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Sirius ripped through the outer envelope and saw a parchment. His fingers went to grab the parchment.

"Oi! What do you think you are doing?!" And the envelope was snatched from Sirius' hands and looking up, he found a very angry Marlene McKinnon.

"You do not open letters that belong to someone else!" She scolded him, although Sirius saw a slight panic in her eyes as she hugged the letter close to her chest. "Unbelievable." She muttered before storming out of the room.

Sirius stood there, dumbfounded, but now he was even beginning to suspect Marlene McKinnon to be the secret admirer, due to the panic he saw within her eyes.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

Throughout the next day, Sirius' eyes were following Marlene around, who seemed to hold a slight nervousness in her step. Sirius had been waiting on a letter from the secret admirer as he requested a major hint, although he hadn't received a letter back yet.

Later that night, he received a reply when the boys were still in the common room.

Dear Sirius,

Since you're being so persistent about it, I'll drop major things about me but you still can't catch onto me.

I'm a female and not in Slytherin. My pronouns are she/her. I usually leave my hair open and I also love to wear a ring on my right hand.

Okay maybe those aren't major hints but you're not getting anymore. That's all, Black. Don't give too much stress to your pretty, little head.


Your secret admirer

This made Sirius think as he couldn't eliminate any suspect. He needed to dig deeper and find out more about his three leads, Ki, Rina and Marlene.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*ย 

"And A, you need to start taking a stand for yourself. Although Eli and I are more than happy to do it on your behalf."

Sirius perked up immediately at the familiar voice, as he was seated in the library once again with Remus and Peter the following day. James was off chasing Lily.

Turning in his seat to look behind him, Sirius found the same girl from his birthday party, waving around her hands as she talked to a boy wearing Hufflepuff robes. Sirius watched them go into the aisles of shelves, and making an excuse he ran off too.

"OK, so you can work here, I've got to head back or your crush is going to murder me." She breathed out dramatically.

The boy blanched at first, "I don't fancy her."

Ki cheekily smiled at him, "Sure thing, lover boy. Now go and work, little one." She said, reaching up to ruffle the black locks of her friend. As he left, the girl turned back only to run straight into Sirius as he finally walked up to her when she was alone.

"Black!" She said out of surprise, placing a hand on her chest. "Why are you here?"

Sirius grinned down at her, "Can I not be in the library?"

She shook her head lightly, "That's not what I meant although you and the library are not a combination I've ever seen."

This caught Sirius off guard. "What do you mean by you haven't seen me in the library before?" He asked in suspicion.

She shrugged, "You don't seem the books and learning type."

Sirius nodded, although he couldn't find himself to entirely believe the words of the black haired girl, although perhaps his hunt for the secret admirer was making him suspect everything. "I saw you and just wanted to grace you with my presence."

Ki scoffed, "You really are Mr. I'm too full of myself." Sirius moved closer to her, making the girl take a step back.

"I'm only saying facts, darling."

She stared at him before shaking her head, "If you'll excuse me, I need to head back to my dormitory."

"Let me guess, you're a Badger?" Sirius asked, guessing her house from the boy he had seen Ki with earlier, since Ki wasn't wearing her school uniform.

"A proud one for that matter, at least we don't glorify ourselves like you Gryffindors."

"I am very much offended by that." Sirius said, placing a hand on his chest dramatically.

"Well my job's done." And with that, the young Hufflepuff winked and turned, walking away, leaving Sirius to his thoughts.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

Dear Secret Admirer,

I am desperate to know who you are. I can't seem to find you. Could you please drop another hint or better yet, reveal yourself?



โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

Dear Sirius,

Oh I know you're on a search, I've seen you. I don't want you to find me though. This is my one way of talking to you without revealing my identity. I'm almost afraid of losing this one method of talking to you. Besides, I feel as if you would probably lose interest with me if we began spending time together, at least I can keep you engaged through my letters.

But if I must, you'll see me in the match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.


Your secret admirer

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

"I can't make out who is who up there." Sirius said.

The stands were filled to the brim even despite the heavy downpour of the rain and strong gusts of wind, as the match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw took place on Saturday, just a little while after the letter from his secret admirer.

"Well yeah, it's raining a lot of course no one can see anything you dungbrain." James deadpanned.

Sirius muttered furiously under his breath. "And I can't hear the commentary either, why is Moony wasting his time there?"

The game progressed and the audience was barely able to follow along. The players were having trouble flying but they pushed through. Near the end, the weather calmed down a little, which allowed the audience to see more of the match, the players also being able to lessen the extra strength they were putting in to not fall off their brooms.

