21 | dying to survive

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𝘥𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦


Delaney gasped as she shot up, taking a look around her to see she was no longer in the diner Dean had sent her into to get the three of them food and him pie. There are rows of abandoned buildings that look like they hadn't been used in years. Many were broken down and the rest looked like they were locked down from the inside. It was almost as if she had landed herself in a ghost town. She didn't even know how she ended up in this place and the last thing she remembered was the scent of sulfur and then being blindsided from behind before the world going black.

Pushing herself to her feet, Delaney took out her phone to call Sam or Dean, but her phone had no signal. She huffed and re-pocketed the device into her back pocket, deciding it was a good idea as any to take a look around and see if she could figure out where she was or how to get out. 

There wasn't much to the town aside from the rundown buildings and most she couldn't even get into. She had shouted the boys' names multiple times, but it was clear neither one of them were here with her. Wherever here was. 

Suddenly, Delaney heard a creaking noise nearby and grabbed a plank of wood, ready to fight whoever and whatever it was that was nearby. Andy Gallagher turned the corner suddenly and Delaney brandished the plank, and he jumped back, startled.

"Delaney! What are you doing here?"

Delaney slowly lowered the plank, staring at Andy in confusion. Seriously, what the hell was going on here? "I... I don't know."

"What am I doing here?"

"I don't know. Just - "

"Where are we?" Andy cut across Delaney as if she had never spoken and he looked around them frantically.

Delaney tossed the plank of wood away from her and dusted her hands off on her jeans. "Andy, look, calm down."

"I can't calm down! I just woke up in freaking Frontier Land!"

"What's the last thing you remember?" Delaney asked.

Andy breathed heavily, holding the sides of his head as he closed his eyes to try and calm down so he could think clearly. "Honestly, my fourth bong load. It was weird. All of a sudden, there was this really intense smell, like a..."

Delaney's face fell as she realized Andy had almost the same experience as she did. "Like sulfur?"

"How did you know that?"

Delaney seemed to remember her brothers and closed her eyes, feeling the anxiety clawing its way up quickly and surely. She tried to keep her breathing even because no one would benefit from her having an anxiety attack. "Dean and Sam."

"Your brothers - are they - are they here?" Andy questioned, glancing around them to see if Dean or Sam could be seen anywhere in the abandoned area.

"I don't know where they are. I don't know if they're - "

A woman's scream cut off the conversation and the two psychics turned in the direction of the scream that was followed by a door rattling. The two followed the cries of the woman to a bit down the road where there was a wooden shed with a padlock on it.

"Help me! Help me, please!"

"Okay, I'm here. We're gonna get you out, alright? Just hold on a second," Delaney yelled to the woman through the door and grabbed a large rock next to her foot. She stepped back and brought the rock down on the padlock, effectively smashing it in half and the padlock crashed to the ground with a THUD. 

The door flew open to reveal non other than Ava Wilson who flung herself at Delaney, sending the smaller girl stumbling back a few steps. "Oh my gosh! Del!"

"Hey, Ava," Delaney greeted, hugging the girl back tightly because after months of keeping an eye out for Ava Wilson, she finally found her.

"So, I guess you guys know each other," Andy awkwardly noted from the side, shoving his hands into his black jacket pockets.

Ava pulled away from Delaney, the tears still streaming down her face. "How do you - I mean, how did - "

"Ava, have you been here this whole time?" Delaney asked, cutting off the sobbing girl's rambling.

"What whole time? I just woke up in there half an hour ago!"

Delaney furrowed her eyebrows, taking in the appearance of Ava that had still been the same as the last time she saw her. "Ava, you've been missing for five months. My brothers and I have been looking for you everywhere."

"That's impossible 'cause I saw you two days ago."

"You didn't, Ava. I'm sorry."

Ava stared up at Delaney incredulously, shaking her head. "No, that makes no sense. It's... not... oh, my God! My fiancé, Brady. If I've been missing for that long, he must be freaking out!"

Delaney rolled her lips into her mouth, not knowing how to tell this poor girl that Brady wasn't alive. She just woke up after being knocked out for five months and had no idea what was going on. This was all just a huge mess.

Ava must have caught onto Delaney's silence because she sobbed into her hands, until a strong breeze blew by and she glanced over to Andy. She seemed shocked as if she didn't know he had been stood there the whole time.

"Hey," Andy greeted, waving his hand that was still dug deep in his pocket. "Andy - also freaking out."

"Okay," Ava sniffled and turned back to Delaney. "What's happening?"

