𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 15: The Ronquillos

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C'mon yo
Moonchild you shine

You were taken aback when you read the Text messages of your dear friends. You inhaled deeply, knowing how difficult it would be to watch Namjoon in America with his girlfriend. You certainly don't want to be in the same country as him... To watch his happiness with his Jia will break your heart.

You can't think about him or your soulmate because you're preoccupied with pressing matters like the Count's impending wedding negotiations. Jin- Goos'friend.   You'll notify her of your decision later.



On the other hand, Tala sat with a sombre expression as she listened to the Duchess. In the presence of the royals, her nerves were strained. She wishes she could be somewhere other than here. Jin-Goo's mother has been savage in her approach. She chastised her in front of Jin-Goo for not saying no to her hormonal son. His mother found it unusual that an unassuming girl like Bang Tala could have seduced him.

She is aware that her son was enamoured with gorgeous girls who were tall and skinny. How many princesses around the kingdoms adore him and wish to marry her son? However, things have changed. Hwannie alters their family's entire dynamic.

"Are you in love with  Jin-Goo?" She gives Tala a calculating glance.

Tala could feel a stinging behind her closed eyes. How can she tell his mother that she loves her son? Jin-Goo is not fond of her at all.

Tala looked down for a moment, chewing her lower lip to regain her composure, then turned to face the Duchess and nodded gently, "Yes...your Grace.  Since middle school, I've had a crush on him. But don't be concerned. I'm not going to do anything about it, and I'm not going to be a snare in his marriage arrangements. With Jin-Goo...er prince Jin-Goo, I'm sure about my position. It was not in our plans for it to happen. But I'll never trade Hwannie's existence for anything. S...she is the sweetest thing, Your Grace."

"Did you intend to tell Jin-Goo about her?" With her eyes squinted, the Duchess gazed at her. She's baffled as to how Jin-Goo could sleep with this girl. She does not match with Jin-Goo. Even his current girlfriend would not be her first choice for her only son.

"I'm sorry, your Grace," Tala said, her eyes welling up with tears. "I didn't want him to know. It is evident to me that it would harm his career and future. I informed Prince Jin-Goo that I wouldn't require his support with Hwannie. I'm educated and self-sufficient, and with her grandmother's aid, we'll be able to raise her on our own. Your Grace, she's all I've got. But Hwannie was found by Prince Jin-Goo and Princess Y/n. He wants to be in Hwannies' life."

The Duchess nodded, and she could tell how much this girl loves her son and her child.

"What about your parents?" she implored, her manicured brow rising.

Tala took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "Er...after I became pregnant, my parents...my father disowned me, and my grandparents took me in," she explained. "While studying for my law degree, she got me an apartment and looked after my baby."

"What kind of parents are they...did your grandma have any help from anyone else to help raise my grandchild?" the Duchess asks, her eyes widening in disdain.

"No, my grandparents have a lot of money. She didn't want me to abort the baby, and even though my life was already difficult, I couldn't do it. However, we are content and settled at the moment. Hwannie's childcare costs and art courses are paid for her. I don't need anything from Jin-Goo right now, but he insists, and I don't want to make things any more difficult for him." In the Duchess's calculating eyes, she appeared apprehensive.

The Duchess gave a slight nod of approval. "That's what I thought. Thank you, Tala, for not terminating the pregnancy of my grandchild. I'm sorry for your pain and suffering. Jin-Goo is, nevertheless, Hwannie's dad, and we'd like to be a part of her life. Are you willing to let us into her life?'

Tala has a slight grin on her face. "I'd like for her to meet her other grandparents as well. Your Grace, I wouldn't keep her from you."

The Duchess smiles and says, "Great, let me meet my granddaughter." Lucia enters with a talking Hwannie, who tells Lucia about the ducks she recently met at the pond. When Hwannie notices you, you smile.

"Eomma eomma, oh, eomma, oh, eomma, "She hurried up to Tala and asked, "Did you see the ducks?" The Duchess appears to enjoy the joyful four-year-old. The Duchess was introduced to her by Tala as her other grandma. Tala seemed anxious as the Duchess rose and kneeled in front of Hwannie, who gazed in amazement at the lovely grandma. She could see lots of her son and daughters' physical traits in Hwannie. As Hwannie stroked a strand of her Duchess, her grandmother's hair, Tala's eyes widened.

