a group of nurses. Their skin was entirely covered with huge red patches.

"I haven't seen Liam for a while," Mason worried, sitting at the neighboring table. "I hope he's okay."

"Stuff like this could never happen to me," She said. "I carry sunscreen everywhere I go."

"Can you imagine if we make it out of here alive? We'll be in a documentary on TV, and maybe we'll even meet the president."

"I've already met him," She replied. "I toured one of his thirty-five bathrooms, and let me tell you, the White House isn't as white as they say."

"Sometimes I forget you're not just a regular person," Mason sighed, envious.

Aibee took out her phone.

"Didn't you put your phone in the basket?" Mason exclaimed.

"You think I only have one?" She retorted, holding up the device in the air in hopes of getting a signal.

"They could have at least let me post my selfie," She grumbled. "I could try to convince the principal to let me use his Wi-Fi, but don't really want him to think I'm going to accept his friend request on Facebook."

Mason laughed, then walked away to talk to Cole. Rachel took his place.

"If we're going to die of boredom for several hours, I'm glad we're doing it together without a supervisor breathing down our necks," She said. "It'll give us something interesting to put in the yearbook."

"You seem pretty calm about all this," Aibee remarked. "I don't know about you, but I don't plan on spending the night lying on a cold tile floor."

"If things keep going like this, we won't have much of a choice."

"If they put us here, it's because we're not involved in what's happening, right? Why keep us here?"

"They need to finish sorting through, separating the unaffected students from the ones they need to keep an eye on."

"I see. So what's the deal between you guys?" Aibee asked.

"What?" Rachel said, confused.

"You, Andrew, and the looks you've been exchanging for weeks, suggesting you have things to say about your relationship. I've seen the same interactions in the soap operas I watch, and usually, it ends up in court, unless there's a second season."

"Everything's fine between us, it's just..."

Rachel paused.

"Does he talk about me sometimes?"

"Not really, but that's mostly because we usually talk about me and my life because those are my favorite conversation topics with everyone," Aibee replied. "I've heard that's called narcissism, but I never heard of that word before, so I don't feel targeted."

She paused.

"Wait, what was your question again?"

Andrew joined them.

"Can you tell Mason to stop acting like he's in an episode of The Walking Dead?" He grumbled with annoyance.

They turned to him, as he was in the process of barricading the door with a chair, much to the confusion of his classmates.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Mr. Yukimura lightly pulled aside the curtains of his office blinds to make sure no one was passing by the hallway, then turned to Kira, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, and Isaac, gathered around his desk.

"I wanted you all to see this," He said, placing a sheet in the center of the desk.

"What is it?" Kira asked.

"Your exam paper. I took it from one of the piles."

"Could I have mine back?" Isaac asked. "I need to finish a paragraph of the essay."

Ken raised an eyebrow.

"At least I would have tried," Isaac muttered.

Kira leaned over the form and saw that she hadn't checked the boxes of the multiple-choice questions, but left them blank.

"I don't remember doing this," She said, troubled.

"You're getting sick too," Mr. Yukimura explained.

"I can't be infected," She argued. "I would have shown symptoms by now, right?"

"These are your symptoms," He replied, pointing to her paper.

Ken looked up at the others.

"I think this virus, whatever its nature, affects you differently from humans. In Kira's case, it affects her neurologically."

"I filled out my exam paper like that too, but it was because I wanted to test my pencil," Malia added.

She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Is it just me or is it hot in here?" She said.

"Malia?" Lydia said.


"Your claws," Scott pointed out.

"The contamination progresses more slowly in you," Mr. Yukimura observed.

"I can't retract them," Malia said, staring at her fingertips.

"Okay, we're definitely facing a problem here," Stiles said. "Who has an emergency plan to propose?"

He shook his head to rid himself of the sweat dripping from his face.

"You're all running a fever," Ken said. "You've all been exposed."

"I'm fine, I feel pretty good," Isaac said.

"Can someone tell him to leave?" Stiles added, exasperated.

"I'm negative," Lydia declared. "I got confirmation."

"You shouldn't stay with us," Scott said, starting to sweat too.

"Scott's right," Stiles replied. "I'm sure you don't want to see us have an eczema outbreak."

"I have even less desire to spend the next few hours counting how many boxes of chalk we can find in a classroom," She replied. "I'm staying."

Stiles tried to retort, but his head began to spin. He gripped the edge of the table to keep his balance.

"It would be safer for all of you to isolate yourselves in a separate room," Mr. Yukimura said.

They exited the office one by one.

"Scott McCall?" A voice called out behind them.

He turned around, followed by Stiles, while the others continued on their way.

"I'm Mrs. Baker," Teresa said, advancing toward him.

He frowned, looking at her questioningly.

"I'm a friend of Derek Hale."

Suddenly, he seemed more interested.

"He probably never mentioned me, but..."

She paused, hesitant.

"Let's just say I'm aware of what you and all your friends go through on a daily basis... in this town..."

"I'm not sure I understand," He replied cautiously.

"I know about..."

She quickly checked her surroundings. The hallway was empty.

"The rather strange and seemingly impossible events happening in the area," She added in a low voice.

Scott didn't know how to respond and continued to look at her with some astonishment.

"You're a friend of Derek, you say?" Stiles asked, suspiciously.

He squinted at her, studying her carefully.

"That's correct," She affirmed, focusing her attention on him.

"Sorry, ma'am, but I'm not sure we can trust you right now given that the last teacher Derek dated turned out to be a deranged lunatic who wanted to harm my dad," He said.

She stared at him with confusion.

"Why are you coming to us now, huh?" He added with suspicion. "And specifically in these circumstances? Do you have something to do with what's happening? Who sent you? And what exactly do you teach?"

He spoke with a fervor that caught Scott and Teresa off guard.

"Literature," She replied.

"Oh yeah? Jennifer Blake also taught that subject, I'll have you know! At least be a bit more original if you don't want to be associated with her! Blake and Baker? You won't fool me! What kind of connection do you two have? Was she your sister? She died and you want revenge because you still can't accept the fact that her favorite pastime was killing people by making them swallow pieces of mistletoe?"

"Stiles," Scott said, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"What? You can't deny they have a bit of the same face! Did you forget Jennifer could change her appearance? This might be another version of her."

"If it was her, she wouldn't have come back pulling the same stunt."

"Maybe that's the trap!" Stiles insisted. "Her thing was mostly manipulation!"

"Uh... Can I know who Jennifer Blake is?" Teresa asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"She's really into her role," Stiles whispered so only Scott could hear.

"Excuse me, but I must admit to being totally lost..."

"Let me guess," He continued. "You poisoned everyone to distract the general attention, and now, your plan is to make us believe you and follow you to a remote place where you can use us to satisfy your penchant for human sacrifices?"

"Stiles," Scott repeated. "Stop."

"Scott, just because she can technically send us to the principal's office doesn't mean we should be intimidated by her! Why do you seem to be defending her?"

"Because I believe her. She's nervous, but her heart rate is steady."

"You... You can listen to my heartbeat?" Teresa said, stunned.

He nodded.

"That's how I know you're telling the truth," Ge replied. "Did Derek talk to you about me?"

"In broad strokes. He told me about your initial difficult interactions and also mentioned a certain Stiles who has a habit of overreacting to appear intimidating."

"Did he also mention the time I saved his life or did he prefer to avoid remembering that episode to preserve his dignity?" The latter added.

"Do you know about the serial killers?" Scott asked.

"Yes, and I'm worried about the others, like you," She replied. "I have a strong feeling that what's happening isn't a coincidence."

"We think so too."

"Are you infected?"

"Most of us are."

"Where were you planning to go?"

"Mr. Yukimura planned to isolate us in a safe place."

"He's aware too?"

"Yes, he's helped us in the past."

"And besides him, who else in the school knows about you?"

"Just him."

"I see," Teresa said. "It's a small circle after all."

"And now, you're also part of it," Scott added. "Come with us."

She followed them, walking behind them.

"Are you sure about what you're doing?" Stiles whispered discreetly. "We know nothing about her."

"You said the same thing about Kira too, and in the end, it was thanks to her that we made it through."