"Well, I, uh... I don't really know yet, but I know one thing. I know what the three of us have in common," Delaney replied and before she could give the two any sort of ideas, a male voice from somewhere in the town yelled out for someone. "Maybe more than three."

The trio ran around the town to try and find where the other man had been. As they rounded the side of a building, they saw a dark skinned man in an army uniform and young blonde girl dressed in all black stood on the porch of one the building.

"Hey, you guys alright?" Delaney asked, stopping at the bottom step of the small porch.

"Think so," the dark skinned man replied.

"I'm Delaney and this is Ava and Andy."

The dark skinned man nodded at the trio. "I'm Jake."


Delaney looked around them to see if there were more people behind Jake and Lily or in the surrounding area. "Are there more of you?"

"No," Jake answered.

"How did we even get here? A minute ago, I was in San Diego," Lily informed. 

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I went to sleep last night in Afghanistan," Jake added on.

Delaney ran a hand through her hair, her head pounding with all of this new information and people. "Let me take a wild guess. You two are both twenty-one? We all are, and we all have abilities. It started a little over a year ago. You find out you can do things you didn't think were possible. I have visions. I see things before they happen."

"Yeah, me too," Ava whispered, sticking behind Delaney as if the girl in front of her brought her protection. 

"Yeah, and I can put thoughts into people's heads - like, make them do stuff. Oh, but don't worry, I don't think it works on you guys. Oh, but get this - um, I've been practicing, training my brain, like meditation, right? So now it's not just thoughts that I can beam out, but images, too - like, anything I want. It's like BAM! People, they see it. This one guy I know - a total dick - I used it on him. Gay porn all hours of the day. It's just like... you should have seen the look on his face."

Delaney tried to amusement on her face because it seemed she was the only one that found Andy's story any sort of funny. The others just kind of stared at Andy in disgust and looked far from amused. She cleared her throat and motioned for Andy to just stay quiet for now.

"So... you say, Simon says give me your wallet, and they do?" Lily snapped, confusing Delaney on where the snarky attitude came from. "You have visions? That's great. I'd kill for something like that."

"Lily, listen, it's okay," Delaney assured the girl, not taking the attitude as offensive or anything. She just chalked it up to the girl being scared just like the rest of them. None of the knew how they got there and it would freak anyone out.

"NO, it's not," Lily argued and raised her right hand. "I touch people. Their hearts stop. I can barely leave my house. My life's not exactly improved. So screw you. I just want to go home."

Jake rolled his eyes and turned to face Lily who had turned away to take off on her own. "Oh, and we don't?"

"Don't talk me like th- "

"Hey, guys, come on!" Delaney yelled over the arguing duo, earning both of their attentions. "Look, whether we like it or not, we're all here, and so we all have to deal with this."

"Who brought us here?" Andy questioned.

Delaney chewed on her lip, trying to think of the best possible way to share her theory. She hadn't had any visions recently, but that didn't mean that the yellow eyed demon wasn't somewhere nearby waiting to strike. A part of her started to believe this was all because of him.

"It's less of who and more of a what. It's, uh... it's a demon."

Delaney dived into everything she had found out about the yellow eyed demon. How all of them were to be soldiers in some demonic war that would start a demon apocalypse. How they were all somehow connected because of their abilities and they lost their mom's at the ripe age of six months. How this whole thing was bigger than any of them could imagine and that she didn't necessarily know what else they could do. They just had to fight against the demon and not for him.

"So, we're soldiers in a demon war to bring on the apocalypse?" Jake huffed, pacing back and forth as Lily had taken a seat on the wooden bar on the porch.

"Well, when you pit like that - "

"And we've been picked? Why us?" Jake asked, cutting off whatever Delaney was going to say. 

Delaney shook her head and placed a hand to her chest. "I don't know, okay? But look, I just know - "

"Delaney, I'm sorry," Ava cut off Delaney and the girl momentarily wondered if she'd ever finish a thought with this group. "Psychics and spoon-bending is one thing, but demons?"

"I know it sounds crazy."

"It doesn't just sound it," Jake barked.

Delaney turned to Jake with a fierce gaze, already sick and tired of the dude's nasty attitude. "I don't care what you think. If we're gathered here together, that means it's starting and that we got - "

"The only thing I got to do is stay away from wackjobs, okay?" Jake yelled, stepping down off the porch as his glare focused on Delaney who matched his glare just as intensely. "I've heard enough. I'm better off on my own. FYI - so are you."

