𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 π’πˆπ—π“π„π„π - 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πŠπˆπ’π’ π“πŽ 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐀𝐋𝐋 πŠπˆπ’π’π„π’

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"Come on!" Willow giggled as they were chased off the ship. She took Sarah's hand, helping her onto the dock before the ran off together hand in hand.

"Excuse me! Sorry," Sarah shouted as they ran past the people on the dock.

"Here's your shoes," Willow said, handing Sarah her sandals back once they had stopped running.

"Oh, my god. We're disgusting. We will not get into the archives looking like this."

"Why not?"

"I promise you, they will not let us in looking like we crawled out of a swamp."

"But that's part of my Shrek cosplay," Willow said.

"What about this store?" Sarah asked as they stepped in front of a fancy looking store. "Let's go shopping here."

"Absolutely not," Willow told her. Sarah just ignored her and walked into the store.

"Sarah, I don't think you understand. This is like an organ with the wrong blood type. It doesn't work."

"You are the single most dramatic person I've ever met."

"No, I'm not," Willow scoffed.

"What about cashmere?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, my god!" Willow said, looking at the price tag. "Have you seen this shirt? It's $190!"

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll sugar mama you," Sarah smirked. "What about some glasses?"

"Okay, Sarah, I don't want anything from here."

"Can I help?" A clerk asked, walking up to the two.

"Yes. Yes, you may, Mr..."

"Mr. Ike."

"Ike? Sarah," Sarah shook his hand. She placed her hand on Willow's shoulder. "Willow. My friend Willow here needs all the help she can get."

"I can see that," Ike said.

Willow walked out of the dressing room wearing a dress that, in her opinion, was too tight. Willow hated tight dresses. On other girls she would gladly gawk at them but on her it felt all wrong.

"You look so uncomfortable," Sarah laughed.

"I can't really walk in these shoes and my boobs can't breathe."

"Mr. Ike, what about a nice button down and also some loafers."

"I'll go get a pair," Mr. Ike said as he walked away.

"I am not wearing loafers," Willow said.

"Shh. Just accept your fate."

Sarah knocked on the dressing room door.

"Nope. Not coming out," Willow said on the other side.

"Why not?" Sarah asked.

"Because you're probably gonna buy it or something."

"Yeah, well, you're not wrong." She opened the door to reveal Willow wearing just a pair of black pants and her black, lacy bra. "Are you checking yourself out?"

"No, I'm not checking myself out," Willow scoffed, tossing on the silk, off-white, button down.

"Relax, Willow. I've seen you in a bra before. Like, literally an hour ago."

Willow walked out of the room and looked herself in the mirror as she buttoned up the shirt, but leaving the top three undone.

"If my brother even saw me in this..."

"He would mock the shit out of you. It's a good thing, we're on a secret mission so we have to assume another identity. In fact, we probably shouldn't even be using our real names."

"Yeah, so we need aliases. What are you thinking?"

"Mmm... Vera from...Vienna. What's mine?"

"Okay, uh, Valerie from Quebec."

"Mm! Valerie du Quebec?" Sarah said.

"Parlez-vous français?" Willow asked.

"Oui, oui, madame. Et toi?"

"No. No, that's it. So, since you got to dress me, I'm feeling all spiffy. I get to dress you," Willow said.

"Bring it."

Sarah walked out of the dressing room wearing a pink dress that looked like something Jackie Kennedy might've worn.

"Wow. It looks great," Willow said, sarcastically. "It's like a soccer mom's first outing."

Next she came out wearing a purple dress that was fit very awkwardly.

"How do I put this on?" Sarah asked.

"Is that a lavender or plum?"

Sarah just stormed back into the dressing room.

She held up other options that Willow nodded at before saying, "No."

"This dress comes with built in nunchucks," Sarah said, swinging around the extra pieces of fabric on the dress.

"Mm. Nope, not feeling it."

Finally, Sarah walked out wearing a nice striped dress that fitted her perfectly.

"Woah," Willow breathed out. "You, uh, you clean up nice, Val."

"You have a way with words, Vera," Sarah smiles. "So, do we have a winner?"

"I think we have a winner. Can I ask you something? Why did you come?"

"To finish the mission."

