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"Guys I can't find anything that could help us beaking the board."

Screamed San from the kitchen while scattering different objects, looking for the right and most useful one. The poor male felt useless and ran back in the living room, joining the rest of the group, except for Wooyoung, who was lying on the couch with the ice bag on his ribcage.

Hongjoong had his palms pressed on your stomach and was not really patiently waiting for Mr. Kang's next order, but it wasn't coming.

San, frustrated by the situation and by you who didn't seem to wake up, took the board from Mr. Kang's hands, but stopped right after he saw what there was on the board.

Blood was drying all over the wooden surface in an odd shape, at San's eyes. Looking more closely, he noticed that it wasn't just a strange form. It was the print of your bloody hand that was pressed on the board a few minutes ago, before Seonghwa disappeared.

The male shivered and a gag reflex creeped up in his throat, but he managed to suppress it. Mingi didn't, and San could hear the sound of it behind his back. Shaking his head and trying to shoo that image away from his mind, he smashed the board on the floor and kicked it a couple of times before, finally, breaking it in two.

When everyone thought that nothing happened, here it came the same, cold and strong wind that appeared on the night when everything began. A thin line of black and red smoke with little sparkles came out of crack of the board and started flying all over the house.

To everyone surprise, that smoke didn't come out to make the situation worst, but, on the contrary, it fixed everything that was destroyed or ruined during that evening. The table that flew in the living room after Seonghwa threw it, flipped back in the kitchen and gently laid on the floor.

The dishes that you broke came back to their places in a tidy way. Same thing for the window that shattered into million pieces when Mr. Kang hit it with his back and almost flew out of it.

Ending its travel, the smoke reached your body and wrapped it completely, hiding your figure to your friends who immediately started panicking. Hongjoong was the calmest one, since it could still feel the fabric of your vest and shirt under his palms. As long as he could still feel you, he was quiet and relieved.

When the smoke disappeared, it flew where Seonghwa's body was still burning and enveloped it before making it disappear into thin air and dragging it into the crack of the board.

All of your friends gasped when they managed to see your body again on the floor and completely clean from the blood of your injury. In the meantime, Wooyoung joined the rest of the group, breathing erratically for the pain due to his broken rib, that got alleviated thanks to that smoke.

They waited for you to wake up, their faces were getting closer and closer to yours, impatient to see your eyes open again. They flinched and gasped, Wooyoung louder than the others, when your eyes thrusted open and your lips parted to inhale and exaggerated amour of air.

Mr. Kang and Hongjoong helped you sitting down, your hand pressed on your aching chest. You took a look around you, noticing all of your friends' worried expressions and you brought your eyebrows together in a frown.

"What happened?"

You asked in a murmur. Your white-haired friend couldn't resist anymore and wrapped his arms around you, making you jolt for the surprise. He started sobbing and shaking, tightening the grasp around your figure.

"I'm so glad you're alive."

He whispered hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Confused, you hugged him back. After breaking the hug, he helped you standing up, slowly, since your body was still a little weak.

Everyone hugged you so tight that you almost suffocated. Mingi and San were crying loudly and dried their tears with the palm of their hands. You hugged Mingi and he left you small pecks on top of your head. Wooyoung hold you loosely and you did the same, scared to hurt him. You left your black-haired male to hug your teacher, who let you place your head on his shoulder and caressed your head, his fingers intertwined with your hair.

When you reached San, you didn't have the time to wrap your arms on his shoulders, that he cupped your cheeks between his hands and kissed you with need and urgency. You immediately felt your cheeks burning, not expecting that from someone so introvert like San. Parting your lips with a smack, he then hugged you, leaving soft kisses on your forehead.

Wooyoung cleared his throat, not because he was bothered by you two, but because he just needed to. He moved his eyes on your teacher, letting him understand that the question was directed to him.

"So, Mr. Kang, can you explain us what the fuck just happened?"

Asked Wooyoung nonchalantly. Everyone slapped him in different points, scolding him for having cussed in front of a teacher. Mr. Kang chuckled and you stared at him shocked. You've never heard him giggling before, and listening to that sound made your heart melt for the cuteness.

"Let me explain it in front of a cup of tea, if you don't mind."

He purposed his idea, lifting both of his eyebrows and smiling.

☆──────═══• ☽ ☼ ☾ •════──────☆

You were blowing on your hot tea, wrapped in a blanket that Hongjoong gave you, when Mingi took his seat on your left. On your right, there was San who had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding them tightly to keep you warmer.

Mr. Kang placed his mug on the table after taking a sip of the scalding liquid. He, then, licked his lips and started talking.

"First of all, I want to thank you for your collaboration and for have listened to, probably, the weirdest story in your life. And thank you for having believed to my words when, well, Miss. Yoon didn't want to tell you anything."

