𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 1: Senior Year

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Gotta hide your heart.
We're born to be sad, sad, sad, sad.

Apgujeong High School : Senior year

Racing up the stairs, your heart and chest thudded in sync. The hallways were hushed, and with a whimper, you spotted your refuge—the path to the Library, your haven of safety and solace.

Glancing around with wide eyes to ensure no one's watching, you sprint into the concealed shortcut leading to the Library. Running and panting, you stumble over a pair of feet. Muffled shrieks fill the air as you crash onto an unsuspecting person, landing face-first.

Realization hits as you find yourself in an awkward position, sharing your first kiss with the surprised victim. Both of you widen your eyes in shocking recognition, surrounded by a curtain of crimson hair.

Oh my gosh! Before you could fully raise your face in mortification. Seeing two hands firmly working their way through your hair, pulling your face down, you gasped as you felt lips kissing you softly but passionately back and you, without any reservations, kissed him back.

Seconds after that passionate kiss in the corner, you quickly stand up, feeling extremely embarrassed.

'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry...I'm very sorry!' You were breathing heavily. Your glasses were lying next to him, cracked, long forgotten.

You gasped in shock when you fully  recognised the victim as the boy got up, dusted himself off, and raised his amused eyes to you. The student is none other than Kim Namjoon, one of the brightest year 3 (grade 12) student. Not only that, but he is also Jin-Goos' bestfriend, your  friend. Since year 1 (grade 10), you've had a hopeless crush on him. 

You stare at him wide-eyed, and your face loses its color.

He smirks, and you can't help but focus on his charming dimples that appear with his smile.

"That was surprising, Ms. Choi. What did I do to deserve such a greeting?" he teases, waggling his eyebrows and enjoying how your cheeks turn even redder.

Apologizing repeatedly, you bow in front of him, saying, "I'm sorry for this... don't let Jin-Goo know... I didn't mean to bump into you like that. Please forgive me." Your final bow makes you turn around and sprint away as if you were being chased by wolves.


You have a Creative Writing class now, but the break is not over yet and you rush into the empty classroom with trembling hands and lips. As you plopped down at the back of the class, your head was on the table.

Gently touching your swollen lips with your fingertip, you mutter in a whimpering voice, "What happened? How could I embarrass myself like that? My first kiss with Namjoon-Oppa."

You're already facing constant bullying due to your sisterly relationship with your best friend. Three girls have been hating on you all year, and you were even told to stop being friends with Jin-Goo.

For months, Jin-Goo dated one of the popular girls who despised your presence. She and her friends bullied you regularly, from grabbing your hair to knocking your books and even spilling drinks and food on you. Jin-Goo dumped her in front of the whole class when he caught her bullying you, making her hold a grudge against you ever since.

Despite the bullying, your academic performance and math skills have made you one of the top 5 students in the Y2 class (grade 11), with Kim Namjoon being your only rival for the top spot.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of the break, your stomach grumbles, but you can't bring yourself to go to the cafeteria. Waiting it out becomes your only option.

After your embarrassing experience, you lose your appetite. The memory of Namjoon pulling you back and kissing you makes your hands tremble, and your face reddens as you recall passionately kissing him back.

Namjoon recently broke up with his girlfriend, focusing on his last year of school and preparing to debut at a famous entertainment company. Despite her stunning looks, he didn't see a future with her, and you couldn't help feeling jealous of their past relationship.

Seeing your fellow students enter in their typical rowdy manner, you inhaled deeply. Your best friend, Tala*ran up to your table with concern.

Your eyes started to tear up again just thinking about why you were running in the first place.

"Wow! Is it Jin-Goo's ex again?" she asked, looking mad. As you take your reader out of your backpack, you nod quietly. You want to go home and erase everything that happened today.

"It was my fault...I ruined their relationship. Why can't they see that he's like a brother to me? We have no romantic feelings for each other. Nor do we have soulmate awareness." You respond in anger.

"She's crazy! She knows she's not the best tool in the toolbox. She needs to focus on passing the tests at school and the college entrance exams, but I doubt she'll be accepted into a 3rd-grade vocational college with her dull mind. "A small chuckle escapes you. Her chubby red face makes her so cute.

When the teacher entered, he ordered the students to quiet down in a commanding voice. You focused on your best subject and pulled yourself together.

It was time to go home after a double English class, your favourite subject. You and your best friend walked out of the class laughing over the kids' hilarious mispronunciations of vocabulary words.

When you saw the group of grade 12 learners leave the class, among them Jin-Goo, Namjoon and two other boys part of the most popular group, your eyes widened. In their own right, they are talented.

The martial arts master was Jin Goo. He is proficient in taekwondo, karate, judo and any other fighting technique you can think of since he was six years old; Namjoon is a high academic achiever, class president, talented rapper, and trainee way to stardom. Another two boys are also trainees of different entertainment companies for dancing. Several famous alumni attended their school.