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you saying that if I don't trust someone, that's how you know you can trust them?"

"Absolutely," Scott replied.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"It surprises me that you allow Lydia, Malia, and me to be here," Kira asked in the boys' locker room. "Not that I've been here before, well, it was an accident..."

"First and foremost, it's about your safety," Ken replied. "I'll check on you every thirty minutes to make sure your condition doesn't worsen."

"And if it does worsen, what will you do?" Stiles asked.

Large reddish patches extended along his arms.

"I hope through some miracle intervention, I won't have to answer that question," Mr. Yukimura replied, concerned.

"We'll need to find a way to get you out," Teresa thought aloud next to him.

"With the cops swarming outside, that might be complicated," Isaac reminded.

Standing in front of a mirror, Scott watched his irises fluctuate irregularly from red to their natural color.

"Is there a chance we'll become violent?" Kira asked, worried.

"It's possible," Ken said.

"I'll be able to control myself," Scott assured.

"But not him," Malia added, holding onto Liam by the collar of his T-shirt.

They turned to look at him, surprised.

"Don't touch me!" Liam exclaimed, gesturing wildly.

He growled, baring his teeth.

"Great," Stiles commented. "Just what we needed."

"Who's this?" Mr. Yukimura asked.

"Another problem to add to our list of problems," Stiles replied.

Liam shot him a dark look.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"He was hiding behind the lockers," Malia said, still holding him firmly.

"You were spying on us?" Stiles exclaimed. "When we do it, it's illegal, but when you do it, it's acceptable, is that it?"

"I didn't know you would come here," Liam grumbled.

"Were you transforming?" Scott asked.

"I've caused enough of a scene in this school," The teenager spat.

"His contagion is more advanced," Lydia observed. "We need to take him somewhere else where he'll do less damage. We need to act fast."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Liam protested.

Malia growled to silence him.

"Where do you suggest we go?" Kira asked.

"To a place hidden from prying eyes," Lydia replied.

"All the rooms upstairs are locked," Teresa said.

"The gym?" Isaac suggested.

"Too accessible," Lydia said.

"The cafeteria?" Kira suggested.

"Where all the knives he could easily slice our ears off with are?" Stiles retorted, pointing at Liam. "Count me out."

"I know a place," Malia declared. "A place where no one will go."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"A game, anyone?" Aibee suggested.

"We're listening," Andrew replied with a smirk.

"It's the same principle as rock-paper-scissors, but instead of scissors, we add a basket."

"For what purpose?" Rachel asked.

"I have no idea, a friend showed me this game when I was in middle school. I never saw her again after that, but there were rumors that her father was a pickpocket," Aibee shrugged. "Are you ready?"

Andrew nodded. Rachel, meanwhile, was still trying to understand the rules of the game. She participated in the first round, which Andrew won, his paper wrapping both Aibee's rock and hers.

The second round ended in a tie.

By the third round, Rachel found the game less entertaining due to the repeated laughter shared between Aibee and Andrew.

"Basket!" Aibee exclaimed triumphantly, clasping her hands together with palms facing up, forming a hollow.

"What happens when you choose the basket?" Andrew asked.

"You have to empty your pockets," She replied slyly. "Every time."

He seemed amused. "Is that why you didn't mention it before?"

"I could have, but I preferred not to scare you off right away. One can quickly feel vulnerable. I once retrieved a torn page from a diary that way."

Andrew searched his jeans pocket and handed Aibee the key to his car.

"Take good care of it," He said.

"You can trust me," She replied.

They exchanged a knowing smile. Rachel got up and moved to a corner of the room. Andrew noticed and went to see her.

Aibee then noticed Cat, leaning against a wall away from the others. She approached her.

"You were spared too? Seems like your mulet really brought me luck after all."

"It's an amulet," Cat corrected.

"You know, I'm starting to think this is all set up and there's probably a hidden camera somewhere." Aibee said. "You'd tell me if it was in your hair, right?"

"I know as much as you do," Cat replied. "I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up. I've been confined once before when I was little. One of our neighbors thought he was Michael Myers."

Aibee widened her eyes, vaguely recalling the horror movie references Mason had told her about.

"Remind me not to hang out in your neighborhood without witnesses," She said.

"I heard we're supposed to stay here for the next twenty-four hours," Cat said.

"It's better be a rumor," Mason interjected, jaded. "I want to go home and take a shower."

"And I have to do my homework," Cole added.

"Seriously?" Mason stared at him.

Aibee let out a tired sigh. "At this point, we're here for the worst," She said.

A commotion erupted in the room.

"HOLY JIGSAW!" Peggy grumbled as she stumbled over the stacked chairs blocking the entrance. "WHAT KIND OF CONSTRUCTION SITE IS THIS?"

A pleased smile spread across Aibee's face.

"Or the better," She added.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"A crypt in the high school basement?" Stiles exclaimed, walking down the stairs leading to the lower floor of the building. "I never would have imagined this!"

With Scott, he was guiding Liam forward, whose arms were pulled behind his back like a prisoner attempting to escape.

"How did you discover it?" Lydia asked Malia, who was leading the way.

They walked through a narrow corridor.

"Peter showed me around," Malia replied.

Scott raised an eyebrow. "Have you spoken to him since—"

"Since I found out I'm his daughter?" She interrupted. "You don't have to be afraid to say it in front of me now."

He met Stiles' gaze. She was clearly still upset and they understood why.

"We're here," Malia informed.

She pushed aside a shelf, revealing the entrance to the crypt. Using her claws, she activated the mechanism allowing the stone wall to slide open.

"I knew there were secrets in this town, but I never thought they'd be this sophisticated," Kira remarked, astonished.

They entered inside.

"The rent must cost a fortune," Isaac commented, scanning the room.

They wandered among the various rows of shelves containing all sorts of items.

"Is this a family vault?" Scott realized.

"The Hale's," Malia confirmed. "This is where they keep everything important."

"They have a peculiar way of clinging to the past," Isaac remarked, handling a charred door handle that had been salvaged from the infamous fire. "That's not very healthy."

"Why build it under the school?" Lydia asked.

"The school was built above it," Malia replied.

"What are we doing here?" Liam said. "Is this where you store the illicit substances that rot your brains and prevent you from acting like normal people? You have no right to lock me up against my will! You're all crazy in this town! Once I get out of here, I'll have you arrested!"

"I knew we forgot to cover his mouth," Stiles muttered.

"Liam, we're trying to help you," Scott said.

"That's what you keep saying, but the actions you take to prove it don't give that impression!" Liam growled, struggling to free himself from their grasp.

"Okay, we'll do things differently," Scott responded, releasing him.

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked, confused.

"He won't listen to us if we treat him like he's incapable of managing his behavior."

"It's precisely because he can't manage his behavior that we have to treat him like this!"

"You're still doing that thing where you talk as if I'm not here," Liam added.

"If you want to leave, then go ahead, we won't stop you," Scott said. "Stiles?"

"I don't trust him," Stiles replied.

"Let him go," Scott ordered.


"He knows I can dislocate his shoulder, right?" Liam, losing patience.

Malia sighed. "Are you done fighting?" She said.

She faced Liam.

"Listen, kid, either you act like an angry werewolf for five more seconds before shutting up until we figure out a solution to avoid trouble or I hit you in the face with this," She threatened, brandishing a porcelain plate. "Which option do you choose?"

Liam remained speechless. Isaac chuckled.

"One could almost believe Peter cloned himself," He said, amused. "No doubt he's a father."

They turned towards him, not very receptive to his joke.

"Too soon?" He added.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Nothing here," Melissa informed, noticing an empty hallway. "Let's hurry!"

Assisted by Deaton and Satomi, she pushed the bed on which the Beta lay, still asleep. They quickly reached the hospital elevator. Melissa pressed a button nd the doors closed.

"Are you sure it's better to move him?" Satomi asked.

"Believe me, I wouldn't have gone through all this if I didn't think it was necessary," Mrs. McCall replied. "We keep the larger equipment on the top floor. If we want to continue with his medical assessment, we need to seize the opportunities we have on hand. Even if they may cost me my financial stability. Well, if we consider consulting with my banker every three days as a form of stability."