Delaney tried to call after Jake as he shoved past her, Andy and Ava, but it was no use. He was too stubborn to listen to anything else Delaney had to say on the matter. Though, she couldn't just let him go off on his own because she had no idea what the yellow-eyed demon had planned for any of them. If any of them ventured off alone, it could either end in death or the yellow-eyed demon plotting something else.

Delaney had followed Jake's voice to another old abandoned building that looked like an old school house. Inside, she saw a little girl stood in front of Jake and she looked like she had took a swan dive into a pile of mud. Not even having to think twice, Delaney grabbed the iron poker next to her at the door and swung the poker through the little girl, sending her disappearing into black joke.

"Fun fact: that was a demon," Delaney breathed, throwing the iron poker to the side and walked out of the school house with Jake following, the other three waiting outside for them. "Okay, I haven't been in the hunting business for too long, but I think was an Achiri - a demon that disguises itself as a little girl. Still doesn't tell us where we are. Andy, you with me or what?"

Andy, who seemed as if he were completely disconnected from the whole thing. "I need a minute. I'm still working through demons are real."

The group decided to walk around the area together and see if they can find any landmarks that could point to where they were. As they passed one of the large buildings, there was an old, rusty bell that hung from a wooden structure just outside.

"I've seen that bell before," Delaney whispered, recognition flickering across her face as she stepped closer to the large bell. "I think I know where we are now - Cold Oak, South Dakota. The town's so haunted, every single resident fled."

"Swell, good to know we are somewhere so historical," Ava said, trying to sounding cheery and upbeat. However, it sounded incredibly fake and, yet, Delaney still gave her credit for trying to be positive in this very negative situation.

"Why in the world would that demon or whatever put us here?" Lily questioned.

"I'm wondering the same thing," Delaney admitted sheepishly, not really knowing why the demon would put them here of all places. Sure, it was deserted and everything, but wasn't there supposed to be more of them. Delaney was sure there should be other psychics and people with abilities littered around here.

Lily silently played with the necklace around her neck, doubting everything about Delaney said. "You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing to do here is get the hell out of Dodge."

Delaney reached out to grab onto Lily's wrist as she tried to walk away from the group once again. "Wait, hold on. Lily, the only way out is through miles of woods."

"Sure beats hanging out around here with some demon," Lily countered, ripping her wrist out of Delaney's grip.

"Lily, look, we don't know what's going on yet. We don't even know how many of them are out there," Delaney said.

"Yeah, she's right, we should - "

Lily whirled around and jabbed a finger in Jake's direction. "Don't say we. I'm not part of we. I have nothing in common with any of you."

Delaney's shoulders slumped, feeling incredibly exhausted with having to carry the weight of all this. She was the only one that knew how to handle any of this and now she knew why Dean or Sam were always so tired in the beginning when she joined. She was new and didn't know what to do so the boys had to carry most of the weight of the hunts on their shoulders until Delaney got on her feet. She seriously needed to give the two of them big hugs when she joined them again.

"Okay, look, I know - "

"You don't know anything," Lily cried, cutting off Delaney. "I to- I accidentally touched my girlfriend."

Delaney's heart dropped at the new information, immediately feeling bad for Lily. She had lost someone she loved because of this demon, much like she had. Sure, Will had died way differently than Lily's girlfriend had, but she could still tell how the girl felt. This new life was definitely not a walk in the park. "I'm.. I'm sorry, Lily. I didn't - "

"Whatever. I feel like I'm in a nightmare and it just keeps getting worse and worse."

"I've lost people, too. I have two older brothers out there right now. The two of them could be dead, for all I know. We're all in bad shape, but I'm telling you, the best way out of this is to stick together," Delaney stressed, fighting back the tears as the thought of her brothers flashed through her mind again.

"Fine," Lily rasped after a long, tense moment of silence. 

The group decided to continue their search through the town again and Delaney offered up the idea of finding anything they could to fight off the demons and spirits running around the abandoned town.

"We are looking for silver, iron, salt - any kind of weapon," Delaney informed the group as they walked further into the town.

Jake laughed in disbelief. "Whoa, salt is a weapon?"

"It's a brave, new world," Delaney retorted, pulling her hair up into a ponytail

"Hopefully, there's food in your world, cause I'm freakin' starving," Andy complained, following the group up the steps and into one of the buildings that was actually open.

The group split up inside, the boys going off to one side while Delaney and Ava took the other side of the building. Delaney had found another iron poker thrown on the ground and picked it up as Ava followed behind her, trying to find anything that didn't Delaney didn't see. She lifted up the lid of a trunk in the next room and dug through it until she found a knife, standing up to stuff in the back of her pants when she noticed Ava stood a few feet away, massaging her temples.