"No, for real. I know you don't like me or John B, so why did you come?"

"Because...I am 16, and I already know what the rest of my life is gonna look like. It's gonna be stupid yacht clubs filled with hallow people making useless small talk, and I feel like if I don't get out of the bubble wrap now, I never will," Sarah admitted. "And then, by the time I'm 30, I'm gonna be an alcoholic, and I won't even notice it. And for the record, I don't hate you, I just think you're an asshole sometimes."

"Well, I'd kind of like some of that bubble wrap," Willow said.

"Be careful what you wish for." Sarah reached up, toying with some of the buttons on Willows shirt before she abruptly pulled back and cleared her throat. "Um...Best to keep it professional. We've got a job to do. Come on."

"Okay, the library's not open all night, so we need to hurry," Sarah said as they left the store.

Sarah thanked the driver as her and Willow got out of the car in front of the college.

"So, the library's on the other side of the student center," Sarah said. "Have you ever been here before?"

"I've never been to a college, no," Willow told her.

"That's a gap in your training. How do you like it?"

"So far, so good."

"So, my dad went here," Sarah said. "And then his dad went here, and then his dad's dad went here."

"That's pretty rough," Willow said.

"Yeah, I know. He would have an absolute aneurysm if I didn't go here, which is kind of annoying, but what can you do? What about you?"

"Uh, I can't really afford college unless I get super lucky with a scholarship so I haven't fully thought about it. NYU is nice, though. Get out of this place and live in the city," Willow smiled at the idea. Sarah tore her eyes away from the girls face when her phone started ringing.

"Uh-oh," Sarah said, checking her phone. She turned her phone towards Willow showing it was her dad. "It's my handler."


"I told him I was spending the night at Scarlet's."

"And what would he think if he knew you were here with me?" Willow smirked.

"I'd be hanged for treason," Sarah smiled, blushing as Willow got closer.

"As a pogue sympathizer?" Willow gasped. "Oh, my goodness. You need to be careful fraternizing with the enemy, Valerie. Wait a minute. Did she kidnap you? Or drug you?"

"No, I came of my own recognizance, following a lead," Sarah said in a french accent.

"Ooh. Do we know this enemy?" Willow asked, getting closer as she had Sarah backed against a post.

"You do. She used to work for you."

"No, no, no. It's not the scuba theif, is it?"

"She is not what you think."

"Goodness gracious, she's working some good psyops on you, Val. She's a smooth operator."

"No, she's not," Sarah laughed. "She's really clumsy. She does finger guns way too often. And she has absolutely no idea when to make a move. But I think I might be able to turn this one, sir."

"You'd better be careful, Valerie. Once a pogue, always a pogue."

"All right, Vera, it's time to play the truth game," Sarah said as they walked into the building.

"Again?" Willow asked.

"Why the hell are we here?"

"Look, Sarah, I told you. I can't tell you and John B barely gave me any information. He left me a text on what to look for and that's it."

"Okay, well, intel on the mission is the price of the ticket, and I'm the only way you're getting in," Sarah told her. "It's your choice. I have to know."

"Okay. On pain of death?" Willow asked, sighing. Sarah nodded. "We're on a treasure hunt." Sarah just stared at her with a smile before finally bursting out in giggles.

"Oh, shit, you're serious," Sarah said, her giggles halting when she saw the look on her companions face.

"Look, John B has a reasont to believe that Denmark Tanny was the sole survivor of the Royal Merchant wreck. Look, I know this sounds crazy, but he might've gotten away with 400 million in gold, which is how he would've been able to buy Tannyhill. The location of that treasure might be in his papers. That's why we're here."

"You said 400 million?"

"That's a lot of bubble wrap," Willow said.

"I'll talk to the librarian," Sarah told her.

"That's a great idea."

"I can't tell you how greatful we are to recieve the Tanny materials from your father," The librarian told Sarah as she led them into the room. "It's right up there."

"Thank you," Sarah smiled, grabbing Willow's hand and leading her up the stairs.

"Down the rabbit hole," Willow sighed as they took their seats with the boxes of archived materials. They placed the gloves on their hands and dug in.

"It says Denmark used the money he made on Tannyhill to buy slaves and give them their freedom," Sarah read. "It says he was accused of inciting revolt. This is before the Civil War."