"Ms Grace, why arent  your hair white like a grandmother's?" Hwannie flashes a grin. Hwannie grinned as the Duchess burst out of laughter. Hwannie's chattiness caused Tala to take a deep breath. She is hoping that it will not be an embarrassing week for them.

" Yes, it is brown...but I am a grannie now...Hwannie." she stood up and took Hwannie's hand, looking and nodding at Tala and Lucia.

"Just excuse us. I would like to spend ample time with my granddaughter---" Tala and Lucia nod in awe as they see Hwannie, who wave at you, walk out with her grandmother, telling her grandmother about the ducks in the pond and all the ducklings. They only heard bell-like laughter in the grand hallways.

Tala shook her head in stunned silence. Hwannie single-handedly charm the palace staff.

Lucia accompanied you to where Vicky was resting in the private lounge. When you saw her, you jumped up and rashly embraced her in a tight hug. Tala's face was still nervous as she told you what had happened in the Duchess lounge.

"At least you're still alive?" you said, smirking.

"Oh my gosh Vicky...she's so scary," Tala exclaims. "She bombarded me with questions...but it seems that Hwannie is comfortable in her company."

"Of course, it's the royal family bond," you said." Don't be concerned. She'll be in capable hands. My aunt is naturally with children and will be even better with Hwannie."

"So, what are the current plans? Is it possible for me to return home right now?" Tala inquired, eager. She refuses to meet Jin-Goo's prospective wife and the other royal families.

You tilted your head, "What's the matter? You, my friend, aren't going anywhere. I'd like to see Princess Fransesca's reaction when she meets you, and you must join my future fiance and me."

"Are you still negotiating the marriage?" Tala asks, her brow furrowed.

You took a long breath and exhaled slowly. "What can I say, Tala...a marriage will protect me from future dangers. You'll enjoy Count Edwardo. He isn't as arrogant as most royal bachelors. He's lovely, yet stoic, and more introverted than I am, and——"

Tala grins, "and he's not a sexy Namjoon, Yes, you still care about Joonie. Why don't you just wait for your soulmark and soulmate to arrive before deciding?"

You took her hand and clasped it under your elbow, gesturing her to follow you to the villa's gardens.

You guided Tala to one of the stone benches when you arrived at the rose gardens.

"Tala, You know how much I still love Joonie after all these years—-nearly six. But I can't keep hoping for him to be my soulmate. He said he'd love me from afar, but he's been dating his best friend for years. Tyrella and Shaniqua informed me a lot about his current dating life. He seemed to be smitten with her. Jin-Goo was right, Tala," your eyes welled up." I cannot guarantee that being with a BTS member or other celebrity will be easy. My life is not conventional."

"Hang in there," Tala held you sideways as she noticed how distraught you were becoming.  "Next week, you'll get your soulmark, and I'll get mine in a few days. I'm not with my grandmother now, but I'm in Spain."

"Yes! I hope I meet my soul mate sooner rather than later so I don't have to marry Eduardo. But, Tala, as a member of the billionaire Legacy Club, my parents will rig the system if my soulmate is an unacceptable commoner. For my father to reconsider, he must be a high-ranking commoner." You shook your head, doubtful. For years, you will be unable to marry the man you genuinely love.

"Let's go to that concert you mentioned. I've never attended a BTS concert. Why don't you invite me to join you? I'm still looking forward to seeing your American friends." Tala is giddy with anticipation. She wishes to attend the group's show. She had always heard how fantastic their concerts were, but he never had time as a young mother.

"Oh my gosh, it's Jin-Goo!" You said, reading a notification on your phone. The car has arrived and will bring us to the city's Royal Palace. Are you ready to meet my parents?" "

"No!" Tala said flatly.

"You're going to love them," you say proudly. "They're well aware that you're my new sister. Oh, here comes your love," you say quietly. When Jin-Goo came around, Tala's heartbeat became erratic as you and Tala sat in the rose garden under the shade of a tree. He pauses a little, but his rigid demeanour is noticeable. There was an issue.