"Ava, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just... I don't know - a little dizzy."

Delaney walked closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder to try and get the woman to look at her. "A-are you sure it's not some kind - "

"What, some kind of freaky vision thing?" Ava finished for Delaney who rolled her lips into her mouth, clearly being caught. "No, more like I'd just kill for a sandwich. I haven't eaten since... well, who knows? It's just... don't worry, I'm fine, except for every little thing that's happening."

The two girls shared a brief laugh, clearly sharing the same feeling. This whole thing was a real toll on your mentality and emotions. It was definitely going to be a long day.

"Guys, I found something!" Andy yelled from another part of the house. He grinned from ear to ear when the two girls and Jake joined his side, holding two large salt bags in his hands. "Salt!"

"That's great, Andy! Now we all can..." Delaney trailed off when she didn't see any sign of Lily. "Uh, where's Lily?"

Andy's arms dropped to his sides as everyone in the room realized they were down one member of their group and Ava yelled out for the girl but they were met with no response.

A little girl's laughter could be heard from somewhere outside and the four were outside so quick, Delaney was sure they left skid marks in the floorboards. She gasped and stopped short when she saw Lily hanging from the water tower by a noose around her neck, dead.

"Oh, my God!" Ava cried, covering her mouth with her hand as horror struck across her face. "Okay, that - that's officially just... Delaney, she's dead! She's dead! You said we were chosen for a reason. That is not chosen. That's... killed. Okay, you know, we to get out of here."

"I second that notion," Andy replied, his eyes glued on the poor hanging body of Lily.

"Not sure that's an option," Jake denied.

Delaney chewed on the inside of her lip, her heart breaking the more she looked at Lily's limp body. "Lily was trying to leave. The demon's not gonna let us get away that easy. We got to gear up for the next attack."

"Oh, gear up?" Ava mimicked, scoffing lightly. "Okay, well, I'm not a soldier. I can't do that!"

"Look, if you want to stay alive, you're gonna have to," Delaney instructed and started to back away to go back inside the building. "Let's go."

"I'll get her down," Jake offered and jogged off to get Lily down off the water tower.

Delaney stood next to Andy, wrapping her arms around herself as she watched Jake walk towards the tower. "You know, I was just thinking about how much Dean and Sam would help out right now. I'd give my arm for a working phone right about now."

"You may not need one," Andy spoke up and scratched the side of his head. "Uh, I never tried it long-distance before, but do you have anything of Dean or Sam's on you, like anything they touched?"

Delaney fumbled in her pockets for anything that could help and pulled out a receipt with Dean's fake signature on it. "Uh... would a receipt work?"

"Yeah," Andy took the receipt from Delaney and rose an eyebrow at the name scribbled on the bottom. "D. Hasselhoff?"

"That's Dean's signature," Delaney explained and sheepishly smiled. "It's... uh... it's hard to explain."

Andy chuckled in response and got to work on sending Dean whatever it was he needed to through his psychic abilities.


Later on, Delaney stood in the barn with Jake to try and pry off the iron bars off one of the machines inside. Jake got tired of hitting the bar with a wrench and took it upon himself to just rip off the bar with his bare hands, stunning Delaney.

"I - I'm not Superman or anything. It's not big deal," Jake dismissed, waving his hand as if to say it was nothing.

"You were in Afghanistan when this started?" Delaney inquired, leaning her elbow on the machine and dropped her wrench to the ground.

"I started getting headaches, then, uh, there was this accident. This guy flipped his vehicle on a bad road, got pinned underneath. I lifted it off him like it was nothing. E - everybody said it was a fluke adrenaline thing," Jake explained.

"But then you did it again, right?"

"Bench-press eight hundred pounds, stone-cold calm," Jake said with an amused grin. "I never told anybody, of course. It's just too crazy."

Delaney nodded in agreement, smiling along with him. "Yeah, well, crazy's relative."

Jake laughed softly and pointed the iron bar at Delaney. "Yeah, I'm starting to get that. By the way, I, uh, appreciate what you're doing."

Delaney tilted her head and squinted her eyes at Jake, confused on what she had done for any of them at this point. "What am I doing?"

"Keeping calm, keeping them calm, especially considering how freaked to hell you really are," Jake explained and motioned his head to side where Andy and Ava were somewhere. "I can tell you're trying to fight off anxiety. I know a few of the guys in my base that had it. I know the look when it's trying to fight its way out and you're forcing it back down."

