004┆chapter four

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four. wedding

▬▬ CORI HATED TO ADMIT IT, but Edward did look nice in his tux as he stood at the altar and just as the thought crossed her mind, the vampire chuckled a little. She glared at him from her seat and he subtly shook his head, to which she stuck her tongue out. Emmett chuckled at the interaction, leaning down so his lips were close to her ear.

"You're adorable." He murmured, his arm draped over the back of her seat and his other hand on her thigh. He kissed her cheek as he delicately traced his hand up her smooth skin, reaching the hem of her dress, before he pulled his fingers tauntingly down towards her knee. "And you look so amazing in that dress." Again, his hand moved up her thigh then back down, his fingers just barely grazing her flesh.

"Emmett," her hand landed on his wrist, stopping him. "-not here, of all places." The chuckle that left him was low, quiet and husky. "There's about fifty people here. My parents are right there. Alice will kill us. And my sister is about to be Mrs. Psycho."

He hummed, brushing his nose against her cheek but before he could respond, the music started up and everyone stood from their chairs. Emmett kept his hands on Cori's waist, his chin inches above her head. A smirk played on his lip because he knew that she was just as worked up as he was, if not more and he couldn't wait to get her alone.

Cori huffed a little, not able to see as Bella and Charlie started down the aisle. Emmett chuckled to himself before effortlessly lifting her up, she let out a small gasp as her hands snapped to his wrists for some stability. Then her feet were planted on her seat, so she could see over everyone. She smiled down at him, for once she was taller. She let her arm rest on his shoulders and he stepped closer to her, letting his head rest against her side as his hand moved up and down her leg.

A smile pulled at Charlie's lips when he saw Cori, she was about a foot taller than everyone else and her smile was wide – something like a proud parent. Bella's eyebrows pinched, giving her sister a weird look, which aided in pushing her fears aside, but what really washed all her anxieties away was Edward. His eyes never leaving her, a smile playing on his lips and a look that promised forever dancing in his irises.







▬▬ CORI LAUGHED AS SHE DANCED, her arms around Lola's waist with the blonde's arms resting on her shoulders. They were close to the stage where the band played, filling the air with never ending music. Cori tipped her head back just a little, having to look up since Lola insisted on wearing stilettos. "We're the only ones dancing."

"Because we're awesome." Lola shrugged, though she knew it wasn't a question. "So, how was the whole introduction with your mom and Phil? Did Phil threaten him like he did when you brought home that one boy freshman year?" Cori laughed at the memory, one she had long since forgotten about.

She had indeed brought a boy home, introducing him to Renée and Phill as her husband but before she could explain that it was merely a school project Phil had nearly flipped his lid. But with a simple hand on his arm, Renée managed to calm him enough that his face lost the red that took over his pale skin. Then he pulled the boy into the other room and thoroughly put the fear of God in him, only then did he find out that it was merely a project. And the next day at school, Cori had a new project partner.

"Aww, poor little Simon." She mumbled, her bottom lip poked out. "He never spoke to me again."

"Eh, he became a jerk." Lola shrugged. "So, did he threaten to get his bat?" She wiggled her eyebrows, an amused smirk playing on her lips.

"No, but he asked a million questions. Mostly about college and our plans to travel, but the second they started talking sports he was pretty much drooling."

"Ah, Phillip's just a softy." The blonde mumbled. "Doesn't hurt that your boyfriend is drool-worthy."

"I know." Cori hummed, her smile wide and like a beacon her eyes landed on Emmett without even having to try. Her smile only grew because his eyes were already on her, even as he sipped from a champagne glass and talked to a few guests. He simply sent her a wink and she ducked her head, her curls acting as a curtain to hide her bashful smile – she couldn't believe that after everything she was still a blushing idiot when it came to him, even if she couldn't actually blush.

"Hey, Bella and Edward are free." Lola lightly hit her shoulder and they both turned towards the couple as Seth, Billy, Charlie and Sue walked away from them.

