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warning: 👉🏻👌🏻;)

— J E O N G G U K

To say Jeongguk was excited was an understatement, his hands were shaking and he couldn't stop biting his bottom lip.

He could have done something stupid, to let a stranger come to his house, was properly a really stupid thing to do. But when he was just too horny for some dick, he couldn't think properly.

He looked at himself in the mirror for the second time. He wore loose sweatpants and a simple black baggy shirt. It looked Boring.

He scrunched his nose and decided to just get rid of the sweatpants, so he just wore his baggy shirt what just reached under his ass, showing a bit of his black panties. He felt instantly a lot sexier.

Jeongguk messed his hair up a bit, so it looked cute and fluffy, his smooth legs on display, no hair in sight. He smirked at himself and took a sip of his wine glass. Just when he was about to fill up his glass the doorbell ringed.

he jumped slightly and took a deep breath and made his way to the door and open it slowly.

Before him stand the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Gorgeous face, beautiful black curly hair, tall and sexy. Everything about him was perfect.

"hello pretty boy"

Jeongguk was surprised at Taehyungs deep voice and he felt himself harden at the thought of that man dirty talking to him.

"Hi, handsome" he smiled at him and pulled him inside, their bodies pressed together as soon as the door closed.

"your so much prettier in real life" he said as he looked in Jeongguks big doe eyes. He smirked and licked over his lips."same goes back to you"

They looked at each other and without wasting any time, their lips meet in a rough kiss. Jeongguk's hands found their way in Taehyungs curly hair and the older wrapped his hands around Jeongguks tiny waist.

He felt Taehyungs tongue lick over his bottom lip, he opened his mouth slightly and let their tongues dance.

"Fuck baby you taste so good" Taehyung spoke between the wet kisses he placed on Jeongguk's lips. He smiled at that und took his hand in his and pulled him to his bedroom. Taehyung followed him and watched Jeongguk's behind, she shirt rid up as he walks, showing off his plump ass. He liked his lips at that and suddenly Jeongguk pushed him on his bed and climbed on top of him and straddled him.

He smirked at him and slowly let his hands run over his own thick thighs, teasingly pulling his shirt up, showing off his hard cock in his tight panties, precum soaking through the material, his tiny waist and big butt turned Taehyung on even more.

-- T A E H Y U N G

He wrapped his hands around Jeongguk's waist and felt his ass right over his clothed cock. He pulled him closer, feeling his ass pressed against his cock, he let out a low moan. Jeongguk smirked at him and slowly pulled his shirt off, showing even more of himself.

Taehyung was surprised to see a nipple piercing on the right side, he didn't have that on his pictures."fuck so naughty "

He slowly rubbed his hand on his pierced nipple, feeling the cold metal under his tumb.
The raven head couldn't help but moan on the friction on his sensitive nipple.

"so sensitive hm? Are you pretty boy"
He continued rubbing the sensitive nipple between his fingers and smirked at his reaction.

Jeongguk held onto Taehyungs shoulder, moaning at the feeling of someone playing with his nipples.

Taehyung stopped abruptly and turned both of them around, now on top of the younger boy.
Smirking at the beautiful man under him, he started leaving wet open mouth kisses on his neck and chest. Jeongguk softly moaned at the feeling of the wet cold kisses against his hot skin.

Taehyung stopped and slowly removed his jeans and shirt, laying on top of him with only black briefs on, his cock hard and big in his briefs. He looked down at their cocks and pressed himself against him, rubbing their clothed cocks together, both moaning in each other's mouth as their lips meet again.

They kissed hungrily as Taehyung rubbed himself harder on him. Jeongguk's high pitched moans, making Taehyungs dick twitch.

"fuck..please clothes..off" The raven-haired moaned between their kisses as he felt Taehyungs dick twitch against his.

He slowly pulled Jeongguk's pantie down, his big -and pretty- cock laying on his stomach, precum oozing out. The tip was a pretty shade of pink, he was smooth and so pretty. Taehyung pulled his own briefs off and his big cock laying heavy between his legs. Jeongguk glanced down and felt his breath hitch, he was slightly bigger than him but it surprised him even more. Was his own dick really that big?

He pulled Taehyung down and smashed their lips together. He wrapped his legs around his waist and pressed their bodies together.

"Please fuck me now"

Taehyung looked deep in his lust filled eyes and licked his lips.

" I'm gonna stuff you so full with my cock, screaming and moaning my name when I fuck you so hard in your tight little hole. You wanna feel me deep inside your ass? You're a little cock slut I'm a right? Want me to cum in your slutty hole hm?"

And how could Jeongguk say no to that?

to be continued..

Part two comes out tomorrow guys 🤣
I hope you enjoyed it so far. I really tried my best ♥️ if you see any mistakes please feel free to correct me.

saranghae 💜


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