"You're doing an excellent job," Satomi said.

"That's good to hear. It helps me keep things in perspective when I have to skip vacations just to pay for my car's oil change. It must be easier for you, right? You just have to leap on your two feet to cover long distances."

"Not all werewolves do that."


"She's right," Deaton chimed in, his eyes fixed on his phone screen. "Some reject that primitive aspect in favor of a more socially acceptable behavior."

He frowned.

"Is something wrong?" Melissa asked.

"The school has been placed under quarantine due to a sudden outbreak."

"You're saying this virus is spreading in the school?" She exclaimed, worried. "It's an exam day today. It must be chaotic over there. Can you reach Scott?"

"His line must have been cut off. Stilinski is on site."

"Okay, then, what do we do now?" Melissa asked, trying to keep her calm. "We didn't assume this virus could be transmitted to humans. We should quarantine ourselves as well."

Deaton shook his head.

"That's not necessary. The hospital staff would have already been infected if that were the case. The Benefactors are targeting the students of the school. Especially those who fit the profile they're looking for."

"They have infiltrated members," Satomi reflected. "They attack from within. That's how they targeted my pack. First, they blend in, then they get their bearings before striking."

"They could be teachers," Deaton suggested.

"Or even students."

Suddenly, the Beta started convulsing. Melissa tried to hold him still.

"What's happening?" Satomi panicked.

A black liquid flowed from the patient's mouth. Melissa frantically pressed the elevator buttons in hopes of speeding it up.

After a few moments, silence fell. The Beta had his gaze fixed on the ceiling.

"What's wrong with him?" Satomi asked.

"He's dead," Melissa announced sadly. "I'm sorry."

Deaton placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I thought he still had a chance to be cured," Satomi whispered, distraught.

Melissa closed the deceased's eyelids.

"What we need is to find a cure," She said. "We don't have much time left."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Aibee absentmindedly powdered her face while admiring herself in her pocket mirror. Peggy, approaching the table where she was seated, suddenly grabbed the chair on which Aibee had propped up her legs.

"Hey!" exclaimed Aibee. "I was using that chair, just so you know! Find another one!"

"Why would I do that?" retorted Peggy. "I don't see your initials written on it!"

"You might see better if you got into the habit of turning on the lights. Did you get ready in the dark this morning? Looks like you dressed with curtains from a lost-and-found and your shoes are so ugly that your feet look like they're trying to escape from them."

Aibee glanced at Peggy's toes peeking out slightly from her wedge sandals.

"Unlike you, I don't need a mirror to check if I'm beautiful," spat the redhead. "Your reflection must surely flinch when it sees you every day."

"I find it rather audacious of you to say that when your face is so ordinary that if you lost your ID, you wouldn't even recognize yourself in the photo."

Peggy clenched her jaw.

"At least I have a personality. You're so bland that even the paint flakes off when you're in the room."

She gestured to the dull walls of the classroom.

"And you're so dull that if you were a color, you'd be beige," retorted Aibee.

"You should deactivate your Instagram account, your posts are so boring that my computer shuts down as soon as your profile appears."

"At least my smartphone takes better pictures than your old flip phone. Have you ever listened to your own voice? I'm sure Siri goes into airplane mode when you start talking."

Offended, Peggy let go of the chair, which loudly tipped over onto the floor.

"I'm going to-"

"So, what are you going to do?" interrupted Aibee, standing in front of her.

Interrupted in their staring match by whispers, the two girls froze as they realized that the other students had gathered around them to catch every word of their verbal duel.

"Don't mind us, carry on," said a boy, his arms crossed against his chest.

"Yeah, we've got nothing to do and you two are better than wrestling," added another boy.

"MOVE!" Peggy shouted, shooing away her classmates. "THERE'S NO CONCERT HERE! GO MIND YOUR BUSINESS!"

She picked up the chair at her feet before storming away in anger.

"And here I thought you two got along much better," joked Mason as he approached Aibee.

Rachel and Andrew joined him.

"Aren't you supposed to be co-captains of the cheerleading squad?" asked Rachel. "How do you manage to put up with each other?"

"It's simple, we pretend," replied Aibee. "Personally, I only keep doing it because I know that one day I'll be nominated for an Oscar, and she'll be counting the pixels on her low-definition TV screen."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Maybe we should have brought some food," Kira said, sitting on a metal crate.

Scott, Stiles, and Lydia were beside her. They had been in the crypt for nearly seven hours.

"I wouldn't want to ruin the mood with the sound of my stomach growling like a hungry troll in a cave," She added, massaging her belly.

"The mood is already ruined considering we're stuck here with a guy who has enough hate stored up in him to make it his main character trait," Stiles whispered. "Look at him. The evil is in his eyes."

Scott, Kira, and Lydia glanced at Liam at the other end of the room. He was amusing himself by shaking an hourglass he had taken from a shelf.

"He hasn't complained in a while," Scott defended.

"That's part of his act," Stiles added. "You always have to be wary of a calm period after a storm. Often, it hides a second one. I learned that with Aibee."

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked, noticing Scott's pale complexion.

He shook his head.

"It's getting worse," he replied, observing his clawed fingers.

Malia, who was sitting on the steps near the entrance, jumped up.

"We've waited long enough," She declared.

Suddenly, her vision blurred, and she nearly fainted. Isaac, who was leaning against a column, caught her.

"I've got you," He said, helping her stabilize, despite being equally weakened.

She clung to him and gave him a weak smile that didn't escape Stiles's notice.

"You have to admit your plan is flawed," She continued. "We're not feeling any better. We need to try something else."

"I agree," Lydia said. "Your condition is deteriorating by the second.

Compared to Stiles, the virus seems to be progressing faster in you, as if your body is resisting it less effectively."

"What are the long-term risks?" Kira asked. "It can't be more catastrophic than rabies, can it?"

Lydia remained silent.

"Can it?" Kira repeated, anxious.

"I need to talk to my dad," Stiles declared. "It's our last resort. He can warn Deaton, who probably knows more than we do about what's happening to you."

"Who's Deaton?" Liam asked.

"My boss," Scott replied. "I work at his veterinary clinic."

Liam furrowed his brow, confused.

"How can a guy who examines dogs and cats be more useful to us than the sheriff? And why did those two teachers cover for you earlier?"

"It's a long story we don't have time to tell you," said Stiles. "The CDC has blocked all exits, but luckily, I know a way out through the air ducts."

They all stared at him.

"What? I always swore I'd use it in case of emergency. You don't have to come with me, it'll avoid attracting too much attention and I'm not sure of the maximum weight the ducts can support."

He scratched his chin, thinking.

"We're counting on you," Scott approved.

Kira nodded in agreement to support his words.

"I'd say don't get caught, but I must admit I'm not very optimistic about this idea, so, good luck getting caught," Isaac said.

"Who asked for his opinion?" Stiles retorted, pointing at him.

"We need to go, now," Lydia said, rising, ready to leave the crypt.

He was about to protest, but she interrupted him immediately.

"Before you say anything, my mom is upstairs. If we happen to run into her, I can create a diversion."

"Fine, but if it doesn't go as planned, you'll have to punch me in the face and make my nose bleed enough for them to decide I'm battered enough to be transported in an ambulance," Stiles replied, on his heels. "Then I will slip off the stretcher to go see my dad."

Lydia shook her head with exasperation.

"I have to come with you," Malia said.

Stiles turned around, surprised.

"Why?" He asked.

She flashed her claws.

"I'm the key, remember?" She replied curtly.

She walked past him, and he stepped aside, feeling uncomfortable. Weeks had passed since their last conversation and hearing the hardness in her voice, Stiles understood that it would take more time before reconciliation was possible between them.

"What are we supposed to do exactly until you get back?" Liam asked. "Dehydrate slowly? We're suffocating in here!"

"It's our body temperature that's increasing," Scott explained.

"It's clearly not just that increasing! The level of compressed air in your brains is obviously high for you to be seeking advice from a pet groomer!"

"If you need the bathroom, there's a pot behind the shelves," Malia said before leaving with Lydia and Stiles.

