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Willow pulled up to Ward Camerons boat on the HMS Pogue. John B somehow convinced her to take the tanks back instead of him. He said she was more sneaky? She didn't quite understand it but did it anyways.

As Willow lugged all the equipment into the boat she noticed Sarah Cameron was asleep on a seat in the boat.

"Wheezie, shut up," Sarah muttered as Willow tried to get all the way into the boat without waking her up. She obviously failed at that. "God. You're not Wheezie." Sarah said as she woke up fully.

"Correct," Willow chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry."

"What are you doing?"

"Uh... I'm just dropping off some scuba gear. What are-- what are you doing...here?"

"It's our boat," Sarah shrugged. "It's also the only place with air conditioning."

"Right," Willow said.

"Did you, um... top off the tanks?"

"Uh... No. No, power's down, so the compressors were off."

"So, you're sneaking onto our boat at 5 a.m with empty tanks? I'll make sure to tell Ward."

"Okay. Okay. Cool," Willow said, her hands starting to sweat nervously. She couldn't lose this job all because of dumb John B. "Just drop these off."

"Yeah, yeah. The middle of the room is fine," Sarah said, sarcastically.

"Yeah, this is pretty much what he told me to do," Willow lied. "Actually, you know, what-- what exactly were you gonna tell your dad?"

"Nothing much. Just that you poached our scuba gear."

"Okay, fuck. I borrowed it for a few hours. Okay? And then I brought it back intact and unharmed."

"Minus air."

"Look, please don't tell him. Okay? He'll fire me."

"What are you gonna do? Pull a gun on me?" Sarah asked, knowing how to hit the spot on Willow. She knew the girl was as sweet as could be but you hit her with anything to do with her family and she goes crazy. Even with someone she liked.

"I didn't know JJ would do that. No one did," Willow said, her temper starting to rise. If it wasn't for your psycho boyfriend it wouldn't have happened.

"That's conveniant to believe. Maybe you should get better friends and leave your brother out of everything you do."

"Well, maybe you should get a better boyfriend. You could have anyone else and you date the psycho," Willow scoffed. JJ went everywhere with her. It's just how it worked, they wouldn't let either end up like their dad if they were around each other enough.

"Like one who doesn't poach?"

"Look, please, just don't tell him. Okay?"

"Relax. I'm not gonna tell him anything. Your secret's safe with me, Willow," Sarah smiled at her and Willow couldn't help but smile back. "Okay, you can leave now."

"Right. Yeah. Uh... I'll leave-- I'll leave that there."


Willow and JJ walked up the front porch of the chateau. JJ turned to Willow, smirking, and pointed towards the DCS notice on the front door.

"JJ, no," Willow rolled her eyes. JJ ignored her and pounded on the door.

"DCS! I know you're in there!" JJ shouted. He popped up in front of the window by the couch, scaring John B. "Gotcha, slick!" Willow just sighed as JJ continued laughing.

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara," JJ said to John B as he drove the van. Willow sat in the back doing her eyeliner, taking advantage of one of the few smooth roads on this side of the island. "She clearly likes you. She's like, 'Oh, John B'."

"Is that what she does?" John B asked, sarcastically.

"She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you."

"She kissed him on the cheek," Willow said. "Between friends that means basically nothing."

"Exactly. It's not like we were making out."

"Low-hanging fruit, bro," JJ said. "Don't pretend you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like, 'I kinda like that' and you start blushing." Willow snorted as she put the cap on her eyeliner and grabbed her signature chapstick she'd been wearing since 2nd grade out of her makeup bag.

"I blush?" John B asked.

"Sometimes," Willow said, her voice slight muffled as she applied the chapstick.


"Yeah," JJ said as he snatched the compass off the dashboard. John B lunged to take it from him.

"Hey, don't --"

"I was just looking at it. I gotta admit, your father's compass in Scooters boat, that's freaky."

"Yeah, that's why we're gonna talk to Ms Lana, figure this whole thing out."

"What if she doesn't wanna talk to us? I mean, her husband did just die," Willow pointed out. John B just ignored her question and focused his attention on the road in front of them.

"Know what this house looks like?" JJ asked as the three hopped out of the van in front of Ms Lana's house. "Whoever lives here smokes too much weed."

"Ah, so your future house?" Willow joked. JJ snorted, punching her arm. As they got closer to the house, their smiles vanished as the sound of shattering and clattering got louder. John B put his hand out in front of JJ and Willow, signalling for them to stop.

"Bullshit!" They heard a man inside shout.

"Maybe we should come back," JJ said. "It's a little too soon."

"No, no, shut up. Shut up, JJ," John B told him.

"Tell me where it is, or I'll fuck you up," A man said. "I'll sink you in the fucking--"

There was a crash and Lana screamed, "You're hurting me!"

"Shut up. Come on," John B told JJ as he was about to say something. Willow looked at John B with a scared expression. "It's okay."

"Where the fuck is it, you bitch?"

"I don't know," Lana sobbed. The group of three crept up to the side of the house underneath a window.

"Is it here in this house? Is it somewhere else?"

"Please! I-- I didn't--"

"You--" JJ tried to say as he pulled John B out of view of the window.

"Shut up."

"Still think we should stay?"

Willow gripped JJ's forearm as she tried to calm herself down. She definitely didn't wanna be involved in whatever was happening in that house but she couldn't bring herself to wanna leave and have Lana be alone.

"The compass wasn't in the boat!" They heard. Willow turned to John B with wide eyes. "Where is it, Lana?"

"I don't know!"

"Is that paint?" Willow whispered as flecks of paint started to fall onto the three.

"Yes, it's paint," John B said.

"Lets get the hell outta here, man," One of the guys said.

"We should just go. He's go smuggler..." JJ tried to convince John B but he was just told to shut up

"...smuggler written all over him." John B pushed the twins back against the wall as the men left the backdoor of the house. They heard Lana sobbing as they watched the men go back to their boat. It was the same guys from the marsh.

"Dude, those were the guys who shot at us," Willow said. When the guys had finally left, they crept inside the back door of the house.

"Ms Lana?" John B called as they walked in the house. He turned a corner and spotted her in the bathroom doorway, tears streaking down her cheeks. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Dude, she's tweaking," JJ said.

"Do you need a doctor?" Willow asked, leaning down near John B.

"Let's call the sheriffs department," John B said.

"No cops, please," Lana begged them.

"Mm. That's not good," JJ said. "Come on, guys. Let's just go."

"You shouldn't be here," Lana told them.

"That's enough for me. Come on."

"Wait, wait. What do you know about these guys?"

"They were looking for something," Lana told him.

"Does it have anything to do with this?" John B asked, pulling the compass out of his pocket. "Do you know anything about this? This is my fathers, and Scooter had it. Why?"

"Scooter didn't have it, okay?" Lana shook her head. "Don't tell anyone you have it."

"John B, come on," Willow said, getting up. The more they talked to Lana Grubbs, the more freaked out Willow got.


"They can't know! You've gotta get out of here!"

"What do you know about the compass?"

"Go! Get out!"

"Come on," JJ said as him and Willow pulled their friend to his feet and out of the house.

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