1.6 | Sharing Secrets

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S1E1: Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

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Wednesday sat up on the balcony that connected her and Enid's room to Esmarie's room playing the song 'Paint It Back' on her Cello. She stared intensely at the sheet music in front of her as her fingers moved elegantly along the strings echoing through the night for all to hear. Esmarie, who was lying on her bed, closed her eyes and smiled as the music played peacefully through her mind; the melody felt as though it was being played for her but she had always felt that way when it came to music. She sat up and moved towards the window, leaning against the wall and watching Wednesday as she played her Cello.

Down in a secret room, Rowan snuck down a set of stairs that led to a dark circular room with a symbol on the floor that looked like a flower with a skull in the middle. He used his telekinesis to pull a book out from a shelf, he opened it until he came to an illustration of a girl that looked very similar to Wednesday, facing off against a Pilgrim in the Quad of the school; a strange yellow glow surrounded the two opponents that seemed to protect the drawing of what he assumed to be Wednesday Addams.

Elsewhere, Tyler Galpin had been thinking about his father's words about Wednesday's father and so he was looking through boxes of files in his garage; and finally found what he was looking for—the case file of Gomez Addams. Sheriff Galpin grabbed a beer from his desk and opened it. He got up and walked over to a board that had information about all of the strange monster attacks that had been happening; no answers about what or who was responsible. Though his theories always lead to the Nevermore Academy and their outcast students.

Xavier had been out in the Quad working on his crow painting inspired by Esmarie's companion that usually stayed perched on her shoulder. He stopped for a moment hearing the melody of Wednesday's Cello, he looked up to the towers of the school before focusing back on his painting. Ms Thornhill was feeding a bunch of Venus Flytraps when she heard the macabre music, she stopped for a moment and smiled before continuing to feed her precious plants. Principal Weems was sitting in her office typing on her computer when she heard the serenade. She stopped typing and leaned back in her chair, sighing contently.

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Wednesday continued to play her Cello as Thing crawled on top of the music stand, turning the page to reveal the end of the song. Wednesday finished the song and exhaled deeply, Thing signed something to her. "No, I don't really feel better. There's just something wrong about this place. Not just because it's a school," Wednesday expressed to Thing. The window door opened and Enid climbed out, "How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?" Wednesday turned to her roommate, "I had an extra hand." Thing waved at Enid who stared back with wide eyes, "Whoa. Where's the rest of him?"

"It's one of the great Addams family mysteries," Wednesday answered her as Esmarie joined the two on the balcony just as the Furs began howling and baying. Thing dropped from the music stand and crawled back inside as Enid's head dropped a bit, Esmarie sending her a sympathetic look as she leaned on the balcony looking out at the sky. "Why aren't you wolfing out?" Wednesday questioned Enid. "Because I can't," Enid said before revealing her claws, "It's all I got." She retracted her claws, "My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I've been to the best Lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee, would you believe it? Yeah, she says there's a chance I may never... you know."

Esmarie walked over to the blonde, resting her hand on the Wolf's shoulder with a smile on her face as Wednesday moved closer to the two of them. "What happens then?" Wednesday asked Enid. "I'd become a lone wolf," Enid responded to her. "Sounds perfect," Wednesday replied to her as she stood next to her. "Are you kidding me? My life would be officially over. I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate," Enid exclaimed to Wednesday. "I'm failing to see the problem here," Wednesday said. "I could die alone," Enid exclaimed. "We all die alone, Enid," Wednesday told her. "You really suck at this. Cheering people up," Enid spoke with a sniffle.

"It's not about dying alone, Wednesday. It's about the life of a wolf, their purpose to exist in a pack -- a family. It's about not living alone. Her life is different to yours and to mine. And while Enid shouldn't rely on following every aspect of a wolf, there are some parts that mean more than just following the 'rules' of life," Esmarie explained softly, rubbing Enid's back as the girl leaned into her comfort. "Actually, that's exactly it," Enid said with a sniffle while Wednesday nodded slightly, she could see that. "Why are you crying?" Wednesday asked noticing Enid's tears. "Because I'm upset! Haven't you ever cried, or are you above that too?" Enid asked her.

"It was the week after Halloween. I was six years old. I took my pet scorpion, Nero, out for his afternoon stroll, and we were ambushed," Wednesday began as she looked out at the school, "They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet. Two of them held me down and made me watch... while the others ran Nero over until..." She had trailed off before looking back at the two girls, "It was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out. But tears don't fix anything. So I vowed to never do it again." Enid wiped her tears away while Esmarie frowned, she knew first hand that losing a pet was like losing a limb.

"Your secret's safe with us," Enid assured her, "Still think you're weird as shit, though." Wednesday smiled slightly, "The feeling is incredibly mutual." Enid smiled and headed back inside their shared room while Esmarie moved closer to Wednesday. "I am sorry about Nero. Losing a pet, a companion, is never easy," Esmarie told her softly before turning back to look at the night sky, Wednesday admiring her side profile. "Also, thank you. For protecting me against those boys and looking out for me," Esmarie added as she smiled, "I know its probably not your usual behaviour but know it is appreciated."

