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Jimin, 24
today, 8:27 am

Jimin, 24
hey handsome

Jeongguk, 23
hello there

Jimin, 24
how ur doing?

Jeongguk, 23
i'm doing fine and you? :)

Jimin, 24
really good ^-^

don't mind me but ur a top right?

Jeongguk, 23
actually I'm a bottom
why does everyone ask me that?

Jimin, 24
u just look like a top 👉🏻👈🏻 sorry
if i judged you too soon

Jeongguk, 23
don't worry it's alright
i get that a lot 🤷🏻

Jimin, 24
i'm a switch so

Jeongguk, 23
u don't look like that xd

Jimin, 24
yes i also get that a lot 😝

Jeongguk, 23
I like you jimin

Jimin, 24
Woah i'm a swich but i think
ur too muscular for me 😳

Jeongguk, 23
wait - what?
no i mean like a friend
ur the first who didn't ask
if i'm top or bottom straight away

u asked me how i'm doing first 😄

Jimin, 24
oopsie sorry 😅
sure we can be friends
i would love that cuz i don't
have a friend who is bottom
that i can talk to :(

Jeongguk, 23
i would love too ☺️
when i can't find me a top then
i still can make friends

Jimin, 24
ur find one dw ,i think they
think ur a top cuz ur got abs and all

Jeongguk, 23
what does my abs have to
do with me being a top or bottom?

Jimin, 24
most guys here are more 'feminine'
if you know what i mean
there aren't much tops around here tbh

Jeongguk, 23
wow so i keep getting messages
asking me if i top?

Jimin, 24
most likely yeah

Jeongguk, 23
just great :(

Jimin, 24
don't worry maybe ur lucky ;)

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