Scott, Kira, Liam, and Isaac exchanged embarrassed looks.

"I'll pass," Isaac said.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

After bringing the Beta to the morgue, Melissa, Deaton, and Satomi decided unanimously to perform an autopsy by dissecting its brain.

"Do you detect anything?" Melissa asked.

She was wearing a surgical mask, as was Deaton.

"It's a variant of distemper," He replied. "A few years ago, an epidemic in Yellowstone killed 40% of the wolves. Once the victim dies, it ceases to be contagious."

"What are the effects on werewolves?" Satomi asked.

"A slow and insidious agony. This virus has been engineered to be particularly resilient. It invades and destroys the entire metabolism until the werewolf dies of exhaustion. It's a formidable biological weapon."

"But there must be an antidote, right?" Melissa countered. "A way to stop this process?"

"Immunity, perhaps, but there's nothing to suggest it."

"What about Satomi, then? More than half of her pack has been decimated. She must have been exposed to some degree, yet she hasn't undergone any physiological changes."

They were interrupted by Derek's arrival.

"I got your call," He said to Deaton.

He greeted Satomi with a nod, which she returned.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"After all, we must all die someday," She said bitterly.

"I've informed Chris," Derek declared. "He knows a lot about poisons made to kill werewolves. His family mainly used components from herbs or toxic plants. The Benefactors are also skilled in nature. They have incalculable resources that give them a significant advantage."

For a brief moment, Derek felt the weight of Satomi's gaze on him. She was observing him emotionally. Once a carefree young man, he had matured into a responsible adult.

Lost in her thoughts, she returned to reality.

"Sorry, I just noticed how much you remind me of Talia," She said. "I used to visit her often. Do you remember me?"

"I remember the tea you brought that smelled bad," He replied.

She smiled nostalgically. "I brought it as a gift. Your mother loved it."

"What kind of tea was it?" Deaton asked, intrigued.

They turned towards him.

"What ?" said Satomi.

"The tea you used to prepare," He continued. "What were the ingredients?"

"Wild Purple Reishi. It's a very rare mushroom that I often use in my infusions."

"It's also a powerful remedy against diseases," Deaton recalled. "Satomi, you weren't infected because you consume it. It protects you, like a vaccine."

"How rare is it?" Melissa asked. "Can you find it easily? Like in a supermarket?"

"No need," Derek thought. "My mother kept some."

"Where?" Deaton asked.

"In our family's vault."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Don't look at me like that," said Stiles as he walked through the hallways. "How was I supposed to know they were completely renovating the air ducts?"

Next to him, Malia and Lydia exchanged a bored glance.

"We could have still given it a try, you know," He continued. "I would have gone first, and you two would have intervened to make sure I didn't get stu-"

Malia let out a growl that made him jump.

"I take it that's for another time," He muttered.

"We just have to hope everyone stayed confined," said Lydia. "If we run into a nurse, I'll pretend I don't know where to go, and you two can split up to try and find Mr. Yukimura. He can cover for you. Sounds good?"

"That's a much better plan than the one I had in mind," commented Stiles.

Malia nodded. She kept her hands buried in the pockets of her jacket to hide her claws.

"Oh no," sighed Lydia, looking at her.

"What?" said Malia.

"Your eyes."

Stiles quickly took off his sweatshirt.

"Here, put this on," He said, handing it to Malia.

She put it on, and he pulled the hood over her head, then pulled on the strings to completely mask her face. Malia grumbled as she tried to get rid of it.

"Try to keep your eyes on the ground as much as possible and stay behind me," He advised.

"Lydia?" A voice said.

A few meters away, Mrs. Martin emerged from a classroom.

"Where have you been?" She asked with concern.

She approached them.

"Stiles?" She exclaimed. "You look pale. You should go lie down."

She looked over his shoulder.

"Who's this?" asked Natalie, pointing at Malia.

"Mom, everything's f-"

"Lydia, you're negative. I negotiated with the medical team. You're allowed to leave."


"It's an order," insisted Natalie, firmly. "I want you to go home. I'll take care of your friends."

With a troubled look, Lydia glanced apologetically at Stiles, who gave her a slight smile in an attempt to reassure her. She reluctantly walked away.

"Come with me," said Mrs. Martin. "I'll put you in a quarantine room that's not too crowded."

Stiles and Malia followed her.

"How many students are still under surveillance?" asked Stiles.

"Hundreds," replied Natalie. "We're evacuating the most critical cases."

"My dad's outside. I'd like to talk to him."

"I understand, Stiles, but I'm obligated to enforce the rules, and right now, the safety of all the students is my priority."

Nurses crossed the main hall, pushing a stretcher with the coach lying unconscious on it.

"Is he the only sick adult?" asked Stiles, thoughtfully.

"I believe so," replied Mrs. Martin. "He's in good hands. Follow me."

"I'll take care of them," intervened Mr. Yukimura, appearing in the hallway.

"Are you sure?"

"Mrs. Martin, perfect timing," said Teresa, joining them. "I was just about to discuss with you how we could rearrange the schedule to make up for the days we might lose."

"I'll need to consult the other colleagues first," said Natalie. "I need to accompany these two students first."

Teresa locked eyes with Ken.

"Wait, I also remembered that you're needed to supervise the sophomores," she insisted. "You've been designated to replace Mr. Finstock."

"Got it."

Mrs. Martin turned to Mr. Yukimura.

"Make sure they rest," She added.

She left with Teresa, much to Stiles and Malia's relief.

"Your condition is deteriorating," Ken remarked. "You should go back to the basement."

"The virus mainly targets teenagers," realized Stiles. "It's an orchestrated attack."

"By whom?"

"Serial hunters."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"I'm heading to the high school," Derek said as he left the morgue with Satomi. "I need to warn the others."

"Wait," She called out behind him.

He turned around.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd come visit me over some tea. Like old times. There are things I'd like to discuss with you, if you'll allow it."

"Can I choose what you put in it?" He joked.

"I'm open to any suggestions," She replied with a smile.

The elevator door opened, and a blonde woman emerged, pointing a gun at them. Satomi and Derek froze. With her finger on the trigger, the woman advanced, ready to shoot.

Without hesitation, Satomi pulled a dagger from her black coat pocket and pushed Derek to the ground before rushing towards the assailant, her weapon glinting in the dim hospital light. The woman fired at her. Satomi darted behind a medical cart, narrowly avoiding the bullets whizzing past her ears. Powerless in their confrontation, Derek stayed back, trying to shield himself from the projectiles by covering his head with his hands.

The she-wolf rose, ready to fight. She had always been sturdy, even in the most dire situations. The woman aimed her gun at her again, but Satomi was quicker. She dodged the shots and leaped onto her opponent, sending her crashing to the ground. The two women then fiercely clashed, each seeking to gain the upper hand. The sound of gunfire echoed through the deserted corridor, the shots muffled by the thick walls.

Satomi found an opening and sliced the gun in half with her blade in one swift, precise motion. The woman delivered a powerful kick, then in a swift, fluid movement, pulled a knife from the sleeve of her jacket.

Their eyes locked as they sought to anticipate each other's moves.

The woman seemed to have some experience, but it wasn't enough. Satomi was one of those rare warriors who had seen it all. Lived it all.

The struggle was brutal. Eventually, Satomi managed to disarm her opponent. Her knife clattered to the floor. The woman fell backward, but Satomi didn't give her a moment's rest. She continued her assault, striking with her dagger whenever she had the chance. The woman fought back courageously, but she was clearly overwhelmed by the strength and skill of the she-wolf above her, her eyes blazing with rage.

"This is for my Beta," She said, the tip of her dagger pressed against the assailant's throat.

The woman, however, showed no sign of fear or remorse. Instead, she smiled at Satomi. The she-wolf didn't understand, but she didn't waste any time. She raised her dagger and brought it down, finishing her off on the spot.

She stood up and locked eyes with Derek. They shared a silence that spoke volumes about their shared experience.

They knew that sometimes, violence was necessary to protect those they cared about.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"What are you doing?" Mr. Yukimura asked as Stiles rushed into Finstock's office.

