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chapter two:


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Eloise stood in line at the airport customs, the excitement for the class trip bubbling beneath her surface. She shifted from foot to foot, her anticipation mixing with a tinge of nervousness. She glanced at Chiara, her best friend, who was enthusiastically examining the latest fashion magazines on her phone, her excitement just as palpable. Peter Parker stood nearby, scanning the bustling terminal with a thoughtful expression.

The line moved steadily until Eloise reached the conveyor belt. She placed her carry-on bag on the belt, feeling the eyes of the TSA officers on her. As the bag slid through the X-ray machine, Eloise adjusted her backpack, trying to ignore the pang of anxiety in her chest. She could hear the soft hum of the machine and the clicking of keys as the officers typed away at their stations.

Suddenly, one of the officers, a stern-faced man in his mid-forties, looked up sharply. He signaled to his colleague, pointing at Eloise's bag on the screen. The colleague, a young woman with a bored expression, joined him, and they both leaned in, scrutinizing the images.

Eloise's heart skipped a beat. She exchanged a worried glance with Chiara, who was already fluttering around, trying to get the officer's attention. "Is something wrong?" Chiara asked, her voice taking on an impatient edge as she looked from the officer to Eloise.

The officer didn't respond directly but began to speak to Eloise in a clipped tone. "Miss, we need to do a further inspection. Please step aside."

Eloise's eyes widened as she followed the officer to a secondary screening area. Peter, noticing the commotion, moved closer, his brow furrowed. "Eloise wouldn't have anything bad in her bag," he said, his voice carrying a note of concern. His words were meant to reassure, but the officer, focused on the task at hand, didn't seem to acknowledge him.

Eloise stood rigidly as the officer began to unpack her bag. She tried to stay calm, but her fingers fidgeted with the strap of her backpack. Chiara, ever the fashionista, was chattering away to the officers, trying to charm them into letting Eloise go. "Hey, you know, she's with us. Eloise is a good kid, she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize this trip," Chiara said brightly, her tone a mix of politeness and annoyance.

The officer glanced at Chiara with a disinterested expression. "Just a few minutes, please," he replied curtly, continuing to examine the contents of Eloise's bag.

As Eloise's items were laid out on the table, the officers started to go through them methodically. After a few tense moments, they pulled out a small metal trinket-a delicate keychain in the shape of a star, with intricate detailing. The officer held it up, showing it to Eloise. "This is what set off the alarm," he said, his tone flat.

Eloise let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing as she took back her bag. "It's just a keychain," she muttered, feeling the embarrassment of the situation.

Chiara rolled her eyes and scoffed, her frustration clear. "Seriously? Those officers are just wannabe cops. They're probably annoyed they didn't make it as real detectives and ended up stuck in TSA," she remarked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Eloise chuckled despite her lingering annoyance. "Yeah, you might be right," she said as they made their way to the Dunkin' Donuts stand. She felt a bit shaken but was grateful the situation had been resolved.

Peter approached, holding a donut in his hand, and offered Eloise a sheepish smile. "Uh, sorry about that. I didn't mean to make things worse," he said, his tone a mix of awkwardness and sincerity.

Eloise smiled warmly at him, her annoyance fading away. "It's okay, Peter. Thanks for being concerned."

Peter nodded, grabbing his donut, and walked towards the exit. As he left, Chiara leaned in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know, Peter definitely has the hots for you now," she whispered conspiratorially.

Eloise's eyebrows shot up, and she shook her head, laughing softly. "I don't know about that, Chiara. Just because he blipped and is still 17... I was 12 the last time he talked to me before a few days ago. I think he probably still sees me as that rebellious 12-year-old he used to babysit."

Chiara pouted playfully. "Oh, come on. He seemed pretty interested to me."

Eloise just shook her head again, smiling. "We'll see," she said, grabbing her donut and taking a bite. "For now, let's just focus on enjoying the trip. There's no need to get caught up in all this drama."

As they walked away from the security area, Eloise couldn't help but feel a bit lighter, the tension of the past few minutes melting away as she focused on the upcoming adventure with her friends.

As Eloise stepped onto the plane, she could immediately feel the buzz of excitement and the hum of passengers settling in. Flash Thompson was already making his presence known, his voice cutting through the din of the boarding process. "This is called an airplane," Flash announced loudly, his tone dripping with mockery. "It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over the poor neighborhoods instead of driving through them." His comment was met with laughter from a few of the students.

Eloise rolled her eyes and smirked. She spotted the flight attendant and, with a mischievous glint in her eye, approached her. "Ma'am?" Eloise called out, her voice carrying over the chatter. The flight attendant turned to her, curious. "Yeah, that guy Blipped, so he's 16, not 21," Eloise said, pointing subtly at Flash.

