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A few weeks had passed and no new letter had arrived, leaving Sirius Black slightly disappointed. To distract his mind, he'd been seen snogging faces more often than before.

However, one October morning, a second letter was delivered to Sirius. His face lit up when his eyes landed upon the familiar coloured envelope. Hastily, he reached for it, before feeling the gaze of his friends on him and slowing his pace. Once having extracted the parchment, his grey eyes began drawing in every word.

Dearest Padfoot,

Sirius' eyes widened at this, paranoia overtaking him for perhaps someone other than his friends might have uncovered his secret. But the next line calmed him down.

Not sure why you and your friends use those nicknames but it's kind of cute.

Anyways, I like the new change in you, well... at least a try, to not just go hexing anyone just for the fun of it.

Sirius grimaced, recalling the reason why James and himself had tried to be a bit kinder, as at the end of last year a very ugly fight had ensued involving the pair of friends, Severus Snape, a Slytherin in their year that they detested and Lily Evans.

Also, thank you for being truly happy, as watching you happy makes me feel good as well.

At the last few words, Sirius looked up, skimming through the Great Hall in case he caught someone gazing at him, maybe the writer behind the letters. Coming up empty handed, Sirius shook his head with slight disappointment before returning to finish reading the letter.

Good luck for the Quidditch match next week, I know you'll do excellent like always. For me, you really are the brightest, just like the dogstar you're named after.


Your secret admirer

Sirius pocketed the letter, only for James to pipe up.

"Who was that from?" He suspiciously asked.

"What, that? It was from Mia." The grey eyed boy replied, referring to James' mother, Euphemia Potter. James did a once over before shrugging, still slightly suspicious, and turning over to Remus, bugging the werewolf to do his homework which was due for Transfiguration, which happened to be their first lesson for the day.

Sirius fell quiet, his mind racing. Why do I care? Should I even bother replying? Absentmindedly he ran a hand through his hair.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

"And Black has stopped the Slytherin Seeker by hitting a bludger at him!" Regulus scowled in the direction of his older brother. "The Snitch seems to have vanished once again, ladies and gentlemen, and Seekers Black and McKinnon are circling the pitch once again." Said Remus, who had begun doing the commentary for the Quidditch matches since fifth year.

"And it seems Chaser Potter of Gryffindor is in possession of the Quaffle, and there he throws it, really fiercely, someone's getting cranky." Remus muttered the last part but it was still heard by the crowd, a wave of snickers rolling through.

James glared at Remus momentarily before returning his focus onto the game. He was getting frustrated as this was the fourth time the Snitch had narrowly escaped from the clutches of the Gryffindor Seeker, and Captain Potter was yearning for victory. Sirius was beginning to get more and more aggressive than usual. Not only was the game adding pressure, but being this close to his brother for only to have Regulus push him away was getting on his nerves.

"And Chaser Potter scores once again! Ten points to Gryffindor, bringing the score Ninety to Seventy!" Exclaimed Remus.

The game continued, with each side showing more and more aggression as the match progressed.

"Looks like Black has spotted the Snitch!"

Upon hearing this, Sirius turned only to find his brother diving, a look of triumph on his face.

"McKinnon has copied his action and is right on his tail!"

Marlene McKinnon, a sixth year girl with blonde hair and a personality similar to Sirius, is the Gryffindor Seeker. She was right behind Regulus, but not close enough for Regulus was advancing closer and closer by the second, the Golden Snitch mere inches away from his outstretched hand.

Quickly, Sirius searched for a Bludger, luckily for him, one was headed in his direction. Swinging the bat over his shoulder, he aimed it at the moving ball and swung it hard, sending the Bludger pelting towards the younger Black once more. The distraction proved successful as the Bludger crossing Regulus' path momentarily distracted him, allowing Marlene to pass him.

"Excellent play put into effect by Black of Gryffindor, AND MARLENE MCKINNON HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!"

The stadium erupted into a chorus of cheers, one by one the players of the victorious team began descending towards the ground, only to be swarmed by the crowd once they landed, as the supporters poured onto the pitch from the stands.

Sirius let out a whoop of joy before slowly moving towards the ground. However before he could get any closer, a whooshing sound and a voice caught his attention.

"Rosier, NO!"

Sirius turned to the sound of the commotion, but it was too late. A Bludger collided right into his side, a deafening crack taking place. Due to the force of the impact, he fell off sideways of his broom and pelted towards the solid ground. He got a glimpse of his brother's horror-stricken face before he landed harshly onto the ground of the Quidditch pitch. Sirius heard distant voices shouting his name before the darkness consumed him.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

"Madam Pomfrey, he's waking up!" A voice faintly reached Sirius' ears, and his eyes slowly fluttered open, he heard some hurried footsteps fading and turned his neck just in time to get a glimpse of a black robe billowing away. His eyelids began feeling heavy and he shut his eyes once more.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Black?"

