𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 8: Caught!

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When you rise, it's your time
C'mon yo
Moonchild don't cry

After devoting some ample time with your best friend, she and Hwannie took you home in her halmeoni car.

You felt the nervous butterflies in your stomach because you know your friend will face a grueling battle when Jin-goo is going to find out.

The atmosphere in the car is relaxed. You talked about your life in the US, your kidnapping, but not all the royal details. You knew because of little Hwannie you and Jin-goo will have to come clean. She needs to see the severity of birthing a royal baby.

She was so fascinated when she saw your upmarket apartment block at the Forest Trimage.

"Wow, Vicky, you are loaded to living up here." she gushed, looking up the high skyscraper and pointing with her little finger to the building.

'It is massive...ajumma!' Hwan-hee was so astonished, and her little eyes were like sparkling jewels for the prospects of moving up the high building.

You direct her where to park in the designated space reserved for your future car if you'll be allowed to drive one, even if you secretly got your license in the US. Tyrella made sure Jin-Goo didn't smell the rat. It was a mission to keep the secret.

Now you'll have to keep another life-altering secret about his child.

You got out of the car, took all the sweet treats and food packages, and show the way. Hwan hee was chatting non-stop, asking her mom about many things that interest her attention. From the mailboxes to the different security keycards.

You were just beaming in the elevator as you observe mom and daughter interaction. You wonder, will you ever experience a moment like this with your kids. First, you need to get your soul mark, meet your soulmate, accept him, and the rest will be history. But deep into your heart, you knew you still love Joonie.

Jin-Goo doesn't even want you to have his numbers, fearing that you'll get hurt because Namjoon is still dating a rap idol, and he and this girl met during a tour in the US.

It crushed your heart, but you grew up. You already accept that you and Namjoon are no longer the same people. He moved on from high school. His life is fantastic—his famous and well recognized. Although the thought of him being in a relationship might or might not be fake news, you don't want to open yourself up for more pain. Jin-Goo made sure no man came near you. You never dated. Namjoon was the only guy that was fortunate enough to get so close to you without Jin-Goos' knowledge.

He is relentless when he wants something done. You are so frightful for your unsuspected friend. When he finds out about his unknown daughter, he will be out of his mind. You just shiver at the thought.

When you reach your door, you put in the secret code and invited your friend inside. Hwan-Hee is clapping hands for the elegant place. 

"Awesome place Vicky. So. comfortable." your friend gushed, looking around the stylish lounge. White-cream sofas with dark blue pillows, cream plushie carpet. flat-screen tv and cute round coffee tables

"Thank you, friend. Please make yourself at home. I know you need to drive back, and it's late." you gesture to her to take a seat.

"Thank you, can we arrange to meet at the mall for a movie and lunch with Hwan-hee. My gran is leaving on Friday. I'm weekends alone with Hwan-hee. I promised her that we'd be going to play some arcade games, watch a movie and go for her favorite snack."

"She is so cute. Can I babysit some time for you?"You smiled and gave Hwan- hee a packet of snacks. She thanked you and eagerly munch on it.

You and your friend schedule the time to meet on Saturday. She will come and pick you up.

You kissed little Hwannie, and she and her mom step out of the door. You hugged your friend and gave a giggling Hwannie another kiss on both cheeks.

" Ooh, ajumma...!!!" She laughs bell-like.

You wave at them from the door. The elevator from your entrance is around the corner. Hwan-hee was talking non-stop.

Your friend Talas'  pov 

"Mommy ...pick up". She raised her small arms so that you can pick her up.

She picked up her daughter in her arms. She press the elevator button, but just then, a door from the side opens up. An athletic figure came out from the entrance of apartment three, Jin-Goo. Her eyes widen with shock as she locked eyes with big brown eyes that looked at her with surprise.

But then his expression is shifted into awe when his eyes proceed to the cutest brown eyes of Hwannie.

Something unique happened in front of her eyes. A dark purple swirl connects father and daughter. Realization struck as her eyes connect his again.

Jin-Goo was frozen in shock, his eyes fixed solely on her, but when that elevator door open, she darts inside and frantically pressed the button. She watches how his eyes widen as the doors closed.

Jin-Goo was pressed out of his stupor...

"Wait!" He ran to the doors frantically pushed the buttons.

When the elevators open on the second floor, she quickly rash out and darts into another elevator with a pounding heart. She can't let him confront her now. Hwannie felt her mom's changed in demeanor.

She gestured to Hwannie to be quiet as she darts to the car park swiftly. She quickly gets her child undetected, fastens in her car seat, and gets into the driver seat. She promptly put the car in gear and drove out by hastening out of the parking lot.

