1.4 | Shapeshifters

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[ Hands To Myself - Selena Gomez ]

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If life were predictable, it would cease to be life, and be without flavour. Eleanor Roosevelt said so herself and quite charmingly so. You can try to predict the next move in a game of chess but you won't decide your move based on it. Life is like chess, you make your move when it is your turn and hope that life's move doesn't hit checkmate. Honey Parker never played with predictability, she played life one step at a time and hoped for the very best. Which was evident in the coming weeks where everything in her life changes. She would have never predicted her life to change in such a way simply due to the choice of moving from Jacksonville to Forks. But did she regret it? Only time will tell.

With Jacob ghosting Bella, the brunette had fallen back into her former mindset which had taken its toll on Honey. The girl had given up on sleeping, focused purely on helping Bella however she could. This in turn worried Charlie whose focus had been split between the missing hikers and large bears along with the fact that both of his girls were affected by woes of some kind. "I don't have to go fishing with Harry," Charlie told the two girls as they stood around the kitchen. "Charlie, if you don't go, I'll shoot you with your own gun," Honey teased making the man chuckle. "Alright. No hikes or anything. We're issuing a warning about those bears," Charlie warned them before leaving.

"Want to go somewhere?" Bella asked Honey, the blonde looked over at her and raised a brow. "Are we about to defy your dad's warning?" Honey asked the girl. "Uh, yeah," Bella replied. "Let me grab my hiking boots," Honey responded making Bella laugh, she shook her head watching as Honey swapped her heels for hiking boots. It was a good thing she was wearing jeans with a long sleeve sweater, not the best hiking clothes but it was something against the cold weather of Forks. "Okay, let's get going then," Honey told Bella, she knows that she shouldn't be allowing this but if she goes with her, she can keep her out of trouble and bring her back home alive. Plus, she could potentially find answers in regards to her numerous theories.

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After a few attempts on different trails, Bella finally found the place she had been searching for. And from the numerous stories that Bella had told Honey, it didn't take the blonde long to work out exactly what the place was. The meadow where Bella and Edward had spent many days together, the place was no longer its grown beauty but simply a dry field of dead plants and weeds. Honey frowned, she knew seeing the sacred place like this would affect Bella's already shaken state. Bella sunk to her knees, tears threatening to fall from her eyes when a rustling caught her attention, she knew it wasn't Honey as the blonde was standing next to her.

The two women turned their heads toward the noise uncertain of what was causing it but nothing appeared in front of them. Bella turned the other way and jumped up, she pulled Honey to stand behind her. Both of their attention was focused on the tall man standing before them, a jacket open revealing his chiselled body with dreadlocks hanging down his back. His eyes were a prominent blood red as he smirked, his focus on Bella while Honey slipped her hand into Bella's watching the man ready for any moves he would make. She took notice of how Bella looked at man, they knew each other, that was clear to see.

"Laurent?" Bella questioned him giving Honey the man's name. "Bella," Laurent replied causing the girl to sigh, he was real but it didn't ease her. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here," Laurent told her as he stepped closer to the girls. "I live here. But you─ I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend," Bella replied to the man, Honey felt left out but she didn't say anything due to the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Tanya, I was," Laurent told her, "It was kind of him to arrange, given my association with James and Victoria, "the enemy"." Bella swallowed slowly at his words, "You tried to help us." Bella's grip on Honey tightened as the man began to circle them, accessing them.

"I went to visit the Cullens but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?" Laurent spoke as he analysed the two, Bella's friendly smile began to fall as fear seeped in however, Honey's kind smile fell into a glare at the man's words. "Um... something like that," Bella responded. "Do the Cullens visit often?" Laurent questioned. "They do," Honey spoke quickly, "We were just with them not too long ago but had to come back for school." Laurent raised a brow at the blonde's quick words, "And you are?" Honey smiled playing her role, "I'm Honey. Bella's best friend from Arizona." Laurent moved quickly to stand in front of them, "You hold no fear, Honey." He purred her name.

"Cold Ones never scared me before," Honey told him stunning Bella for a moment before she remembered to play her own role. "Ah, a human that knows. Another pet?" Laurent asked the blonde. "Golden Retriever," Honey teased making him laugh for a moment before he stepped back from them. "We'll tell them you stopped by," Bella added taking the attention off of Honey, she didn't want her crossed in this despite the questions about how the blonde knew about vampires. "Will they be able to reach you in Alaska?" Bella asked him. "I don't think so. Tanya's vegetarian family was pleasant enough. But the dietary restrictions were difficult ─ living on nothing but animals," Laurent stated before suddenly standing right in front of the girls.

"Tell me, Bella. Do you ever feel compelled to. . . cheat?" Laurent asked in a conspiratorial tone, the two girls took an involuntary step back as he continued, "But that's not why I left. I came back here as a favour to Victoria." Bella's already tense stature tightened further, the grip she had on Honey's hand was stronger and the girl would've pulled away had she not been focused on keeping the Vampire in her sights. ". . .You're still friends," Bella replied hesitantly. "More or less. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullens. Because, well... I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with you," Laurent explained to her.

"That's. . . too bad," Bella responded to him though he simply smiled. "Yes. She feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for a mate," Laurent expressed. Everything made sense to Honey in that moment, the lovesick bond between Edward and Bella after meeting, the accident where she was hurt badly and the pain she felt everyday wishing for Edward to return; they were mates. "Edward will know who did it. He'll come after both of you," Bella warned after glancing to the left, now was not the best time for her delusions of Edward. "I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected?" Laurent asked her, "Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about my killing you."