"Want to know the truth? I got these brothers, right, the eldest one especially. He's always telling me how he's gonna watch out for me, how everything's gonna be okay, like I've been telling Andy and Ava. I don't know if I believe it this time. I mean, the size of what's coming - it's bigger than anyone's ever seen. It's gonna get bad, and I - I don't know if - "

"If we're gonna make it," Jake finished for Delaney and shrugged. "It doesn't matter if we believe it. Only matters is that they do."


A bit later, Delaney lined the doors and windows in one of the houses with Ava being her aid.

"My horoscope said I shouldn't have gotten out of bed," Ava teased softly, joining Delaney by the couch when they were both done salting everything. "How about you? How you holding up?"

"I'm okay," Delaney swiftly lied, stuffing her hands into her leather jacket pockets. "What about you?"

"Not so okay," Ava admitted, chuckling nervously. "Why us, Del? What did we do to deserve this?"

Delaney licked her lips and slapped a hand to her side. "Just lucky, I guess."

"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all. I just can't wait for this all to be over so I can just pretend it never happened. I just want to curl up with Brady and watch bad TV," Ava said, pausing when she noticed Delaney shift uncomfortably. "What is it? Del, do you.. know something I don't?"

Delaney sighed, realizing that Ava still didn't know what happened to Brady. She had hoped that her sobbing earlier meant that she caught onto what Delaney's silence meant, but Delaney guessed it was just all of Ava's emotions taking over her. "Look, Ava. I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to tell you this."

"Tell me what?"

"When the demon broke in to your house to take you, your fiancé didn't make it. I'm sorry," Delaney whispered and brought the girl into her chest when she started to sob uncontrollably. 

Could this night get any worse?


Later that night, Delaney sat in a room with the other three as they waited for something to happen. They were all silent, Andy already asleep with his head laid on the table he sat at with Ava. Delaney was sat with her back leant against the wall while Jake stood on the other side behind Andy and Ava's table, his arms crossed as he kept his gaze outside the house they took residence in to make sure nothing was out there.

Delaney's head dropped a few times, sleep trying to take over desperately. However, she didn't have time to sleep because she had to be alert with Ava and Jake in case anything we were to happen. There was no way she could sleep and not be ready to attack if another demon popped into the room or into the area.

Over Jake's shoulder, Delaney noticed yellow eyes and scrambled to her feet, yelling at Jake to watch out behind him. Though, Jake didn't even flinch and it was almost as if Jake hadn't even heard her at all.

"What the.. I'm dreaming."

The yellow eyed demon stepped around Jake and into the room, stopping a few feet from Delaney who had stumbled away from him. "What do you say you and I take a little walk?"

"I clearly don't have much of a choice now, do I?" Delaney quipped, her eyes turning into slits as she glared at him.

"Ahh, there's that Winchester sass I love," the yellow eyed demon said and motioned for Delaney to follow him outside.

Delaney puffed out her cheeks and followed the yellow eyed demon outside and away from the house. 

"You're awfully quiet, Laney. You're not mad at me, are you?" the yellow eyed demon mused.

"I'm gonna tear you to shreds, I swear," Delaney hissed at him.

The yellow eyed demon chuckled at Delaney's empty threat. "When you wake up, princess, you give it your best shot, okay?"

"Where are my brothers?" Delaney demanded, clenching her fists at her side.

"Quit worrying about Dean and Sam. I'd worry more about yourself."

"Why, you gonna kill me?" Delaney retorted, holding her hands out to her side to give the demon a wide open shot as they stopped walking.

Yellow Eyes gave her an exasperated look. "Laney, I'm trying to help you. That's why we're talking right now. You're the one I'm rooting for."

Delaney balked and her eyes followed Yellow Eyes who started to walk again further away from the house. "W - what's that supposed to mean?"

Yellow Eyes threw his arms out and gestured around them. "Welcome to the Miss America pageant. Why do you think you're here? This is a competition. Only one of you crazy kids is gonna make it out of here alive."

Delaney's eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sudden turn of events. He had never mentioned this when he originally told her his plans before he escaped out of her father's body. Of all the tings he could have told her, she didn't expect this. "I thought we were supposed to be - "

"Soldiers in a coming war?" Yellow Eyes finished and rocked back on his heels. "That's true, sweetheart. You are, but here's the thing. I don't need soldiers. I need soldier. I just need the one."


