𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 28: Princess Birthday.

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You know my life is like this
We have to dance in the rain

The preparations for the royal highness' birthday had the palace in a frenzy.

For you and your family, it was the most anticipated day. You knew you would get a soulmark because of the piercing itching you felt on your upper shoulder blade on the day you received a soulmark or Tarnished branding.

You and Lady Tala spent more time together that week after Hwannie's dedication because she needed a little time away from Prince Jin-Goo. Her grandparents will remain with the royal family for a couple more days before they go back to Seoul to continue their business.

As time went on, you and Count Edwardo grew closer and showed each other a lot of affection. You decided that if you hadn't already found your soul mate by the time you returned from your vacation to America, you would give him the go-ahead to propose to you. Despite your intuition that you would find your true love sooner than you anticipated, Eduardo is so considerate as to wait while you make your choice.

He was overjoyed when you gave him a glimmer of hope that if you meet your soul mate and you have a strong yellow, you'll give him a chance and that his parents are prepared to present the two of you with a lovely villa in the Philippines. Only if you are certain that you want to marry Eduardo will your parents give their blessing to your union.
You fervently pray that you will find your soul mate so that you can continue living your life.

You explained to your parents that you just wanted a small gathering of your immediate family members, their kids, and Eduardo's family to celebrate your birthday.

In a peach gown with green lace accents, you looked stunning. You were wearing your royal tiara and satch. You received the most delicious four-tiered chocolate, vanilla, marble, and peanut butter cake from the chef. One of the smaller palace banquet halls served as the venue for the celebration. That your brothers and their families could make it made you happy. Prior to the occasion, special press photos and family portraits were taken.

Your family was making fun of you regarding your impending soulmark, and the birthday was filled with excitement. You'll also spend time with Prince Miguel, the younger of the brothers, and your older brother, who is two years older. than you and who will be getting married later in the year. The two of you are very close.

Your family showered you with pricey gifts, making the party above anything you could have imagined. You received a sizable quantity of money from your parents, along with connections, to launch a law company. The family tree of your family's royal dynasty, which dates back to the 1800s, was contained in a large book, a valuable artifact that your grandmother gave to you. Even Tala and Hwannie are ingrained in the latest addition.

Following your internship, you and Tala decided to work together. Shaniqua, one of your closest friends from the United States, also has plans to immigrate to Seoul to practice law. She has always promised to work alongside you. She is moving to South Korea with her soul mate as well. He wants to become a partner at a prestigious accounting firm. You were so excited to start your life.

Your in-law sisters provided you with designer clothing and high-end clothing labels. Miguel, your youngest brother, gave you a sports automobile that is bright blue. It will be sent to you from Seoul. Everyone was startled to learn that you already had a driver's license, and you were ecstatic.

Tala gave you a new personal iPhone for business. For your new legal company, which you will set up after your internship is over, Jin-Goo bought you six desktop MAC computers. Your two older brothers bought you a lavish chalet in Switzerland for your skiing excursions.

You were delighted. Eduardo gave you a pink diamond Cartier set that included a little tiara, a bracelet, and a necklace. On your ring finger, he slit a pink diamond pledge ring and put it there. If you decide on the engagement you'll get the bigger twin ring.

The celebration of the birthday was wonderful. Your brother, Prince Miguel, took you out of the landscape gardens after the celebrations and formal family photos.

He smiled and dragged you gently by the hand, "I want to spend a few minutes with my little sister before I go to the Philippines."

You laugh gently, "Since when?"

"Since you came of age, your Royal Highness." As you neared your favorite pavilion area, where the lovely swans were swimming in the peaceful pond, you just grinned.

You turned to observe your brother, who had the blue-gray eyes of your mother and the Asian features of your late granddad. He was quite gorgeous.  Your mother resembled your grandma from Spain more.

"So you and your soulmate are leaving tonight?" As you asked you both strolled through the flowers near the pavilion.

"Yes,  Mother advised that you'll receive your soul mark privately rather than in front of the entire royal family. Dad will only let the family know if you are soul-marked or tarnished. Not where your soulmark is located." He grinned.

"Oh, that's so much better! I don't want the entire world to see in how much pain I am. I'll be in my private space. On Monday, Tala and I will leave. We have a week to finish our internship before we travel to Los Angeles. My Harvard friends are missed." You both strolled with your arms intertwined as you gently beamed.

Prince Miguel stares at your glowing face and sighs." Princess, make the promise to me that you won't get into a prearranged marriage until you find your true soulmate. All of us were lucky to have met the ones destined for us. And the fact that we are mated to royalty was a blessing. "

Your sigh is audible,"  You are the fortunate ones; yet, most royal princesses are paired with commoners. why is this the case? Count Eduardo loves me, and our parents only want to keep me safe."