"So, why do you look like your porridge was stolen?" you ask, giggling.

"Princess Francesca and her family are on their way," Jin-Goo scoffed." They've just arrived at the airport with their royal charter. My mother is aware that Tala will be spending time with you at the palace, but she prefers that Hwannie remains with us. If you don't mind, Tala. If she wants you, we'll take her to the palace. I understand you're never apart, but my dad and sisters want to spend time with her." He looks to Tala for reassurance. Tala took a deep breath and regarded Jin-Goo with concern.

"Are you sure, Jin-Goo?  I don't want her to be a bother to anyone. Hwannie is a handful to deal with. And if she wants to draw, she needs her art materials as soon as possible. But as long as you are here, she will adapt. It will be a challenge for me, but she will enjoy it here but she will enjoy her time here." Tala smiles. Jin-Goo smiled and appeared to be in a good mood.

You smirk at the young parents.  Tala is a feisty young lady.

"The royal dedication of Hwannie will take place in Toledo Cathedral next Sunday. In a few days. The royal luncheon will be held at the Palace, Vicky. Our immediate families will be the only ones present. Tala, I'm afraid it'll make it to the press. It will not be covered in the east or west, at least only in Europe. And before the Priest, my parents, and the King and Queen, you and I will be required to stand as parents. Will your entire family be able to attend?" As you felt your heart drop, Jin-Goo informed you. Oh my goodness! The royal family was always in the news. How are you going to keep this a secret? Photographs of the royal family will be taken. You, Jin-goo, and Hwannie have become like family.

"Jin-Goo, I'm speechless. How are we going to keep it out of the Korean media? Will our status be jeopardized? Tala's birthday is on Wednesday, by the way. Wow!" You appeared surprised and concerned. You three seem to be quite worried about how this royal event will be publicized.

Tala appeared to be on the verge of passing out. "Jin-Goo, oh my goodness. Your wedding, and what about your girlfriend back home who has no idea who Hwannie is...This is a huge deal. Your life has been ruined because of me. Jin-Goo, I'm sorry...I'm sorry!" Tala broke down and sobbed. She was pulled into Jin- Goos' arms before you could embrace her. By stroking her hair, he was reassuring her. Tala barely touches Jin-Goo's shoulders.  Inwardly, you smirk. As a couple, they look fantastic. You kept it for yourself, though,before Jin-Goo blew a gasket.

Jin-Goos-brows narrowed as he looked at your amusing, sparkling eyes and a huge grin. "Don't!" he warned you without saying anything. You made a zipper motion with your lips, but Jin-Goo already knows you will tease him later.

Tala looked awkward as she raised her face. Being in Jin-Goo's arms once more felt amazing. What are her grandparents' reactions going to be? Discovering that their little Hwannie is a princess.

"Don't worry, Tala," he tried to reassure you, "we'll make sure it's just the royal photographers and no press until we both feel comfortable releasing some of Hwannie's dedication images to the Royal press."

You hugged her on the side. "Let's not be concerned. We need to arrange for your grandparents to stay with us for the weekend. She'll be stunned. But, when she arrives, we'll inform her of our predicament."

Tala smiled and wiped her tears away. "I messed up your lives a lot. Sorry for any inconvenience."

Jin-Goo patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Tala; we're all in this together. I'll be there to support you. Hwannie is my heiress as well as my daughter. I'll never treat her any differently than the rest of my future children." Jin-Go lets out a sigh of resignation. Only if his parents accept the girl he truly loves will this happen. He is determined in his refusal to accept his soulmate. And the spoilt Princess will not have him as her husband. No way! He wants to take advantage of Hwannie's favourable situation. His child will be his salvation; perhaps, he will tell his girlfriend as soon as possible. 

You're at a loss for words. The Count and his family will be there this weekend, and you and Eduardo will begin courting. Your and Jin-Goo's lives are spiralling out of control. Tala was sure that she was to blame for everything.

When Jin-Goo noticed Matais approaching them, he bowed, and you all acknowledged his greeting.

