Thirty Eight | Meeting

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I think Y/N is going to kill me. I really do think she will kill me after she realises what I have done. Fuck.

Working on set without her the past few weeks has been kind of boring to be completely honest. I mean, I went from seeing her most days a week at work, to then travelling to Scotland with her, then being flown away for work. I've kind of hit that point in the production now where we're filming the same scenes over and over again and I'm getting bored.

To be honest though, there's a lot of stunt work in this film and I'm really fucking glad that it will finish soon. We were supposed to wrap a week ago but like most big budget films, we've encountered delays. And the worst part, is that the delays meant I had to fly to Spain with limited crew. This excluded Y/N.

She was apart of the international production crew at first, she came to Morocco with us, but that's because it was the very beginning of the shoot. Now that things are wrapping up, she's been pulled away to be a part of the post-production side of things. It had only been like three weeks without her but I couldn't stop thinking about her.

And I was stuck with fucking Anya in the hotel room next to me. Every bloody night she was either asking me to get a drink with her or asking about when my fake relationship 'expired' like a god damn packet of crisps. I'm honestly just past being civil with her ever since she told Law about the contract and it got gossiped about to Zendaya.

That brings me to today, where we're about to wrap any day now and I'm becoming absolutely restless. I reunited with Y/N today on set because I bailed on seeing her last night. I wanted to stay at her place after my plane landed but I was just too exhausted.

"Y/N? Tom? Can I speak with you both in a meeting room for a minute?" Our director Rian said, waving his hand towards both of us as we sat drinking soda on our lunch break.

This was it. Y/N was about to kill me.

She looked at me quizzically, her eyebrow raised and her head cocked to the side as I shrugged and pretended I had no idea what this was all about. We followed Rian to a nearby meeting room on the studio lot and he asked us to sit.

"Are we in some kind of trouble?" She asked timidly, usually confident with our director but obviously fearful now.

"Oh no, no, no. This is super casual, don't worry about it. Just wanted to have a chat," Rian smiled.

"Right okay, anything in particular to be pulled into a meeting room for?" Y/N laughed nervously, which was funny because I never really see her like this.

"So whilst we were in Spain, Tom mentioned to me that you've been writing scripts for a few years and that you've been working on an original screenplay that Tom tells me is brilliant... He suggested I read it," Rian said clapping his hands together and grinning.

Y/N was stunned, she didn't speak, she didn't blink.

"It- I uh, I haven't really finished it... It's in really rough stages," she stuttered, looking at me and then at Rian.

"That's okay, I just want to get a gist of the story. I'm always looking for my next directorial pursuit and from what Tom was saying, the storyline sounds new to me," he said cheerfully.

He went on to tell Y/N that she could just email him the Google Docs link and he'd provide feedback, talk about next steps if she wanted to pitch to studios or if he was on board to help her. She barely spoke, she just laughed nervously, smiled, nodded and smiled some more before Rian left us to talk and told us to meet him back at the set.

"Are you fucking kidding me Tom?! You haven't even read it, what if it's actually really, really shit and Rian looks at me like I'm some fucking moron?" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up and face planting the desk in front of us. She wasn't angry at me thank god, but she was definitely looking stressed out.

"That's the whole point! You can get feedback from a real screenwriter early on in the process. You know he wrote Knives Out right?" I said rubbing her back as she dramatically groaned, whined and mumbled against the desk.

"Of course I know that, that's why he's so intimidating! Fuck, he's going to hate it... It's still so rough a-and I don't even have a proper ending yet Tom!" She said frantically, looking up at me with furrowed, worried brows.

"Y/N... Listen to me," I said holding her shoulders and forcing her to look at me.

"Someone with your amount of creativity and dedication isn't possible of writing something completely shit. You showed me the rewritten Cherry one and I liked it better than my own fucking movie. Trust me, the storyline is cool, it's unique and I'm sure if Rian doesn't want to direct it, he will help you find someone who will," I continued.

She took a deep breath and nodded, standing up and insisting we go back to the set so she could continue editing her script ready for Rian to read later on. I laughed, told her to calm down and that she could just send him the current draft.

"I am definitely not doing that," she laughed, walking out of the meeting room next to me.

"Let's make a deal. You send your most recent copy to him right now, and I'll take you on that first date I promised," I chuckled, trying to compromise with her. I didn't want to see her stress out over what Rian thought, he was used to reading drafts all the time. Plus, she's been working on it forever, she needs a bloody rest.

"You're bribing me? Wow Holland, real classy... Such a gentleman... Is this how you ask out all women?" she scoffed mockingly, rolling her eyes at me as we entered the set.

"You didn't say no though," I teased.

She sighed, pulled out her phone, tapped a few times and groaned. I just laughed and told her to have confidence in her writing before she turned the screen towards me me and showed me that she had shared the link with Rian.

"I'll pick you up at seven thirty then," I grinned.

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