π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ« 𝟐𝟐: 𝙄𝙣 π™π™π™š 𝙀𝙣𝙙

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A week after Valentine's Day, one evening, after their last class, Evelyn and Kiara were headed to the library.

Kiara punched Evelyn suddenly making the other girl squeal.

"Ouch! Ki, what the hell?!"

Kiara grinned mischievously, "That's what you get for making me look like a fool in class today."

Evelyn frowned, "Well, it's not my fault you actually decided to listen to me and give that answer to the professor." She finished saying smugly.

Kiara narrowed her eyes at her friend before pinching her and running off. Kiara rounded the next corner and froze, the smile having fallen off from her lips.

In front of her stood none other than Sirius Black, the one who had promised her that he wanted her, with Olivia Walker, her arms draped across his neck, their lips only mere inches apart.

Kiara gasped, making Sirius and Olivia jump apart. She stared wide-eyed as the pair finally located the source of the noise. Evelyn finally caught up to her friend, only to freeze at the sight before herself. When no one moved, she gently placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

Kiara shuddered and turned to look at Evelyn, who had an are you alright expression on her face. Kiara shook her head furiously, blinking, before looking at the pair of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw in the middle of the corridor.

"I'm so sorry for interrupting, just wasn't what I expected to see when I rounded a corner." She pretended to laugh while on the inside, her heart had crumbled into pieces.

Kiara quickly turned around, getting a hold on her friend's arm, and rushed off. She ran and ran and didn't stop until the two were back in the Hufflepuff common room.

"Kiara!" Evelyn finally said, trying to get her best friend to look at her. "Oh, sweetie, are you okay?"

Kiara was breathing heavily and she didn't respond, instead her gaze was trained firmly upon the ground.

Evelyn gently placed a hand on the black haired's shoulder, "Ki-"

"I'm fine!" Kiara exclaimed a bit aggressively before storming off to the boys dormitory.

Kiara pushed open the door with such force that it slammed into the wall. Aiden and Elijah both froze and looked at the doorway.

Aiden was first to talk, "Kiara, are you-"

"I'm fine, Aiden." Kiara replied, trying not to give away that she was lying. "Aiden, could you please step out for a while? I need to speak to Eli in private."

Aiden had a puzzled look on his face but obliged nonetheless. He nodded at Elijah and then at Kiara as he brushed past her. When he left, Kiara closed the door and walked to sit beside Elijah on his bed. Elijah heaved himself up from the headboard, swinging his legs down from the bed so they dangled instead.

Elijah patiently waited for Kiara to start but when it appeared she wasn't going to speak, he took the first step.

"I know something is bothering you. What's wrong, darling?"

Kiara sniffed, wiping at her eyes as tears had begun to pool in them.

"Oh Eli, I made a horrible mistake."

"What did you do?"

Kiara shook her head fiercely, "It was a stupid idea, I can't believe I actually thought..." A sob escaped her mouth. "Eli, I... I began to w-write secret admirer letters to Sirius Black."

Elijah's eyes widened and he only felt his heart ache more as Kiara recited the whole story, from when she first sent Sirius the first letter up until the moment she had witnessed between Sirius and Olivia Walker not too long ago.

Kiara was fully sobbing by the end of it, no longer being able to hold all the pain she was experiencing.

"Oh, Kiara." Elijah breathed out sympathetically. He immediately brought the weeping girl into his chest, allowing his sister to cry her heart out. "I am so sorry, darling, terribly sorry."

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

Kiara was heartbroken. How could Sirius have done this to her? He played with her feelings, which was what she was afraid of. Kiara cried that first day and had fallen asleep in Elijah's arms.

The boy was outraged at Sirius. How dare he hurt his sister? It was for Kiara's sake he had restrained himself, as he was the only one to whom Kiara could openly pour her heart out. Plus, if Elijah attacked Sirius for hurting Kiara, it would give away that Kiara had been the one writing Sirius letters.

Kiara slowly started to pick herself up over the course of the next few weeks. It was hard at first. She would cast the silencing charm around her bed, crying herself to sleep in the initial days. Her appetite was never there and she was often lost in the clouds. She felt a knife stab her heart every time she saw Sirius with Olivia, tears burning her eyes.

However, bit by bit, with Elijah's support, Kiara began to mend her broken heart. She was beginning to eat normally, starting to laugh for real, and would sleep at night in peace.

