Chapter 51

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I think last chapter was such a boring part right ? Actually i know it was .
I was writing it after a long gap was out of space and out of no idea wrote that .
Hope you will forgive me :(
I promise i will try to write well to reach your expectations and will never disappoint you again

Enjoy reading :)

" Some words acts as honey and spread sweetness while some will be like a poison and all know what a single drop of poison will do.... beware "

Y/n slowly opened the door . It was a password operating lock .
The day Jungkook and Y/n met was the code ; remember the day the two rivals met at road

Y/n slowly got inside and closed the door without making a noise.
She turned around and her eyes wandered around the hall expecting someone.
A mischievous smile was playing on her cute plumpy lips showing a naughty kid's innocence.
She tiptoed inside to the hall and her lips pouted for not getting what she expected.

The hall was empty but the curtains were moving due to the soothing wind blowing from the sea near . It played with hair and tickled her neck making her to pout more but still her mischievous face remained.
Near to the living room their is a launge with a swing facing towards the sea

A smile spread on Y/n's lips on sensing someone's presence there on the launge .
She slowly placed her backpack on the sofa and tiptoed towards there and immediately
hide behind the book shelf when she saw a shadow movement.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Her heart beated fast sensing the familiar colongue 
Her lips shivered thinking about her someone , her everything whom she is missing in all these months .
Her hands automatically went to the ring finger and caressed the ring with his name carved on it making her shivering lips to smile beautifully
She slowly opened her eyes and peeked inside like a baby and saw her world standing there leaning on the rails .

" Jungkook "
She silently mouthed to herself and a shiver passed through her body seeing his shirtless naked back with new set of tattoo shouting the man of every girl's dream aura.

She felt the changes happening to her body on seeing her husband's bare back itself. Even her core shivered seeing his tattoos which she itself designed for him ;
A combo of an angel and lion's tattoo

His left palm was resting on the rail showing of his manly veins and his long curly hairs known itself as a new trend introduced by himself  among the youth moving without any obedience giving the man in him a different vibe

His well maintained slim abs and his manly thighs which is covered by a satin trousers makes him more hot and eternal

This itself was enough for Y/n to gulp down and the woman in her shivered on his manly aura .
Y/n slowly tiptoed towards him and stood at his back .
She slowly raised her hand and gently caressed the new tattoo visible on his back .
To her surprise he didn't even flinch at the sudden touch making her to pout .

" Husband "
she whispered on his ear which was playing as hide and seek wall by hair and wind blowing.

Still he didn't gave any response to her making her conscious because she knows very well that he is much more desperate than her and that's why he even came to here for her even at his busy schedules

" Jungkook" she placed her hand on his naked muscular shoulder and
" Jun...Jungkook what happened? "

She frowned witnessing his silence opposite to her expectations. She thought that he will immediately pick her up on her hips and twirl her on the second he saw her but...but now
It's been 6 months they met each other and both are dying to spend time together as they didn't even get to celebrate their togetherness after marriage.

But..but now what is the reason behind Jungkook's strange silence?

Time flew and Y/n got too sad on witnessing her husband's silent treatment making her eyes glossy .
She with her all strength made him turn towards her and her teary eyes widened seeing his red eyes , pink tinted nose .
Her eyes wandered on his face and her eyes got stuck on his cute mole under his lip which always tempt her is now knowingly bulging showing how much he is gritting his teeth to control his emotions.

" Ju...Jungkook wha..what happened ? "
Y/n was so much worried about his condition and she knows very well about his short temper which he can't control

" What made him this much anger ? "

Y/n raised her hands and cupped his red face making him to look directly at her eyes with his red ones making Y/n gulp

" Jungkook what..what happened? Why...why you are angry ? Any.. anything happened to the upcoming concert or ..or hyungs anything happened? "
Y/n was so much worried that words got stuck in her throat making her slutter

But Jungkook clenched his hand more tightly and controlled himself. Still his eyes were fixed on her now glossy eyes making him worried but he controlled his affection

" Jungkook ....please talk to me wha..what happened? "
Y/n asked but still Jungkook remained silent making her eyes to get more teary and red .