"I may come across as... unbothered or unwilling to care for others but my... parents still taught me respect and I noticed how those boys made you uncomfortable, I wasn't going to just sit there and let it go," Wednesday expressed to Esmarie, she thought she would find it uncomfortable to express such vulnerability but with Esmarie, it wasn't so bad. "So there's an incredibly kind person underneath all of that snarky goth girl personality?" Esmarie teased with a grin knowing that Wednesday wasn't used to her current actions. "Maybe there is, maybe there isn't," Wednesday whispered as she leaned closer to Esmarie. "So, Enid and I shared something but you haven't. Anything to declare?" Wednesday questioned.

"Uh," Esmarie chewed on her bottom lip before sighing, she had heard plenty about Wednesday's parents and knew all about Enid's mother, so she figured what was the harm in telling Wednesday a little about herself. "My parents are Daniel and Hayley King. The infamous duo who do magic on stage across the world," Esmarie began as she leaned on the railing, "But the thing is... its all normie shit. No real magic, no real spark, nothing but sleight of hand, escapist acts and such you'd find amongst normies." Wednesday furrowed her brows hearing that, "But you have magic. I've seen it." Esmarie nodded her head, "Exactly. I was a normie once."

"There was an accident that happened. Typical bullies picking on the one who was too afraid to talk back and things went... horrible," Esmarie shuddered remembering that fateful day, "My parents immediately brought me here to Nevermore, my mother was an old friend to Principal Weems despite being a Normie; she had attended this school. They took off the moment their meeting with Weems was over and they've never looked back." Wednesday frowned hearing that, she couldn't understand why they'd abandon her. "I have a little brother and the last time I saw him, he was only seven years old. He'd be around thirteen now," Esmarie added with a sigh, it really put into perspective how long she had been at Nevermore for.

"How'd it go horrible?" Wednesday asked, she couldn't help but wish to know more of her pain in hopes to ease it. "Two kids ended up paralysed to never walk again and... one remains in a coma... as far as I know," Esmarie answered her, she lowered her eyes to the golden glow that appeared and moved like the smooth waves of the ocean. "This is the controlled side of my magic based on what Weems had found out about me. It's supposedly protection magic meaning I should be a protector," Esmarie told Wednesday willingly, "But then there's a darker side..." The gold faded and a dark black mist appeared, black veins forming in her hands creating a small ball before Esmarie took a breath and pushed it down, "That's what escaped. The magic of Necromancy."

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After their session of confessions, Wednesday had requested Esmarie's help in learning how to use a computer; so the blonde offered her own. After introducing Thing and Esmarie to one another -- the two had gotten along instantly -- Wednesday wrote her number onto Thing before sending him on his way to Tyler's place. Wednesday and Esmarie waited for Tyler to call the number, soon enough, Esmarie's computer started ringing and Wednesday was quick to answer it. "Uh... hi," Tyler greeted. "That's Thing," Wednesday introduced. "Is he, like, your pet?" Tyler asked prompting Thing to flip him the bird. "He's sensitive," Wednesday informed him as Esmarie sat on her bed leaving them to talk.

"Look, I know Nevermore is ground zero for all things weird, but this is next-level," Tyler voiced before sighing, "So, what happened to not wanting to be a slave to technology?" Wednesday shrugged slightly, "Desperate times. Are you still willing to help me escape?" Esmarie frowned slightly, admittedly, she would miss Wednesday Addams. "After what happened today, I figured they'd have you in solitary," Tyler expressed. "There's the Harvest Festival this weekend. Attendance is mandatory. I'm going to use it as a cover. If you're willing to drive me to the station, I can make it worth your while," Wednesday explained to Tyler.

"I'm in. And no charge, consider it a freebie," Tyler replied to her. "Why?" Wednesday asked him with furrowed brows. "'Cause I wish I was going with you. At least one of us will get out of this hellhole town," Tyler replied. The two made plans to meet before saying goodbye, Wednesday turned to Esmarie who walked over and turned off the computer. "So your big escape is this weekend?" Esmarie said with a sigh. "What? Are you gonna miss me?" Wednesday asked with a smirk on her face. "What if I am?" Esmarie asked her, challengingly. "Maybe I'll miss you too," Wednesday replied as they stood face to face. The two were stood in silence as they took each other in, as far as they knew, Wednesday was leaving soon.

"Good night, Wednesday," Esmarie whispered with a small smile. "Good night, Esmarie," Wednesday replied before turning to the window, she still had to take her Cello back into her room. "You'll be accompanying me at the Harvest Festival," Wednesday told Esmarie with her back to her, Esmarie smiled softly at those words. "Of course I will. I'll want to say goodbye," Esmarie replied to her. Wednesday hummed to herself before leaving the room, Esmarie closing the window door behind her before moving to change into her pyjama shirt and shorts. She turned out her lights and climbed into her bed, a smile resting on her face as she fell asleep.

Wednesday, after some minor trouble with taking her Cello inside, had removed her coat to reveal her night clothes. She noticed that Enid was fast asleep as Thing crept back into the room and settled into his own makeshift bed in one of the open drawers. Wednesday pulled her braids out and ran her fingers through her hair allowing it to rest in her sleep, pulling the blankets over herself as she crossed her arms over her chest. Wednesday replayed her conversation with Esmarie through her mind one last time before she fell into a peaceful sleep, nightmares cursing her mind like she desired every night.

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Rosemary Speaks

Ooooooh, our girls are getting flirty with each other now!

And you've learned some insight into Esmarie's past and her family.
Where does her magic come from if not her parents?

So she has Protector Magic (Gold) and Necromancy Magic (Black),
what will that mean?

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

See you in the next chapter!

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