The flight attendant's eyes widened as she processed the information, then walked briskly toward Flash, who was mid-swig from a bottle of alcohol. The attendant confiscated the drink with a firm, no-nonsense expression. Chiara, who had been standing behind Eloise, stifled a giggle. "That's my girl," she said, giving Eloise a high-five.

Eloise grinned and sent Peter a wink, who was watching the scene unfold with a mix of relief and gratitude. "T-Thanks, Elo," Peter stammered, still processing what had just happened. Eloise gave him a reassuring nod as she and Chiara walked down the aisle.

"She's amazing, right?" Chiara said to Peter, who nodded in awe, his eyes following Eloise as she made her way to her seat. Chiara's smirk grew as she noticed Brad, a classmate who had a bit of a crush on Eloise, stepping in to help with their bags. Brad, who hadn't blipped, was quick to assist Eloise and Chiara with their overhead compartments. Peter watched from a few rows back, his jealousy simmering as he observed Brad's attentiveness.

As Eloise and Chiara settled into their seats just a few aisles away from Peter and Ned, Chiara's face scrunched up. "Ugh, I hate the smell of airplanes," she complained, pulling out a paper bag from the seat pocket. Eloise shot her a concerned glance. "Oh, my God. Please do not barf, Chi. If you do, I will," Eloise pleaded, her tone a mix of exasperation and genuine worry.

Chiara gave Eloise an indignant look. "You know I get air sickness!" Chiara exclaimed. Mr. Harrington, their teacher, who had overheard the conversation, looked over with sudden enthusiasm. "This is perfect!" Mr. Harrington said, clapping his hands together.

Eloise and Chiara exchanged confused glances, their attention momentarily diverted from Peter's attempts to change seats. Mr. Harrington, with a grin, continued, "Chiara, stand up. You take my spot, and Peter can take Chiara's spot."

Chiara looked at Eloise with a thumbs-up as she stood and moved to Peter's seat beside Ned. Peter, looking relieved and eager, quickly moved to the newly vacant seat next to Eloise.

As Peter slid into the seat beside Eloise, the air between them seemed to crackle with nervous energy. Eloise's cheeks flushed bright red, and she stammered, "Hi, Peter"

Peter, also visibly flustered, managed a nervous smile. "H- Hi, Elo," he replied, his voice tinged with awkwardness. The two shared an awkward but genuine smile, and the plane began its final boarding process.

Eloise shifted slightly in her seat, trying to calm the fluttering nerves in her stomach. "Well," she said, attempting to break the ice, "I guess this is going to be an interesting flight."

Peter chuckled nervously, nodding in agreement. "Definitely," he said, the tension between them slowly easing as the plane began to taxi down the runway. The excitement of the trip ahead seemed to momentarily overshadow their awkward encounter, and Eloise felt a flicker of hope that this might be the start of something new and positive.

The hum of the airplane's engines was the only sound that broke the silence in the cabin as the flight settled into its nighttime lull. Most of the passengers were deep in sleep, their breathing steady and rhythmic. Eloise, wide awake and engrossed in her movie, glanced over at Peter, who was also quietly watching a film. The soft glow of their screens cast a gentle light on their faces.

Eloise shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable in her seat. As she did, she noticed Chiara, fast asleep on Ned's shoulder. A small, affectionate smile tugged at her lips. "It's funny how Chiara and Ned are friends now," she remarked softly, glancing at Peter. "I mean, they barely knew each other a few weeks ago."

Peter turned his head, catching sight of Chiara and Ned's sleeping arrangement. He smiled warmly. "Yeah, it is. I guess sometimes you just click with people out of nowhere."

Eloise nodded, her eyes still on her friend. "Totally. It's like, one minute you're acquaintances, and the next, you're inseparable."

Peter looked over at Eloise, the faint light from their screens casting a soft glow on his face. "So, Eloise," he began, his voice gentle and curious, "do you still like JoJo Siwa? You were pretty obsessed with her when you were 12."

Eloise laughed softly, shaking her head. "Oh, God, no. I grew out of that phase a while ago. I guess I just got into different things. Still love music, though, but more, you know, the indie and alternative stuff now."

Peter nodded, looking genuinely interested. "That's cool. I remember how into her you were. It's funny how people change over time, isn't it?"

Eloise smiled, her eyes bright with nostalgia. "Yeah, definitely. Speaking of change, what about you? What's new in your world?"

Peter hesitated for a moment, carefully crafting his response. "Oh, you know, just the usual. School's been keeping me busy. I'm really into science and technology these days. Trying to get a bit more involved in that kind of stuff."