"And that is Davies of Ravenclaw headed to goal- but wait! Sharma of Hufflepuff has intercepted and headed to goal, and... she scores! Another ten points to Hufflepuff!" Remus' voice could finally be heard as the wind had toned down tremendously.

Sirius' eyes followed along the blur of yellow that had just returned to her house's side after scoring, and he brought his omnioculars to his eyes and zoomed in on the player. He had tried to use the device before but the rain didn't allow much visibility.

It was Ki, who now held a game face on, her momentary victory smile gone. Sirius lowered his omnioculars and looked down at the ground, leaning against the edge of the railing, frowning slightly.

Could she be the one he was looking for?

Sirius had only noticed her in one of his classes a few days ago. It was when he was leaving Defence Against the Dark Arts that at the back of the classroom, he passed along a girl who was furiously muttering under her breath as she gathered her parchments from the floor.

"I'm going to kill Eli, so annoying."

She stood up and shoved the parchments harshly into her bag. Ki turned only to walk into Sirius, who smirked.

"We have got to stop meeting like this."

Her eyes widened in surprise for a mere moment before she narrowed them, "More like you need to stop creeping up on me." And without another word, the Hufflepuff hurried out of the classroom.

The game soon ended with Hufflepuff scoring victory due to their Seeker Evelyn Jones, having spotted the Golden Snitch faster than the Ravenclaw Seeker.

Sirius found himself part of the crowd that went into the grounds right after, and he decided to talk to Ki. He saw her throw her arms around the same blonde haired girl who had taken her away that night of his birthday party. However before he could get any nearer to the Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw crossed his path, rolling her bat teasingly in her hands as she eyed him with a flirtatious expression.

"Hello there, Black."

Sirius stared at her, bewildered for a moment. She had red hair, her eyes a hazel but darker than James'. She reached up till his shoulder, having to tilt her head to look at Sirius, the sun making her sparkle and enhance her features.

Sirius smirked, "Hey."

She placed her hands on Sirius' arm and reached up to whisper into his ear softly,

"You know you've seemed a bit lost these days, you wouldn't mind coming over to the Ravenclaw tower for a drink now, would you? Perhaps, it'll cheer you up, we're throwing a party."

The red haired moved back only for Sirius to raise an eyebrow in confusion, "But you just lost."

She flicked her hair over her shoulder, "Yes, to those pushover Badgers. I can't wait for them to lose their next game, we may get a chance to still play to win the Cup. It's actually my birthday, the party's for that."

Something about insulting the Hufflepuffs made Sirius frown for a second, but he flashed the girl his signature grin. "Sure, I'll be there."

"Great." With that, she left off for the changing rooms, throwing a nasty look at the Hufflepuffs who were still celebrating. Sirius saw Ki, leaving for the changing rooms and before he could have called out to her she was gone. Sirius mentally noted to keep an eye on her before he too left, but instead of going to the changing rooms, he headed off to the castle.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

Sirius pushed his way through the dancing teenagers in the Ravenclaw tower, trying to find the person who had invited him there. He found her at the side, drinking from a cup that Sirius assumed must have Firewhiskey in it. He strutted over before coming to lean against the wall beside the redhead, who looked up at him teasingly.

"Wasn't expecting you to come."

"I had nothing better to do. Happy birthday."

She smirked, "Well I'm glad you came, it was getting lonely here. And thank you for that, Black."

Sirius could read the girl's intentions clearly, but he kept playing along as he needed to make sure she wasn't the one writing him letters. He needed to narrow down his suspects.

"I haven't gotten your name."

"Olivia Walker, that's what they call me." She answered in a sweet voice.

Sirius looked at her, Olivia also turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow teasingly at him, almost as if she was hinting at something. Sirius felt someone call his name, before his hand instinctively went to his pocket. James was calling him through the magical, two way mirror.

"Excuse me, my lady. I need to go attend something." And he ran off without waiting for an answer. Olivia watched him go before she let out an almost cold chuckle, and she downed the remainder of her drink.

"I know what you're looking for, Sirius Black. I know exactly what you want and I will give it to you."ย 

*.ยท:ยท.โœง โœฆ โœง.ยท:ยท.*


So I am back on posting for this book after a while. This chapter itself was complete months ago, but I didn't want to post it until I had more chapters written, in case I messed up on the plot. I mean I feel as if I have messed up on the story but hopefully it doesn't seem so to you all. I'll be posting more regularly for this book now since I have about 9-10 chapters completed so far.ย 

Hope you'll like the rest of the story! <33

Have a good day and see you in the next one! <33


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