Although seeing Sirius and Olivia together would sting her, Kiara tried her best to ignore it, and instead appreciate and focus upon the ones around her whom she loved with her whole heart.

One evening, Kiara was rummaging through her trunk when her eyes landed upon the diary Sirius had gifted her. She paused for a moment, her stomach churning at the sight of the diary. Kiara wanted nothing more than to chuck the now vicious thing into the Black Lake. However, she didn't have the heart to do so.

Instead, Kiara slowly flipped open the diary she once loved so much, reading over all of the messages imprinted onto the parchments. As she came onto the final page, her eyes were pooling with tears, although surprise filled her face.

There was a new message in the diary.

After that day, Kiara nor Sirius had written in their respective diaries, so this was astonishing to Kiara. However, it was the words that she read next that blew her away.

Hey, love.

Please answer me.

I know I messed up.

I thought Walker was you, but she knew about the secret admirer thing somehow. I felt there was something off from the start but I took too long to ask for the truth. I broke off all contact with her when I realized she wasn't you. To be honest, I couldn't seem to progress into something more but I wanted to try since I thought she was you.

I am so, so, sorry, darling. I know I've hurt you, and I am extremely sorry.

I know you're a beautiful and amazing person, and if you could give this broken, stupid boy one chance, I'll be forever grateful.


Tears slid down Kiara's cheeks. She was torn. Her heart wanted to believe it was the truth, but her mind told her it was once again another deceiving lie to play with her emotions.

Kiara slammed the diary shut, burying her face in her hands.

"Oh why me?"

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

Over the next while, Kiara began to receive apology gifts and letters through her owl from Sirius. But, Kiara could not forgive him that easily, after all he had broken his promise, who said he wouldn't do it again?

Kiara sent back each and every thing from Sirius, however Sirius did not seem to accept defeat. So, Kiara had to resort to keeping her adorable pet owl, Spot, in her dormitory instead of the Owlery.

However, Kiara one day, once again, poured out her thoughts and feelings to the boy who had hurt her.


My heart wants to believe you but I find it hard after you had said you wouldn't hurt me. Then again, who am I to you that you would care? What relation do we have that I can say with some right that you broke my heart? I had thought that you had stopped playing around with people for me, but after months you go after Walker?

I need some time to process this. I need a bit more time to think. I need time to decide if I should give you a chance again. I can't risk myself getting my heart broken again.

I hope you're telling the truth, Sirius.

Over the next few days, Kiara pondered over the option of giving Sirius another chance countless times. Perhaps he deserved to prove himself? Maybe he would show what Kiara truly meant to him? But it was the fear of rejection and deceit that kept her torn.

One day, Kiara finally replied back with an answer that would change the future of both Kiara and Sirius.

Unfortunately my stupid heart couldn't stop itself.


I'll give you a chance Sirius.

I'll give you a chance to find me. I'll give you the chance to make up for it. I'll give you the chance to show me how much you truly care for me.

Kiara read over Sirius' reply and stared at the words.

Thank you so much, you won't regret this!

Kiara released a long breath, running a hand through her hair. "I really hope I won't regret this."

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

A few days later, Kiara was at Quidditch practice.

They had all assembled back on the ground as the practice had neared its end.

"Good job team!" The captain called out. "Keep up the hard work and we may have a shot at winning the Cup!"

The team cheered.

"Dismissed! Have a good evening, everyone!"

Kiara and Evelyn walked side by side, a bounce in their step, excitedly chattering.

"I really hope we win this year." Evelyn expressed.

"I think we can and we need to!" Kiara exclaimed, "We haven't won anything at all since your sister graduated!" Kiara said, referring to Gwenong Jones, Evelyn's older sister by three years.

"Yeah, true."

"Hey! Hey! HEY SHARMA!"

The two girls turned around and saw James Potter hurrying towards them, his arms spread out wide. Kiara placed a hand out, making the young Potter halt in his tracks when he got in front of the Hufflepuffs.

"I am covered in sweat and smell disgusting, please do not hug me." Kiara deadpanned.

Evelyn smiled in amusement before leaving for the changing room.

Evelyn had made it onto the team in her second year whilst Kiara did not bother trying out, until only the year prior due to all her friends and sister's insistence. Elijah himself was pretty good at Quidditch, but he would rather not spend so much of his time practicing hard and getting covered in sweat.