"That's why they hanged him," Willow said. She picked a book up. "Let me see this."

"That's the Bible."

Willow opened it to see an inscription of names inside the cover.

"These are birthdays," Sarah said, pointing at the list. "Denmark, Cecilia, Robert, Lewis, and Abraham. His three sons."

"Yeah. Wait a minute," Willow said, spotting something in the box.

"Is that a picture of--"

"Gold. This is how he bought the land. It's--It's British gold. This is what was on the Merchant."

"This is what we found when we first moved in," Sarah said, holding a paper.

"Wait, what's that?" Willow picked up a letter from the bottom of the box.

"This is the last correspondence," Sarah informed her.

"That's in Gullah, the lost Creole language."

"Can you read it?"

"No. I wish, but no," Willow said, shaking her head. "So, Denmark finds out that the posses coming for him... Wait, what's the date on that letter?"

"May 3rd, 1844. Wait, that's--That's the day he died," Sarah said. "And this is addressed to Robert."

"So on the day he dies, he writes a letter to his son?"

"In a language only they can understand."

"Wait a minute," Willow said, pulling her phone out of her pocket, taking a picture of the letter.

"My dad is gonna kill me for being out all night, but at least we completed the mission," Sarah said as they rode on the boat back home.

"Yeah. You know, speaking of the mission, you're not as bad as I thought you'd be," Willow told her.

"Well, what'd you expect?" Sarah laughed.

"Do you want me to answer that?"

"I have an idea. Maybe a Kook princess? Bubble wrap queen?"

"Somethin' like that," Willow laughed with her. "Rude to waiters at a minimum, type of thing."

"Ow! That hurts," Sarah said. "You're not what I expected you to be either. Much weirder. For starters, you are totally ADD."


"And I thought you were this really laid back, smart, surfer girl. And it turns out you are on a weird treasure hunt for your best friend."

"Yeah, I'm just trying to get this letter translated."

"To breaking expectations."

"So...what's it gonna be like when we get back?" Willow asked.

"With what?" Sarah asked, confused.

"Well...you know, like, um, us."

"Nothing changes, I guess? Right? I'll go back to the bubble."

"Like, Topper back to the bubble?" Willow asked.

"Yeah," Sarah sighed. "And, um, I guess you'll go back to hiding your fugitive friend."


"Had a really great day, though."

"Me too," Willow said, not being able to look back over at Sarah.

"Okay, so..." Sarah started as they walked down the dock back to the mainland as it rained.


"Now that we have returned to the motherland we must revert to our real identities, so if you see me on the street--"

"Yes, of course, I am a true, uh, professional," Willow said in a Russian accent.

"It's been a pleasure working with you, comrade," Sarah said, stopping to look at Willow. They shook hands.

"Pleasure's mine." They looked at each other for a minute before Sarah started to walk away. "Wait, wait, wait! Really? That's it? You're just gonna walk away like this never happened?"

"Well, that's what professionals do, right?" Sarah said.

"Sarah, I just had the best day of my life!"

"Willow, you're gonna blow our cover."

"Look, I don't care about my cover, Sarah," Willow told her. "I don't care if my friends find out or your boyfriend with his frosted tips! Look, yesterday, I didn't even know who you were! And today I'm, like...Sarah Cameron. And honestly, in my limited expirience, that's rare. Thats, like, eclipse rare. Like a blind person seeing color for the first time rare. Or, like, Bigfoot evidence or the northern lights. I can't pretend like this isn't real, like this didn't happen. I'm sorry, I--"

"Shut up," Sarah said, striding towards her and wrapping her arms around Willow's neck, bringing her into a kiss. "I can't pretend either." Willow smiled, leaning back in.

"Hey, get a room," A worker said, walking past them. Sarah held her middle finger up at the guy, never breaking her kiss with Willow.

"Um..." Sarah chuckled as they pulled away and pressed their foreheads together. "It's a...It's a small island. So we have to be careful." And with one last kiss, Sarah walked away, leaving Willow with the biggest smile on her face. That was until she pulled her phone out and saw that her brother had been arrested.

so it begins...what's sarah and willows ship name? sillow? warah? willrah? idk im making things up now.

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