"I told you, I'm looking for evidence," Stiles replied, rummaging through all the drawers, under the confused gaze of Ken and Malia.

"You're convinced that an ancient cult deliberately spread a virus within the school grounds to harm supernatural creatures?" Mr. Yukimura said skeptically.

"More specifically, to eradicate them," Stiles added.

"But how can you be sure of that? It's a very serious accusation, and without tangible evidence, we can't jump to conclusions," Mr. Yukimura pointed out.

"That's exactly why I'm looking for evidence!" Stiles retorted, emptying an entire shelf filled with thick binders.

Ken raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to react to this information. He had always been aware that the town harbored supernatural beings, but he had never considered that a malevolent organization might aim to eliminate all of them.

"Why do you think students have been attacked recently?" Stiles continued. "Because these people know that the high school is a strategic location to expose the most potential victims. Many people in this town hide their true identities daily, and it's even harder to blend in at school when you feel different."

Malia resonated with these words. She had herself hidden her true coyote nature for years, afraid of being rejected and hunted.

Mr. Yukimura pondered for a moment, his gaze fixed on Stiles. The latter had always had an ability for finding the most subtle clues, and he was clearly raising an important point.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Stiles went on. "This time, they simply decided to strike harder by attacking everyone at once. They've gone on the offensive, and it's time for us to do the same. Apart from the students, only the coach was infected. That means he was a contact case. I have to try to establish a reconstruction. There must be something that explains why he's the only teacher who got sick. It might help us understand how the virus was transmitted."

"You can't stay here too long," Ken warned, keeping watch.

"I know, I'm going as fast as I can," Stiles replied, rifling through a stack of documents on the desk.

He knocked most of them to the floor, causing chaos in the room. Malia picked up the scattered papers.

"Fine for a vehicle refusing to stop for a cat crossing the road?" She read aloud.

"Fine for a vehicle making sheep noises in reverse," Stiles read from another sheet.

"What's his problem?" Malia asked, frowning.

Stiles ignored her question, his eyes fixed on an orange coffee cup on the desk. He saw blackish fingerprints on it.

"That's it," He murmured.

He searched through a folder with elastic bands containing other documents.

"It must be in here," he said, handing a sheet to Mr. Yukimura.

"Fine for a vehicle deliberately splashing pedestrians with muddy water," Ken read.

"Sorry," Stiles said, handing him another sheet.

"It's a liability release form," Mr. Yukimura declared.

"Exactly. The coach handed them out to us before the test started. We were supposed to dip the stamp in the inkwell and mark the sheet to confirm our agreement. That might be the common denominator."

"The ink would be the source of the outbreak?"

"All students were exposed to it, including Finstock."

"But not everyone is infected," Malia pointed out. "Like Lydia, for example."

"Maybe some people have a natural immunity," Stiles suggested. "Their immune system is more resistant than others."

He carefully picked up the cup.

"We need to analyze the composition of this ink. I believe Deaton can handle it. If we can do that, we might find the source of the virus and maybe even an antidote."

"I'll make sure it gets to him," Ken said, taking the cup. "Don't go anywhere until I get back."

He left the office, leaving Stiles and Malia in an awkward silence.

"Well, looks like it's just the two of us now," He said.

"See you," She said, heading towards the door.

"What are you... He told us to wait here," He reminded her.

Malia turned the handle.

"It's locked," She said.

"Yeah, because we're supposed to wait here, did you not hear him?"

She shook the door forcefully.

"Hey, stop, you're going to-"

The handle suddenly came off and rolled to their feet.

"Break it," Stiles finished.

He scratched his head, one hand on his hip.

"Well, now we definitely can't get out of here unless he comes back to open it for us."

Malia shrugged.

"I'll go out through the window," She declared, heading to the other side of the room.

"What?" He said, following her. "Do I need to remid you there are cops outside? What will they think if they see a teenager jumping from the floor?"

"You're right," Malia realized. "It would be better if you went out the window."


"You're the sheriff's son, they'll be less suspicious seeing you."

"I'm not convinced they'll entirely share the same logic," Stiles replied. "Listen, we don't have to talk to each other if that's what you want."

She nodded and he tried to hide his disappointment.

"We can just wait here quietly. Things don't have to be awkward."

He leaned against the edge of the desk, slid, and fell to the floor with a dull thud.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

In the crypt, the silence was oppressive, except for the distant sound of water droplets falling on the floor, slowly seeping through cracks in the ceiling. With their eyes fixed on the rough stone wall, Scott, Kira, Isaac, and Liam were on high alert.

"They still haven't come back," Scott worried.

"I'm sure they'll make it," Kira reassured.

"Or maybe the cops finally led them to a cell, where they should have been a long time ago," Liam added.

"They're taking way too long," Scott said, ignoring his comment.

"Not that I'm not worried about them, but I don't think it's a good idea for us to leave this place," Isaac said. "It's the last refuge we have, and even if it's starting to smell a bit too much like dampness, I'm all for squatting this hole for a few more hours if it keeps us from ending up on the front page of a scientific journal."

"I'll do a round," Scott decided. "They might need us."

"It's too risky," Kira replied.

"I'll be fast."

"Why should you have the right to go out and not us?" Liam intervened. "I don't want to rot in here!"

"Except you don't have a say in the matter," Isaac retorted. "Remember, it's mostly to save your own skin that we're here? If it were up to me, I wouldn't have been as charitable."

"Do you think I'm grateful to you?" Liam spat disdainfully. "I'll never let you get away with this! I'll make your life a living hell, you hear me?"

"For once, I agree with Stiles," Isaac confided. "We should've covered his mouth and I would've gladly taught him some manners."

As the two boys continued to exchange barbs, Scott painfully rose from the metal casket.

"Scott, you're really not in any condition," Kira insisted. "You can barely stand. I'll come with you."

"No," He protested immediately.

He said these words with a haste that surprised them both. She watched him intently, trying to pierce his gaze to understand why he was refusing her help.

"I'd rather know you're safe here," He said softly.

His tone was tender and protective. Kira felt her heart tighten.

"I want you to stay with those two to make sure they don't kill each other," Scott added, nodding in Liam and Isaac's direction.

She gave a small smile, then nodded. Scott approached the sliding wall. He couldn't activate the mechanism that operated it, but he could try to locate a breach or crevice in the structure that would allow him to insert his claws to replicate a lever effect.

He carefully felt the cold, rough stone and noticed a gap. He slid his fingers into it and then focused on the sensation of his nails elongating to sink into the slit. He pulled with all his might, every muscle in his body stretched to the maximum. The stone moved only a few millimeters. He repeated his gesture, this time with even more firmness. His powers were diminished, but he didn't give up. After a few moments, a click was heard.

The sound of the stone scraping against the floor echoed in the crypt, vibrating the other walls. A narrow opening appeared, letting in a faint light. Scott moved forward to slip through it.

Instinctively, Kira reached out to grab his wrist.

"Scott," She whispered.

He turned around.

"It'll be okay," He replied before leaving the vault.

However, she wasn't convinced. She had felt the fever on his skin and he looked weaker than ever.

"So, you two, is it official ?" Isaac asked.

His question brought about an uncomfortable silence.

"Sorry, that was too personal?"

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

The sky was tinted with warm shades of orange and pink as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon, making way for the night. Outside the high school, a crowd of parents gathered on the sidewalks. Some exchanged worried whispers, while others embraced each other for mutual comfort.

The sheriff watched carefully as his colleagues bustled around him, communicating information via walkie-talkies. His eyes also caught the lingering glances from Rafael, who, accompanied by his men, scrutinized his every move.

He heard a voice behind him and turned around to face the security officer with whom he had exchanged words earlier in the morning.

"We have some news," She announced. "The infected students are gradually starting to recover. Significant improvements have been observed in several of them, which reassures us for the future interventions. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, but I think we will soon start considering lifting the quarantine. However, precautions will need to be taken to prevent any recurrence. We will implement regular temperature checks to ensure that everyone stays healthy."

"Very well," He replied. "My team will make arrangements to facilitate the evacuation of the building. Still no idea where this virus came from?"