"Well, I couldn't just come out and say that, could I, Laney? I had to let everyone think they had a fighting chance, but what I need... is a leader."

"To lead who?" Delaney snapped, the urge to rip her hair out was rearing its ugly head yet again.

Yellow Eyes smiled deviously at Delaney. "Aw, see darlin, I already have my army - or I will soon, anyway."

"You son of a bitch," Delaney growled, stepping closer to him with her hands clenched into fists once again.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you hadn't guessed. I mean, why do you think so many children flamed out already - Max Miller and Andy's brother - what's his name? They weren't strong enough. I'm looking for the best and brightest of your generation."

Delaney furrowed her eyebrows, confused on where Yellow Eyes was going with this. Weren't all the kids born with these abilities her age? "My... my generation?"

"Well, there's other generations, but let's just worry abut yours," Yellow Eyes explained, waving it off as if it were a minute detail. "That's why I'm here, Laney. I want to give you the inside track. You're tough, you're smart, you're well-trained, thanks to your dear old brother Dean. Delaney... Della, as Dean so loves to call you... you're my favorite."

"You ruined my life. You killed everyone I love," Delaney bit out, glaring darkly at the greater demon in front of her. She was so overcome with anger right now she didn't know what to do with any of it. Her whole life had been ruined by this guy in front of her and she wished she had the Colt so she could put a bullet right through his damn forehead.

"The cost of business, I'm afraid," Yellow Eyes whispered, no hint of remorse anywhere. "I mean, handsome, charming William Anderson... he just had to die. He was all see to marry you, that tall, dark and handsome thing. You would have become a successful lawyer with your own firm and had two kids, never looking a day of thirty, and a little McMansion in the suburbs. I needed you sharp, on the road, honing your skills - your gifts."

"Yeah? What about my mom?"

Yellow Eyes actually seemed to have the tiniest bit of sorrow for Delaney at that point. "Sorry, that was bad luck."

"Bad luck?"

"She walked in on us - wrong place, wrong time."

"What does that mean?"

Yellow Eyes stepped closer to Delaney and lowered his voice as if there were anyone else around to eavesdrop on their conversation. "It wasn't about your mom. It was about you. It has always been about you."


Yellow Eyes watched Delaney for a long moment and he seemed to consider whatever went on in his head. "Okay, I'll show you because you caught me in a charitable mood." He snapped his fingers and the two transported to Delaney's nursery on the night Mary died. "Look familiar? It should."

Delaney took a glance around the light pink room, photos of the boys or Mary and John holding Delaney and a photo of Delaney in her basinet back at the hospital lined the wall above her white crib with the yellow puffy blanket folded over the side of it. Inside the crib was six month old Delaney who kicked her feet and whined while the Past Yellow Eyes stood over her crib.

"Relax, Laney," Yellow Eyes gripped her shoulder when Delaney tried to go over and stop Past Yellow Eyes. "This is just high-def instant replay. Enjoy the show."

Mary shuffled into the room dressed in a white gown. "John?"

Delaney's head whipped to the side and her eyes welled up at the sight of her mother. "Mommy?"

"Is Dells hungry?" Mary asked, leaning her hand on the doorframe.

Past Yellow Eyes shushed her over his shoulder and she just shrugged, turning away from the scene to go back down the hall.

"Wait, Mom. Mom!" Delaney yelled after Mary, but it was useless because the woman didn't hear any of her calls.

Yellow Eyes gave her a pointed look. "What did I just tell you, Delaney? She can't hear you. None of this is real."

Past Yellow Eyes sliced his own wrist with his nail and held it over Baby Delaney's face, allowing the blood to drip into her mouth.

Delaney gasped and cover her mouth, her eyes widening at the sight. "What the hell are you doing to me?"

"Better than mother's milk."

Delaney couldn't fight off the anxiety this time as she felt it take over her, making it difficult to breathe. She started to wheeze slightly and her chest heaved as it tried to get more air back into the lungs and her head spun furiously, making her feel like she was gonna puke. "Does that mean I have... demon blood in me?"

Yellow Eyes chuckled darkly, which only added onto the anger and anxiety fuel.


Suddenly, Mary rushed back to the room and Past Yellow Eyes turned to her, flashing his yellow eyes at her. "It's you!"

"She knew you?!"

Mary stepped forward and Past Yellow Eyes flicked his head to the side, sending Mary to the wall next to him, sliding her up the wall and to the ceiling.

"No, Mom! No!" Delaney cried, not being able to tear her eyes away from her mother's impending doom.

"I don't think you wanna see the rest of this."

