NUMBER THREE: five and fights

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Latavia can't help but stare hard at Five.

In a hurry, the boy had quickly rushed inside the house, to which his six siblings followed. They all wear expressions of confusion, shock, amazement. Nothing about what just happens makes sense in the slightest. 

They all crowd around the table, waiting for an answer. An explanation. A reason. Something

Luther stares daggers at the boy. Diego has his arms crossed with an amused expression. Allison looks half concerned, half confused. Klaus sits crossed legged and barefoot—remind Latavia not to eat on the table—running his hands over his face. Vanya was, as always, a blank slate. But even in her dark eyes you can see a small pool of relief at seeing her brother in the flesh. 

Latavia stands between Number One and Number Two. She wants to know what he's been doing and where he's been for the past sixteen and a half years, why he fell out of the sky, why he was thirteen when they were all nearing thirty, why he was so goddamn calm and demure despite having suddenly reappeared from the dead. She wants to know a lot, but she keeps her lips sealed for a moment, just gawking at the younger boy.

Five walks through the kitchen and grabs a cutting board. He sets it on the table, before turning around to grab a loaf of bread. Opening his mouth, he doesn't answer their questions, but asks his own. "What's the date? The exact date."

"The 24th." Vanya seems the only one willing to answer.

"Of what?" 


Five sets the loaf down and pulls out two slices of bread. "Good."

"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asks, wanting a full story. Five ignores his brother, laying the two slices on to the cutting board. The siblings glance at one another, and Number One pushes his chair back, towering over his brother. "It's been seventeen years."

Five scoffs, not intimated but Luther's height. He lets out a sneer. "It's been a lot longer than that." 

He uses his powers to blink away from his brother and to the step-stool. The bigger man huffs, "I haven't missed that." 

As Five grabs a bag of marshmallows from the top shelf, Diego inquires, "Where'd you go?"

"The future." Five blinked back to the table, before admitting, "It's shit, by the way."

Klaus lifts a finger in the air, "Called it!"

No one listens to him. Five opens the fridge and continues talking, "I should have listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing—" he grabs a jar of peanut butter and returns to the table "—jumping through time is a toss of the dice."

He goes quiet, trying to open the jar of peanut butter. The siblings watch intensely as he fumbles to find the strength to do so. Latavia awkwardly outstretched her arm across the table and Five merely glanced at her before handing her the jar.

Via doesn't look at the jar as she opens it. Her mouth opens to speak, but her throat feels slightly dry as she speaks with the boy. She hadn't heard his quips in sixteen years. "Is that all you have to say?"

"Thank you, Via." Five either misinterprets her words as Via trying to edge out a hum of appreciation, or he just doesn't feel like talking about where he'd been anymore. The boy glances at his siblings again and does a once over on Klaus. "Nice dress."

Klaus grabs his skirt and swings it about, "Oh, well, danke." 

Allison bemusedly looks at her brother dawning her skirt. From their side, Vanya's brows furrow and she can't help but ask, "Wait, how did you get back?"

 Latavia hands Five the now opened jar of peanut butter and the boy takes it back, taking a knife and spreading peanut butter on both slices of bread. The boy briefly explains his situation, "In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time."

Via blinks. She didn't understand half of what he'd said.

Diego doesn't seem to get it either, the man shaking his head. "That makes no sense." 

Five retorts, "Well, it would if you were smarter." 

"You little shit—" Number Two stands up to attack Five, but Luther quickly thrusts an arm out to keep the knife thrower in place. 

Unfazed, Luther asks, "How long were you there?"

"Forty-five years. Give or take." Number Five bluntly admits, as if it were the most casual thing he'd ever said. As if everyone got stuck in the future for half a century.

Latavia's brows stay furrowed, but she manages a nod of slow understanding. "So, like, it's been sixteen years for us." She gestures between her and her siblings—all of which have expressions of utter shock at Five's statement that he'd been in the future longer than any of them had been alive. "But you've been in the future for forty-five and by projecting you consciousness or whatever, you were able to come home?"

Five gives her a tight smile. "I'm glad someone still holds an ounce of understanding in this family."

"So what are you saying?" Luther sits himself down, Diego also sitting atop the table. They both hold mutual expressions of confusion, while Allison looks concerned. Klaus seems utterly bewildered with his wide eyes and Vanya just seems surprised. "That you're 58?"

"No," The annoyance at their dullness is clear in Five's tone as he looks at his siblings, "My consciousness is 58. Apparently, my body is now thirteen again." 

Vanya shakes her head again because none of this made any sense. "Wait, how does that even work?"

"Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh." Number Five walks away, taking a bite of his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich—a Hargreeves classic. Via's brows furrow even further at the sudden name drop. "Bet she's laughing now."

