Chapter 2

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"It all begins with a new step and that very step defines everything in the future..."

" Don't forget to look after your health " Y/n's mother overwhelmed with motherly emotions ; which mother doesn't ? , " Remember to take your meals on time ..don't forget it , I am not there to make you eat everytime like a baby "

" Like a baby ? " Y/n pouted , "I am always a baby , mamma " Y/n whined making others to giggle

"My baby " Y/n's father's already glossy eyes become more teary . He placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling her into a fatherly hug..

Y/n giggled in the warmth of her father's chest where she could feel calm and happy .

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to **** . We are now inviting passengers to assemble at the enquiry . Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately thirty minutes. Thank you."

A expected , Y/n is going abroad for her studies . Actually her friends have already left and now it's her turn . Y/n's parents , her brother and her close friend and cousin Dawn too have came there to bid her goodbye.

" Y/n , Get ready your flight is gonna arrive soon .. You have to do the checkings " It was Yoel , Y/n's elder brother . Besides Yoel , Y/n have an elder sister too , Yeola . She is in Europe with her husband , often comes to meet her family .

Y/n nodded her head and grabbed her bags to move on . She once again looked at her parents , her brother and her cousin. Y/n's parents were already crying since as their second daughter too was going far away from them which they can't accept so easily . On the other side Yoel too was unhappy for his sister but he didn't show it in his face .

"Bye Y/n ...take care ...keep in touch okay " Dawn reminded her and in return Y/n nodded and turned to leave before it got worse...

" It's okay aunty and uncle , Our Y/n is going for her studies ..she is going to chase her dreams ...don't make her sad by crying " Dawn tried to make Y/n's parents to calm down but it was in vain ...

Like which parents can bear the pain of letting go their children from beyond their eyes ...It would be very painful , like removing a part of their flesh itself..


"I think the flight is late " Jewel took a glance at her watch and sighed

"No its right time ...We should wait a little more " Honey said in between tip toeing herself to search the person they are waiting for from the hundreds of passengers

" I want to see her ...I am feeling like ages " Jewel growled and she too started wandering her eyes among the people

" calm down Ms . Impatient she is gonna come now " Zia teased Honey and in return got a death glare from Jewel

You might be wondering who they are or who they are waiting for .

Zia , Honey and Jewel are Y/n's close friends .They studied in the same school in their country before the other three came here . Actually Zia is the same age as Y/n but Honey and Jewel are their seniors and are two years older than Y/n and Zia . Even though they are seniors the two shared a sisterly relationship with the other two.. It was Jewel and Honey who came here first for their further studies . They completed their studies and now Jewel is working as an assistant model under a company, while Honey is doing online business from home.

It has been a week since Zia arrived here and as expected were living with her seniors. Y/n was left back and today she too comes. Right now they are impatiently waiting for Y/n in the airport

"LOOK ...LOOK there she is !!! " Honey shouted happily like she got the one looking for.

Soon the three waved their hands to grab Y/n's attention and they succeeded in that ..

" Oh ..finally came " Jewel and Honey ran to Y/n and pulled her into a tight group hug . That hug defines how desperate they were to see their lil baby Y/n who they missed for almost two years. They love her so much like they know how beautiful and good minded one is their Y/n . They never dared to hurt her by any means.

" Leave her you both..let she breath " Zia said making Jewel and Honey to frown and pull away from the hug

" You are looking so tired, Y/n . . Come..come let's go home and grab a coffee " Zia said making everyone nod an yes .

Its true Y/n was super tired of 13 hours travelling but was excited to see a new country .. Her specs-covered eyes were wandering here and there . But she finds it difficult to concentrate on one thing since the cab is moving so fast and she can merely see anything outside ... But her eyes grabbed the attention of a banner but she only got to see 7 boys in there .

Zia saw Y/n turning her head back to clearly see the banner like a child who was drooling over an ice cream outside through a fast moving car.

" What are you looking so intensely at, Y/n ?" Zia asked, grabbing everyone's attention and all looked back and got a glimpse of that banner Y/n was looking at . Their lips turned into a smile which was unnoticed by Y/n who was now staring at some other views .

" Seems like you are looking at those boys , y/n ?" Zia asked making Y/n to stop her eyes from wandering and now it was looking at Zia in a questioning way .

" What do you mean ? " Y/n frowned

" What I said ? You were looking at that banner right? "Zia again questioned

" That is what I too was asking you . I saw a banner and I got a feeling to look at it more , that doesn't means I was looking at those boys you mentioned now " Y/n said

" So you were not looking at them ? " it was Honey.

"Why should I ? By the way, why are you all so interested in me looking at that single banner ? like I was always looking out and you never questioned me anything before ? " Y/n asked making Jewel to chuckle

" so they are important Y/n ! " Zia said, making Y/n cross her brows . Uncomfortable feelings were rising in Y/n

"Important ? " Y/n mouthed

"Yah , you saw that 7 boys , they are the 7 great singers , dancers and upcoming models here .. Jewel works in their company.. And in truth all girls over here are head over heels for them " Zia explained

" Like you care ? " Jewel asked Y/n

" Why should I ? " Y/n was getting sick of her friends who were questioning her for some unknown boys whom she don't even see till now

" Oh c'mon Y/n they are just playing " Honey said and glared at the other two girls who were still giggling like idiots ,"and you two brats stop it . She is not the type of girl who falls for some random boys and you two knew it too , right ? So better stop it okay ."

" Who knows if she falls for them one day ? " Zia smirked

" Not even in your dreams " Y/n defended

" Let's see . What would have written in your fates ? " Jewel teased

But Y/n remained silent like she didn't want to continue this topic and ruin her mood . She closed her eyes and thought about something which really bothers her right now...

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