"The royal vehicle will arrive in 30 minutes, Your Highness. Princess Francesca and her family respectfully request an audience with you in the royal lounge of Your Grace. Your father, the Duke of Spain, has arrived and would like to spend some time with you and Ms Tala before meeting with the visiting royals."Jin-Goo nodded to Matais, his face sombre. Tala's demeanour conveyed her worry. Your poor friend is in desperate need of a break. When she's finished meeting, ask your mother to schedule you and your friend a royal treatment at her favourite spa the next day.

Back entering the villa, you join arms with your best friend and follow Matais. The personnel is quite busy showing guests to their rooms so they may relax before meeting with the royal family. Francesca and her aristocratic family are not people you want to meet. You're hoping they'll call an end to all negotiations. But you don't think Hwannie will faze Fransesca. This is her opportunity to marry the boy she has always admired as a child. Poor Jin-Goo.

The Queen Mother, your grandma, is also awake. She was on the patio chatting with Hwannie, while the Duchess and Duke were with Tala and Jin-Goo. You were having fun with Hwannie. She was drawing her great-grandmother. Your grandmother is entirely enthralled by her newest great-grandchild, and Hwannie was a real chatterbox, telling them everything about Ms Grace (her grandmother) and how she will be dressed up in princess dresses like her favourite fairy princesses tomorrow. 

Hwannie's grandmother had promised her an actual crown, and she was eager to see it right away. Hwannie will undoubtedly receive the title of Princess, according to your grandmother. You give a warm smile to the young chatterbox. Little Hwannie has always enjoyed drawing royalty, and her new title will be perfect for her.

On the small table, the staff had tea and delicious treats on display for you. If you feed their baby all the chocolate sweets, you're hoping Tala or Jin-Goo won't go insane. Tala is a strict mother. You grin as the thought occurs to you.

Matias and a sombre Jin-Goo enter the patio after thirty minutes. He appeared to be a little agitated. You inhaled deeply as you realized the meeting wasn't going well, but as your gaze fell on Tala, you noticed her red-rimmed eyes, shocked expression, and deeply pained expression on her delicate features. You and your grandmother was surprised, but Hwannie sprung to her feet with delight when she saw her mom and dad. Tala picked her up swiftly and buried her face in her child's warm neck.

Jin-Goo sat down dejected, but his mouth was pinched thinly with a sour expression, and you all knew to leave him alone to cool down.

"Your car is waiting to take you to the Palace, Your Highness. Your parents are looking forward to seeing you." Matias informed you. You nod as Tala converse softly with Hwannie about her new family's stay. She assures her that she will be picked up in two days. Hwannie was a little concerned at first, but when she remembered her princess gowns and crowns, she became more excited. She kissed her mom and dashed to her dad, who grabbed her and hugged her tightly. Tala has a mournful expression on her face, but all she does is nod to Jin-Goo, who glances back.

The icy undercurrents make you frown. Your gaze was drawn to Tala, who indicated that she would inform you in the car. Following Matais, you all bowed to the Queen's mother and Jin-Go and exited the garden patio.

While the doors were open for you and Tala, the royal guard was sanding around the car. As you slid inside the car, you both bowed graciously. The car drove out of the gate, followed by a front and back security car.

You look at Tala, a little concerned. "What happened at the meeting, Tala? You have a gloomy expression on your face."

Tala looked at you, teary-eyed. "Vicky, that wasn't all that terrible. He wanted to know if Jin-Goo and I were dating and how it happened. The Duke, "Your Grace," was extremely kind, and I felt it necessary to inform them of my lineage. The Duke then chastised Jin-Goo for disregarding his royal duties and future by getting involved with an innocent commoner, and he reprimanded Jin-Goo for not breaking up with his girlfriend, as he was told."

"No wonder Jin-goo is so upset," you appear conflicted.

Tala shook her head sadly and looked to the lovely countryside out the window. "That isn't the only reason—-the Duke informed him we shall meet again by Wednesday, once I got my soulmark.  But the most shocking revelation was that Jin Goo had to end his relationship by Wednesday, the day after I received my soulmark, and either marry me or marry Princess Fransecsca the following week on Saturday. He received a firm ultimatum. He was furious at the prospect of marrying royalty or marrying the mother of his child. He and his father got into a heated disagreement."