"Delores?" Latavia had never met anyone named Delores in her life, nor had Five mentioned being in the future with someone. "Sorry, was I staring too hard and zoned out or did you, like, not mention a Delores till now?"

"Hm." Five ignores once more, picking up a newspaper. He reads the title 'City Says Goodbye To Reginald Hargreeves ' and comments, "Guess I missed the funeral."

Luther quickly fires, "How'd you know about that?"

"What part of the future do you not understand?"

Latavia can't help but snicker, earning a middle finger from a now humbled Luther. "What? He got you there."

Five continues, "Heart failure, huh?"

Diego nods. "Yeah."

Luther side eyes Number Two as he disagrees, "No." 

"It's up for debate." Via blankly looks at the thirteen year old.

"Hm." Five clicks his tongue at the siblings interaction. "Nice to see nothing's changed." Sandwich in hand, the boy paces off without another word to his siblings.

Allison whips to look at him, brow raised. "Uh, that's it? That's all you have to say?" 

"What else is there to say?" Number Five doesn't turn around as he talks. "The circle of life."

Klaus pulls his hands away from his mouth and lifts them to shrug before clasping them quietly. Allison looks shocked that her brother just walked away. Diego and Vanya quietly process what just happened. Latavia shakes her head in utter amusement.

Five was always a pain in the ass, but she'd missed him. 

"Well," Luther complies, nodding at the group. "That was interesting."

Via shrugged. "I missed him."  

They all did. Even if he hadn't explained a single damn thing. 

Latavia steps away from her siblings and starts heading off in the direction of her brother. She didn't want him to feel crowded with their questions and behavior, but she wanted to see her brother. He was supposed to be gone. It wasn't her fault that she desperately wanted to talk with him.

"And where are you going?" Luther questions.

Via turns the corner. "To say hi to my brother?" 

She doesn't let her siblings reply before going up the stairs, boots leading her down the hallway and towards Five's room to where she assumes the boy to have gone. It's clear he's there when there's a small echo of, "Ah, shit." 

Latavia slightly smiles—shit had always been Five's favorite word—and finishes down the hallway to stand in the doorway of Number Five's room. The boy stands in the center, buttoning a pair of shorts that went down to his knees.

The same shorts that all of her siblings, as well as herself, sported most all of the time in their childhood. 

"Don't you look like a little school boy?" Latavia speaks up, Five glancing at her for a split second before darting to his closet to grab the remainder of the Umbrella Academy uniform. "Would have gotten you some new clothes, but we really didn't expect you to show." 

Five throws on his sweater vest with efficiency, flattening out the blazer afterwards. As he dresses, he scans over his sister. He'd always liked Latavia more than some of the others, and he doesn't think she's changed to the point where that isn't true. 

Her curls are still there. Her gray eyes looked more tired, but still were hers. She hadn't changed much in height. She still had the same sense of humor and the same quips. After everything, she seemed to leave the academy still Via

"You look good for your age." Five puts his arms through the blazer.

"You said that like I was supposed to look old, but thanks." Via replies, watching as her brother straightened his collar.

Five shrugs. "None of you have changed. Personality wise, that is."

"I was about to say, Luther shot up." Latavia replies, Five nodding his head in amusement and agreement. "I mean, seriously, what is he injecting into his food to get like that."

"Oh, probably some shit Dad told him to take." Five says amusedly, his sister letting out a light laugh. The boy meets her in the doorway and the two siblings start walking back downstairs together. Just like old times. 

Via nods, "Wouldn't surprise me. He always kissed ass, that's for sure."

The two Hargreeves walk down the stairs and Five's eyes are quick to catch the giant portrait of him hanging over the fireplace. He hadn't gotten a statue like Ben—just a painting. Latavia mentally cringes as the boy makes a beeline for himself.

"Hm." Is all Five let's out for a moment. He stares at a younger version of himself—though he isn't really younger now. Finally he states, "Nice to know Dad didn't forget me."

Footsteps echo and Via turns around to see Vanya approaching cautiously. Latavia offers a curt nod, telling her sister it was okay if she wanted to step in and have a moment alone with Five—Vanya had missed him too, irrelevant as she'd been their childhood. 

Via's boots click against the wood as she heads towards the back door. She hears the light tap of rain against the house and grabs one of the many umbrellas leaning against the wall, opening the door with her other hand. She pops the umbrella open and places it over her head before stepping out into the yard.

It hasn't changed much. There are vines grown on the side of the house and the trees have grown bare with the season. Never had there been any sort of swing-set or slide sitting, or even a shed for bikes—as embarrassing as it was, Latavia didn't know how to ride one. Her childhood didn't include it in the curriculum. It had always been just bare. 

A black marble statue sits in the center, a sculpture of Number Six. Ben

Latavia rotted outside after Ben died. In the days where she thought her siblings hated her, she sat right up against the statue—her father had it installed at once—for days. She apologized to it. Cried over it. Wished she had Klaus' powers. Barely ate. Almost hoped she got sick in the cold so she wouldn't feel so horrible on the inside. 