Sirius groaned and opened his grey eyes once again, only to find the Matron watching him intently. "Like I've been hit by the Knight Bus."

Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips, "Here, Black, drink this up." She instructed, handing over a goblet full to the brim with a liquid.

Taking the goblet whilst mumbling a small "thank you," Sirius downed the potion making a face afterwards due to the horrid taste. Madam Pomfrey had bustled away, tending to a second year who had broken his foot. Sirius' gaze landed onto his torso, which was bandaged heavily causing him to slightly groan once again, as he now was concerned on how long his stay in the Hospital Wing may be. Sirius placed the empty goblet onto the bedside table, he froze however, when something caught his eye.

Another letter.

He quickly grabbed the letter addressed to him in cursive writing. Sirius slightly hissed as the fast movement caused the wounded area to stretch.

"Mr. Black!" said Madam Pomfrey rather loudly. "What are you doing? You'll damage your broken ribs even more!" She added.

Through the pain, Sirius smiled smugly at the matron. "Sorry, Poppy."

"It's Madam Pomfrey." With a shake of her head, Madam Pomfrey went into her office. Right afterwards, the doors swung open.

"Padfoot! We brought food!" A familiar voice shouted, and Sirius didn't need to guess twice who it was. He hurriedly hid the letter under his pillow, just as the boys began positioning themselves around his bed.

"Mr. Potter!" Madam Pomfrey yelled, sticking her head into the room. "This is a Hospital Wing, if you can't be quiet, I'll have to kick you out!"

"Sorry, Poppy!" said James cheekily, before turning towards his best friend with a serious expression. "How are you feeling?" The concern was reflected on the faces of Remus and Peter as well.

"Like shit." Sirius' brows furrowed together. "What happened?"

Remus released a sigh before explaining. "The Slytherins - er - didn't take their defeat too well, and since you stopped their Seeker from scoring victory, Rosier attacked you with a Bludger as revenge."

"You fell from a good height too, gave us all a fright." James added, shaking his head slightly.

"Yeah, we were all really worried." Peter said, his eyes wide, still not having recovered from the shock of the event that took place earlier. "Here," he mumbled, passing over a plate loaded with food to Sirius, who accepted with a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Wormy." Grabbing a carrot, he took a bite, however a thought occurred to the Black heir. Swallowing, he questioned his friends, "Did you three just come here or make a visit before?" Silently, he hoped the boys may have caught sight of another individual.

"No, we helped bring you here." James told, causing Sirius to feel deflated almost as if he'd imagined it all. James was sitting with his elbows resting on his thighs so his hands could support his head. His hazel eyes were trained on the floor, as he swung his feet lazily back and forth. "We stayed after that too, until Madam Pomfrey asked us to come back later since you were sleeping."

Remus suddenly began coughing into his elbow. "More like she kicked us out because you wouldn't shut up and let her work."

"Hey! I heard that!" The said boy sat up straight, glaring playfully at the werewolf. Remus, Sirius and Peter laughed while James held a pout on his lips. "After all the sacrifices I've made for them, this is how they repay me!"

"Ouch!" Sirius groaned, the laughs wracking his body causing the healing area to stretch once again. The boys all fell silent, eyeing their friend with worry.

"Pads, are you alright?"

Sirius turned his head to look Remus in the eye, grey clashing with green. "Is that even a question? Doesn't my current appearance say anything?"

Remus rolled his eyes as a smile tugged the corners of his lips. "Dramatic arse." He muttered under his breath.

"I heard that, Moony."

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

After spending some more time, the rest of the Marauders departed, seeing as it was curfew and Madam Pomfrey would kick them out anyways. Recalling the letter he'd received earlier, Sirius grabbed it from under his pillow. Ripping open the outer envelope, the grey eyed boy pulled out a piece of parchment. Unfolding it carefully, Sirius began reading.

Dear Sirius,

I hope you are doing well, since that was a pretty nasty accident. I'm very mad at the Slytherins for that, but even more concerned for your well being. It had felt as if my heart had stopped when you landed onto the ground, and didn't move at all. I'm just glad you're safe.

Recover soon.


Your secret admirer

Sirius slightly smiled, the kind words having warmed his heart before a frown made its way onto his face. His curiosity was beginning to get the better of him. He leaned back onto his pillow, releasing a frustrated sigh.

"If only I could know who you are."

*.ยท:ยท.โœง โœฆ โœง.ยท:ยท.*

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