Prince Miguel turned to look at your beautiful face.,"Princess, do you love him? Be honest."

You firmly pursed your lips."I do, but not with the same intensity as I would most likely love my soul partner. Eduardo vowed to release me so I may pursue a relationship with my soul mate."

How do you tell your brother that you are still thinking about and pining after an unreachable idol who is in a relationship with a gorgeous rapper? You could see how 'intimate' the couple's relationship was from the images that were posted online. Even though you were devastated. You were devastated even if you felt silly to feel like that.

And the biggest dilemma is your super high social status. You are royalty for goodness sake and your identity must be hidden so that you can live a normal life. You're not even very public at home, so most news agencies are unaware of your current looks.

When you return to Seoul you've decided to dye your reddish hair to chocolate brown. Luckily you and Talas' hair is grown out. You pride yourself in your glorious wavy mane.

Prince Miguel smirks," That is smart. Wait for your soulmate but date him if you want to, just don't trigger the intimacy bond. Even if we can rig the system, the moral code still stands fiercely."

He gave you a warm embrace, "I love you, sis, remember our promise. I'm the first one that must meet or know about your soulmate."

You chuckled softly," Only if he accepts me as a commoner first."

Your brother scoffed" You are too gorgeous. Of course, he will accept you."

You both snigger in each other's eyes. You and Prince Miguel were very close and mischievous as kids and you will be one of his bridesmaids when he and his lady get married in Monaco.

That evening you and Tala awaited your soulmark with great anticipation. It was excruciating. The pain was as if you were dipped into a burning furnace. Tala had to console you because you were wailing at the agony on your back shoulder blade.

When the agony was gone, you were amazed at the whimsical soulmark that FATE gifted you with and both of you took cute photos of it. You can't wait to meet the other half of it.

Your parents were still up to wait for the news. They were so excited because they knew you would have a soulmate and you're not Tarnished. He must just have the right pedigree.

What was an undeniable fact was that you already know you will be red-gold and there is no way you'll be able to reject your soul mate if you meet. The rigging and the final perfected serum will not push you to live half a life without your destined mate. You want your soulmate with all your heart.

The next day after a celebratory breakfast you had a serious talk with the handsome count.

You were sitting hand-in-hand in your favorite spot in the maze. The atmosphere around you was melancholy.

His eyes looked troubled," Princess...I love you, but I will never stand in your way if your soulmate wants you. Whether he's a commoner or not. "

You stroked his fingers and looked at him regretfully," I'm sorry, sweetie. My soulmark appearance was agonizing and I knew I might be destined for the red gold string. Both of us will not be able to reject one another...I'm truly apologetic. But I will inform you if I happen to meet him."

He chuckled softly, " We will not get engaged right now, but please be with me while you are still waiting for his appearance. I will be your best friend forever. I don't want to lose you prematurely.," he smiled as he softly caress your cheek, then slowly leaned in and kisses you gently on your soft lips.

You smiled into his kiss, snaked your arms around his shoulders, and gave him the most passionate 'farewell" kiss. Eduardo looked so miserable when he gave you the final hug...


You and Tala were on your way back to Seoul to get back to your internship work. The two weeks at home were the most exhilarating vacation ever. Your best friend became family, and she's part of the royal dynasty. Tala's grandparents were invited to spend a few days at the Dukes Villa with Princess Hwannie and her dad, Jin-Goo. He didn't feel very comfortable with Tala gone.

But Tala was adamant about living her life; she would not force him to love her.

At the end of your internship, all the interns had a big farewell party at one of the most expensive hotel restaurants. You and Tala informed the director of the firm that you both would not be available for a permanent job as you would be starting your firm with the help of your parents. You'll name it "Choi and Bang Attorneys." They were very impressed, especially with your intern team. All of them were awarded employment within the firm, and you were pleased for them.

After you got all your travel documents ready, you and your best friend were ready for your most exciting trip to the USA. Talas' first American trip and her first BTS concert

You couldn't fathom how excited you've both felt to just be together for almost two weeks in America. Visiting your Harvard best friends, enjoying the sights in LA, and seeing Namjoon live in concert will be the highlights of your trip. Gosh, you can't wait. Maybe his girlfriend, Park Jia, will also be there, sitting in the private boot, watching the show.

You felt your heart constrict a little as you just shunned those negative thoughts. Namjoon made his choice, and you have to accept it, even if it's a little heartbreaking.

Just thinking about him makes your heart palpitate. Your security details, as well as Jin-Goos security, will be there to keep you and Lady Tala safe. But you will be safe with your friends. You don't think there will be any threat to your safety.