They are surrounded by girls, leaning on them and flirting.

Seeing your friend, who is totally in love with Jin-Goo, you notice how jealous she is. A few years ago, she confessed, and he rejected her advances. He did not do it cruelly, but it hurt her because she knew she wasn't his type. She is a little chubby, and she is the same height as you.
Although he broke her heart, she still admires him secretly.

"How can we be so stupid and like boys way out of our league? The saddest life of unrequited love...but Ji-Goo is so hot." She looked longingly at your very handsome best friend. You know how she feels, and you also felt that way about your feelings for Namjoon.

You pulled an overly disgusted face as you said, "Yeah...we aren't their type; they like tall, sexy girls with legs as long as the wall of China." Namjoon's ex-girlfriend was tall and sexy.

"Let's go to the other gate? Jin-Goo can find us at the bus stop." You suggest not wanting to be with the boys, in particular, especially Namjoon. You won't be able to look him in the eye.

Before you could escape through another hallway, you heard Jin-Goo's loud voice. Oh nooooo!!!!

"Vicky...hey Vicky...wait up!" You heard footsteps behind you, closing your eyes for a moment and fake smiled as you turned around.

"Hey, Jin-Goo! The butterflies in your stomach attest to your nervousness. You greeted him and smiled, avoiding looking at his left side to see Namjoon's amused reflection in your eyes. He looks at you, but you don't dare look at him.

"Joonie Hyung picked up your glasses where you lost them, but now they're cracked. You must thank Joonie Hyung". Jin Goo lifts the glasses over your head, and you jump up to catch it.

Tala *snickers and you give her the stinkeye. You gave up trying to get your glasses after the boys laughed at you.

"I'll get it later... You just annoy me; I'm leaving," you said with a voice filled with irritation.

"Come on, Jin-goo, give her the glasses, don't get her mad." Jin-Goo glanced at Namjoon with raised eyebrows, but Namjoon just shrugged unbothered. You are surprised at the way his eyes lock on your nervous ones with an unreadable expression. In his notepad, he was reading or writing something—a writer by nature.

"Ok, sorry  Vic... here", he handed the glasses with a smirk. "Only if you buy me snacks and chocolate milk."

You sigh deeply, "Okay...let's go now. I've got a lot of homework."

While the boys snicker, Namjoon just stares at you with renewed interest. It was hard for him to figure you out...you're so mysterious. Exceptionally bright but very aloof. He glances over your posture discreetly. Your body was relatively small, but you walked with dignity and grace, like a lady of affluence, and your voice was beautiful but very timid. Skin as clear as porcelain. His breath hitch because of your beauty. It is no wonder Jin-Goo protects you with his life.

He wondered why you were running and from whom you were running. He could feel your heart pounding when you so intimately lay on him. The moment you fell on him and accidentally locked lips with him, he became aware of you.

He couldn't forget the kiss you shared. The kiss was the most intense he has ever shared with a girl. Even his ex-girlfriend couldn't bring out these unsettling feelings from him.

Looking at your beautiful annoyed eyes, he knew you were cuteness overload. Despite feeling a different emotion, he knows he must suppress it...because of the freaking brother code.

The boys made a pact not to date sisters, ex-girlfriends, or best friends closer than sisters. She's so beautiful but untouchable. The moment he kissed his friends cute "sister", he knew he'd broken the code.

All of you boarded the bus back home when it arrived. Namjoon lives with his trainees' brothers at Bighit in a dormitory.

You and your best friend sat quietly next to each other. When Jin-Goos is around, she is always dead silent.

The boys were seated in the back. The three of you had to get off the bus first when the bus stopped. Jin-Goo stood up first, followed by your best friend and you. The moment you passed Namjoon, you felt a piece of paper press against your hand. When you look into his eyes, he just nods.

Nodding, you follow your best friends off the bus. In a flash, you hid the note in front of your backpack. Namjoon wrote something that you were curious about.

There was a cute supermarket within walking distance of your homes. All of you are neighbours.

You bought snacks and drinks and walked up the road. When Jin-goo is around, your female friend is always calm and reserved. Trying to talk to her, Jin-Goo found that her nervousness makes her stutter, so she decided to nod instead.

As for you, you have been in love with Namjoon since a year ago, but you will never confess to him. You hope that she gets over him soon and finds her soulmate. Oh no, you're not that desperate. You don't want everyone to know about your feelings for another popular boy, and you're already being bullied. Even after your best friend, Tala, got rejected in middle school, the popular girls still mock and tease her.

You rush to your house, throw your bags on your bed, and search for the note Namjoon gave you.

I'd like to see you before school at the place where we met today. J

Oh my gosh! Why would he want that? It wasn't deliberate...you didn't plan on kissing him. You already apologised. He initiated the make-out session, so he cannot be mad. You feel as if butterflies have built nests in your stomach.