Eloise leaned in, clearly interested. "That's awesome. I remember you always liked gadgets and things. I bet you've got some cool projects going on."

Peter's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Yeah, a few. I've been working on some personal projects related to tech. Nothing major yet, but it's been fun to experiment and learn."

Eloise nodded, her curiosity piqued. "That sounds really interesting. I've been thinking about getting into something new myself. Maybe something with photography or digital art. I feel like I need a creative outlet."

Peter's face lit up with genuine encouragement. "That sounds amazing! I think you'd be great at that. You've always had a creative side."

Eloise's cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. "Thanks, Peter. That means a lot."

They continued to chat softly, catching up on each other's lives and sharing stories. The conversation flowed easily, punctuated by occasional laughs and thoughtful exchanges. As they spoke, the tension and awkwardness from earlier in the flight seemed to melt away, replaced by a comfortable camaraderie.

Eventually, Eloise yawned and stretched. "I should probably try to get some sleep. It's been a long day."

Peter nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. It's been nice catching up, though."

Eloise smiled and gave Peter a warm look. "Definitely. I'm glad we had this chance to talk."

As Eloise settled back into her seat, the gentle hum of the airplane provided a soothing backdrop. She glanced over at Peter one last time before closing her eyes, feeling a sense of contentment and renewed connection.

As the airplane's wheels touched down on the runway, the gentle jostling and soft hum of the landing gear gradually woke Eloise from her slumber. The dim morning light filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the cabin. Eloise stirred, blinking sleepily and trying to make sense of her surroundings.

She realized that her head was resting on Peter's shoulder, and his arm was draped around her protectively. The proximity made her heart flutter slightly, but she shook off the feeling as she stretched and yawned, attempting to fully awaken.

Peter, still half-asleep, stirred at her movement. He blinked groggily and offered her a sleepy but genuine smile. "Morning," he said, his voice thick with sleep.

"Good morning," Eloise replied, her voice muffled by her lingering grogginess. She lifted her head, feeling a slight blush creeping up her cheeks as she adjusted her position. "Looks like we're landing."

Peter's arm gently slipped from her shoulder as he straightened up, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah. I guess so. It was nice getting to talk with you."

Eloise smiled, still feeling a bit disoriented but pleased by the conversation they'd had. "Same here."

As the plane taxied to the gate, the flight attendants began their final preparations for disembarkation. Eloise and Peter gathered their belongings, and Eloise adjusted her backpack, slipping on her jacket. They joined the stream of passengers making their way off the plane.

As they entered the terminal, Eloise spotted Ned and Chiara waiting near the gate. Ned, who had been quiet but clearly content, was standing close to Chiara, who was practically glowing with excitement. Chiara's hand was firmly clasped in Ned's, and their smiles were practically contagious.

Eloise, feeling a mix of curiosity and concern, tugged Chiara gently to the side. "Hey, Chiara. So, what's the deal with you and Ned?" she asked, her eyes widening with curiosity.

Chiara's face lit up even more, if that was even possible. "Oh, yeah! Ned and I are officially dating now!" She gave Eloise a playful twirl, clearly thrilled by the news. "I know it's sudden, but it's like our souls were meant to connect."

Eloise's eyebrows shot up, her mouth falling slightly open in surprise. "Wait, what? You and Ned? Since when?"

Chiara beamed, her enthusiasm barely contained. "Since yesterday! We just clicked, you know? It's like one of those cosmic connections."

Eloise shook her head in disbelief, a laugh escaping her lips. "Well, that's news to me! You two are something else."

Chiara leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a teasing whisper. "And speaking of something else, I saw you and Peter getting cozy on the plane. You were practically using him as a pillow!"

Eloise's cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink, and she looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment. "It wasn't like that," she protested, though her smile betrayed her. "We were just talking and keeping each other company. It wasn't anything serious."

Chiara's teasing smile widened. "Uh-huh. Sure, Elo. It looked pretty cozy to me."

Eloise chuckled, feeling both embarrassed and amused. "Okay, okay. Maybe it was a bit cozy. But honestly, I didn't know you and Ned were a thing now."

Chiara's expression softened, her eyes full of affection. "Yeah, it's kind of new, but it feels right. You know how it is when you just click with someone."

Eloise's gaze grew warm and supportive. "I'm really happy for you both. You deserve it."

Chiara's smile grew even wider, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, Elo. But if you and Peter end up a thing, you better tell me first."

Eloise rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah."


they're so soft and sweet. i love them🫶🏻

i cant wait to write eloise and mjs dynamic


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