He began, smiling softly and with his eyes closed, remembering that day when he brought your group of friends to the teachers' room to talk about what you were going through and why you didn't want to tell them about it.

You almost choke on your tea when you heard those words. You laid the cup on the table while San jolted, immediately checking if you were alright. After he saw you half dead on the floor, he didn't want to lose sight of you and always be close to you, in case you needed help.

"Wait, you told them everything? Even the method to banish him?"

You asked, pointing your finger at your teacher, who was sipping slowly his tea while looking at you with an amused expression.

Before he could reply, Wooyoung crossed his arms on his chest and pouted, his eyebrows in a frown.

"If we hat waited for you to tell us, you probably would've died. The method he talked about was just an hypothesis. We weren't sure if it would've succeeded."

He commented. San moved uncomfortably on the chair beside you as you gulped embarrassed and uncomfortable by his words.

Mingi brushed his index and middle finger on his forehead, annoyed by Wooyoung's effrontery.

"It's just what Wooyoung said. Hongjoong told us something about your situation, but he didn't know much about it, despite the whole days he spent in the library. Then, after you that day you passed out at school, Mr. Kang explained everything and we made up a plan to try to keep you away from that demon and some solutions he thought about to destroy the demon."

Said Mingi whereas letting his hand, that he previously used to scratch his forehead, fall on his thigh before giving you a warm, tight-lipped smile.

You wished you could disappear with a snap of your fingers after your red-haired friend remembered you that you passed out in your teacher's arms. You started sulking in your blanket and hid your faced behind the cup of tea, sipping it silently.

Also, you finally understood where Hongjoong spent all that days when you two had that little discussion about the possible existence of Seonghwa. He disappeared almost for a week and you were worried to death that something might've happened to him.

"I'm so sorry, you guys, but I did it to protect you. I-"

"Miss. Yoon, I already told you that was the wrong attitude. Since they took part to the ritual, they had the right to know and, not to be pessimistic, but no one of you had ever been safe since then."

Your teacher interrupted you with his finger trancing random lines on the wooden surface of the table of your kitchen. He then, lifted his eyes to pierce you with his cold and stern stare.

You gave up and decided to not reply to his observations, since you, in the first place, knew that he was right. Hongjoong sighed and giggled before talking.

"And, my God, you were so obsessed by that demon it was hard for us to separate the two of you. We had to invent a family dinner to prevent you from summoning him."

He scoffed, ending the phrase with a light laugh. You frowned and moved your arms to cover yourself more with the blanket. You panted a second, not sure if you hear well what he said, before asking a question.

"Invent a family dinner?"

You inquired, your eyes involuntarily fell on San sat beside you who had his lips pursed together as if he was trying to hold a laugh.

You didn't know why, but something inside your stomach moved after hearing Hongjoong's words. Questions started surfacing in your mind. Was it all a play? Your parents knew about Seonghwa's existence and what you were doing with him? He kissed you just to distract you?

You had your lips in a pout without even noticing it and silently asking him for explanations. San's stare sweetened when he saw your expression. He couldn't resist you at all.

"I didn't organize that dinner just to avoid you to summon the demon. I did it because I wanted to see you a-and, uhm, y-you know..."

On your face, a smile widened on your lips as your cheeks changed colour into a red shade. Your eyes became glossy, but you hid it, not wanting to cry in front of everyone again. Your head was pounding crazily in your chest and the need to squeak was strong.

You placed a hand on his sharp jaw and pulled him closer to smash your lips on his cheek. The smack echoed in the kitchen and the male blushed to the point where he could start burning at any moment.

San cleared his throat and moved his eyes away from the rest of the group, attempting to hide his embarrassment. You giggled and covered your mouth with your hand.


Screamed no other than Wooyoung, covering his eyes and bending his head on the back of the chair, eyes looking at the ceiling. Mingi shook his head while Hongjoong let himself go in a loud laugh before slapping his friend's knee that was bent close to him, since Wooyoung had his feet on the white-haired male's chair.

Wooyoung,all of a sudden, went back to his original position, his expression changed to leave space to a serious one.

"Now, shut the fuck up and stop kissing. I'm still waiting for my explanation from Mr. Kang."

He said before giving a tight-lipped smile to your teacher, who shook his head, funnily disheartened by Wooyoung's attitude. The black-haired male wasn't one of his students, but everyone in the campus knew him and the teacher finally understood why.

This time, no one slapped, hit or scolded the poor Wooyoung. Everyone was impatiently waiting for Mr. Kang's reason and, most importantly, your next move.


another cliffhanger? another cliffhanger, sorry lmao

btw, I hope you liked the chapter and thank you for your support! We're reaching incredible goals on such a short period of time, really thank you, you're my happiness!

well then, see you all in the next chapter for the explanations! Hehet bye

Luv ya ♡︎

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