Jin-Goo was waiting frustratedly for a few minutes; he stops waiting for the elevator and could kick himself for not using the stairs the first time. He ran even to the parking lot and no sign of the "girl "of his past. He looked dumbfounded. What was that? He locked eyes with the cutest girl, and he bound with her as a parent. Is she his kid?

Jin-Goo groans and puts his hands over his head. What the hell took place?

He ran up the stairs out of anger towards Vicky's apartment. He needs answers now!!

Jin-Goo presses the doorbell furiously. After a few minutes, You open the door after looking through the peephole. Your breath hitch when you saw your best friend/cousin/ protector. You slowly opened the door to let him in.

You look up into Jin-Goo's baffled eyes. Observing your friend's mood, something momentous has happened, he pushed past you quietly, but breathing made you recognize that he is furious. He went into the lounge with fury. Your eyes grow. What the-

"Jin-Goo, what's wrong?" You looked worried at him. His eyes look wild of shock.

Here was pacing up and down with his hands tangled in his dark hair.

"Vicky ...your friend ...w..who is that ...child!" he strangled it out.

"Er...why?" you asked him with feigned innocence.

" Don't play dumb...who's the kid that is with her?"He looked furious.

" Jin-Goo...it's not my place to tell people her business. Why are you so worked up about a kid? You're were never interested in her life..so why now!"You look at him with a questioning gaze. He needs to come clean to you. You'll never betray your friend.

You smile smugly, and it's payback time. You revel in the thought that he needs a dose of his prescription. He kept you and Namjoon apart at school, and he doesn't want to disclose his phone numbers. So you are in no obligation to tell any info about your friend.

He first needs to tell you why he seduced your friend and shattered her life.

"Victoria please don't be smart with me...She told you, didn't she?" He stared at you with narrow eyes of betrayal. His eyes look wet with unshed tears.

You exhale," Yeah, ok...but you need to tell me why you so adamant about learning about Hwannie? "

"Hwannie ...The kids' name is... Hwannie?" He looks at you with an undefine emotion in his eyes. He sat defeated leaning on your sofa, with his head backward and his muscled arms over his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Vicky..." how will he tell you his biggest secret, but it's time to face your wrath. " I...I spend the night of our farewell with her...I took her to your hotel room as you asked me to... I made sure her room was clean, but then something weird happened...I placed the key card in her palm, and then we locked eyes...I was so entranced with her...it was like a sudden force... that moment and ...and we found ourselves kissing and ..."- he looked so distraught. He couldn't ignore that night. They were reckless-

You held up your hands," - and blah... blah.. too much information...I don't need the details..oh Jin-Goo...your night of passion produced an adorable result . Hwannie" he looked at you astonished, you just affirmed his worst fear.

He deflowered a virtuous girl. For years he couldn't forget. He felt so ashamed and guilty. He recalls her sorrowful eyes when he rejects her. He told her to forget everything. He couldn't explain what was so peculiar about her. His ex-girlfriends couldn't get him in bed, but a simple girl with magnetism so potent that he lost all common sense in her presence. He recalled how she mentioned that she'll forget and never intrude in his life ever again. He wound her for the second time, but he knew this time he ruined her.

"O my Gawd!!!... The Duke is going to kill me...Vicky how will I explain it to my parents...I knocked up a girl, and it seems I'm a dad at 21. I'm almost 22 years. Oh my gosh! Why did I allow it? Why was it so difficult to say "no" to her. She pleaded for me to stay...I could've said no...but I...couldn't" he wiped his red-rimmed eyes—one stupid mistake.

You look at him with unease, "Your arranged marriage agreements are almost done...omg! Princess Francesca will be livid. That girl loved you since you've been 12 years old. She was your first kiss...Jin-Goo I don't know what you're going to do?...but you are not going to hurt my friend...she's been through hell and back and...Hwan-hee, that's her name...is her life. She loves her child." You pointedly look at his sad face with fire in his eyes.

Jin-Goo jumped up with suppressed fury in his voice, " She kept my child a secret! I missed my first child's birth...a princess, Vicky. My parents' first grandchild. My father will either come here, or I'm going to be summoned home to explain why a random girl and child appear on our family tree without their knowledge, and she isn't even my soulmate, and I don't care about the arrangements..."

"Omg! We can't afford publicity. Jin-goo. You're a celebrity. Dispatch will be all over you, and how do you know she won't turn out to be your 'it' for You. You said that something strange happened that night...it might've been the awareness of your mark. You won't be able to say no to Your soulmate." You exclaimed. Oh gosh, Jin-Goo will die if that has to happen. The media always saw him with the hottest girls since he was a teen. His new girlfriend is just as beautiful and famous. She's going to be so distraught.