Delaney's eyes snapped open and she was back in the abandoned house with Jake and Andy. 

Jake was crouched next to her, shaking her awake. "Delaney, wake up! Ava is missing!"

Delaney pushed herself to her feet and followed Jake outside as he suggested they split up, but Ava was still nowhere in sight. "Meet back here in ten minutes, okay?" She didn't even make it more than a few feet away when Ava's screams were heard from the abandoned house they took residence in.

When Delaney rushed back into the house, she saw Ava in the room they had been hidden in and scrambled back when she saw that Andy was dead on the ground with multiple holes in his chest and slash across his throat.

"Delaney! I just found him like this!" Ava sobbed.

Delaney's eyes remained on Andy as her mind worked at warped speed. What were the odds of Ava going missing, Andy turning up dead and Ava being the one to find him? She didn't believe for one second that Ava had been missing at all. Though, she couldn't let Ava know she was onto her. "What happened?"

"I don't know!"

"How did that thing get in?" Delaney asked and began to look around the room for any place the salt line was messed up. She suddenly turned back to Ava with a narrowed gaze when a thought popped up. "Where were you?"

Ava sniffled and turned her watery gaze to Delaney who was by the window. "I just went to get some water from the well. I was only gone, maybe, like, two minutes."

"You shouldn't have gone outside," Delaney chastised the woman who continued to sob over Andy's dead body. "Ava, we have to stay in here." Her eyes landed on the windowsill and noticed the line by the right most window was dusted away down the middle. "Who did that?"

Ava shook her head, following Delaney's gaze to the messed up salt line. "I don't know. Maybe Andy - "

"Andy wouldn't do that," Delaney harshly cut off Ava. "Ava, that line wasn't broken when I left and that was only two minutes ago after you had gone missing. So... Ava..."

"What? You don't think - "

"I'll tell you what I think," Delaney said menacingly and stepped closer to Ava with a dark look. "Five months. You're the only one with all the time you can't account for and that headache you got... right when the demon got Lily."

"What are you trying to say?" Ava cried, voice wavering slightly.

Delaney crossed her arms across her chest and rose an eyebrow at Ava. "So, what happened to you?"

"Nothing!" Ava yelled and Delaney shot her a look to not bullshit her any longer. Though, Ava tried to keep the act up for another moment, she did eventually drop it when she realized Delaney had caught her redhanded. "Had you going, though, didn't I? Yeah, I've been here a long time and not alone, either. People just keep showing up - children, like us. Batches of three or four at a time."

Delaney scoffed, her head pounding as it retained too much new information at once. She was still reeling over the fact that she had demon blood in her veins instead of human blood. "You killed them - all of them?"

Ava smirked and held her arms out to the side in triumph. "I am the undefeated heavyweight champ, sister."

"Oh, my God."

"I don't think God has much to do with this, Del," Ava remarked.

Delaney shook her head, staring at Ava in disgust and betrayal. "How could you?"

"It was me or them! After a while, it was easy. It was even kind of fun. I just stopped fighting it," Ava explained, not sounding the least bit sorry for what she did.

"Fighting what?"

"Who we are, Del. If you'd just quit your hand-wringing and open yourself up, you have no idea what you can do. The learning curve is so fast. It's crazy, the switches that just flip in your brain. I can't believe I started out just having dreams. Do you know what I can do now?"

Delaney stuck her tongue into her cheek, fighting off the overly witty and sarcastic remark she wanted to give Ava. "Summon and control demons."

"Ah, you are quick on the draw," Ava whispered and placed her fingers to her temples. "I'm sorry, Del, but... it's over."

Delaney turned to see the cloud of black smoke back at the window again and when it was about to enter, she heard something fall to the ground behind her. Ava was on the ground with a twisted neck and Jake stood behind her, breathing heavily. She had never been so happy to see the man in her life.

The duo ran out of the abandoned house and back out into the town they had been thrown into. 

"Okay, I think we can make it out of here now."

"But what about the Archeri demon?"

Delaney shook her head and waved that off. "No, no, no. Ava was summoning and controlling the thing so it shouldn't be coming back now that she's dead. We have to go."

"There is no we, Delaney. Only one of us is getting out of here. I'm sorry."

Delaney slowly stopped walking and turned to Jake in confusion. "Huh?"

"I had a vision. That yellow-eyed demon, or whatever it was, he talked to me. He told me how it was."

"No, Jake, listen. You can't listen to him," Delaney told him. 