It was seconds for Bella, she watched as Honey moved quicker than light to move her behind the blonde and shove Laurent with strength she had only seen from the vampires. Laurent fell to one knee, digging his hand into the ground to slow himself down before he looked up at the blonde in shock. His eyes focused in on the bright sea green eyes, her beating heart and the warmth that came off of her. "Impossible!" Laurent exclaimed while Honey stood protective in front of Bella. "The only one dying here will be you if you don't walk away," Honey warned but Laurent smirked at her. "A challenge," Laurent muttered before the two rushed each other, Bella watched in stunned awe. She didn't know what to say nor what to think, her best friend was too alive to be a vampire.

Honey twisted away from Laurent's reach, grabbing his furthest arm and using it to fling him away from Bella. He landed on his side and growled while Honey smirked, she watched as he glanced at Bella before rushing towards the girl. Honey met him halfway, she was quicker than him as she slammed him in the chest sending him away from Bella as his chest cracked under the pressure of her hit. Laurent stood up as Honey stood protectively in front of Bella, she glared at him as he went to rush forward only to stop in place. His expression changes as he sees something in the forest behind Bella ─ and it terrifies him. "I. . . don't believe it," Laurent exclaimed in awe.

He steps back leaving both Bella and Honey confused, they followed his gaze to see an enormous black wolf skulking out of the darkness of the woods. It stalks towards them, a low disturbing growl in its throat, sharp teeth gleaming as it watches Laurent. "Stay still, Bella. He won't harm us," Honey whispered to her friend, she knew what they were, her theories were true. The wolf slinks closer to Bella and Honey, a mere twenty feet from where they stood. Four more wolves soundlessly emerge from the trees, flanking the black wolf. They're the size of small horses, all of them were different hues: dark silver, chocolate, ash and russet-brown. Their hackles are up, lips curling, bodies crouched, ready to spring.

Bella is frozen in fear while Honey watches in awe as they come towards them. The russet-brown wolf is the closest and looks directly at Bella first, the russet wolf seems to soften at the sight of her before its eye turned to the blonde locking in gaze. Honey gasped audibly, tilting her head slightly as something in her chest snapped into place. Her heart skipped a beat in the same way it would when she celebrated her favourite holiday Christmas, the sweet scent of pine and gingerbread filled her senses and most of all, it wasn't love at first sight. It was like... gravity moved and suddenly, the russet wolf was holding her down, not earth. The russet wolf whimpered softly, the others glanced at the blonde before turning back to Laurent; their aggression stronger than before.

Laurent bolts from the meadow and the wolfs spring into action, leaping by the two girls in chase after Laurent. Laurent swings at the dark silver wolf, smacking it halfway across the meadow. Another wolf lunges at Laurent but he kicks it, sending it into a tree, splintering the bark. The two wolves recover quickly and lurch back to the pack as they close in one Laurent. It's impossible for Bella to predict who will prevail, she doesn't stay to find out as she grabbed Honey's hand and dragged her away into the woods. Honey couldn't focus as she kept up with Bella, her mind was swimming with each step further away from the russet wolf. She wantes to go back, run her fingers through its fur and learn of the russet wolf's true identity; to feel their arms around her.

Bella leads Honey frantically, tearing down the hillside, stumbling along the way while Honey manages to dodge the roots and rocks as though it were second nature to her even in her distracted state. They soon reach Bella's truck, the blonde gets in quickly knowing that Bella's freaked out state would potentially leave her behind. Bella sped down the road back home while Honey was purely focused on the brown eye of the russet wolf, the way it softened when they locked gazes and the concerned she had for the wolves in their fight against Laurent. Five Shifters against one Vampire was easy to understand, Laurent had no chance of survival against them.

Once they reached the Swan residence, Bella climbed out of the truck and rushed into the house where Harry and Charlie were cleaning their fishing gear; Honey trailed in behind her. "Bella? What's wrong?" Charlie asked seeing Bella's frantic state. "They're not giant bears ─ I saw them. Up in a meadow--" Bella was cut off by Charlie, "Damn it, I told you two not to go into the woods!" Honey lowered her head at that, she felt bad but she figured it was better to go with her rather than trying to talk her out of it knowing how stubborn Bella Swan was. "What did you see, Bella?" Harry asked the girl. "Wolves. They're wolves, Dad!" Bella exclaimed to the men.

Harry sighs though Bella and Charlie don't notice, Honey does. "Five of them. The size of─ of cars. I swear. They went after─ something─ and we ran," Bella explained, she was coming down from her adrenaline panic. Charlie sighs at Bella before he got up and grabbed the phone, "Harry, can you get some men from the rez?" He began dialling as Harry nodded, "Sure. Yeah. I'll just--" Harry slipped out of the room, sharing a smile with Honey as he did. "Jerry? Put a hunting party together -- tranq guns, large caliber shotguns -- there's something dangerous out there," Charlie spoke into the phone while Bella stared at the ground.

Honey made her way towards the study which she had turned into her own room, she sat on her bed and ran her fingers through her loose golden locks. She knew Bella would have questions, she also knew that something changed in that moment of eye contact with the russet shifter. There was a pull in her chest, a simmering desire of answers and a choice on the tip of her tongue. She listened as Charlie left, the brunette was left silent for a moment before she walked into Honey's room. "What are you?" Bella asked Honey, the blonde softened at the sight of Bella's confusion. "You should sit down," Honey told Bella, she was hesitant before she did as Honey told her. Predictability was chance ─ And Bella would've never predicted this.

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Rosemary Speaks. . .

Oh-kay... so that happened...

AND JACOB MET HONEY, technically...

What did y'all think of the Laurent and Honey encounter? Were you expecting that from her?

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

See you in the next chapter!

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