Chapter 10 :Sign of danger

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"   Oh, I've been hurtin 'lately
I'm down on all my luck
Sometimes there's no one there by your side
I don't deserve this, baby
But I know I can't give up
Tough times, I just take them in stride

Left Right Left - Charlie Puth   »


After waiting too many years, Jungkook decides to finally search for them but not tell Halmoni. As Taehyung said, Jungkook went to the place and met Namjoon. Seok Jin had already informed about Jungkook's situation and there was nothing to explain to Namjoon. Everything was perfectly informed.

"It's a year ago, so it'll be a little hard to find about this. It'll take more time. I think you can understand."

"It's okay Mr. Namjoon, take your time"

"Just call me Namjoon Hyung Jungkook. We are already friends, you know."

"Thanks, Namjoon Hyung. I think I should get going now. I have to be at university for early morning lectures"

"Yeah, It's pretty late now. I also should go back now."

After greeting each other, they went to their homes. Jungkook arrived home late that day, but Halmoni didn't question it because she assumed he was hanging out with Eun Hye because they had gotten along well in previous days. right? So this time it's not going to end up well.

Meanwhile, Namjoon phoned his assistant and asked him to check the files that he put on his bookshelf yesterday and if there was anything about Mr. & Mrs. Jeon, inform him soon. He checked the files but there was nothing related to Mr. or Mrs. Jeon.



One of the workers: Hello boss

Unknown: WTF? Why are you calling me at this hour?

The worker: We have gotten into big trouble this time.

Unknown: What's now?

Mr. Namjoon is going to look for Jeons.

Unknown: What? But why? after soo many years?

The worker: As I eavesdrop on their conversation, Jeon's son still has no idea what happened, and Mr. Namjoon has no idea either.

Unknown: Son? How?

The worker: He spent the last few years in Daegu with his grandparents.

Unknown: That means that Jean hid his kid from me.

The worker: Hmm. What should we do, boss?

Unknown: Keep your eye on him and I want every detail of him within 24 hours.

The worker: OK boss

Unknown: You know what to do if you see anything suspicious or something shady there, right?I'll take care of other things.

The worker: Yes boss.

The next morning,

Taehyung looked kinda off and Jungkook was busy with his thoughts, so he didn't care a lot, but first everything was okay, then it kinda annoyed Jungkook. Taehyung's way of running around like a lost puppy.

"What's wrong with you Tae? I feel like I'm watching a merry go round thing "

"I-ah wait a minute Junkook-ah"

Taehyung saw Eun Hye walking in the hallway and ran there to catch her, but Jungkook still didn't see Eun Hye. So he was confused by Taehyung's behavior. 'What's wrong with him today?' he thought to himself and walked down to where Taehyung ran away. When Jungkook was walking there, he saw Taehyung talking with Eun Hye.

"Huh! Is that why he ran away in the middle of our talk? What's so funny there? By any chance, did he propose to Eun Hye? I thought he liked Rose. "

Jungkook heads to their conversation. "I got to go now Taehyung. Bye "with Jungkook left.

Eun Hye gasped. "What's wrong with him today?"

Taehyung is laughing like a maniac. Eun Hye was dumbfounded.

"I think he got jealous or something"

"Huh! He got what? "

"Did you see it? Oh my God! I never thought he'd be this jealous"

"But why Taehyung Oppa? We talked about Rose. Does he also have a crush on Rose?" Taehyung laughed at Eun Hye's statement.

"Maybe he has a crush on the other one. Tell Rose that I want to meet her tomorrow and I was worried about her," Taehyung said with a smirk on his face and head back. 

[credits goes to real owner ☝🏻]


Hi, Sugarplums 🥺💖

I think that's enough for today. See you in the next chap.

Love y'all


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