Grace ultimately got her back inside. Latavia left a few days after that, and she hasn't seen the statue since.

Rain slapping against her umbrella, Via crosses over to the statue with a sad smile. She didn't feel so guilty looking at him now, because in the years it's been, she realized he's probably happier dead. At least he's away from it all.  

"You'll never guess what happened today," Latavia speaks like she's talking to Ben and not a statue. Maybe he was listening, from wherever he was. She likes to think his ghost checks in on them. Sometimes. "Five came back." 

Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter. 

"I know right? Crazy." She hums to herself. Ben would be happy more than anything to see his brother. "He's like, thirteen again? Somehow? I didn't understand half of what he said. He was talking all smart shit like no time had passed." 

Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter.

"It's your turn now, you know." Via scuffs her boot against the pavement, lips twisting. Five had been missing for years and he miraculously returned. Why couldn't Ben? "To come back, that is." 

The family was a mess, Ben didn't deserve to walk into that.  Then again, the death of Number Six is what truly separated the siblings. Maybe bringing him back could heal that unresolved something in all of their hearts. 

The door opens, interrupting Via's train of thought. She glances back as her siblings all begin to trail out of the house, one by one. 

Vanya, Five, Allison, and Grace all dawn black umbrella's over their heads—minus Klaus, who has a clear one with a pink rim; color amongst the darkness. Luther and Diego let the rain cascade down their clothes. Latavia steps away from Ben's statue and takes a stand next to Number Seven.

"Did something happen?" Grace voices in an oblivious tone, looking around at her kids.

Everyone looks at the mother like she has two heads. Allison's brows furrow, "Dad died. Remember?" 

"Oh," Grace's tone grows solemn. A robotic frown appears on her face. "Yes, of course." 

Latavia rocks on her heels, looking at her siblings. " mom okay? Like, is the rain messing with her wires or something?" 

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine." Diego brushes it off, staring at the blonde robot. "She just needs to rest. You know, recharge." 

Pogo steps forward, staring at Number One. "Whenever you're ready, dear boy." 

Luther stands in the center of his siblings, a black urn in his large hands. At Pogo's words, he pulls off the lid and tips the urn sideways, ashes spilling out. The remains of their father fall into a clump on the ground, sticking to the soggy leaves under. 

Via watches the ashes fall, biting her lip. Did Luther forget how gravity worked?

"Probably would have been better with some wind," Luther mumbles. 

"The clump is more fitting." Latavia stiffly, looking at her brother. Reginald didn't deserve a nice funeral. He deserved the rain, his ashes left in leaves instead of blown away. He didn't deserve anything in death.

Pogo clears his throat, wanting to get back to the service. "Does anyone wish to speak?" 


Number One swallows. Number Two holds back at scoff. Number Three closes her eyes. Number Four takes a long drag from their cigarette looking in the other direction. Number Five seals his lips. Number Seven stares at her shoes. Number Eight rocks on her heels. 

It's silly of Pogo to ask. What was there to say? Reginald hadn't been a good father to any of them. It was a miracle they all showed to this get together to begin with. There were no words worthy of being said by any of the siblings. 

"Very well," The chimpanzee states after a moment. He stands forward, taking a moment to speak on Reginald. "In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt." Unlike any of the siblings, Pogo's words were honest. As bad as a man he was, Reginald gave Pogo a life. A chance. "He was my master, and my friend. And I shall miss him very much." He pauses, and the only sound is pouring rain. "He leaves behind a complicated legacy—"

Diego interrupts coldly, "He was a monster."

Klaus lets out breathy chuckle. Everyone stares at Number Two.

"He was a bad person and a worse father." Diego continues ruthlessly, rain dripping down his face. He's over them ignoring the truth—gathering like Reginald was a good dad. He doesn't know why they're all defending a monster. 

When he thinks of Reginald, he thinks of Klaus' broken and frightened screams that echoed for hours when he was locked away. Of Latavia barely being able to walk out of the metal cell she was so drained, of when she would be unconscious in the room. Of when he treated Ben's death like a lesson instead of a tragedy. 

He bluntly states. "The world's better off without him."

Allison's eye twitches as she snaps, "Diego." 

"My name is Number Two." Diego corrects his sister, ignoring her warning.The curly haired woman turns away, knowing there was no point in trying to stop him from causing a scene. "You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it." 

At the mention of her name, Grace perks up, "Would anyone like something to eat?"

"No, it's okay, Mom." Vanya replies.

"Oh, okay." 

"Do you have to make a scene?" Latavia can't help but ask. As much as this funeral was rather bland, it was still a service. They were still saying goodbye to their father, and Via truly wasn't in the mood for an argument. "He was shitty excuse of a man and a father, but he's still dad. My dad." 