"Let's go." She turned, briefly meeting Emmett's gaze again and he looked pleased that he still had such an effect on her. "Bella!" Cori threw her arms out wide, standing on her toes to wrap them around her sister's shoulders – pulling her out from under Edward's arm and turning to put herself between them – and the older Swan simply laughed as she wrapped her arms around her. "You're Mrs. Psycho now. How does it feel?" She pulled back and dropped to her heels.

"Please don't call me that." Bella chuckled, shaking her head a little.

"I make no promises." She grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes then she turned towards Edward – still between the two. "I still don't like you."

"Very aware of this." He nodded, a smile tugging at his lips because he knew that as much as she said it, it wasn't entirely true. She didn't exactly like him, but she didn't hate him either.

"Just keep my sister happy and we won't have any problems." She put her hands on her hips, her eyes narrowed up at him but she looked like a little kitten – nothing at all menacing about the look she gave him. "You hurt her-"

"I won't."

She continued anyway. "-and I promise you a very excruciating end."

"Cori." Bella scolded while Lola hid her laugh behind her hand, but the young Swan didn't move a muscle.

"I expect nothing less." He ducked his head a little, nothing more than agreement and she hummed, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Now, I got a little wolf to say hi to." She turned, her curls shifting with the movement and merely inches from whacking Bella, then she walked away.

"I love that little weirdo." Lola mumbled.

"Yeah, me, too." Bella hummed as they shared a look, both chuckling a little. "I'm glad you could be here." She moved forward and wrapped her arms around Lola's shoulders. "It's like having both of my little sisters at my wedding."

Lola smiled as she squeezed the brunette. "You're only a couple months older than me." She mumbled, but she felt the same. She was an only child, so growing up with Cori meant growing up with Bella. "Okay, I'm gonna go." She pulled back, smiling at the woman before her then she looked up at Edward. "Psycho." She tipped her head forward. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Lola." He nodded his head and she wiggled her fingers as she turned and made her way towards her best friend. A chuckle left her lips when she saw Cori standing on her toes, her hands braced on Seth's shoulders.

"How 'bout now?" She asked, glancing over at Charlie, Billy, and Sue. "Am I taller?"

"No, honey, you're not." Lola answered before anyone else could, and all three adults chuckled as Cori huffed and dropped to her heels. "Nice effort though." She patted her friend's back.

"It's okay, Cori." Seth lightly patted the top of her head, a boyish smirk on his lips. "Maybe you'll grow." Charlie whistled, his eyes going wide as he sipped his drink and let his eyes drift from the scene before him, Billy doing the same, both waiting for her to respond.

"I will end you." She told him, her voice eerily calm and his smirk faded a little, but Lola's laugh broke through the tension and Cori turned, rolling her eyes at her blonde best friend, then something else caught her attention.

She felt eyes on her, or at least in her general vicinity. And when Seth shifted uneasily, she looked over her shoulder to see a blonde with a look of anger, sadness, and even disgust on her face. Her eyes narrowed slightly, because she knew that the vampire's golden eyes were locked on Seth. Even if she had just threatened to end him, she wouldn't let another person – vampire or otherwise – lay a finger on him.

"They invited one." She could hear the disbelief, the malice even. Her fingers curled into tight fists, which Billy noticed.

"Cori." Billy reached out, his fingers grazing her knuckles, hoping the contact would gain her attention, just as Emmett's expansive chest blocked her view of the vampire altogether. She tilted her head back, meeting Emmett's eyes as his hands landed on her waist, he simply nodded his head once – a silent reassurance – then she turned towards Billy. "So, tell me about these travel plans?" He asked, once her attention was on him.

A smile broke out on her face because it had been her favorite thing to talk about for months. "First stop's gonna be Stanford. I wanna make sure Lola is settled and comfortable, and we're kind of surprising Noah. I think, if we planned right, it'll be his first game on the team."

⚘‎ nova speaksi don't think y'all understand the amount of love i gave for this series! it's literally my entire heart and i'm pretty sure it always will!

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