Chapter 2: Meeting The 'Androids'

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3rd Pov

Two Years Later...

It's been two years since Goku had arrived, and the three saiyans came to Earth, as everyone was warned about the threat of the two androids. The fighters soon started training to be able to defeat them, during the two years Bulla was born as Aspara was able to achieve super saiyan with the help of Sunchock. Now Sunchock, Aspara, Tien, Yamcha, and Bulma was waiting for Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin as they was next to the city that Bulla warned Goku that where the androids will be. After some minutes, The four fighters soon arrived and landed onto the ground.

Yamcha: What took you girls so long?!

Goku: *saw Bulma carrying Bulla* Uh...

Gohan: Uh...

Krillin: Huh?

Goku: Bulma what are you doing here?

Bulma: I came to watch you guys fight. Don't worry I will stay for a while and then head home.

Krillin: Well I don't want to be rude but what's up with the baby Bulma?

Gohan: *looks at Yamcha* Is she your daughter Yamcha? I bet she is.

Aspara: *quietly giggles*

Sunchock: *smirks a bit and hits Aspara softly*

Yamcha: She's not my daughter.

Krillin: Wait so who's the father

Aspara: Vegeta is the baby daddy. *giggling*

Sunchock: I'm surprise that he and the human Bulma mated.

Goku: Hehe well she does kind of look like Vegeta, don't you Bulla?

Bulma: How did you know her name? I was going to surprise you guys.

Goku: Oh it was just a lukcy guess that all! *chuckles nervously*

Piccolo: Then where is Vegeta?

Sunchock: Off world to train trying to be an super saiyan but still failing at that.

Aspara: Sunny be nice, for once.

Sunchock: I was.

Out of nowhere an explosion happened inside of the city shocking everyone.

Bulma: Wha-what;s going on?!

Yamcha: An explosion in the city?!

Tien: Is it the androids?!

Aspara: *sensed nothing* Sun?

Sunchock: Can't sensed them. Since they're androids we not able to sense them because they have no ki.

Piccolo: If we can't sniff them out, then we're gonna have to hunt them down.

Goku: Alright, guys we need to split up! If you spot them, let us know got it? Gohan, you go help the people who were caught up in that explosion, okay?

Gohan: Okay.

The fighters soon split up into teams and flies into the city and started searching for the androids. Some times has passed as no one had seen the androids but out of nowhere Yamcha's energy soon dropped fast altering the others as they made it to his way and saw two people. One of them was grabbed Yamcha by the face and his other hand was through his chest, the man soon dropped Yamcha and stared at the rest of the fighters.

Krillin: Y-yamcha!

Goku: Krillin! Yamcha is still alive! I left some senzu beans behind. Get him out of here give him one!

Krillin: R-right!

Krillin soon grabbed Yamcha and flies away as the rest stared down at the people concluding that those two are the androids.

Piccolo: So you're the androids...

Old Android: Odd...Hiw did you figure out that we were androids? And it would seem you also knew that we'd be right here...Why is that?

Piccolo: You want us to talk? Then you're going to have to try and make us. 

Old Android: Very well.

Sunchock: Time to dismantle some robots.

Aspara: Hmph.

Goku: Wait! Not here. Let's move somewhere else, somewhere with no people. *looks at the androids* You're okay with that, right?

Old Android: Somewhere with no people? Fine. We will allow you to choose the place of your death, Goku.

Tien: H-how do you know Goku's name?!

Old Android: We know all of you....Piccolo, Tien, Aspara, and...*looks at Sunchock* You is new.

Sunchock: Tch.

Goku: We can talk about this later.

They all soon float up in the air ad started flying out of the city and flew next to an desert reigon and soon lands there. 

Goku: *panting* ....So, before we fight, tell us. How? Tell us how do you know who we are?

Old Android: Very well, I will tell you. Goku...I have been observing you for quite some time now using ultra small spy robot of mine. During the World Tournament...During your fights with Piccolo and Vegeta. I continued my research long after you destroyed the Red Ribbon Army so that I could someday witness your defeat. 

Goku: Revenge against me huh?

Old Android: Yes! Because of you, the Red Ribbon Army could never realize its dream of world domination! Only Dr. Gero, remained.

Piccolo: You're talking almost as if you're Dr. Gero himself.

Old Android: Don't be ridiculous! I am a creation of his. I am Android 20. Dr. Gero is no longer among the living.

Goku: Alright then, did you observe my fight on Planet Namek? Huh? 

Android 20: There was no need to waste the time. We were able to effortlessly ascertain your power after your fight with Vegeta. 

Sunchock: *chuckles* Fucking idiots...

Goku: You're in for some real trouble because guess missed the best part!

Android 20: What?

Piccolo: Whether you know it or not you just dug your own grave....You don't know about super saiyans. 

Goku then transformed into a super saiyan looking at the two androids.

Android 20: I see....impressive. But no cause for concern. Android 19 here should be more than enough to defeat you. 

Goku: Oh yeah?

Goku and 19 soon flies up in the air and started fighting with each other, as everyone was watching Goku was winning the fight but Sunchock took notice that Goku was having a hard time breathing.

Sunchock: Okay is having a hard time breathing.

Piccolo: What? How can you tell?

Sunchock: He is panting way more that usual.

The fighters soon saw Goku fired an kamehameha at 19 but the android soon absorb the beam.

Tien: H-he absorb the attack?!

Aspara: Goku! Don't use any beam attacks they can absorb them with their palms!

Goku: Absorb...the attacks? Gimme...a...break..

Tien: W-what's going on? Goku doesn't look so good. 

Piccolo: Wait it can't's the heart virus the kid from the future mentioned! 

Aspara: What?! You mean to tell me he hasn't taken the medicine?!

Sunchock: And he's going to die if we don't help him.

Goku was clenching his chest breathing heavily as he dropped to base form causing 19 to take the advantage and knock Goku to the ground and sat on him and begins to drain his energy. But soon19 was kicked into a rock format by Vegeta who arrived and had a smirk on his face.

Vegeta: If anyone's going to defeat Kakarot, it's going to be me! Not some junk puppets like you.

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