"Aw, Sharma," James huffed with a pout, "It's okay-"

"Not to me it is." Kiara interrupted, "Wait." She said and jogged into the changing room, coming back quickly changed and having sprayed some perfume.



And James eagerly hugged Kiara, having not been able to speak to her in some time. However, when the two embraced, something occurred to him. A scent entered his nose and it felt as if he had smelt it somewhere before. James pulled away and frowned, looking at Kiara in thought.

Kiara raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing?"

James' lips turned even more downwards until suddenly his eyes became wide, his lips parting slightly, surprise flooding his entire face.



"You... It's you!" James exclaimed in excitement.

Kiara felt her eyes widen, her stomach knotting, hoping with all her might James wasn't referring to what she thought he was.

"Oh I need to tell Sirius! You're his secret admirer!"

Kiara shook her head violently, clapping a hand on James' mouth. She looked around for any onlookers before lifting her hand.

"James, no- How?"

"Simple, your perfume. Sirius had just made the rest of us memorize the scent before I came to watch you guys practice." James explained before clapping his hands together cheerfully. "Oh this is wonderful! My best friend and another amazing friend of mine, oh-"

"James, no!" Kiara pleaded and her tone made James gaze at her in confusion.

"But why? He's been looking for you like a madman. You want him, he wants you, what's the problem then?"

"James," Kiara sighed, "I'll tell him on my own when I'm ready to."

"But I can't keep this from him, he's my best friend!"

"And you're my friend too!" Kiara interjected, "What Sirius doesn't know won't hurt him."

"It will, Kiara-"

"It won't if I tell him soon." Kiara retorted. "Please James," She begged, "Promise me you won't tell him. Promise me you won't tell Sirius that I'm the one he's looking for."

James bit his lip, a battle raging in his head. He was torn, stuck in the middle. He couldn't keep such a big secret from his brother in everything but blood. However, James also could not tell Sirius when Kiara was practically begging him not to, and it would be wrong if she was not ready. James was stuck. No matter what side he chose, one of his friends would be mad at him. Although, it occurred to James if Kiara told Sirius soon, Sirius would never need to get angry at James for hiding the truth, especially if he never came to know James had known.

James sighed, puzzled but in defeat. He placed a hand on his chest. "I swear on our friendship that I, James Fleamont Potter, won't tell Sirius Orion Black, that you, Kiara Sharma, are indeed his secret admirer."

Kiara snorted, "There was no need to be so formal and dramatic, Potter."

"I was just showing my allegiance!"

Despite the funny situation, Kiara's face cracked into a small smile of gratitude and she immediately hugged the boy, making James stumble a few steps back due to the force.

"Oh thank you so much!" Kiara expressed.

James wrapped his arms around the girl, "You're welcome." He sighed, "But please tell him soon, or the guilt will only increase."

Kiara pulled away to look at the Potter, "I will James, I will. And perhaps we won't have to tell him that you knew." She smiled up at him. "Thank you though."

James grinned at her, "Of course, what are friends for?"

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

A few days later, Kiara was sitting by the Black Lake on a late March evening. She was throwing pebbles into the water, watching as each one that dropped into the lake, created ripples that carried through the whole surface of the water in a satisfying manner.

Kiara sighed, leaning back against the large tree situated by the lake. Sirius and Kiara were beginning to set back in their old routine as Sirius had another chance. However, that insecurity still stayed with Kiara. What if Sirius would just play with her and leave once he knew who she was? Or, what if he once again shattered the promise of not hurting her?

In her disturbed state, Kiara did not realize another being had been observing her from the shades of the Forbidden Forest. Nor did she seem to notice when the new presence was travelling towards her. Kiara did not even feel when the being was right beside her, watching her with curiosity.

Suddenly, Kiara felt something lick the side of her face and she jumped, standing up yelping, her heart having begun to race at the sudden intrusion. However, when Kiara located the source of the trouble, she cocked her head to the side in confusion.

The creature had four padded feet, his whole body covered in shaggy, black fur. His ears were pointed with a nice snout. But the thing that caught Kiara's attention was his eyes.

A striking grey that eerily reminded her of the one she desired.

"Well, hello there." Kiara finally said, as she felt herself relax. "I've never seen you before, fella, are you new or lost?" Kiara asked, taking a seat once again.