Your eyes widen in surprise. "Oh my goodness! Tala, that's enormous!"

Tala snorts, "He told his parents that the only woman he wants is his girlfriend, that I'm not his type, and that there's no way in hell he'll commit himself to a life sentence with a woman he doesn't even love—Vicky I'm perfectly aware that I'll never be his style.  Since middle and high school, he has not been in my league. I love him Vicky, but I'll never commit to a man who isn't interested in me." Tala's eyes were tear-streaked. She wants to be anywhere except in Jin-Goo's company.

"Forget about Jin-Goo". You embraced her while she sobbed quietly and stroked her hair out of her face." He is completely enamoured with his idol-model girlfriend, whom his parents despise. If his parents considered you a candidate, it suggests you made an impression on them. Your academic level, I believe. You're a lawyer, and you've blessed them with a lovely granddaughter—their first princess. Tala, please accept my heartfelt apologies. Jin-Goo is a complete jerk. Both of Hwannie's parents are needed."

Tala presses her nose against your chest, "Vicky...I'm scared. Jin-Goo dislikes the Princess, and I'm not his first choice for a wife. I'm not going to marry a man who will despise me. According to his dad, we might be soulmates because of what happened that night that resulted in Hwannies conception. I'm sure he'll reject me once more. How many times do I have to be hurt, Vicky? I wish he had never seen Hwannie. Our lives used to be simple, and now—-"

You calmed her down. "Jin-goo is the person to talk about it. Tell him you don't want to marry him and how you feel about him. After speaking with Jin-Goo, you must move on. So long as you're both there for Hwannie."

"Yeah...but I'm afraid that when I find my soulmate, we won't be red gold, and I'll always love the father of my child," Tala says, wiping her flushed face. I'll never be able to meet his high standards. Vicky, we're not a perfect match. I'd rather date Hu-Siyuk and be happy at home. He's already smitten with Hwannie."

"We're going to have a great time together, Tala," you say as you lay your hand on her shoulder and smile. "For us, this is like a mini-vacation. Ok. My mother and us will enjoy all of the royal treatments. Luncheon, spa treatments, and short excursions are ok. I will show the Spanish side of the Ronquillios Monarchs to you. We're going to play polo and go horse racing. I'll find you an instructor to show you how, and we'll visit galleries and museums, canal rides, and private picnics—just the two of us. Allow Hwannie to enjoy her new family while you rest and recover as a carefree 21-year-old. My father stated you can choose any wine bottle in the cellar."

You grin as you see the light and sparkle return to your best friend's eyes, and you scowl privately at Jin-Goo for making her feel unwanted. You'll make sure she's comfortable during her royal stay in Madrid.

As guards unlock the huge gates, you arrive at the main entrance. When Tala sees your second royal house, her eyes expand, but she seems amazed. She was astonished at the magnificent, statuesque residence.

"Wow, that's massive! Your Royal highness! Can I be your lady in waiting?" she purred, her eyes glinting. 

You shove her at the shoulder in the car and say, "Stop it...if you marry Prince Jin-Goo, you'll be a Duchess or a Princess."

"Very funny...your  highness!" Tala responded. Her face fell a little.

You grin as you take in the beauty of your surroundings. You were overjoyed to be back at home, safe and sound...

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

A/N  wow! I can't believe  I just updated Moonchild. I hope you like the chapter.

Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments—even shadow readers. You are valued.

a Big shout out to all the new readers and those who added the book to their readers' list.

@peacheo2000@chubbygurl@ThegirlhighonBTS @RitaFredrickKimbasha

Question 1: Will marrying Count Eduardo be beneficial to you?

Question 2: Do you think you'll see Namjoon in Los Angeles instead?'

Question 3: Do you believe Namjoon will be able to put Jia aside in order to focus on his soulmate?

Question 4: Will Jin-Goo pick Tala or Fransesca as his love interest? A royal princess who matches his lifestyle or the mother of his child.

Question 5: How will Hwannies' royal title affect Tala's estranged family?

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