Thirty Five | Dreaming

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Scotland in the morning is just as fucking cold as Scotland at night, which made leaving the warm bed in the morning particularly difficult. After I had woken up properly, I heard the clattering of pans and dishes through the house from the kitchen; sounds that Tom completely slept through. Getting out of bed carefully, picking up a large hoodie from the ground and slipping it on before leaving the bedroom, I was met with several of Tom's family gathered around for breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning love, sleep well?" Nikki asked, sipping a a cup of tea from the dining table as both Paddy and Jasper stood in the kitchen frying bacon or stirring eggs.

"After travelling all of yesterday we both crashed as soon as our heads hit the pillow. But I'd definitely be lying if I said it wasn't difficult getting out of the bed just now," I chuckled, pulling the jumper sleeves over my hands and sitting down next to Harry on the couch in front of fireplace. This was the perfect place to be in the morning.

My laptop was next to me on the side table from yesterday so I opened it up to check my work emails and catch up on whether or not our production was on schedule; we only have a little time left for filming anyway but I'd rather it not be delayed.

"Tea, Y/N? Coffee maybe?" Paddy asked, calling out from the kitchen.

"Don't pick coffee around Grandpa Bob, you'll get shunned forever and never invited back here again," Jasper taunted, flinching as Bob threw a rogue grape at him from his little fruit and yogurt breakfast. Of course he had made his own healthy breakfast compared to the boys making greasy bacon and eggs.

"Oi, don't get cheeky old man!" Jasper threatened jokingly, waving a spatula menacingly at his grandfather at the table sitting alongside Nikki. I laughed and asked Paddy for a tea; with one sugar.

I scrolled through my laptop and glanced over a few emails before opening my familiar writing program. File after file, the documents I had saved were movie scripts I had rewritten for practice or a few random drafts of original ideas that I never followed through with.

Starting a new, fresh document, I typed a temporary [Untitled Project #8] at the top and added a few bullet points of the ideas swirling around my head. To be completely honest with you, this entire scenario has inspired me.

Plot Ideas:
- Dark comedy maybe???
- Protagonist gets invited to their partners family event in a deserted/desolate/country/rural area
- They think it's perfect and romantic at start
- Family have some sort of secret that protagonist senses - maybe cannibals? Perhaps a cult?

"Morning family!" Tom called out, walking into the main living area with a beanie covering up his presumably messy hair and grey tracksuit pants with fuzzy navy socks. A man wearing grey trackies is undoubtedly one of the most attractive things a woman could witness, although the fluffy woven bed socks added a hint of adorability to his character.

His family members, whether cheery, sarcastic or half asleep, all responded back to him as he walked behind the couch and rested his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you seriously working? It's a holiday Y/N... And it's too early in the morning," he said chuckling. I rested my head back against the lounge to look at him, telling him it was personal writing rather than professional writing. And besides, I was just writing down a few ideas before they escaped my brain.

"It's almost ten thirty, you just slept in longer than us," I smiled softly,

Leaning down, Tom kissed me softly over the back of the couch. Our faces were upside down but it didn't seem to make all too much of a difference except for the slight clash of our noses.

It was nice to see that Tom and I's uncomfortably open conversation about our feelings last night didn't go to waste. It was also nice to see he still acted the same around me and wasn't completely weirded out at the fact his fake girlfriend had real feelings for him.

Except, he had real feelings too. He just wanted to take things slowly. Which I'm okay with... I think.

"What movie are you tearing to shreds this time?" Tom asked, swiftly stealing Harry's spot next to me on the couch as his brother stood up to retrieve breakfast from the kitchen.

"I'm thinking of an original this time... I don't know if it'll go anywhere but Scotland has me feeling inspired," I shrugged, closing my laptop and sighing contently.

"Breakfast?" I suggested excitedly, referring to the fact he had just sat down at the time Jasper and a paddy had played up mountains of bacon and eggs.

"In a second yeah. So... You going to pitch this new script to studios and stuff?" Tom asked excitedly which made me smile but shake my head quickly in disagreement. I explained that even if I were to actually finish it, it was near impossible for a new writer to get their screenplay approved by a huge studio.

He asked me which screenwriters I was inspired by, in which I rattled off a few of my favourites: Aaron Sorkin, Taika Waititi, Christopher Nolan, Adam McKay, just to name a few. It's not surprising that they're all men.

"You know the trouble is just finding the funding. Studios won't agree to a new script because there's no promise of it getting them shit tonnes of money. Why don't you produce it yourself? You're obviously capable, plus you could direct it too," Tom shrugged naively.

As wildly extravagant as the idea sounded, it was potentially possible. It would just be a severely low budget with little to no recognition once released. And a shit tonne of hard work.

"If I even finish the script, I wouldn't be able to afford creating some huge film that would launch a world famous, award winning writing career for myself Tom," I chuckled, mocking his excitement.

"Okay what if like... What if you have me in it, that'll obviously get traction and people will be like 'woah Tom Holland is doing an indie short film that's so cool!' and then like, you can also be a character in it, we can even fucking put Paddy in it too, he'd definitely do it. We can cut casting costs by calling in favours," Tom smiled.

"You would seriously commit to filming some dumb short film instead of something that would make you millions of dollars?" I scoffed.

"It wouldn't take that long. Plus it would be fun, and it would be exciting, and I could help you and get myself producing credits. Why do you think so many famous actors go and do little stage shows in between movies? They just love acting, not everything is about money you know," Tom shrugged.

"I have to actually write the thing first. And then you can read it and if you think it's good, you can choose whether or not you want to be in it... Maybe we can like, make it some dumb short film on YouTube for fun," I chuckled, getting off the couch to get breakfast.

Tom stood up next to me and wrapped his arms around me, leaning his head on my shoulder as he excitedly 'shook' me with his whole body. Seriously, he was bouncing up and down, side to side like a child with a doll.

"Dream bigger Y/N! Don't aim for YouTube, aim for the fucking Oscars. You can direct and write it and act in it with me," he said swaying us both from side to side now, distributing our weight from one foot to the other.

"You don't even know if it'll be good Tom. I literally started it this morning," I said shaking my head laughing.

"I read your version of Cherry and it was fucking incredible so... Who knows what this one will be like," he smiled, letting go of me as we both grabbed a plate each and served ourselves food.

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