The dog leaned his head to the side as he gazed at the Hufflepuff, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth.

Kiara opened her arms, beckoning the dog to come forth. The canine eagerly jumped into her arms, licking her face. Kiara laughed at the excited dog, before finally being able to pull away and look at him, placing her hands on either side of his face.

Kiara's joyful expression melted into a solemn one, making the dog nudge her as if asking her if she was alright.

"You just... you just remind me of him. Your eyes, they are the same colour as his." Kiara breathed out softly. She let her eyes flutter shut, "He broke my heart." Kiara said, opening her eyes again, "He hurt me when he promised not to, and I once again gave my heart to him. If I get hurt again, I don't think I will be able to take it."

Kiara sighed, dropping her hands to her lap and her gaze transferring to the lake.

"Perhaps, having feelings for the most wanted person in Hogwarts, would come with consequences like these." Kiara shook her head rather vigorously, "I guess only time will tell if I made the right choice or not."

The dog suddenly whined, placing his head in Kiara's lap. Kiara's lips cracked a small smile and she placed her hands in his coat, gently stroking him.

"You're cute." Kiara cooed.

The two stayed in a nice, comfortable silence, merely enjoying the calm atmosphere.

When the sky began to darken more and more, Kiara thought it was time for her to head back to the castle before she landed herself in detention.

Kiara kissed the black dog, who wagged his tail happily.

"I'm not sure if you have a name or not, but I'm going to name you after him." Kiara smiled, waving at the animal. "I hope to see you again, Padfoot."

With that, feeling a bit lighter Kiara strutted back, humming a tune to herself.

As soon as she disappeared after climbing the steps, unbeknownst to Kiara, the dog began to shift. His paws grew into hands and feet, his hair coming to rest above his shoulders, those striking grey eyes watering. The animagus swallowed, his eyes brimming with emotion.

"I am so sorry for everything I put you through, darling." He said, his tone washed in sadness. However a determination set over his face, "But I promise you, I will not hurt you again. You'll get your wish soon, love." He spoke, a certain joy in his voice as he had finally located who was writing him love letters all along.

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

Sirius felt a fond smile cast onto his lips as he saw Kiara throw her head back and laugh heartily. She set her head straight, shaking it with a huge grin as the girl conversed with her friends. Sirius cocked his head to the side in his palm, as he gazed at the beautiful Hufflepuff from the Gryffindor table.

That evening by the lake had finally revealed and confirmed that it was none other than Kiara Sharma, who had been writing Sirius secret admirer letters. If Kiara's confession didn't give it away, the perfume that Sirius had come to love so much surely did.

Sirius, knowing what concerns Kiara had voiced out to him, had not approached her like he was dying to do so. Instead, he went down another route. He watched Kiara from afar, observing her habits, her expressions, her behaviour.

Sirius wanted to be sure that she was a good person. Not only that, Sirius wanted to squash that fear that had arisen of Kiara also not being the true secret admirer, courtesy of the earlier fiasco with Olivia Walker.

Sirius let out a breath.

Merlin, Kiara was definitely something.

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

"Hey! Hey Potter!" Kiara shouted out as James stopped walking, turning to see who was calling him.

"Here," Kiara said as she caught up to the Gryffindor, "An invitation to my birthday party for you lads."

"Lads as in myself and the boys?" James voiced out, smiling in delight with a hint of mischief.

"Yep! See ya then, Potter!" The young Hufflepuff said turning away, but she froze when James said,

"It's just another excuse for you to see, Sirius."

Kiara huffed, spinning back to face the young Potter who smirked down at her.

"Shut up."

James let out a bark of laughter before his face became serious, "But you should tell him, it's the perfect opportunity."

Kiara looked away, "I'll think about it."

"You better- OW!" James exclaimed, rubbing his now sore arm as he shot Kiara a glare for having suddenly punched him.

Kiara smiled sweetly at him. "Oops, sorry not sorry. Bye, Prongsie."

James growled before realization flooded his face, his eyes wide as he realized what Kiara had addressed him by.


But it was too late as Kiara had already rounded a corner, throwing a wink over her shoulder before disappearing.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


So I hope that was a fun read, I personally love James and Kiara's interactions, they're so fun!Β 

Anyways, I hope you all are doing well and see you in the next one! <33

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