"She's not my soulmate Vicky...she only gave birth to my child ...I want to see my child. I bonded with her, and the royal bond has been confirmed. She is a true Ronquillo. Your friend has a lot of explaining to do...give me her contact deeds, Victoria!!!" He stretches out his hand to you. You look at him with unparalleled fear in your eyes. Omg, no...your friend is not ready for a livid Jin-Goo.

"Please, Ji, you can't call her now. I think to you must relax at home and think it over. Get your emotions under control. I'll talk to her at work tomorrow. Please give her time. She's so scared for you." You kept your hand on his arm to comfort

"She supposed to be...She kept my child away from me...how old is Hwannie...3-4 yrs." Jin-goo is on the warpath. He can't see reason. In his eyes, there is no excuse. She deceived him. He's been in Seoul for almost six months, and she could've contacted him. But she didn't. Was it her way to pay revenge? To get back at him for breaking her heart. Will she keep his child from him? 

"Jin-Goo, please. My friend is compassionate. If you go on like that, She will leave Seoul, and you'll never see Hwannie ever again; she knows how to clear her tracks, better than our secret service, then your kid will be raised by another man, there's already someone in her life...who might love Hwannie enough to marry her mom." You pleaded with him.

"Like hell, she'll get away with my child. No one will raise my kid as his... Vicky, please give me her number...I promise I'll make an appointment, and we'll talk it over...ok. I'm sorry for my behavior." He looks tired, and a deep sadness entered his eyes. When he locked eyes with his daughter for the first time, it was love at first sight. Their bond was instant. He loves his child.

You went and stood in front of Jin-Goo," I know how you felt. I found out today. She got the royal mark on her ears. She is so adorable, and I love Hwannie. I'm going to be her babysitter from now on. So, please just think calmly and don't mess up...My friend...still loves you, and I can't imagine why?..she'll never keep Hwannie from you...you'll talk, and she'll tell you."

He just rubbed his eyes, "you right...I need to go home and cancel my date with my girlfriend...how will I tell her?...I fathered a darn child when I was 18-years old...O Gawd!!!" he looks heavenward in frustration.

You pressed your lips not to laugh at his expression. Poor Jin-Goo. The girl he rejected in front of the whole student body in Middle school and after they slept together, birth his most prized possession, his first child, his family's first princess. FATE...really doesn't play...You can't wait to see your friend's soul mark in a week or so. That will be something to behold,

Jin-Goo just sighs deeply. He hugged you and left his apartment with a dejected spirit.


Tala pov

Tears threaten to fall as her heart was beating erratically. Her emotions were in overdrive. It was so surreal to see him after so many years. She had to get Hwan-hee out of his sight. The stunned looked in his eyes told her everything.

Omg, Jin-Goo found out. But he can't know for sure. It's been almost four years.

It could've been anyone's child. She just had to lie to him. Right now, she had to use Ji Hi Syuk. A guy who is Tarnished that always asked her out. He wants to be with her, but she always rejects his advances.

But, she'll need him now than ever. If she has to deceive Jin-Goo, she'll have to do anything to keep her daughter hidden from him. She is so sorry to use Hi Syuk, but there's no other way. He loves Hwannie. If She were Tarnished, she would genuinely date him, but he needs to wait for her to receive her freaken soul mark.

At home, she quickly gives Hwannie her bath and puts her to bed. Hwannie was a little restless and didn't want to sleep. She was concern about her mommy.

She saw her mommy cry and wanted to make it better. After she read a fairy tale thrice and a Korean folk story Hwannie was slumbering soundly. She kissed her daughter and went to sit in the dark lounge.

Her grandma is sleeping. Her mind is in a whirlwind. My gosh. What is she going to do?
Jin-Goo will make the sums himself. He looked stunned. He knew. Why did she run away from him? That was admission of guilt.

She could've lied her way through.

It's already 10 pm when she got a call that shocked her out of her wits...

Her hands were trembling when she put the phone to her ears. Tears were streaming from her eyes.

"Hey...we need to talk-" a cold, detached voice uttered.

A simple sentence that will spiral her life as she knows it, out of control.

A/n Wow, another update for all my Joonie-stans. The next chapter will tap into the life of Namjoon after their debut from the 2017 flashback to 2018, where his story will officially start. The Love Yourself Era.

Question: Do you think your friends' plan will work in deceiving Jin-Goo concerning Hwan-hee?

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. Please comment with your thoughts, don't forget to vote.

Thank you for all your loyal support. You indeed, my superstar readers. The Soulbound ARMY's.😁

Don't forget to stream our boys' newest single, The upcoming "Butter," when it's release.

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@BBbare @lilmeowmeow_studios

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