"I don't think he was your dad when he locked you in that cellar and pushed you to the brink of exhaustion everyday using up your powers. Pushed you to tears, to passing out every day.  he When he made you kill all those animals? When he made you hurt us? " Number Two retorts, "Was he, Latavia?" 

Latavia's face tightens at the memories. She grits out, "Don't call me that." 

"Oh, my apologies, Number Eight—"

"Shut the fuck up, Diego." 

"Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead." Diego steps forward, staring hard at Number Eight. "But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

Face stoic, Luther firmly states, "You should stop talking now."

Diego looks at his brother, taunting him. "You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One." 

"I'm warning you."

"After everything he did to you?" Number Two walks closer to Luther, cautious yet ruthless with his words. "He had to ship you a million miles away—"

Latavia hopes Luther crushes Diego like a bug. Breaks all his bones. He's pissing her off. 

Number One's barely holding back. He snarls, "Diego. Stop. Talking." 

"—that's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"

Diego jabs a finger into Luther's chest. Luther shoves it away and throws a punch. The vigilante ducks and the latter goes for another. And another. And another

Latavia takes a step backwards, not wanting to get in the middle of the fight. She's not stopping it yet—Luther and Diego were bound to fight at some point today. Vanya grabs a hold of Grace's jacket and does the same, Klaus putting an arm in front of Five—who pushes it away with an incredulous expression. 

Pogo yells, "Boys, stop this at once!"

Grunts and punches pierce through the sound of the rain pattering. The two boys continue to hit each other like children. Diego manages to get a few inches away from his brother and taunts, "Come here, big boy!"

 Luther races up and throws a punch, Diego sliding under his arm to continuously hit his back. Vanya calls out, "Stop it!"

Klaus is expresses the opposite, chanting with the cigarette in between his lips, "Hit him! Hit him!"

Luther manages to throw Diego straight to the ground. Pogo sighs and paces away from the siblings, unamused with the antics at such a serious time. Via watches with narrowed eyes as the two brothers kick at one another, Number One ultimately managing to hold Number Two outwards by the collar of his shirt.

Diego aimlessly swings. "Get off me!"

 Five starts walking away. "We don't have time for this." 

"Come here, big boy!" Number Two backs up so he's standing right in front of Ben's statue. 

Luther doesn't seem to realize what's happening and immediately throws a hard punch. Diego steps out of the way, and Number One's fist goes straight into the statue's crotch with force. Ben goes falling backwards, slamming against the ground, rain ricocheting off the black marble. 

His head breaks off. Via closes her eyes with a scoff—they can't have Ben safe in any way, apparently.

"Oh..." Klaus died down.

"And there goes Ben's statue." Allison muses, unimpressed. She walks off. 

Somehow, Diego isn't done. Standing smugly, he whips out one of his knives from his pockets.

Vanya's eyes widen, "Diego, no!"

Diego never misses. His knife goes flying past Luther, grazing the side of his arm. 

Number One gasps, clutching his arm. Number Two stands like he has some kind of upper hand. 

Latavia stares daggers at him. What the fuck was his problem? 

Luther scrambles back into the academy. Vanya leaves their mother's side, upset. She comes up to Diego and states, "You never know when to stop, do you?" 

"You got enough material for your sequel yet?" Diego jabs, overly pissed.

"He was my father too." 

Vanya disappears into the house. Latavia sighs and paces towards the statue, crouching down for a moment to grab ahold of Ben's head. Rain falls over the marble as she clutches it tightly. Diego watches, emotionless.

"You're a dick." Latavia seethes, knuckles white at her tight grip around her umbrella. Diego glances down at the statue in her arms. "All that proved was how much you're still trapped by Dad's bullshit." 

She leaves. 

Latavia had never been to a funeral before—Ben's was turned more into a lesson than a real service. She wouldn't call what just happened a funeral, either. But as messed up as it was, she couldn't have expected anything better. 

Reginald deserved their punches. Not their grief. 

mara's misc!

me having a random burst of motivation for this book is wild but yeah!!

i SHOULD be writing ss right now, but i just wrote a 10,000+ word chapter and now i have 0 motivation for it which is just SO much fun with my time crunch to finish the season. for those who have no clue what ss is, it's my obx fic which (not to self promote) i highly recommend bc genuinely eden bexley is my favorite oc and i'm there writing more than anywhere on my acc

anywho this chapter was fun to write tbh......s1-s3 five is in my top 5 character wise so i'm VERY glad to finally get to write him && his relationship with latavia.

also drop anything you want to see happen with latavia and her relationship with her siblings as she grows and as this book goes on. this is a re-write so i'm totally up for whatever moments/sibling duos you want more of or little things WHATEVER. feel free to comment them :D

hope you enjoyed <3 see you back for chapter 4!!

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