But soon that scene made her inner self shiver . Her hands unknowingly loosened from his face and it end up holding his hand

" Oh God " Y/n cried out examining his hand

Y/n was hell as shocked to see the deep fresh wound on his hand.
It's still bleeding that glass pieces are still pierced in it making the wound more pathetic

" Jungkook this happened? "
" Thh...the glass pieces of my god Jungkook what what i will do now God ..Jungkook "
Y/n was at the edge of crying that she herself don't know what she is saying

" Wai...wait lem...let me get the first aid box ahh ...and i will dress your woh..wound "
Poor Y/n was afraid and sluttering

She turned to get the first aid box but her steps halted on hearing that

" Where were you till now Mrs Jeon Y/n Jungkook? "

His deep voice which overtake his sweet voice make Y/n alarmed .
She frowned .
She didn't thought that Jungkook will ask such a question that she knows very well that she have classes but today she didn't go to class

Y/n immediately turned to face Jungkook and her eyes widened on seeing his teeth gritting

" Jungkook why...why you asked such a question ? "
Y/n was getting uncomfortable by his deep staring
" I...i was at know.."
Words find it difficult to spell out from her tongue
" I...I..

" Where the damn hell were you Y/n ? "
Jungkook roared making Y/n to jump in shock
A chill passed through her spine seeing her husband's super angry face which was not seen by her in these years

She gulped seeing his sharp and deep gaze making her difficult to answer anything.
At first the thought of him being injured and still not treated is hurting her badly and now he shouting at her without knowing the reason was eating her up

" Open your mouth and say Y/n " Jungkook again roared making Y/n to move backwards seeing his dark aura

And with her steps back he too moved forward making Y/n to look at his face in horror

His red eyes , tinted nose and that mole which is now getting more dark made Y/n to shiver more and she closed her eyes when she got pressed on a wall
She immediately opened her eyes and
her soul left her body witnessing him so close to her face

His hot breaths were striking on her lips making it terrible more and her eyes got more teary that a drop escaped

" Tell where were you ? " Jungkook raised his voice making Y/n conscious

" I...i was at University" Y/n immediately replied but to her horror she saw his smile making her more uncomfortable

He moved a little more closer to her making her soft chest to brush over his hard ones making her heart to skip

" Really ? " Jungkook smirked
" Then who was that with a bastard hugging all lovey dovey in the public road ? Huh ? "

His question made Y/n shocked . Now she got the reason why he is angry but she knows he don't care about she talking with other men because he knows her more than anyone but now what happened

" Jungkook I...I ...I can explain but pleea...

" No need "

Y/n gathered her courage and spoke but her words halted in the middle when his voice raised again

" No need of lies over lies Y/n Ahn "

Y/n heart skipped a beat hearing him calling her name .
After their marriage Jungkook always call her as wifey or as Mrs Jeon Y/n Jungkook because he always say that he wants his name with hers always but...but now he is calling her name without his which means...

The thought itself made Y/n's face to get more white in shock

" Jung... Jungkook please...please listen ttt..

" Enough means enough"
Jungkook roared and with his all force hardly punched his injured hand on the wall making it more bleedy

" Jungkook Nooo...." Y/n cried out in fear

She saw his blood oozing down through the wall making her to immediately gather his hand and blow at it

" Jungkook... Jungkook please... please let me dress this for you please please i beg you please "
Y/n cried loudly making Jungkook's heart to shatter into pieces but he is more dead by now

" One day you will understand that bitch was playing tricks for your fame and wealth. Till then she will cling on you like a leech to suck every blood from you and that day you will understand your mother's words . Mark it "

and those words of his mother again echoed on his ears making him more mad

" I..I will explain everything to you but..but please let me..let me ...

Before Y/n could complete anything Jungkook harshly tossed away his hand from hers and walked past her since he know if he stay more it will end up in more danger

Y/n's eyes widened
" Jung... Jungkook no don't go please please stay there i ..i will explain..

"Jungkook "

Y/n cried out and ran behind him before she could do anything he closed the front door with a loud bang making Y/n to shut up

She knows very well that there is no use of going behind him but her heart was bleeding like someone stabbed her in there with a knife

Her eyes shredded hot tears making her face more red and swollen . She hit her lips to control her tears but she couldn't

Her body got more tired and legs got unable to hold her than she sweeped down into the floor like a lifeless body

" Jungkook"
She cried his name out but no one hear her .

" Jungkook please listen to me please "
She cried hard like a mentally weakened person making her more tired . Her eyes began to shut down but before that she stretched her weak hand and pulled his shirt close to her body which was thrown by him earlier

She took the shirt and looked at with uncontrollable tears and it shredded more on feeling his colongue's smell making her to put it close her chest and lay down on the floor out of fatigue

So next chapter is here... Forgive mistakes please

Please do comment and explain what you feel when you read this chapter .....pleeache :(

Do vote also...Luv you : )

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