You couldn't sleep because you were so nervous about what caused this to happen . Your long-time crush stole your first kiss. What made him decide to kiss you. He never looks at you or tries to hold a simple conversation with you. However, what happened today was unprecedented.

Your mom made porridge for you the following day, and you gobbled it. Jin-Goo called and said he would be a little late for school. He may stay at home to spend time with his father before he leaves in two days. You asked your best friend, Tala, to meet you earlier at the bus stop.

It's a quiet walk to the bus stop for you and your best friend.

As soon as possible, you told her you wanted to copy the worksheet at the library. Because you arrived earlier, the hallways are still empty. You walk briskly to the same hallway as yesterday. When you turned around, you saw Namjoon on the window sill, writing something in a notebook he carries everywhere.

Standing nervously in front of him, you watched as his eyes locked on yours. His eyes were so intense. In general, he presented himself with an air of regality.

You bow in greeting and wait for him.

In the hallway, you couldn't see anyone. Before you realised it, Namjoon pushed you deeper into the secluded area to protect you from accidental exposure.

You gasped in surprise.

"It was my fault for kissing you yesterday...I knew the rule, but I chose to ignore it." He steps closer to you in that enclosed space, looking down at your petite form. As he places both arms next to your face, he draws you in. His proximity is making your heart pound.

As you look up into his eyes, you immediately look down, terrified that he will see your feelings for him in your eyes.

"Vic, please look at me", he lifts your chin to look up to him, "I'm sorry for yesterday...I know girls are very peculiar about boys kissing them", he remorsefully replied.

"It's fine. It was my fault anyway, but why did you initiate the second time?" you asked, confused.

As he caresses your face with his other hand, he looks deeply into your eyes. His touch made you melt. Your crush gently touches your face.

"I wanted to do that for such a long time, Vic, don't be shy...I want to confess." You furrow your brows.

As his thumbs caressed your red cheeks, you kept silent.

"I've been crushing on you for a year...you're so cute and beautiful, Vic; even if I wanted to pursue anything, it would be too late. As you know, I'm already signed to Bighit and might debut sooner than we think." He looks intently into your eyes.

It was shocking to find out that he liked you too, and it's his final year at school.

Your stammer is, "Y...you had a crush on me!".

"Yes, but Jin-Goo made us sign a paper stating that we will not attempt to date you or any former girlfriends for three years... Vic, I didn't even think of dating you, and I loved you so much that I was afraid to talk to you. "Imagine your class president short of words...I was afraid you'd find out how much I wanted to be with you, and Jin-goo warned me to stay away from you." He looks conflicted.

It was like you couldn't speak," so you love me but... You aren't able to pursue me, but I fell in love with you and was scared to confess, afraid you would reject me like Jin-Goo rejects my best friend, Joonie-Oppa" oh my...this news. It appears he likes you. It was not one-sided.

He looks deep into your eyes as you gaze into his as he says, "I did...still do...and when you fell on me, I got my chance to show you what I truly feel ,finally".

"Vic, I am in my final year of school. I had to break up with my ex, but you...I would like to date you, but I am afraid I will fall under the Kpop dating ban and end up breaking up with you.," he confesses sadly.

You ask with a pounding heart, "What are we going to do? You promise Jin-Goo not to date me no matter what he writes in that note and your company's dating ban.".

You were pushed towards him and hugged tightly. Your arms snaked nervously around his slender waist. For just one day, you've been like back.

Suddenly, he lifted your face towards him and kissed you with all the love he had for you. Every kiss you give is returned with the same amount of passion. You want to cry. At the same time, you won and lost.

As your lips slowly parted, you were both panting. The two of you stared intently at one another.

" I'm sorry for being so late...but I highly respect Jin-Goo and our friendship, and I love you too. He knew I was attracted to you, so I had to prove to him that I could date any girl. I just asked my ex-girlfriend out so that he would be pleased, but I never kissed her as I did you... I couldn't pretend to like her and broke up with her - my feelings for you were too strong." Your cheeks are stained with tears as he strokes them. When you heard he was dating that crazy girl, you were so sad and heartbroken.

Your arms snaked around his neck." I'm so sorry...we cannot pursue this between us. You will always hold a special place in my heart."

Your breath caught when he smiled. The smile on his face was mesmerising," Vic...can we meet again after you get your soul mark? If we match, I might pursue a relationship with you; if not, we'll follow a friendship. Promise me?"

You nod; you would rather be friends with him than strangers.

"What if you become famous one day and I cannot get close to you?" you ask.

He said with conviction, "FATE must bring us together, but I will love you secretly from a distance."

"Yes, we'll love each other from a distance", and with a renewed understanding of your feelings for each other...he captured your lips once again.

You felt the weight lift from your shoulders for the first time.

Love has found you...

A/n: The first chapter of Moonchild. Kindly give Namjoon some love. All my RM-stans, please vote and comment on what you think about this story. RM story will officially start in 2018. ( Love yourself Era)

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