You and Tala were super excited when you arrived at Incheon International Airport. Both of you had one medium-size designer bag and your handbag. You were clothed in a graphic t-shirt, sweater pants, and designer flip-flops. Your dark, newly dyed hair was loose around your shoulders in a cute, trendy beanie. Tala wore a printed mini dress with flip-flops.

After your boarding pass was scanned, the two of you decided to relax in the first-class lounge in the main terminal.
You booked first-class seating, and you couldn't wait to enjoy the amenities on the flight.

Tala looked awed. "This place is so awesome. Do you want to eat something light? We'll be on our flight in almost an hour."

This lounge was very private. You haven't seen any extra passengers roaming around. It was truly exclusive.

You nodded as you looked around with interest. "This lounge had the feel of a cross between a library and a museum. Yeah, I'm a little hungry. Let's grab something delicious."

You choose a table near the buffet, and you place your bags on the extra chairs around your chosen table. Luckily, there is security all over the place.

You and Tala just grinned and walked to the buffet area with excitement. You took a plate, and you served up some fruit, some bread rolls, and hot chicken wings.

You enjoy it with a piping-hot cup of cappuccino. You and Tala are chatting about your trip to Los Angeles.

You grinned as you scooped up some of the sweet and sour grenadine fruit. "Will you be able to cope without Hwannie?" you asked.

Tala smiled cheerily. "Yeah, I'll miss her, though. Her grandparents are delighted to have her for another two weeks. My grandparents enjoyed their stay with the Jin-Goos family. I'm just glad I can finally take a breather," she sighs as she eats some of her cheese croissants.

You chuckle. "You kept your promise not to give in to Prince Jerk's demands. He wasn't happy when he heard we were leaving for the USA."

Tala smirked," That is his problem. He will have to take care of his daughter for a few days before we get back. How will he keep her a secret from his 'girlfriend Seolhyun and remain to be seen? He has a lot of explaining to do."

You both start snickering because Hwannie is a lot of work. But luckily, Jin-Goo had received a month of leave. He will be able to enjoy his stay with his parents for a few more days.

You got a text from Shaniqua, one of your friends in the US.

You beamingly grinned. "My friend just sent me the hotel reservation details. The JW Marriott Hotel is where we'll be staying. Before the shows, she and Tyrella had a lot of plans for us."

"Oh, how lovely. I want to take in every aspect of Los Angeles. Their Hollywood film studios are somewhere I wish to go. said Tala dreamingly.

You never stop grinning and being with your best buddy again makes you feel so fortunate. For those four years, you missed Tala.

When it was time to board your flight, you grabbed your carry-on luggage and made a hasty exit to the boarding gate.

A welcome surprise was the first-class cabins. It was quite private. Tala and you had reserved the center seats with a privacy shield, but you don't need that because you want to chat the whole time.

Tala and your flight attendant had to go around to the opposite side to reach her seat. Tala appeared incredibly excited as she began to investigate the features of her armchair. You take pleasure in the free champagne and warm nuts. To clean your faces, you each received a unique heated cloth.

"I must confess, your family home is exquisite; nothing can beat that!" Smiling, your best friend remarked as she raised her glass of bubbly champagne.

You merely grinned as you reflected your privileges as a first-class citizen.

Tals was thinking of the daily extravagant delicacies provided by the royal staff. From breakfast in bed to late-night take-out nibbles, the best cuisines were served, and they were treated with honor and respect. Her friend was truly born with a golden spoon. But she is so humble and doesn't want anyone to know about her status.

When the plane was comfortably in the air, you and your best friend could chat and relax.

The in-flight menu was glorious, from the refreshing salad to the Korean main course. You have never eaten so much on your own, because Tala had her own. The fruit and sweet dessert were your favorites.

After your flight attendant cleared your table, you sat back and watched a movie. The first-class cabin only had two other passengers. It was very relaxed and quiet.

On board, Tala and you had free wifi and could text your loved ones.

You also received a text message from Shaniqua informing you that Tyrella and she will be picking you up at the airport. You're arriving at six o'clock. After you check into your hotel, they will take you out to supper.

Even a rough schedule for the week leading up to the Bangtan show was given to you by her. Even if you only bid farewell to your friends a few months ago, you are keen to see them again.

After a few hours, you and Tala decided to nap again to beat jet lag when you got to LA.

You wore an eye mask that night and curled up in bed where you dreamed about a faceless guy who stretched out his arms to you, and just as you wanted to step into his loving embrace, a sudden whirlwind forced you apart...

A/n. Our princess received her soulmark.

Thank you for all the patience of the Joonie-stans. For all the new shadow readers who voted and even commented. Thank you so much for adding the book to your readers'list.

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