"Unfortunately, no, but we have teams examining water and air conduits, food samples, as well as certain chemicals. We have also sent blood samples to several laboratories for more in-depth analysis. We hope to find conclusive results."

"Do you think there are other leads to explore?"

"It would be wise to conduct inquiries among students and staff to try to find clues about the locations or individuals who may have been responsible for the contamination, but that falls more within your attriution than ours," She replied.

"I'll make sure to expand our investigation perimeter," He assured her.

She walked away and returned to her tasks.

"Sheriff!" Lydia exclaimed urgently as she tried to cross the designated area. "Sheriff!"

She was slowed down in her momentum by two security agents who simultaneously appeared in front of her to block her path. They forced her to step back.

"Hey, let her through!" Mr. Stilinski shouted. "I know her!"

The two men released her before walking away. Noah pulled Lydia aside to talk.

"What's going on inside?" He asked.

"We need Deaton's help," She said.

He sighed.

"That's exactly what I didn't want to hear," He replied, setting aside his rational hypotheses.

"The epidemic is becoming more and more virulent."

"Are... are my kids infected?" The sheriff asked, dreading her answer.

"Only Stiles," Lydia replied.

Mr. Stilinski lowered his head, processing this news. Part of him was relieved, but he also felt a sharp pang in his abdomen. He tried to push it aside. He absolutely had to keep his composure and not let himself be overwhelmed by his emotions.

"His case isn't severe," Lydia hurried to add reassuringly. "Scott, Kira, Malia, Isaac, and Liam are with him."

He furrowed his brow.

"Who's Liam?"

"Another werewolf," She informed him in a discreet whisper.

Noah stared at her, surprised.

"And he's part of your group now?"

"That's something to consider once he stops trying to claw our eyes out."

"I have a feeling there are several layers to this story, am I right?" the sheriff remarked.

"It would take too long to explain," Lydia replied.

"I'm not even sure I want to know. At least, not today. But tomorrow, most certainly. Do they all have symptoms?"

Lydia nodded.

"They're different, but they manifest more quickly in those who... are also different."

The sheriff immediately understood her implication.

"You did what needed to be done;, now, we'll take care of the rest," He said, placing his hands on Lydia's shoulders. "I'll contact Deaton. Don't move from here, okay?"

"Hurry," She insisted. "The countdown has already begun."

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't told anyone, but I have a feeling someone is going to die tonight, and it's not just a intuition," she confided gravely.

She swallowed, her throat tight.

"I'm sure it's going to happen."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Stiles paced back and forth absentmindedly while Malia sat on the floor, leaning against the coach's desk. He sighed, glancing at the wall clock. They had been locked in for almost an hour.

"He must have had some kind of delay," He supposed, lost in thought. "Yeah, that must be it. He probably had to go to the clinic and on his way back, got stuck in a huge traffic."

He continued to pace the room tirelessly.

"The others must be wondering what we're up to," He said. "We should have gone with my second idea and lured some nurses into a room to steal their uniforms and sneak out without getting caught."

He sighed once again before slumping against a wall just opposite Malia. He looked up at her, but she chose to quickly avert her gaze, only fueling his frustration. He had hoped she would at least acknowledge him with a nod, but her refusal to give him any attention affected him more than he wanted to admit.

He nervously fidgeted with his fingers and glanced at the numerous papers scattered at his feet.

"Why didn't you tell me you were taking this test?" He asked.

He didn't expect her to respond. He just needed to break the unbearable silence, even if it meant talking to thin air.

"I saw your grades in your room," Malia said, surprising Stiles.

"What do you mean?" He replied, confused.

"I know you're not getting passing grades in some subjects," She revealed.

Stiles swallowed. After the events caused by the Nogitsune's appearance, he had more or less recovered from his sleepless nights. However, since the beginning of the semester, he couldn't deny that he was having more and more trouble focusing on his studies. Now, the safety of his friends and family mattered more than anything else.

"I didn't want to be a burden to you and slow you down in your studies," Malia added.

"It wouldn't have bothered me to help you," He replied. "I'll do anything to support you."

He hoped she could sense his sincerity.

"I managed to handle it on my own," She replied.

"And Isaac?" He ventured to ask.

Malia frowned.

"You don't hold a grudge against him anymore, but you hold it against me," She said.

"He didn't hide the truth from me," She retorted.

"You didn't trust him just a few weeks ago!" Stiles exclaimed, visibly annoyed.

She shrugged.

"He's not as bad as I thought," She replied.

He sadly nodded, then lowered his gaze to his fingers, which were fidgeting with the fabric of his jeans.

"Do you feel something for him?"

Malia bit her lower lip, noticing the pain in his voice.

"Yes," She said.

He froze.

"And no," She added immediately.

"What?" He said, staring at her, utterly bewildered.

"When I was with him, there was this sort of energy between us," She continued. "It's hard to describe. I felt like a constant warmth in my body."

Stiles suppressed a grimace, indicating his discomfort.

"Yeah, uh," He stuttered, shaking his head to dismiss those confessions from his mind. "That's what we call sexual tension caused by hormonal impulses. It's pretty common to develop fantasies about people around us."

"Who have you had fantasies about?" Malia asked, catching him off guard.

He looked at her, dumbfounded, while she waited for his response.

"You know, usually, it can be very impulsive," Stiles replied, preferring to dodge her question. "It comes down to recurring thoughts. In any case, the limit often stops at the imagination."

"So, I crossed the limit?" She realized. "I wanted it and I think he did too."

"I have no doubts about that," He sarcastically retorted under his breath.

"I felt things. Physically."

Stiles loudly cleared his throat.

"I think we should end this discussion," He said.

"But what I feel when I'm with him is not the same as what I feel when I'm with you," Malia continued.

Stiles remained silent, absorbing her words.

"And what do you feel with me?"

They stared at each other for a long moment. Malia's eyes reflected hesitation.


She paused and placed a hand on her chest. Stiles frowned as she suddenly began to wheeze. Worried, he rushed to her side.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She tightly gripped his shoulders as she struggled to take breaths. Stiles touched her forehead. It was burning, confirming that her symptoms were worsening.

"You're hyperventilating," He said. "Lie down."

He leaned against the desk, bent one leg while keeping the other folded, and placed Malia's head on his thigh. She closed her eyes, and he placed a hand on her back to comfort her.

"Everything's okay," He whispered. "Keep exhaling through your mouth, okay? You'll be fine. I'm here with you."

He squeezed her hand as she followed his instructions.

"Someone will come," He added, looking at the door. "Someone will come and get us out of here."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Scott walked through the empty hallways of the high school. The prevailing silence was oppressive, making it seem as though the entire building had been abandoned. He thought about the students, confined in the classrooms, but also about those impacted by the virus. Once again, lives were at stake, and he absolutely had to try every possible strategy to prevent the situation from worsening further.

He heard voices approaching. Nurses dressed in their yellow suits were crossing the hall, chatting. He quickly ran to hide behind a row of lockers.

"Did you hear that?" One of the nurses said.

His colleague turned to check the surroundings. He shook his head negatively, and they resumed their conversation. When they were out of sight, Scott stealthily slipped into the locker room, trying not to betray his presence. He stayed crouched in the semi-darkness until the footsteps faded away.

Just as he was about to head back towards the hallway, he sensed movement around him. He froze and listened intently. A slight rustling of fabric indicated that someone was moving.

Suddenly, a figure detached from the wall and surged behind him with astonishing speed, wrapping what seemed to be a thin cord around his neck. Scott struggled with all his might. He felt the wire digging into his skin and the heat spreading through his body as he realized it had been heated to white hot. Panic seized him.

He was being strangled.

"Finally, I catch an Alpha," The assailant said in a barely perceptible voice, tightening their grip.

Scott pulled on the cord, creating enough space to breathe. His fingers brushed against what felt like a pendant, and he realized it was a necklace. He discerned the outline of three intertwined rings.

Without wasting a second, he counterattacked, delivering a kick to the assailant that made them stagger backward. In a final effort, he managed to free himself and turn to face them. He saw a young girl with brown skin and wavy hair, but he couldn't clearly make out her features in the dim light.

