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Both stayed in bed for a while till they decided to get ready and shower together. It took longer than expected cause they couldn't keep their hands off each other, but neither of them complained about it.

They decided to go to the cafe near Jeongguk's house to talk and maybe eat some cake, and if Jeongguk's lucky, Taehyung would eat his cake later.( 😏)

The walked to the cafe called spill the tea and sat down on the comfy couch.Jeongguk smiled shyly when Taehyung took his hand in his and brushed his thumb over the back of his hand."Your so cute, I must admit your the first guy I meet through this app" Taehyung said and bite his lips for a second.Jeongguk looked surprised at his words. He couldn't really believe that, he was a handsome guy and so sweet. How could he not meet a lot of people?

"Really? I thought you already meet a lot of guys, there are a lot of bottoms on there" Jeongguk smiled at him but had still the confused look on his face. The older chuckled at that and gave him a soft kiss on his hand.

"Yeah but they seem so desperate and I'm looking for something serious and I didn't have the feeling they do" He looked deep in his big dark doe eyes and smiled."Besides, no one looked as cute as you" he added what made Jeongguk blush at his words.

To his luck, a waitress came towards them and ask what they want to order. Taehyung decided on a simple strawberry cake and tea and Jeongguk wanted a matcha cake and hot chocolate. The waitress wrote it down and with a smile, she disappeared to bring them their order.

Jeongguk looked at their hands and smiled, taehyung saw him looking at their hands and he softly squeezed his hand."Did you not meet that many tops?" He tilted his head at the raven head and looked at him.

"no not really, but I think I made a few friends" he smiled and showed him his bunny teeth and Taehyung cooed at that.

"Your really pretty" Taehyung said softly and watched Jeongguk trying to hide his blush."Thank you, your so sweet to me and so handsome, I can't believe you messaged me, I was that close to deleted my acc." Jeongguk runs a hand through his hair and bites his lip. Taehyung watched him with a surprised look on his face.

"Damn I'm glad I massaged you, I hesitate at first cause I was so nervous. Your profile pic was so sexy and I didn't know if you would be a top or a bottom" he said and the memory how he nervously looked at his profile.

Jeongguk chuckled at that and at that moment the waitress came back with a tray with their cakes and drinks. Both thanked her and started eating without pulling their hands away.

"As you can see I'm a bottom, even tho I have abs, I'm the one who likes a dick up my ass" The last part he whispered and smiled sheepishly at him. Taehyung chocked on his cake and chuckled right after.

"Yeah, you definitely liked that" He smirked and whispered back, looked at the blushing Jeongguk in front of him. He stuffed more cake in his mouth, making his cheeks round and made him look so adorable.

"Bet you look like that with my dick in your mouth" Taehyung whispered in his ear and kissed him right under it.

Jeongguk chocked and swallow everything down, instead of becoming a blushing mess. He looked deep in Taehyungs eyes with a sexy look and a small smirk on his lips.

"you wanna see?" he took a sip of his hot chocolate and looked at him. Taehyung lifts his eyebrow as he felt Jeongguks hand on his thigh, dangerously close to his dick.

"You want dick so bad?" he said as he laid his hand on top of Jeongguks and pushed it closer to his dick."Chocking on it? Getting fucked so good hm?" Taehyung smirked and saw Jeongguk nod at that."If it's yours anytime" he whispered back and palmed Taehyungs cock through his pants.

"Oh baby my dick is the only one you ever want"

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