"Delaney, he's not letting us go. Only one," Jake argued, cutting off any argument Delaney had for him. "Now, we don't play along, he'll kill us both. I - I like, honey, I do. However, do the math here. What good's it do for both of us to die? Now, I can get out of here, I get close to the demon, I can kill the bastard."

"Come with me. We can kill him together," Delaney assured Jake desperately.

Jake shook his head, clearly not liking the idea of staying together. "How do I know you won't turn on me?"

"I won't."

"I don't know that."

Delaney desperately tried to find something that could get Jake to see that he needed to follow her and not some demon that would tell him anything he wanted to hear. "Okay, look," she held her hands up and placed her knife down on the ground next to her as a show of good faith. "Just come with me, Jake. Don't do this. Don't play into what he wants."

After a long pause, Jake slowly placed his weapon on the ground as well and Delaney sighed in relief, happy she had gotten through to him. However, it only lasted for a moment before Jake swung his fist at Delaney and sent her flying across the field and into the wooden fence behind them, thanks to his super-strength. He kicked the remainder of the wooden fence down and stepped over it, approaching Delaney again.

Delaney groaned from her spot, winded, as she and Jake watched each other. When Jake suddenly made a fast approach to kick Delaney, Delaney kicked out herself; the two exchanged blows with Delaney on the ground, and then she leveraged herself up. Jake and Delaney each landed multiple blows. One blow hit Delaney's right arm and shoulder with a bone-crunching sound, knocking her down again. 

Delaney got up quickly although pain coursed throughout her whole body. Jake approached and swung at Delaney, but she ducked out of the way and his punch went through a wooden railing, temporarily holding him. Delaney knees him several times - even getting one in the groin, which she was pleased with - then kicked him down. As Jake laid on the ground, winded, Delaney picked up the iron bar that Jake had been using and knocked him out. 

Delaney walked over to the now unconscious Jake, considering for a long moment if she should end the guy's life. After she hesitate a moment, Delaney tossed the bar to the ground and stepped away from the man laid out by her feet. 



Delaney quickly turned around and felt her heart soar at the sight of her brothers and Bobby that ran towards from the other side of the field with flashlights in their hands. "Boys!" She yelled and started to walk towards them.

"Della, look out!" Dean yelled, but it was too late because Jake had stabbed Delaney in the back, sending the girl to her knees as she yelped in pain. "No!"

Delaney groaned loudly as Jake twisted the knife in her back, creating an even bigger wound and whipped the knife out of her back. She coughed up a mouthful of blood and Dean had caught her just as she went to slump forward.

"Whoa, baby girl!" Dean caught Delaney and held her against his chest, his hands pressing against her wound and instantly drenched with her blood. "Della, hey!"

Sam dropped down next to his siblings and felt the tears well in his eyes, brushing the hair out of Delaney's face. "Delly, come on, say something."

Dean exchanged a panicked look with his brother when he got a better look at the large wound in his sister's back. Though, he had to stay calm to keep her calm. "Hey, look, look at me," he whispered and pulled away slightly to make Delaney look at him, which was hard as her head dropped. "It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, alright?"

"De....Sa..." Delaney breathed so lowly that Dean had almost missed it. "i..."

"Delly?" Sam sniffled, watching as her eyes fluttered shut then open again and blood dripped down from her bottom lip. "Delly!"

Dean held Delaney's head in his hand and it was almost becoming too difficult to fight off the onslaught of tears at seeing his baby sister so weak and defenseless. "Listen to me, Della, okay? We're gonna patch you up, baby girl. You will be as good as new, huh? Sammy and I are gonna take good care of you, yeah? I promise we'll take care of you. That's what our job is, right, as your big brothers? Watch out for our bratty baby sister?"

"I.. sor..." Delaney mumbled before she slumped forward into Dean's chest, her eyes fluttering shut.

"No, no, no, no, no," Dean collapsed back onto his ass with Delaney in his lap and Sam directly next to him, lightly tapping Delaney's face to open her eyes. However, when Dean glanced down to Delaney's chest, he saw no movement and didn't feel her breath hitting him any more. "Oh, God. Come on, baby girl, come on. Wake up for, Dean. Breathe with me, yeah? Like you always do. Come on. Breathe for me please. I can't lose you, too, Della."

Sam whimpered, his arm dropping limply to his side and the tears streamed down his face. Watching Dean rock Delaney back and forth as the sobs quickly took over him, broke him and he gripped Delaney's limp hand in his and held it to his heart as if that would give her the heart beat back. "Delly..."

Delaney Winchester was dead.


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