"Who are you?" He demanded, eyebrows furrowed.

His voice was firm and cutting.

"The last person you'll see before you die," She retorted, her tone sharp and hostile.

She lunged at him with determination. Her skill surprised him. She had clearly been trained for close combat. She spun around and struck him twice in the face with her elbows. He felt the impact reverberate through his jaw. She then continued her assault and quickly followed up with a knee to his stomach.

Determined to regain the upper hand, Scott seized her leg, causing her to stumble to the side. He quickly grabbed her shoulders firmly, pinning her against the nearest locker. A moonbeam pierced the room, and he recognized her face.

"Rachel?" He realized. "Is that you? You're the one who killed Carrie and Brittany?"

"You can report me to the police if you want, it won't stop us!"

"Who are the others with you?"

"I'll never tell you," She spat, giving him a murderous look.

Without warning, she slammed her forehead against his to break free from his grip. Dazed, Scott stumbled back. She took advantage of this to position herself behind him and once again wrap the necklace around his neck. She leaned back to apply more pressure, reducing his chances of retaliating.

Scott's eyes widened in surprise. Trapped, he gritted his teeth. He suffocated as the smoking wire burned his skin. At that moment, he thought of all the previous victims who had undergone the same torment without being able to escape. They likely couldn't scream because their throats had been compressed like his was currently. Their lungs had eventually collapsed and emptied of oxygen and their final strength had gradually abandoned them.

Scott gestured in a last-ditch defense attempt. The side effects generated by the contagion made him far too vulnerable, and he realized he was not capable of extricating himself from this critical moment.

He was an easy prey, and she knew it.

Just as his body was on the verge of collapse, he was suddenly thrown to the ground. A weight collapsed on top of him. Turning his head, he saw Rachel unconscious beside him. He looked up and saw Cole, who had just knocked her out.

He bent down to Scott and removed the wire from around his neck. Scott coughed heavily as he caught his breath. He was still shaken, but he felt life returning to him.

He looked at Cole gratefully. He extended a hand to help him up.

"Thanks," Scott said, massaging his neck. "How did you know we were here?"

"I saw her leaving the room designated for the non-infected," Cole said. "The instructions only allow five students to go to the bathroom. I had to wait my turn to go look for her, but that's not all."

Cole paused.

"Andrew left too," He informed.

"We have to stop him."

"Go ahead, I'll take care of her."

Scott nodded and ran towards the exit.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"You didn't tell them about Kate, did you?" Liam asked Isaac.

They had settled in a secluded corner of the crypt, far enough away that Kira couldn't overhear them.

"You never learn to keep your mouth shut, do you?" Isaac retorted, annoyed.

"You know they're not coming back to save both of us, but her because she's part of his pack," Liam replied, nodding towards Kira.

"You don't know Scott, he's who you think he is. He helped me when I needed it."

"But he doesn't see the point in doing so today," Liam countered. "You needed him, but he didn't need you."

"Maybe that's true, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about us," Isaac replied. "Scott has always had a different way of thinking. He believes that every person has equal value, whether they're part of his pack or not. He'll fight to protect those in need, no matter who they are."

Liam shook his head. "You trust him too much."

"I'm taking the risk."

"But you refuse to do the same with Kate?"

"Don't make me believe you find her trustworthy. She's manipulative and dangerous and I'm not willing to put my life in her hands."

"I don't trust her either, but I don't think we can just ignore her. She has important information about werewolves and this town."

"I think you're forgetting the part where her family committed genocides on people like us."

"I know she was a hunter. Just like your father."

"Ally with whoever you want, but don't come preaching to me when you're trying to justify teaming up with someone with blood on their hands," Isaac snapped. "Maybe you'll change your mind when it will be yours."

"Boys?" Kira interjected.

They turned towards her.

"I can't see," She said, her voice trembling.

"What?" Isaac exclaimed.

"I... I can't see anything," She repeated, groping for a shelf to orient herself.

They got up to join her. Liam felt a tingling sensation in his legs. He almost fell and caught himself by leaning on a granite column. His head started spinning and cold sweats intensified.

"You're not the only one," He said, trying to distinguish his hand as his vision slowly blurred.

Meanwhile, Isaac was experiencing ringing in his ears, soon followed by a migraine.

"What's happening to us?" panicked Kira, breathless.

"I have no idea, but I don't plan on dying here," Isaac replied.

"Do you hear that?"

They listened and detected the sound of a high-pitched squeak coming from the depths of the vault.

"Something's getting closer," Kira alerted.

Isaac and Liam instinctively went on alert.

"Don't move," Isaac ordered.

They exchanged wary glances as the strange squeaking grew louder. Quickly, they sought a place to hide and found refuge behind a stack of wooden crates.

"What is it?" Liam whispered.

"There's something behind the walls," Kira replied.

"It could be rats," Isaac supposed. "There must be plenty underground, right?"

The noises drew closer, and they heard footsteps accompanied by the scraping of stones being moved.

Kira swallowed nervously.

"A rat couldn't make all that noise, could it?" She asked, nervous.

"Not the species discovered so far," Isaac replied.

Finally, the outline of a door concealed by the roughness of the old wall emerged. Its surface was weathered and covered in a thick layer of dust. The uneven and disjointed cornerstones framing it highlighted the imperfections of the masonry, giving the impression that it had been sealed for centuries.

Derek appeared, as surprised to find them there as they were to see him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Nothing special except for dying," Isaac said. "I suggest you yell at us for entering your ancestors' secret lair later."

"I'm not here for that," Derek said, rummaging through the shelves. "You need to help me find some Wild Purple Reishi."

"I knew it!" Liam exclaimed. "You're a dealer!"

"Why?" Isaac asked, confused. "And what is that?"

"A medicinal mushroom," Kira explained.

"I don't have time to explain, just look at what's in all the jars!" Derek instructed.

"Okay, I guess it's something purple?" Isaac deduced, starting to search.

"I can't!" Kira exclaimed. "I can't see anything!"

"Use your sense of smell!" Derek suggested.

She nodded. She was familiar enough with Reishi to be able to identify it blindly.

"You gonna move or what?" Isaac prompted Liam.

"I'm losing my sight, remember ?" The latter retorted. "And don't count on me to get involved in your fellonies!"

Kira felt around a jar before unscrewing it and bringing it to her nose. She recognized a sweet scent composed of woody aromas.

"I got it!" She yelled. "I think I got it!"

"Throw it!" Derek shouted. "Throw it on the ground!"

Kira complied. With a deafening crash, the container shattered on the floor, releasing a cloud of particles that floated in the humid air and dispersed, filling the crypt with a reddish powder. The mushroom pieces scattered, their stems and caps falling into small fragments.

Quickly, they felt a change occur. A shiver ran through them from head to toe, then a revitalizing energy flowed into their limbs. The poison that had corrupted their bodies was purged from their veins, and a feeling of strength and well-being enveloped their bodies.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

Rachel was still unconscious. Cole, sitting on a bench, watched her, anticipating any sudden movement she might make once awake. He was now pinning his hopes on Scott. If luck was on their side, he would finally be able to put an end to all this carnage. The terror had to stop. Beacon Hills needed it.

Cole was pulled from his thoughts by distant screams. An insidious, gnawing anxiety gripped him. The screams were coming from the hallways. His fists clenched. He knew Scott could handle it, but something inside him told him he couldn't just stand there without acting.

He cast one last glance at Rachel and blocked the entrance door by jamming the handle with an abandoned lacrosse stick. Then he started running, driven by the urgency of the situation. Guided by the screams, he turned around corners until he found himself in front of the janitor's closet door, locked. Struggles and dull thuds echoed behind it. Without hesitation, he slammed his shoulder into the door, which gave way under the impact. The scene that greeted his eyes was as horrific as it was unimaginable.

Andrew was leaning over a girl, wielding a spear in his hand.

"Help... Help me," She pleaded, her eyes horrified as she looked at Cole.

Her face was bruised and scratched. She had fought bravely and tenaciously.

The spear brutally pierced her. A muffled groan escaped her lips, and she fell into the eternal silence of death. Andrew's expression was devoid of emotion as he withdrew the spear from his victim's lifeless body, blood pooling on the floor. Cole felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he watched the tragedy unfold before him, powerless.

"Stand in my way and you'll be next," Andrew threatened before fleeing.

Moments later, Scott arrived, running, half out of breath.

"He killed her," Cole said, shaken. "You just missed him."

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know," Cole replied, shaking his head. "Rachel... I locked her up. I have to go see if—"

"I'll go," Scott declared. "Get the police."

He hurried towards the locker rooms and found the door ajar. He was about to continue his pursuit when he was suddenly overcome by intense dizziness. His legs gave way beneath him and he blacked out.

"Scott!" Kira screamed as she rushed towards him.

She knelt beside him and cradled his head in her lap. Carefully, she parted his lips and slipped a small amount of Reishi she had kept in her palm into his mouth. She closed his mouth and waited for the remedy to take effect.

Slowly, Scott began to emerge from his comatose state. Once again lucid, he opened his eyes and fixed his gaze on Kira. It didn't take long for him to realize he was lying on the ground, his head resting on her knees. She smiled as she saw him regain some color. He seemed surprised by her presence, but also relieved. He tried to sit up, but she prevented him, urging him to rest a little longer.

"What did you do?" He asked, astonished.

"Dude, you're lucky we arrived just in time," Isaac said, standing next to them.

"Where's Liam?"

"He said, and I quote: "They'll have to pull my teeth out one by one to force me to stay another minute with you," Isaac replied. "He also mentioned pulling a restraining order before adding that he'll also sue for damages."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"What's happening to me?" murmured Malia, her voice feverish.

She was visibly getting paler.

"Stiles... I don't want to die. Not like this..."

"Hey, shh, no," He said, pushing her hair away from her sweaty face. "You're not going to stay like this, okay? We're going to find a solution."

She looked at him, her eyes half-closed.

"Focus on your breathing. You need to conserve your energy."

"I don't care," Malia retorted, swallowing hard.

Her mouth felt dry and pasty.

"I won't die here."

"That won't happen," Stiles replied, taking her hand.

Her pulse was weak and irregular beneath his fingers.

"You don't have a fever anymore," She said.

Stiles hadn't noticed this detail. His symptoms had dramatically faded, and he felt much better than before, unlike Malia, who was exhausted.

"You're going to heal and get out of here," She added.

"What? No."

"Someone has to join the others..."

"No way. We're both leaving, got it? I'm not leaving without you."

He looked up at the window to his right and wondered if he should consider attempting a risky climb up the school's facade. He knew it could be dangerous, but no other option presented itself to him, and at this point, he was willing to try anything.

However, he put that idea on hold when he heard a click caused by the turning of the exterior handle. Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal Mr. Yukimura.

Stiles flashed a smile.

"See?" He said to Malia. "I told you he'd come back in time."

Her eyes were closed, and her lips were parted.


He shook her slightly.

"Hey, don't fall asleep, stay with me."

He tapped her cheeks, hoping to get a reaction, but she didn't move.

"Malia?" He worried. "Malia!"

Without waiting, Ken released a trail of Reishi into the air, which spread throughout the room. The emanations of the mushroom found their way into every nook and cranny of the room, infiltrating the lungs of the two teenagers.

Stiles shielded his face. His nostrils tingled. He looked at his hand, covered in red powder.

"What the-"

Malia suddenly inhaled, her eyes wide open. She sat up coughing. Her airways were clear once again.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked, concerned.

"What happened?" She exclaimed, disoriented.

Confused, they turned towards Mr. Yukimura.

"You've been decontaminated," He replied.

"Is that what saved us?" Stiles wondered, pointing to the vial he was holding.

Ken nodded.

"It comes from the vault. I scattered some all over the school."

A siren sounded in the hallways.

"What's that?" Stiles said.

They rushed out of the office as a stream of students poured into the main hall, drawn by the police cars' flashing lights parked outside. The red and blue beams of light cast dancing shadows on the school's walls, and conversations gradually faded away to make room for fear.

A lump formed in Stiles' throat. He pushed through the crowd, desperately trying to find out what was happening. Some students jostled to get a closer look, while others backed away, frightened. Police officers tried to maintain a safe distance around the entrance where caution tape had been placed. Teachers and staff attempted to maintain order, but the agitation was palpable.

Wrapped in a body bag, the corpse of a teenage girl lay on the floor. Stiles' stomach clenched when he saw a few curly brown strands sticking out from the half-closed cover, but his fear lessened as he walked, realizing it wasn't Aibee. Behind him, Malia froze in place.

A gaping wound marred the deceased girl's chest, evidence of the violence inflicted upon her. She had been given no chance of survival.

"Well, they've outdone themselves for Halloween this year," Mason said, wide-eyed.

"I don't think my mom will appreciate the idea that this school has the highest crime rate in the country," Aibee commented next to him. "As surprising as it may be, I don't want her to send me back to Paris. Scott McCall doesn't live there, so I don't see the point."

Andrew and Rachel appeared near her.

"You took a long time in the bathroom," She said. "Tell me there was enough toilet paper at least."

"Do you know if Cole is still there?" Mason asked.

"Cole Foster?" Danny, who had overheard his question, said. "Apparently, he was the one who discovered the crime scene. Investigators are questioning him."

"I need to check if he's okay," Mason said, concerned.

"I'll come with you," Aibee replied, squeezed uncomfortably between two boys who were elbowing each other, their armpits a few centimeters from her face. "There are smells here that prove sardines should stay in the ocean."

They left together. Meanwhile, Lydia had stayed back. She had identified the victim as none other than Violet, a student she had kept company with during a panic attack. Her death revived memories of Carrie, who had died in tragic circumstances. Devastated, she threw herself into her mother's arms.

Stiles and Malia were joined by Scott, Kira, and Isaac. They shared a wave of sadness, realizing they had likely escaped certain death. Relief now mingled with worry, as this victory was temporary in the face of the threat still lurking in the shadows, spying on them.

The students stepped aside to let a stretcher pushed by officers pass. They deposited the body. The sound of the zipper closing the body bag echoed like a funereal echo in the oppressive atmosphere.

At the opposite end of the crowd stood Rachel and Andrew. Unlike their classmates, absorbed by the macabre scene unfolding before them, their gazes were fixed on Scott's group. Their posture was rigid, filled with an assurance tinged with a hint of defiance. Like predators assessing their opponents, they stared at them with a contempt they no longer bothered to conceal.

The two sides stared each other down, each trying to penetrate the other's secrets, to see who would come out on top. The confrontation was silent, but the noise of their hatred was deafening. It was the beginning of a provocation, a showdown between rival forces. The stakes were high and the inevitable confrontation was looming.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

In a cell at Eichen House, a man in his sixties was sleeping. Suddenly, a shiver ran through him, rousing him from his slumber. He slowly lifted his wrinkled eyelids, revealing tired eyes. In the darkness, he sat up and discerned a feminine silhouette approaching him quietly.

"Miss Bailey?" He called out, his voice hoarse and rough from sleep. "What are you doing here?"

"I was informed that your health condition required special attention," Olivia replied in a soft voice as she leaned over him. "I wanted to visit to make sure you're doing well since our last session. Are you sleeping properly? Are you feeling cold?"

She leaned in further, trying to catch his tired gaze.

"Will you scream when I'll suffocate you?" She murmured.

The man frowned, puzzled.


Suddenly, a pillow slammed onto his face, blocking his mouth and nose. Panicked, he emitted muffled groans and squirmed with the little strength he had left in hopes of freeing himself. His calloused fingers clutched at Olivia's gloved hands as she patiently waited for him to lose consciousness.

After a few minutes, he stopped moving. She removed the pillow and stepped back, observing his lifeless body for a long moment. Methodically, she took a cellphone from the pocket of her uniform and dialed a number.

"It's done," She said to her contact.

The phone vibrated, indicating the receipt of a text message. She checked the screen.



Olivia took a photo of the victim. She received a second text.



Olivia smiled, satisfied to see that everything was going according to plan.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

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